Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 24, 199 g < *',?~~ .êg 4 g < .. f E f Y .'t 'i ~ Brooklin Optimists find suniner <o pent Eight high school and one college student found summer jobs this year thanks to the efforts of the Brooklin Optimist Club and a grant from Human Resource Development Canada. This is3 thé sixth year that the- Optimist Club has co-ordinated a Summer Career Pl aceme nt Program. The program offers area youth a chance to gi valuable hands-on experience as well as developing their work ethic and job skills. The seven week job placement i. co-ordinated by Chrisine Atkinson,, a Durham College student with human resources experience. The students participate in information seniinars on job related topics such as resunme writinag, job searcli techniques and interview skills. The students choose a career te, investigate and the Oýptimist Club finds an employer. The program participant 15 employod at the focuses on job experience which Break-Away Cafe in Brooklin. prepares the students with Houston is, employed by Haif neoessaryà skIlls required for future Pic Books in Oshawa, one of last employment. yeasi. employers. Houston is The eight students; Ken working as a- store clerk learning Montgomery, Amanda Heron, Bob about- s1mall business Carney, Dallas Charters, Barrett mana gement. Church, John, Houston, Joel Johnson is «working at, HMV ini Johnson and Robin Nasager are the Oshawa Centre as a storie all placed ini various jobs ini the- clerk Jool is pleased with bis community. Placement. "It is a good chance for Montgomery, is woring at me (and the othei- students) te get Brooklin Signs learning the a taste of the working world," says various aspects of the advertisn Johnson. and sign-making business. "My Nasager is employed at Circular participation in the program gave Sounds, a music store located in me something substantial to put Port Perry. Nasager is developing on my resume for seeking future bis small business management employment," ho said. s1kills. Heron is employed as a'student ]Richard Jones,, the owner assistant with the Brooklin Day Circular Sounda says, "It is a good Nursery located in Brooklin. She program with a lot of m ent. It is hopes to one day pursue a career an excellent way for students te, in child care and' is gaining get into the workplace. He valuable experience iu this commends both thie Optimist Club Placement. and the government for giving Carney. a student familiar with students the change te get started the program, is enjoying a work in an area that the students are placement with the Town of interested-in. Whitby on a maintenance crew "Without the programa provided that is involved with. park by the Optimist Club, I would not inspections 'as well as other. have had the opportuity to be Charters is working at1 the me,"f says Nasager. Heber- Down Conservation This experience is an excellent Authority Jin Whitby where his job learniLng environment -for these duties relate te conservation and students, as well as providig local environmentalisu. employers with theà o*p-portunity te iSSUeS. elp local teens ini finding jobs for Churh the youngest- the summer. CellulIar pay pone on GOtrainis Ltd. ofPickening, will b. available in every GO train in"s'ervice. Two on-board cellularz phones, located in, theo. wheelchali- accessible camp, will be avallable to passengers who-now won't have tu wait, until they reach" their destination te m'ake a a eigr risk xnissinig thoir train te complete one. A special sign onthe aide of tho train< will ,.Identify tho cars containing the cellular phonos. To mako a oeil Juat lift the. receiver and listen tu the. prompts., A migjor credit card is noeded, wvhich'isasimplÃy'sw»iped through the device - theo call it thon charged to the card and appears on the oeller's statement. A:'typical local two minute cal wi cost approximately $1.90 plus taxes. A customer service number, 1-800-361--1208, la available te caliers at the phono site should they need it. Custemers can a 'cces. this lino free of charge, by pressing the Ml key from the phonos on board. Working behind 'the- scenes, supporting the. operation of the phonos and the credit card billing system is Airnet CanadaWs leadling supplier of credit rdpead ce*llular telephone services. »Vie are extremely excited to be wvorking with GO Transit and our long-time friends at Bell Mobility, in providing this valuable servie te GO Transit's customers," says Jeff Henry, vice.,president of sales and marketing for Airnet. 'Ths .s great opportunitrto help GO Transit onhance the level -of service they curr-ently'provide, but it doesn't step there. We are working1 to introduce adclitional services. at a later date." AUl oeis until Aug.ý 18 are freé. *Airnet Services Linntod, is an industry'supplier of cellular crodit card telephone, services -and wireless fooet-mnaemn services, lncorporating. global positioning system (GPS), vehicle, interface, tehnology and wireless point-of-sale technology. Locatedat 611 Granit. Ct. li Plassengers on GO Transit trai ns can now use an on-board oellular phone to make cailswhe they're traveling. The new service, provided,'by ll 11Mobility and Airnet Services Pick your own & ready picked eRaspberries * Peas * Beanse Enjoy a visit to aur country market vnffjwREsi aFrozen yogurt e Preserves Ca:els Av. TantosRd*e ske go: e Mape .yu 651' Scugog Line,2,,3 MARKET' MEHLY PICKED RASPEPRIE Corne and visit The Cottage Market for your Fresh.. Fmuite Vegetablese Breads e Homemade Fruit"Pies, Jams & Reishes e Honey a Sweets 1 Eggse MiIk 257 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax (l Mile East of Harwood Ave.). (905) 619-6985 RASPERRIES'M .. PICK YOUR OWN EVERY DAY' Spply Permitting (Ready picked available) -,Green Peas Zda nowicz Farn Member of Durham Farm Fresh FARM 'FRESH of Hwy'12.just north of Mri "e ' n W- E' HHt~~ t i