Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1996, p. 29

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, July 17, 1996, Page 29 ONE BEDROOM basement. Flîsi WHITBYV 1WO BEDROOM Uime renti .$550. FrstAast, 3 lek. atnent available, August ist. bath. Pial mIiOy $61par t .Icue et yr 666-8589. imdae7 6 /ot.Icue et vr BROCK ST. JUST NORTH of 401. 2 bedroomn, second floor unit. Separate entrance, parin, Iaundry. $650 Inclusive. First & Iastrequlred. Avalable August 1. 905-430-9370. 2 BEDROOM APT. FOR rent ln trplex. Very dean. Walklng distance to GO. 1f5 Watson St. 1ist & last r e u 1lie d 905-509-520/416-466-1291 (coileci). OSHAWA. 2 bedioom apt's avaliable Immediat & August lai. Applyat 100 *iam St. W. 721-0831. Asol1 bedroom at 3l/2 Slmcoe St. S., $475 plus hydro. 728-2969. BACHELOR, BASEMENT apt. available now. ln Whitby aiea. Separate entrance. $475. Partl furnished. 668-0153. WHITBY. NEW, LARGE,, 2 bedroom basemont apartment. Parking separate entrance iaundry Avallable August 1. ï800 ci-d Inclusive. No pets. 430-2766. and parking foi one caîl 430-2092. car. 7-pl,-F- CENTRALWHITBY, thies bedroomn apartnent available September lst. $695month -t hydro. Incudes storage room and parking for two cars. Please cali 666-9626 after 5 p.m. or leave message. OSHAWA; NEW VERY CLEAN & ver quiet, exceptionai building. 1 broom apt (September lst). a610 ail Inclusive. 428-7677. LOCATION! LOCATION! Locationl LargemrulMvo 2&3 bedroomn suites avallable for Immediate occupancy Great, family building.Walk t schools, transit shopping., Dundas & Cochrane. Cali Harold 61 9-2981/iocal. ONE BEDROOM basement anartment. Avatlable immediately. Separate entrance. Close ta ail amenities.- $500 mo. FirstAlast requlred. Includes ail udties and parking. 668-5698 aftemnoons oniy. CLASSI"FIlEDI' MARKE TPLACE - "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMîNG EVENTS MEDICAL DIAMOND RIO, RICKY VAN SHELTON, CARROLL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESI Safe, rapinn-ugcat, BAKER, Mac Wiseman, Farmers Daughter, Asleep At permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Aine0pilotZdevel- The Wheel, Johnny Paycheck, The Goods,*August 8 and oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- 11, Havelock Country Jamboree, camping 1.800-539. 961-5570. ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http://www.- 3353. Tickets. For Flyer send self-addressed stamped vislonreedom.comn Satisfaction guaranteed. envelope to: Box 100 Havelock, Ontario KOL iZO, c/o NEW ELECTAIO SCOOTERS for the physically chat- Jack Btakety. lenged - payment plans available - some used wîth new batteeies -f or free demonstration - Jim - tolfree 1.800. BUSINESS OPPS. 850-3012. Electric Scooter Leasing. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- M SCLITRS grams information avaitable. For your new or existing MSCLITRS business. Take advantage ofthme govemment grants and GUITAR STRINGS WHOLESAILE. Great prices. Bass toans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. ML, 3 sets - $30.00. Acoustic mediums or ights, 6 sets.- TRAVEL BUSINESS - tnvestment $12,495. Fuît training $3000. Etectric 9s or 10s, 6 sets - $3000. Cal: 1.800- and ongoing support.' Fut-tlmelpart-tlme - Home or SLEO DOG. Bonus pack with order. Money Back Guar- Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. antee. Sied Dog Music, A Canadian Catalogue. T.P.t. Canada Inc., 1-204-987-3322.- YTE PHN SRV GET PAID DOING ARTS AND CRAFTS products. ForPYTE PHN SEV FREE details send seff-addressed stamped envelope to: HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 million Distinctive Crafts, 94068-3332 Yonge Street, Toronto, readers and multi-talented psychics. Free astrochart with Ontario M4N 3RI1. your irst reading! Relationships, Future, Career. $2.99/ min. 18 +24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. CAREER TRAINING CANADAS MOST GIFTEO psychlcs have answers to LEAR AUCIONERIN aIthe outhestm Soool your problems or questions about healtti, love, relation- LEÀR AUTIOEERNG i th Sothwsto Scool ship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49lminute, 18+, 24 of Auctioneering. Next class August 17-23/96. Contact: hours, 1-900-451-4336. Southwestemn Ontarlo Schoot ot Auctioneering, R.R. #5. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. PERSONALS EDUCATIONAL OPPS. NEEOED: Lose up to 20 Ibs in 30 days. AIl new HerbaI BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- Nutrition. CaliI today to eam how 1-800-461-0429. study course. Calt loday for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- VOUR MOTHER WAS RtGHT! Lots of pebbtes on the 267-1829. The Writing Schoot, 38 McArthur Avenue, beach, lots of fisti in the sea. Misty River Introductions - Suite 2588, Ottawa,ON, KIL 6R2. professionat matchmaking for ail ages. 613-257-3531. COUNSELLOR TRAINING tnstitute - Ontario Extension offers correspondence courses for the Diploma in Coun- REAL ESTATE setling Practise beginning this month. For a brochure GTACAPRUDm behi/isar? eI phon Tot-fre 100-65-744.take itl Americas targest, oîdest resale ctearinghouse. COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience neces- Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare sary. Exciting opportunities now availabte in computer rentais needed. Cati 24-hours a day. programming. We wilt train suitable applicants. CMS 1- 800-477-9578.STE BULIG HELt.LOGGING. TRAIN for an excitinô, hlgh paylngSELBU DIG career In the B.C. forest Industry Heicopter logging STEEL BUILDING SALE... Manufacturer Direct. 20 x 30 ground crew tranigschool now offering comprehensive $2-998-00- 25 x 40 $4,488.00.,30 x 44 $596600. 40 x 56 4. ek ~ r o al1-0-9-18 $6,856.00. 40 x 66 $7,988.00. 44 x 70 $9.449.00. 50 x 90 4-6 eekprog:Wr inormtio cal 1-04-87-188. $14,944.00.-Other sizes. Ends optionat. Pioneer 1-800- FOR SALE668-5422. FOR SALEBEST BUILDING PRICES - Steet Straitwalî Type - not SAWMILL $4895. Saw Iogs int boards, planks, beams. quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x9O $20.443, Large capacity. Best sawmitt value anywhere: FREE 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes avaitable - misc. clearance. information 1-800566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, RR2 Kil- Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. worthy, Ont. POE I GO. VACATION/TRAVEL SALE S HELP WANTED AIRFARE VACATION TRAVEL VOUCHER Round trip for $ATTENTION STUDENTS$' Make a lot of money setling Two to HAWAII or your choice. Hotet extra. Valid untit chocotate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in December 1997. $37500. Hunry wonl tast long. PASS- advance. Fast detivery 1-800-383-3589. PORT Promotions tnformation 1-902-868-2080 Order 1- 800437-6723.x itsAffordabis a ts Fast e lis Easy a On. Bill Doos It Ail *Northem Ontario $76 a Eastem Ontarfo $138 *Western Ontano $130 - Central Ontario $134 a Ait Ontario $384 *Naiona Packages Avaltabie Ceit this paper for detaitet WHITBY WEST. 2 Bedroom. Parking & Imndry. Utilities extra. Rirst & Lat. $600. valabie immediately. Gali 430-6109. TO BEDROOM. Whitb. Basement at. $549. Dock alances lci. 2-one bedroom Ijry aartrnents. Downtown, uppner and lower levels. Triplex. Par,g dock, patio w/o. 1/3 utililies. 665%8480. 228 Brock St. North. Apply middle east door. BROOKUN; 1+ bedroom apt A.ppiances parking. $575 pLs utiltiues. dait 416-868-0413 or 905-649-3073. AUGUST 1. ONE BEDROON wtth pnivate entrance. Includes utillties, cable & parking. Qiet, dlean, non smokinL References. $550 mo. 668-54 WHITBY CENTRAL Close to downtown core. 1 bedroom Includes stove, frldge heat, utlilties and Iaundry facihes. Pnivate entrance. $545 per month. Phone 668-5988. AVAILABLE IMMAEDIATELY. 2 bedroom apartment. Close ta downtown. Fenced yard. Ail Inclusive. $850 a month. Ca-li 430-2158. BASEMENT STUDIO for rent. Bright and modern. Avalable immediatel. Located in Whitby. (Biock & Taunton).. Includes cable, fnidge. stove, laundry & parking. Puce: $560.00/mth (irai & -lmst. Lookng foîasingle woîking persan. No pets and would Ike reference. Please oeil In the evening aW 905-668-4373. MBM PROPERTY management. Whitby apartment buildings. One bedrooms starting at $600 ail inc.lusive. istAast months. (aood locations. 668-6700 days only. 905-986-0480. WHITB3Y CENTRAL location Io al amenities, 3 bedroom apt. in a triplex building, avallable Aug. lst. $817+ Hdonopets, quiet location. CallI 7 YEAR'OLD 3 BDRM., 2 storey house. Double car garage, close ta downtown Whitby, park & schools. Avallable August 15. $1200 + utilities. 668-0207. 3 BEDRO HOUSE 2 acres, Brooklin. 2 bathrooms, fnished roc room. Appiances, negotiable.! Available Auigust 1. $1,000 includes utilties. Fitastlieferences roquired. 655-8656. HOMES FOR RENT. $850 ta $1500. Whety, Oshawa, Ajax. Must have references, and gooîd crodit. CaM Emilo Zingone at 668-61 71. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. MUST SEEI DETACHED TWO storey. Brock & Dryden. 3 bediooms, 3 washioomrs, family îoom, fenced yard -and more. Walk ta schooîs. $1200. Ali, 416-208-7508. SPACE AVAILABLE for eprofeonMl,(estheidan massage herapst nail technlcdan) wtth existing clentele at abusy salon. 430-8787 CENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished inciuding refrigerator. Dead boit iocks. Private cabie for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washroomns. Parking from $75. to $95. ICail 434-1457 a 576-2287. or 4324*r907 1 FURNISHED ROOM forret $80/week Share bathroom& kitchen. Worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Please cail 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM CLOSE ta downtown Whitby, cabie included. $05/$l 00 week Close to buses. 666-4279 leave message. LARGE EXECUTUVE home, bedroom & full use of most of the house. Must be worklng fulliUme. Cable & Bel inciuded. $500/mo. Cali Debble 666-0200. COUNTRY LIVING 5 MINUTES to downtown. Garrard/Winchester. 1 or 2 bedrooms available., Large executive home. 5 applances, 2 living rooms, 3 bathrooms laundry, large grounds. Fumished or not. $325 mthly. August 1.- 655-4711. TWO BEDROOMS PLUS OWN bath. Share aJil oher facilties. Working aduit maie only.- $425 monthly. Cail Ray, 668-0070. OVERSIZED BEDSITING room plusense bathroom. Share samne. aIl Paticaat 665-7648. $100 per week. min. north of Bancioft. Swimming fishlng, gas 1313, $350 per week $150 par wknd. (905) 655-1176 PIcliures avallable. FOR RENT. Burksfalls. Beautiful 3 bdrrn. cottage on Loon Lake. Private lot with beaich, sleeps 8. Includes al amenies. Exc~ellent for childien. Caîl Dave, 430-8658. I ...........j .,MORTGAGES & LOA NS $ lst & 2nd :Lines'of credit BEST RATES Frank Câllaha n,571-2880 After hours 668-4454 [Upper Canada Funding Inc. ADORABLE, PURE Schnauzer pupples. Born June 8. Ralsed b bvn ay breeder. Summer sell $300. 51 4-548-2248. 1 PROFESSIONAL grooming, cnpI-gdemating f lea & medicated baths. Éoarding lso available. 808 Simcoe St. South. Ca anytme, 728-0203-, 3 BEDROON BRICK BUNGALOW wlth basement apt. Large 2 car gaae. On 1 acre of land,1..esfle St. rNewmarkai. Close to ail shelng, hospitals, -and ameniles. e3 .000 or trade for house ln rural area of Uxbrîdge, Whitby or N/E area. Cali 416-431-1403 afteî 5:30*or leave message. NEW' QUALITY bulft Denoble Homes ln Whitby for $147,900 to $149,900. Four beautifuily styled homes. Cai Emillo Zingone at 668-6171. W. Frank Real Estate [id., Need a car - Credit Probiems? Bankrupt - Undlscharged? *We have leasetake-overs (repossession) *Lems to own any make orrnodel *Cash for trade -Callnow for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO'LEASING Cai Jeff (905) 683230 1986 BUICK SKYHAWK. 4 door, auto. Low km., loaded. 1986 Ford Tempo, 2 door, auto. Low km. Both excellent condition/rust-pro>ofed. Each $2100 certlfied. 433-1787. 1966 BEAUMONT. Soid as Is. Best offer.Phone Tues. & Friday atter 6 p.m. Ask for John at 905-571-0589. 1984 POINTAC 'FIERO SE. 4ý cylinder, 4 pdps, pbpw, tilt sunroof, new brakes, new pit, Uttie 432-918g$40.Ci TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars,' trucks, motorcycies, skldoos, etc. Also scrap metal, applances, etc. .a...n..me.71-429 ... .. .. MINKLAKEcottns fr rat- . PUBUC NOTICE IN, compliance with the Cemnetenies Act, Catholic Cemetenies wish ta advise y ou that the n'ext phase Of Oui Lady of Assumrption Mausoleum at Resurrection Cemeteiy _will begin construction In the near future. If you Wlsh ta vlew a large scale dîawling and plan, on wll be on dlspîay el the Resurrection Cemnetery office duning egular business hours: odyt Saturday 9:OOam-4:Oopm. If you requîre further -informaition please contact Art Meyer at 905-668-8912.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDADPAUL COATH, <Deceased Ail claims against the Estate of Edward Paul Coath, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regionai Municipality ýof Durham, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of February, 1.990, must be' filed with -th«ý undersigned personai representatives on or before August 14, 1,996, thereafter the undersigned wiil distnibute the assets of' the est ate, havi ng regard only to the dlaims.'then* filed. Dated at WIhitby. Ontario this 8th' day 0f Juiy, 1996. Mary Pauline Coath, Executrix by 'her solicitors, COATH, LIVING3STONE,' BRUNT,' 128 Byron Street North, Whitby. Ontario Ll NI S4

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