Whitby Free press, WednesclaY, JUIY 24, 1996, page 27 So me basinesses may def mobile signblw FROM PAGE 1 of. Owasco Voikswagon on Dun- das Street, was undecided about whether te comply with the bylaw, but not 'hesitant to express his opinion of it. ]Pm ticked off. We have 62 empioyees hore and spend a tre- mendous amount of taxes,» said Verwey, -who estimated his sign accounts for 30 per cent of his sales. "With the sizo of the property wo have and the amount of vrisibility we have, we couidn't do without it,» ho said. Verweywo said ho was nover informed nor aware of the public hearings held by council during preparation of the bylaw, could not understand the need for one. "We've had the sign- for 20 years now. It doesn't flash, thore's not even wheeis on it,» ho said. Regional councilior and eputy-mayor Gerry Emm is wii- 9igt reviow t ho bylaw if the situation warrants it.. the whole thing sowe havesigne Emm.erth place," stressed "But I want the tewn's busi- ness peple te know the Town wants Whitby te ho open for business,' ho said. "Possibly we can sit down with the business people and planners after the summer and look at it. Althou#h not in total agree- ment with the byiaw, mm defended -the need for somo eu lation and was pleased that h merchants ho spoke with wili * compiy. 'Il onW who've been cailing me have boon very good,-» ho said. "They've takon their signs away and will ohoy the bylaw. * "It dosèn't moan they're happy, but I respect them for that.» Ed Leader, owner of Active Mobile Signs, an Oshawa-based co)mpany.which ronts and souls signs, said Whitby has no auth- ority te talce action against businesses which had temporar n tthe time the byiaw to Leader points to. a section of the Ontario Municipal Act whieh states that no bylaw that pro- hibits or regulates signa or other advertising devices, appiies to a sign or advortising device that is iawf'uliy erocted or displayed on the day the bylaw cornes inte foroe. "'he Town's position is that sinoe there was no byiaw, the aiens are iliogai," said Leader. Ouposition is, how can they ho illegaLI if there was no bylaw identif ing them as such?» Leader conceded that some regulation is necossary, such as en suring that signs are properly maintained and a minimum dis- tance apart. "But they're saying. only 30 days for a new business opening which is nothing,"he said.. «It takes two years te, develop .a clientoele.» Members of Durham Regional Police are challenging ail other omergency services in Ontario to raise'funds toi help stamp out multiple, scierosis (MS) by participation in the 1996 Noranda Forest MS. Bicycle Tours. This is the eighth year police in the province have been involved withthe tours and te date more than $8 million has been raised. Last year police officers from Leader, whose request te make a presentation to, council iast year was «misplaced» and there- fore «I didn't get a chance te say my piece,» said ho has the sup- of m re h an 50 W hitby «Ail we>re asking is to ho heard and te, have the Town's legal position in writing and not te threaten my clients with fines,' ho said. Shouid any of Leader's custo- mers ho chargod, hoip has boen p romisod by BurlinÜgton businessman Don MePhail a director of the Canadian MoXiie SiF Association. «Iwouigladly*go te court for anyone whose îe, said Mc hai.fne, «I c anIt holieve they- (council) would go ahead knowing the challenge is there,» hoe said. McPhail was referring te the associations appeai of a Stoney Creek byiaw which served as the model for Whitby's bylaw. The case is currently hofore the Ontario Court of Appeal and the court has ailowed the asso- ciation te "piggyback» its chal- lenge of similar bylaws in Bur- Pool and Durhamn competed to, see who could raise the most Inoney. Durham won, and Pool had te fly the Durham Regionai Police flag at Pool headquarters for one week. The bike tours wil ho in Niagara Region on Sept. 8 and at Canada's Wonderland on Sept.15.' For more information, cal Constable Pat Mils at 579-1520, ext. 1735. ligoMarkham, Newmarket ton.' ana Ancastor onto the Stoney McPhail contends that any Croek case, McPhail said. blanket restriction also violates "Whitby could ho added as Canadas Charter of Pighits and well " ho noted. Freedoms, evon thouhth e Town «I4ere's no way a municipality has received logal advice te the can mako y ou remove something contray that was lawflly displayed on MTe Charter reads that we alI the dayà the bylaw takes effect' have the right te freedom of said McPai1 of 'the Ontario expression inciuding the press Municipal Act argument. and ail other media,» ho said. «Ljawfuily displayed means on "Mobile signs have been your own property and as far as I declared media and if they get know its (Acét) nover been boa- us, youre noxt.» Sunde Sutndae when added'to any Super Value Meal Try a seriously sensational sundae with terifically tempting op.vings. Only 790t when added to any of our deliejous :-e Super Value Meals. Super Value. Cheese Burger Meal on y$2.99 WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN '1003 Dundas-St. E.- new friends are only a phone cail away! LOOKING FOR FRIENDS SWF, 23, 5'2", br. hair, blue eyes, 135 ibs., seeking maie ta become friends wilh. I enjoy music, dancing,, movies& sports. AD# 1263 FEMININE LADY Feminine SWF, 60, retired lady, sense ot humour, seeking gen- tleman who enjoys companion- ship & outings. AD# 1343' YOUTIIFUL OUTLOOK Young & vibrant SWF, 515", long auburn hair, 120 lbs., youthtui outlook on Ide, seeking outgoing, happy, heallhy, inan- clally secure, single hunk. AD# 1270 GOOD 71MES Easygolng SWF,19,5'9", long br. hair, br. eyes, seeking someone who likes to have a good ime. It you want to hang out & do stuif, leave me a mes- sage. AD# 1369 WATCHING THE SUNSET Blonde SWF, 23, 5'2», blue eyes, seeking a maie 10 be frends with. 1 enjoy dancing, muiMovis ong waiks & watching the sunset. AD# 1265 MUI VeROMANTIC l1MES Romantic SWF, 18, 5'6», red hair, br. eyes, seeking ae 8 24, 59"or taller wt big buiid who enjoys the ouldoors &, spendlng romantic imes logelh- er. AD# 1285 COMEDY & SPORTS SWF, 23, 5*2", 130 ibs., blonde hair, blue eyes, interesled in music, dancing, movies, corne- dy, sports, movies. AD# 1274 SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY SWF.31, 5'6", 145 Ibs., short dark hair, br. eyes, nol married, no epedensenjoy camping, isigcaraig. meeting new peoleseeingdowri la earth, honst aIeforreIationship or long terni triendship. ADN 1276 SOUTHERN BELLE SWIF, 34, enjoy movies, horse- back riding, outdoors, seeking SM, sweet, kind, who enjoys romantic evenings by the tire. AD# 1003 LONELY PERSON SWIF,19, loneiy. seeking a knight in shining armour, enjoy out- doors,'movies, star trek, please rescue me. AD# 1271 UPSEAT & CHEERFUL SWIF, 34, romantic, petite, pretty, blonde, upbeat, cheerful, down 10 earlh, seeklng attractive, educat- ed gentleman 10 enhance our mulual enjoymenî of lite. 'I enjoy traveling, animais, dînlng & read. ing. AD# 1252 AFFECTIONATIE FEMALE SWIF, 46, 5'5«, siim, blue eyes, outgoing, affectionate, love lite, enjoGy long waiks, dining out, movies, seeking financialiy secure, stable man of same age group. AD# 1257 CALL ME SWF, 51, seeking nice gentleman to show me around town. Give me a cail. AD# 1253 HI, I-M JESSICA SWF, 20, very attractive, seeking someone to have fun with. AD# 1230 CAREER ORIENTED SWF, 33, career orented. i wouid enjoy meeting somneone who has the same inlerests, someone who is weli eslablished & enjoy ouI- door activities. ADN 1244 FUN & ENERGETIC SWF, eaily 20's, 5,5", good look- ing. blonde hair, blue eyes, 115 lbs., fun, energelic & happy, seeking maie who likes to have fun. I enjoy walks on the beach, movies & dinner. AD# 1269 LASTING RELATIONSHIP SF, 19, seeking sexy maie who enosroUercoasters, being aI the bec.swimming, & is adivenlur- ous. I arn seeking a long lasting reiationship. ADN 1280 LOVE, RESPECT & HUMOUR SWF, 33, attractive, 5'5", honest, sense of humour, universlly edu- caled, enjoy travelling, theatre, seeking gentleman.for reiationship based on love, respect & humour. AD# 1242 I STILL BELIEVE IN LOVE SWF, 41, attractive, br. hair, blue- green eyes, voluptuous figure, seeking special guy who is inter- ested ln a fun, ioving & long terni reiationship. AD# 1221 SEEKING SOULMATE SWF, 46, 5,r, blue eyes, brunette, attractive, outgoing, spontaneous, down 10 earth, intelligent, enjoy music, dancing, cars, seeking a f riend, companion & soulmfate. AD# 1220 HI MY NAME IS LAURAI SWF, 22, 5', sllm, curly auburn hair, br. eyes, enjoy outdoors, long walks, dining ouI, cooking, nighls aIt home & occasional bar scene. Seeklng maie 10 spend lime with & rnaýbe a long termn relationshîp. INNER BEAUTY SWF, 45, honest, enjoy ouldoors, having tun, quiet limes, seeking honest & sincere maie who loves inner beauty rather than ouler beauty. AD# 1208 SPECIAL SOMEONE" SWF, 31, 5'4", medium build, dirty blonde flair, down 10 earth, wouid like to meet that special sorneone, no head games. ADN 1229, SPECIAL RELA11ONSHIP SWF, 38, 5'5«. good looking, blonde br. hair, fit, shapeiy, good sense of humour, financially secure, seeking attractive-maIe, 38-48, over 5'10". nice build for speciai relationship. ADN 1171 BLUE EYES SWF, 512«. blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy outdoor activiies, inlerested in meeting sorneone who is kind, affectionate, fun, good sense of humour & loves animais. ADN 1330ý ONE ON ONE COMMENT SWF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, attractive, enjoy outdoors, camp- ing, waiks on the beach, seeking maie who is kind, understanding, considerate &gentie. AD# 1190, SEEKING BEST FIRIEND SWF, 40's, enjoy art., theatre, dancing, dining, travel, seeking maie who is romantic, sincere; energetic & caring. AD# 1240 ANYBODY OUT THERE? SWF, seeking maie to enjoy quiet times together wiih me.AD# 1196 1-8O~763 -,38ext.11 enter option 2. OUTrDOOR ACTIVMES SWF, 5V8, long blonde hair, 120 lbs., br. eyes, inleresîs include sports, dancing, movies, reading, music, seeking maie. ADN 1298 FUN & EXCMNG' SWF, 18, long dark hair, br. eyes, 5', 105 lbs., enjo y going ouI, movies, dancing, looking for sorne- one who is fun & exciting, 19-22 for frendship. ADN 1179 SPOIL ME SWF, seeking maie with stable lifestyle & likes 10 have fun, I enjoy being oulside, camping, walks, movies, Iheatre. i am seeking someone i can spoil & who wifI spoil me back. ADN 1241, ENJOY KEEPING FIT SWF, 27, 5W4, 120 Ibs., long br. hair. hazel eyes. enjoy-working ouI la keep fit, jf you are inlerested in lalking 10 me, leave me*a mes- sage. ADN 1187 ,VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 26, brunette, considered very attractive, very funny; seek- ing maie 10 gel 10 know. i love reading, ouldoors, travelling. AD# 1188 GOLDEN BLONDE HAIR SWF, 36, attractive, French Canadian, 515", long golden blonde hair, seeking tlu, attractive maie for good imes, fun limes & erotic'limes. AD# 1267 TRAVEL WITH ME SWF, 5W8, early 30's, seeking maie between 35-55. 1 enjoy 900d weather, boating, waiking, sîtting by a tire, dninking wine, & travel. AD# 1228 I LOVE HAVING FUN SWF, 26, blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy dancing, going out & having fun. i arn a'canng & sincere per- son. AD# 1132 NATURAL BLONDE SWF, 47, naturai blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy live theatre, dining out, dancing, seekin9 oid-tash- ioned gentleman who is ready for commilment. AD# 1288 SEEKING A FRIEND SWF, 27, 5W4, back hair, br. eyes, seeking a fniend to taik 10 over the telephone. AD# 1294 LONELY SWF, 33, long br. hair, br. eyes, 5'" ery attractive, looking for friendship1 iarn aine most of the lime, 1ooking for someone t10 lk 10. ADN 1298 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWF, 36, enjoy swirnring, tennis, long waiks, mnusic, theatre, poetry, camping. seeking maie who 15 down to earth, close tomy age, & interested in a serious relation- ship. ADN 1016, ONE MAN WOMAN SWF, 5'2", full figured, br. hair, blue eyes, enjoy travelling, dining ouI. fishing, i 'nlerested in meeting sorneone for friendship fîrst & rnaybe something more.ADN 1157 ATHLETIC MALE SWMV, 36, 6Y3, 190 lbs., out- doorsman, seeking physicaliy active female, 25-35, who enjoys ouldoor activties, sports & relaled events. If'lnerestea gel back to me. AD# 1284' LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP SWMV, 30, 6'6", 240 lbs., long black hair, seeking fernale tor long terni relationship. Must be k nd & caring. AD# 1335 GOOD LOOKING MALE Good iooking SWM, 515", blonde hair, br. eyes, seeking female, 5'2"-5'7"' with blonde hair, blue eyes, kind, affection- aIe, tun loving & a good sense ot humour. AD# 1290 SEEK OUTGOING FEMALE SWM, 27, 5-9-, 145 ibs., red flair, blue eyes, seeking oulgo- ing spntaneous, charmlng te male. I enjoy pool & mountain bîking. AD# 1277 UMITED OFFER SWM, 39, one previous owner,, low mileage, only used on weekends, performs welI when needed, ail original, f ully equipped, looks good, seeklng female, 30-45. Test drive today. AD# 1262 ROMAN11C ENCOUNTERS SWM, 27, slim, red hair, blue eyes. mustache, enjoy romantic encounlers, dining, movies. Gel back torme. AD# 1314 PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, protessional, if interest- ed in meeting please leave a message. AD# 1371 ROMANTIC PERSON SWMI, 37, 6*3", 220 lbs., fit, enjoy painting, woodworking, movies, cottage & dancing. 1 arn a romantic person, ADN 1223 >WvM' 20'6-2- 16lbgs., enjoyI bodybuilding & raves, love to treat wornen like gold, seeking woman who is'compatible wlith my outgoing nature & sense of humour, AD# 1247 SOMEONE SPECIAL SWM, 36, 6'. 215 ibs., br. eyes, br. hair, seeklng someone spe- cial to share free lime with. I enjoy sports, ouldoors& movies. AD# 1279 LASTING RELAIONSHIP SWM, 27, 519-, 150 lbs., long red hair, blue eyes, mustache, goatee, enjoy ouldoors, movies, sports, seekmng long terni, lasI- ing reiationship. AD# 1232 LOVE OUTDOORS SWM, divorced, 36, love out- doors, cyciing, camping, skiing. If you would like-10 know more about me leave a message. CLASSICAL MUSIC SWM, professional, outgolng, honest,- good sense of humour, enjoy c iassicai rmusic, long walks, dining out, seekîng female with. similar interests& qualities. AD 1 258 TENNIS & GOLF SWM, 26, 516". 130 lbs., italian, dark br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy music, movies, tennis, golf, seig SWF, European descent, 20-26, 5 6" or shorter, good shape. AD# 1256 COLLEGé*STIJDENT SWM, 20, 6'20, 160 lbs., enjoy bodybuiiding & raves, love 10 treat women like goid, seeking woman who is compatible wvith my oulgolng nature & sense of humour. AD# 1234 PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, 32, 5'l ", 180 lbs., pro- tessional & attractive, n/s, social drinker, weli built, very active, seeking woman Who enjoys the ouldoors & is sensual & roman- tic.----------ADN ---- ---1251------- i. Police challenge to stamp out multiple scîcrosis