Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whtby Free Pross, Wednesday, July 24, 1996 PAININODRYWALL, carpentry, basement renavations, decks, fonces window replacements. No Fb too mai. 15 years experlence. eor professional service tri James 65-3237. "HANDYMAN WITH a vann vwD do househoki rnaving & storage, ciean-ups and rernoval, general rirs and electricai work. CaIl Dou (905) 434-7874. END YOUR housecleaning - nlghtmares. Cai Patricia for: Immaculate resuits, low *prices, ~llcentdepedabe service, mature avIlable. Free estimates. HOUSECLEANI S aur speclafty. Dane by two wmen, mlabie, bard worlclng, reasanabie rates. Cali Bannie 666-8639 or Maggie 430-8769. 700 MANY KITENS? WANT A PUPPY? Check the Classifleds for dm1t special pet, or b find that speciai home. 668-6111 YOUR MARBLE, CERAMIC & WNYL Sf'ECIALIST High -QualitY Craftsmanship with a FULL 3 YEAR WARRANTy 15years experience in Durham Reion James Hynes - Phone: 665-7100 he & usinessro Fi or ts& ooknatio0' CONRACTINNUT *Honem&rousmnes S Biling Daintenani Fo Kicrn athr& oomis c (9EE5STIMATES29668 HOUSECLEANING... NEVER enough Uime for it, or running late? Don't fret or spout cail 668-97281 Cail Mariha for goad aid fasbioned thoraugh cleaningl Free estinates, reasanable rates. PAINTING & paperînj9 "Let George Do Ir'. Reilable, expenlenced, qualîty work. Special rates for -seniors. Flexible bours, prompt service free esUimates. Phone George 666-Ï 168. MENARD à Son Plasterlng- new& repairs, stucco, concrete, pargln1 crâcked foundations repàlred, padn- itor & exterlor, complet. bathrooms and rec rooms. 15 years 94*Iene. nsued.Fr. estimates. VACATION MAINTENANCE. Don't face a field of green ater aur vacation. Keep your LAWN CLIT& TRIMMED for as litle as $20. Includes aIl applicable taxes. We also weed gardens apnd do sbrub and hedge tnmming. Cornplirnentary estirnates. Crew Property Services 242-3458. mr. -trim lawn, &gresevices * We & hrub PruningI F Fertilizin &. Weed control < ~ Sînce 1975 Landscape 4492 LOnlanio 623-971*1 » :' HOME CLEANER: expert enced, hanest, reliabie vwith terrific references and incredibie ratesi (Even dust free house piantsi) Please oeil John at (905)435-0895 or (905>718-9580. G.RENOVATIONS. Speclalzlngnn drywal, framingý, piastenng, palnting, Cerarnlies, etc. For a frée estimafe oeil Gary. 905-665-8139. FOUR SEASONS Landscaplng; where qualty cornes firstl We spedaize ln fences, decks & retalning wails. Weekly Iawn cutting tram $11. Tree rernovals & pruning. Sod delvered; $2.50 _per roil. Frée conulttios.(905) 428-1305. CINDYS ALTERATIONS - Corne see us- for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also rnen's tailoring availabl. Tes.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. IITERIORIEXTERIOR PAINTING - aur experienced and prafessianai people wiil take care of your general palnting requirements. Fre estirnafes. Work guaranteed. Cail Peter at 665-7768. WOOD RENEWERS. Make yaur decks, fences wood* siding, log structures look 1k. new agai. wahng, stains & paint. Sealer stain wiIl not peel or chip. Work guaranteed. 665-7768. FLOOR REF1NISHING - wood renewers %MI da a prafessional job of yoursandingrefinshedandstàlrIg needs. A iI work guaranteed 665-7768. NEED A N4EW ROOF? Fast and dlean. Competetive prices. Cal HARDY HOME IMPROVEMENTS, MAKE YOUR WEDDWNG DAY aen more memorable with the Gift of Music. Sala performances for ceremony cocktails and reception. Vanety aiPular and traditianal Music. Carl Katby for a free consultation, 416-724-8151. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTREL Sewing machine repairs. Alil makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complet. tuneuftra $9.95 + parts. Factory taedtcnicians. For free pick-up &delivery oeIl 432-7375. HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home Repare. Qualty wark, Interior/extenor. Over 20 years experec. No lob too emall. Free estirnates. 1-80d-423-0823. H Interlock, retaining walis, Speciaiizing in Pisa stone. Cal(905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 ETPSIL RCS ea trees for hedging. Pianted or - delvered. Disouruprices. te M gr troos avaliable. 905-723-0239 or - - 705-833-2674. 1 yuil veJrs1 IL*'A':1g GIANT YARD Sale. 4th Whitby Scouts, fundralslng for C/J 97. Saturday & Sunday, Juiy 27 & 28. Rain date foliowlngi weekend. 306 Coibome St. W. LoTs for everyonel FRIDAY ONLYI July 26th, 9arn-3pm. Antiques, glass, books, china, pictures, dishes, larnps, 14 ft. boat. Lots of goad junki. Thlckson Rd. South ta t.ae, flrst bouse on nigbt. GIANT YARDSale. Saturday, July 27th 9,00-5:00. 321 Rosedale Dr., WNb.' Tools, hardwre super/ingle waterbed. Fumltre, skates, niick-nackçs, toys, clothes& lots mnorei IBM. COMPUTER supplies, smal applances clectables, new & usod househok items, craft supples, books toys and gamesc ting. Saturday, Juiy 27, 14 Hawiey Cr. 10 VEARS, THRiVING, NEARLY n.w kdes fashion boutique ln busy, higb trafi plaza. Nort Oshawa. Great cash flow. Cail after 6 p.m., 579-7716. 12FT ALUMINIUM boat. 9.9 motor, and traller. $1 ,400 or best offer. Cal 668-5520. I ~ANTIDj 1IWILL BUY VOUR unwanted items & contents. CaR 728-8485 leae a fmsage. WANTED: MY MOM wants ta, buy YOUrbnelyclmfber or playhouse wlth sllde/swlng;s for-me anid my 1111e brother. Péase cail 665-7050. MYuDES S"iI 1 ()UT FOR BUSINESS *B S rhPRICStNcked!! Chetefld sues, sfbeds FIREWOOD. EXCELLENT, dopondabie, trusted qualty. 4years. Cut &spIt Honest measurement Fre deey. Kom. Heat Flrewood. 905-753-2246. *DWIING ROOM table with 4 chairs, $8. ehst of drawers, $35. 8mOaI drese wth mirror, $20. Farmer's syte. 15.Oak chairs, $50. BUNKBEDs SOUD hardwoad $250. B"ac steel desk, $25.- LargÏ frldge $75, good beer fdye. WZsak hIne, works weii I$110. 9 ANflUE OAK CHAIRS, table tressIerol ng cairn $00. Table sawGenemraJ. $100. Smal china cabinet, $50., Curlo cabinet 6X2 1/2' 4 shelves, $150. White wicker ant,$65. 683-6638. RED OAK. l"u.7'.. 3u. 3-16 ft Cherry, lu, 3-1 lft. Hickory; 2"41%V Blaciçkxlous, 1&2"-10'. Cedar; 2x6/2x8 ta Il'. Treated 2x4x8, 2x2x8. Used Indoor, 100 pics 2x376" long, $60 works. 19=brs 7&8', us.d, $80 works. 905-619-2003. MENS CLOTHM Gcloaance. Boys' size 8 Io mens' XXXLG.. Prices start; jeans $9.99,- shorts t ram $3.99, Ëcasuali nts, $8.00, shirts, $6e.00, spot kets, "$29 *00. Suits, $49, shaes$8.00 + + +. 1 001s of Items to cooftrm with more arrvingdaIy. Came I ugdtaly l htý upscale confor men; teens & boJ&q You won'tb.- disappalnted. tethe 401 ta Thlikson Rd.go north 3 ghts to Bum's St. Turn r(ght; we're ln the first plaza on left. HouS Mon-WedIlO-6, Thurs & Fri/10-9, Sat. 10-5. 404-2063. Note: Now oceptlng FaN designer clothlng. Cail for appoîntment. *CONTENTS FOR sae.ý Cldco/BeII cal displaystil under warranty $48. Ingis washer, almand $180D, PC20 Yamaha argan $890. Bel ge& brawn cheefie<d & loveseat, %600. HOT TrUB, beachcomber. 220 pump hMater, stalnless steel fittlngs, lnsulated outslde caver, full> lnsuîated & enclosed unit. Uke new. $2,000. Cal 668-5162'l10-6. ELECTRIC QUIOKIE P300ý wheebhair, used twlc5e. includes 12V battery, 20" 'rear tires, Jay active cushion; 1 6x18. Frarne colour blue, seat' beit, double Ieg straps & adistbl fotrest. Asklng 450 FM-282 ater6 p.m. AINSLEY TEA service, Pembrooke pattern. Teapot sugar, crearner* 2 tea cups& saUcers. Used for display only. s 2 -yar ad. Paid $400 p lus tax, asklng $200 oba. Cal 428-3769. - COUNTRY LAMPS, pin. cujpboards, shelves, Curla, CD, vidéeo, plant stand rnicrowave stands. Buffetsi benches, mirrrs, quift racks, d% rynks. Buy - direct. Phone 1-9 05-665-1664. i.nteîocking stone - retaining walls I * ood fencing & decks IFREE COMPETITIVE ESTIM4 TES I Written Guarantee [Since 1980 0 666-9690 Ple ase recycle this newspaper LAWN MAlNTrENANCE, prunlng, gssedng, sodding. -Srn cla-ps. FRenovations o0fgarns, rock ganlens, planting, frewaod. DutcwayLanidscaping., (905) 649-3183 I~M.1~1~UPRINTER- NEC 24- DOT. fM~kÈ IiJ~Iï~J~PINWRI)ER. $90. Cail 665-1475, I52 SlimcSSt.,S.,-Oshawl - s 7,5,58 I LOST - EWAIRD. REWARD Offéred forretum ofkdt of tols lefttai Wenedy -about. âueh k Weil Glenbt b649. p. Please matreses& mchior SHERLOCK-MANNING Florentine model, Purchased new in -1978. WANTED: GOOD, used , Wood fumiture, avolances, stereos tv's. MyDad'sSfore, 116 Brok S 430-CZ-61. Quoiiim Tile Works inc. Whitby Free, Press Piano. u ri ht Fu -1 e.du.:ý ý-Wýi 1

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