* - - -- ~***, -. - Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednésday, August 7, 1996 Rem.en Ontarjo seniors, -juniors best 'in Canada Two former Whitby rosi- dents provided thescrg power te help Ontario win the Cana d ian senior women's field lacrosso title for the third tino iin as many years. Troyhann Santos, now livring in Misseau a. gaines, while Mnne Windo- ver, now, a rosident of Ajax, 'scored 12 for the trium- phiant Ontario equad at the tournainont iVnovr B.C. Ini a thrillinq champion- ship gaine aqaunet eqnaily taiented -Britieh Columnbia, the two teames went inte a' six-minute overtime before Ontario prevauled 11-9. In the. firet game of the tournanient, the two teame tied. Ontario thon won 12-0 over B.C.?e B team, 15-0 over ]Prairies and 12-5 over. :nSandos was named te the aIl-star teain. Whitby residents aiea ilayed a'big role for the Ontario teainthat won the national junior titie. Anne Henderson- of Whitby scored 12 goais - second te Coette Canus 17 goals -- for Ontario iu the tournament while Kristy Hoît of Whitby had- 10. Henderson was named te, the junior ail-star teain. Ontario crnshed Saskat- chewan 14-2 i the firet gaine and Alberta 15-2. In a crossover gaine against a senior teain Ontario fell 13-1 te B.ô.'sj senior A teain, a score that could have been higher were it not for Oshawa's Pania Drinkle who was spectacu- lar in net for Ontario. Ontario also iost 12-6 te, te England side that was particbpatinig, on an exhibi- tion basis, i the tourna- ment. Ontario walloped Saskat-' chewan 16-1 i the gold medal game. Infliht TEAMS from England,' Detroit 'and- tournament served as a .tune-up for Buffalo were am ong those that took part Ontario's senior and junior teams mhat in women's field lacrosse invitaional won Canadian championships only'days tournament in Whitby recently. The later in Britlsh Columbia. See story. Photo bY Jerrn DOsar, WhIby Froe Pro" Whitby rallies.,to wn layof Whitb.r's minor mosquito rep baseball teain came from béhind to steal the Whitby' girls' softbal July 29 - Whltby iwanis 17 DOS MwWe<ng 4; DMS MadugUn 11. Cm/s WhIby 2; FWbo sFd.xid 6. Bnxm nOpdmists O ap W L TP Mrook.L 12 2 1 25 (Makt. il 2 1 23 Fishufms 6 S8 0 12 Cau'Wi.3 il O 8 WhiLKians3 12 O e Eastern Ontario Basebail Association playoif chaux- pionehip.over the weekend. Whitby overcame a 7-1 deficit te wiu the semi-final 9-8 over Peterborough, thon' staged a sixth inning rally te nb Ajax 8-6 i the final. Te saine Ajax team won the Iast tworeg1lar season ames aiýnet W*tb, 15- 14an,8P tho latter the completion of a June gaine that ended i a tie. In the playoffe, the speedy Whitby tin ýdid not waver from the base- stealing emphasbs that hel- ped carry thon te a second- pflace fliish Mu regular sea- son play. Anthony Novia had three of Wlhitby's3 eight stolen bases aantPtr borug.BranLeva had three' hits and took the, mound bu thefinal ii .to -shnt down Peterborongf anRdpreserve a 9-8 wbn. .Whitby was behind 7-1 aerthe firetining but a big fourth inning enabled WVhitby te close the gap. Whitby scored three runs in the sixth te overcome an 8-6 Peterborough lead. Againet Ajax i tho final, Whitby had nine etolen bases while Femi Amurawabye drove bu two ues with a sigle. Trailin by a run in the sixth, a Peter Bula bunt scored - Imran Mohammed to tie tho game. A sacrifice 11-y bY Leva brought home Noia and a Jonathan Thiiebaud single scored Bula for an Insurance run. Thoy're down but . don't consider themselves ont. Brooklil Redinen lost 13- 9 Thursday nilght and 6-5 Fridaynmight to faîl behind Brampton Excelsiors two ga mes to none in thefr Ontario major lacrosse best-of-seven, semi-final plyoffseries. NevertheIess, with Gary' Gait and Rodney Tapp returning to the linon, coach Peter. Vipond baclc behind the bench and more expected of the . strong rookie playors in the lineup, Redmien are hopeful of getting back in1 the serie. . Gait scored four goals and three' assista despite constant checking by- Excel- alors - m the 1firet gaine, an ugly confrontation marked by a ýbench-cloaring brawl ini the second period that eaw 10 players ejected, five' from each side,,as well as one-game. suspensions of the coach of each team. - Jason' Spoelstra of Red- mon received a three-ganie suspension from the in- cident that made up -of a game total of 114 penalty minutes for Redm en, 89 for Bramnpton., Broobklin led-the game 9-7 'i the second before Bramnpton camne, back with six goals in the third. Ted' Dowling had four goals for BramptonJoffWiong and Chrisrscoi woeach. i The second'game at Iro- quois Park béfore . about 1,,400 fans, with Gait not in the lineup due to commi*t- monts south of the border, featured a scoreless firet period, a rarity i lacrosse. Redinen led' 4-1 in the second before Mark Skillen and Mike Murray scored in the last minute te narrow the gap and that inspbred BramÛpten te score three more mn the third te take a 6-4 lead. With 48 seconds left and the Reduxen goalie on the bench. to get an extra attacker on the floor, Red- mon scored, but were un- able te get the tying goal before time expbred. Excelsiors .bave, shown superb 'defensive -playi suppr of the strong goal- tending of Steve Dietrich womissed much of the regular season due te in., jury. Excelsiors have so far stopped the RedImen mun- ning game, the key te success for Redmoan. Bill Callan scored two goals for Redmen in the 6-5 lose, singles by Doug N%%nosh, Paul St. Johni and Larry'Downer. Ted Dowling, Jeif Dowïl- ing, Mike Hasen and Bob Hamley ýalso scored for Bramptn. Rtooie Derek Colline played goal for Redmnii tho fiet* gaine>, ý'Paul ,Mootz i game two. Redmon w*ere echedulea. to pILay last night, (Tuesday) in gram ton,,,with"'a« ne four at Iroois Park on Thursday 8:30P.Ml Gain hv, J néessary, will be 'Played Saturday inight, h* Brampton, game six neît Monday, 8:30 p.m. at froqnois park game soven' next *Wfednesday night in Braznpton., Defending Mann iCup champion and 1996 bagule-ý leading Six Nations- leade Poterborough two games te none hi the other semi-final sories, Durham men'rsé July 27 - gamS 1 National 8 Jason Rlchads3.Skow Taylor 3). Laa1 7 (Dan MoC«nb 2Z Dustin Eng 2. John Soena. Guy moeq.Sm olmpq July 2 - gam 02 Labuif 4 <BSt Mit 3. Guy Moro). Natina 15 (lodd Wilson 5ë Jason Ridiamds 4. Dwk Jane. 2, Marki AmswSrti z StflwTilor, scomo nianria), Flnl: Labaft and Nati"natied 1-1. 50 T ~NOCHARGE: *tiedipsa.installatio'n 58%~4 *balancing - valve stem V8SIO\\~6OO~P25/75L~I5 4year Road Hazard 0~ 25V IUffld Tires S20 ýnd up BFGaodilch. idinii Fira. lose