Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1996, p. 14

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Page 14, Whltby Free Press, Wednesclay, August 7, 1996 Whitby. blanked, in EOBA finalstili has shot at provinias SWhitby fell 2-0 to, Ajax in the .ms24or mosquito championship final of the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association in Grafton over the weekend.*' Whitby, .third-place finishers during- the regular season with a -record of 18' wis, and four losses, was one ôf eight teams hi the double-knfockolut, -tourna-' ment .that determined ýthe EOBA champion. Ajax, Whitby and Picker- mng will noW play in -a seres t eemne which team will represent the EOBA i'the provincial champons hi ,n -Waterloo over Ie u0 Day Week- end. <In the. final in Grafton, both' Ajax and'Whitby were So*pitc h aila*starsClash ROBBIE AUSMAN, 16, flips his coach,* and father, Kevin during a practice, at, the KGilhi-Sai Judo Club. Robbîe won a.' Lgold medal in the open beit7category one. of- only thrèeý golds won by Candinsat, e recent lU.S., Junior" Nationals. Photo by Mark Roosor, whltby Fm0 Preasý Dan Deny er and Mat Muir earnedMost valuable players awards for their respective ,teame in, the annual ail-star gaine held by the, Whitby Men's Recreational, Slow -Pitch Legue on July 30. A team managdb Steve. Sandford of Dad Souter. won 13-11 over a teain managed by Mike Nykolaichuk of Bear Auto- motive. Bs -S Plit first 2 ,ga -mes at' nationals. The Oshawa Double' B team )iad a wiand losin thegir lrst two games. of. the Canadian midget*- fastball championships mnBrandon, ,Man. over.t e longweek- end. Oshawa bat 1-0 'to Sur- rey, B.C. in- the opening game. Lauren Huk tossed a tliree-hitter for Oshawa, the only run unearned, but Oshawa could lonily manag two bits and squandered a preat opportunity, t score mthe sixthmng In their secnd Mandy McKenzie ai mWâ onfly three bits M« a 7-0 'win* over Halifx, N.S. Os3hawa had only thre its but ran. wild on the basepathà. Oshawa was té play, Sas- katoon (one wmn, one. loss) and, New Brunswick (two baoses) "on -Tuesday then Winnipeg, two-time defend- ing champions, on *Wednes- day. Brian Abbey.. Mike Foot Tnish. Candy Candice 'Fuicher,. S Bian Chard-Justin!ils Amanda-Cusýhing Vinay.Kambli &'Kyle Deschenes ErikKoopmans Jonathan DniscoiI Brian'Leé Two repitesentatives from each team in the league took part ini thé conteet,-as 'the ail-stars were divided into two teains. Denyer plays .for.Dodd & Souter while Muir plas for, Peacock Sports. Sponsor -of the ail-star',event was Don Cherr's Grapevjne. Whiftbyý mien s slo-ptch W LTP BLUE DIMISN HansPlas 1-'0 0' 2 VLoI0ol9 15 5 2 32 roIbT.id -14 10 1 20 Advantage 12 85-3 27 R ,m 12 8' 1 25 Mar Iý 12 10 1 25 7' 17 0 14 BLUE UIT DIVISION MkiI. PrlnJ - : Il n13- la 3 12 r il il 1 23 I-10 0 22 DaOhlns 10 13- 2 22 HughssH. 9',13' 2 20' ZL ,olb a. 7, 15 0 14, meerwBO&. 5 17 2 12 Scolue agiMVPsm July 3f- CiraI.Taxi 18 <RRn«s. Johin hekh ,Dol>hbu 1 1- il JuW, 30 - Vilage cdBrookllnI 11. I4ighssH"wls101 HuneSPlastkiIl JuIy 29 -MAsàtag. Tslsom1.ý Mast eBdrom 18;-- InBarras8. MacAmWqapout 1 Grn 'Paul Bfd 14 <Mke Wallon);Hughes *Havws13 <Pul ýDyne), Hune <Plastis 9 ' (Rb Palmor>; Raqfflut. ,MaalgaldCougars15;. DUM1s7AdvmagsiT*bSom 14 MY~ 24 - .vA*ntag.T*Wmara8. DOrh giCcrls "oAUer July 25 - bMe1 Whlmty Faloan 2 Qwduis t0=011a4 , &rgeme)Whhlly Hauku 2 (Delie Hangln). AP4« 2; whitby Eèa Vri aai a1 J*3-WiayRasaab4 (MslardVo% 2Z oeil. Nabusr, Laura Thanpso), Jl22 - Wh by FM/R 3(A Aloi Whlby Rogers-C"bleg (JenierSkn SaAris); WhlIby A as3 2 NOMPEEWEE' J*22-WhMiyCougs4 (R bdoe 2.my MRy F Fsa._%Fn' Sa Cod6burai CamaS'). Lhidg. Fodun1 - Ajpm WanlarsBmse0. Whklby Tigeus S(N.0o lwàon4, Mody Cc? .VlcbaHcnur splendid defensively., Ajax's hfurler held WMhytothre hits and'ostruck outI nine. Whitby had opened the, tournament with ,wins> of 12-8 over Kingaton and 13- 4 over Peterborough beforeý fallin.i 6-4, to Ajax., An 11-9 win over Picker- ing sent Whitby to the final aainat uzbeatenAjNax. Whitby mnor, basebal Aug. 2 -Diug TurnerCazpw*ty 10. Ssrnotulle Drill ors1; ExSodwl Cisanerslà3.PlokMgVkg.04; Dc& Ssr 14, Co" sCrshms1; AIl Kbtd GM,11% LeglBeges5 JuIy 31 ds omnulng, Adl T" ~ îEldalo 3; Vck I nrana. :7 Hashin CeoyS July 31 -DB kasunoe2Z. OpOurist ClWub 15 ( aE);tileCaoas 5,HU&d July 229- H" uaitims2. L" Cassais17; M kInuano. 29, Brooldn Kimon 22 (E); -Opdtit Club 29. Cofld unke 21 <E); HaftlCo Cootuotl 39. *.ltlbQ TrphyHa 36 <E) July 28 - Utle Cassai 22. DIS hieurano 19; HwalPltastc 20,_ Whltly Trqphy'Houas 12; Broodi CcufiI Bankar21, CM adPools14 (E);.HiPmd-Cé ostutIn=3 (bimat?s> 20 (E); :Hard-Co Constrction 2% DndsStres Don"al18 (E) JuIy 27 - D lS ursno 2%. Brodd Consultin 22; Cldst ý Club31 Gdlsanrs M W1%114. rmphy H"s 26i- QO<IntisClub19; Whlby Trcphy Hous» M0,Had-Ca Construalon l19; Hanst Plastics 2Z Dw"das tmesi Myu8'i6-ColdasllConsIuullan2 Jony'u On gWarhaus. la(Em; DM Insuanos21,;ulodn lsmn17;» Brodd Consultln 2Z- GC 15;i le Cassai U3,Coluod Pools .19 *25- tml asi 7 e,' 18. COlUs" Banier14 M *NCRlT43ALL u.1 - Dyna Lyno2&Q, 26. Ewlng Po*ls2; Ftim le op 20a.29 Boeanst. Tranupof- 27;- WhMtb Kbismo29 DeýN"AbeHmes26 Ju30 -DynaLync2000 27, Duffs Towng 25;, Fusosit oro arag 20, Sunsot *ùtus 1; akly Que.., 286.ý DaNableHoos25;.- Whkby insmen W (by dsfault)f Boihi BnshomsL BBakeSy1 (Eri Gudgon) Juty 26 -WhIby Uons Club 3Sopal Wrlgt 2. Moussa-Dsnisrm hl, lGqeu bas(R nn C.lbre. Normh F«-) 1 oAhyaSulmm) J'*24 - Hlgd wvanA8tabge., CS Tdun1(Samadith are. JuIy 23 - A#«e 0. Canadian Tir. 7 (jugle Basier % Stelani. WrlghtZ- Laura Ya.nad6da.Hay Wal); Uiibddige Reux z P.kigbe "iMA 3 <nyMuto .lUIY 16- Canadm ian f2<Cortne Hs,.ý LmmrYanuda), adkagtonHappy Feue O â*l1- WhUySrm 2 (Jawma KraIer, Kireten MacleQàoi). Whby Tenpt 0 Jufr 9- WfMitY Ughn4ng1 (ndsay -U». DmEnglon 1 . mnORATOU Jgub*22- DidmnPrkditkg 3 oodaB, 11 (Ahby lBudunan); hlbySakwn 3 omdaSodch ", KlrstsnMaàlC.ne), D8IgIonHqWpFeo Bfmi5m Awma aifr. ! lIC-M Floorinz -.father W.MH.. AAA"fý' 1996197,,TRYO UTS MINOR*NOVICE 2:15-3:45 PM 18:15-9:45 AM: 12:45-2:15- PM- AUG 17 IPA#2 - AUG 181 IPA#2 AUjG-24 liA#2 MAJOR. NOVICE 8:15-9:45 AM 5:00-6:30 PM 4:30-6:00 PM' <AUG 24 IPA#2 AUG 26 LVA AUG 27. LVA MINOR ATOM' 9:45-11:15 AM 8:15-9:45 AM 6:30-8:00 PM AUG 24 IPA#2 AUG 25* IPA#2 AUG 26 LVA MAJOR ATOM 3:45-5:15 PM 9:45-1 0:45 AM 2:15-3:45 PM* AUG 17, IPA#2 AUGý 18' IPA#2 AUG 24 IPA#2 MINOR PEEWEE 5:15-6:45 PM 5:15-6:45-PM.«: -8:00-930 PM AUG, 17, IPA#2 >AUG'24 -IPA#2 AUG 26- LVA MAJOR PEEWEE 8:15-10:15 AM < 3:45-5:15 PM « 9:00»-1l1:00 PM AUG 17 IPA#2 AUG 24ý IPA#2 'AUG 27 LVA MINOR BANTAM 6:45-8:15 PM 10:45 AM-1 2:15 PM 6:45-8:15 PM, AUiG 17' IPA#2 AUG 18'*IPA#2 AUG 24 'IPA#2 MAJOR BANTAM 11:15 AM- *12:45 PM 9:45-11:15 AM 6:00-7:30 PM AUG 24 IPAQ#2 AUG 25 -,IPA#2 ýAUG 27 LVA, MIDGET' 8:15-10:15 PM ý 8.15-10:15 PM 7:30"9:00 PM AUG 17 IPA#2 AUG 24»,<IPA#2, AUG 27 LVA FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AL PIGRAM (905) 668-.4538 LVA is Luther Vipond Memorial Arena - Brooklin IPA,,#2# is Iroquois Park Arena Pad #2 IL

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