Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 7, 1996tt' t I,~*,>*~ ~.'~*~t4f t .r7WZE~ .Prkwood on Aý&E Parkwood 'will join the ranks of grand estates documented in the Americals Caste television serles on the Arts & Entertainment Network. Parkwood lu In good company with sites filmed previousiy, such as California's Hearst Castie, North Carolina'. Blltmore- Estate and FIoridas Mar ai Lago and, comparable In theme, the. grand estates of the Dotzuit area auto barons. The segment will focus on the achievements of R.S. MWcLaughlii and bis role in developing 'the Canadian Parkwood Estate and Gardens wili host the third annuali Parkwood Swings at DUWk on Thursday, Aug. 15, 5 to 8:30 p.m. The 17-plece Durham Big Band, conducted by Brent T'urner and featuring lead vocallut Robin Le. of Whitby, will perform favourite tue- tappln.g melodies from the. thirties and fortios, startingl à t 6130, p.m., weather permiftting. we 0 à unvnis» Mg of 125 Brock St S, Wldtby ,ýéiï1 r'AN w Age Store with a Special Touch EVERYTHING IN STORE 10-50% Off ALSO: August 1 Oth AURA DRAWINGS Augustl 3th 1 REN 1 CERTIFICATE COURSE August 21 st SHAMANISM a workshop with gentie spirits August 24th PSYCHIC READINGS with DAVID Le FORT ArotherapyMasseR WortarivatSess.ionst & CrtificSte.orses BOEARY TO RAOHE DIAPOITMENT CALiformorInfoLE (905)666-4613s ertcw auto industry, the sucoess of whlch znade -possible this "Canada Caate«." Bufit CUr=a 1916, with additions and renovations through. the 1930s and 1940s, Parkwood le a rare surviving example Of its type, and highlightm the work of some of Canada7s most prominent architecte, and landscape designers of the era. .Production for the segment wM itae. place Aug.' 7, 8 and 9 at the. estate, under the directon ofOCinetel Productions, and wili air later in the. year. Picnie blankuets or lawn chairs are recommended for seating durlng the concert and between dances. icket holders are encouraged tà dres in thirties' or forties' garb. 1'ikets are $15 per person and are avallable at Pârkwood, 270 Slmoee St. N., Oshawa or at the. door. "Parkwood -Swings at DuWsla fundrasing event, with proceeda te 1iSrther restoration work at the national historic site. WHAT'S NEW' AT THEQJ? 129 Brook St. N. 430-9165 1 EVERY SUDAY Brlng ln your basebal oemn unlform fort o' & drink speclals. CLAREMONT AR11ST Ed, Falkenburg with Zénith, hi rand. prize-winning work in the Dupont art comnpetilion.A selectio 'of '66 worlcs- from the 140 entered, representng -alilages, weP ;,recenly 9on .display at The Sal Gallery.., Local réSIdents in Jul e Durham Region will again ho represènted in the Royal Ban Seniors' Jubi- le. at Roy Thomson Hall li Toronto Ang. 12-16., -Region performers at the, show will include s gr Bob *Hooper, -_Adriane Stewart.. Sweet Charity the Country Four, Helen kos- taahuk-- and E.J. Cooper musiciasichelYack and Dan MacAvoy,'and the Young at Heait Cloggers dance trouipe. The Jubile. lu billed as; Best Chines Food mn Town, SeringDurharnfor32 years CHINESE FOOD,-* Ail ýYou Cai Eat BUFE LUCH$4e95,INNMR $7e95- Weekendls & Holidays' Çhildreai Under10 - la Pricc'-Regular -MenuAvail able DINE N# TA E OUT- DIVR «Canada's largest annual seniors" entertainment showcase.N Runabout, Fundraising continues. towarde the restoration of a McLaughlin Runabout at the Pickering Museum Vil- l carnag was- built in Oshawa in tiie late 18009. Draws have been heid -and a car raliy staged toraise funds, and there are plans to hold an ev.ning at Herongat. Dinner Theatre Oct. 20 te, raise more rnoney te carry- out the. pro- ject. 1A committe. organizing the fundraisingals seeke contributions from local businesseS. Cal 683-8401, for more information. Mocýk military. village "lkring Museum Village wil b. the' location for IMuekets. ifes and Drum, a Milltary Re-nactment," on Sunday, Aug. 18. The village will open at il ai&. and provide familles the opotnty to become part of a mflitazy resenacttnent with The King's Royal Yorkers. . Units expected to attend include Von Barner's, Brunswick IAght Inqfantry,,. Liebc ompany - Queen's Rangers, lut American Regiment, Light -Infantry, 'Conipany.Klng's Royal Yorkers, Pifes and Drumis, and Braýnts Volunteers. Approilmately .2 5-30, troops wll be in the village, providing. drili demonstrations, militairy parade,.'. military etkeampment muaket.finge and an -interactive mock baLttie (battie -to commence at approxmately2 pan.) M beswill also provide lectures on xunlorms, nccouterments, and: mins. Firelowérs. attendingthe event wil display and speak on women's-ciothngofthe'. Spe,c cldrens activities. wii nclude. candi. dipping, coole decorating, -wagon r1e~M"kngbuz sws and stenciâllg A tate table wll bestu torymlitary Entertalnmentwill ho ongoing ,thiroughout ýthe. afternoon,. inciuding a Dixdland Band. in' the gazebo, and. the Ballad Singers 'in the. chrch.ý, Admnission' to, the- village- ýforthe event lu $6 for adulte, _$3 :for :childrenf studentaf seniors, -afihmili, ls $15 and preschoers are fre. For more Informnation, cali Marlon. Hilton -Moore prints wiil b. a feature in an upcoming exhiition of works rom TDii. Station The exhibition from Aug. 1 .SPt. 1, hj!huigts tii worku f sever l artist e; r.presented i.the galle!is contemporary Canadian' print' oeéion. Hliiton-Moores works wili ho in tii. gallpIey'.boxcar print studio. DANCE SCHOOL' 430-9115 .Il Stanlëy C Grand prize winner Caninington and Area Historical Society,~ P"L Qu ' Quit and' ÇD Craft Sale r Cannfington Community Centre CANNINGION Saturday & Sunday August 0 &l11, 1996 1l0am to5pmn Admission: $2.50 Aduits - Children .25çt Phone (705 )432-3053- ý 't iý 1 - t. . . 'f' - -RESTAURANT b "', ý - m Pl