Whitby men's. slo-pîteh znef =iy1 4 BLUE DIVISDIO W L T P Hanui Plastics 12 6 0 24 Vlagoflro 11i I 5 1 23 CfclTaladl 10 a 1 21 Magldoacv9 7 1 19 T5M-Oi8W a 6S 2 1a Bii 8 5 1 17 IBrtn3 14 0 8 BLUE UHDIVISION Mlani. P kWoo P Isyto il n 11 6 2 24 C. ne 10 e 0 20 Dohlne 8 9 1 17 Hugh.HaIks 7 8 2 16 109 bso. 7 10 0 14 5 10 1 il MastrBoroo 4 11 2 10 sSOrae&gneKim July 12 - IonBa'on 8.CirlrdTaWd 18<(Rlcad Marthi Mke Md~)n; C. DaWlcns 18. lan Burmon 1 July' 10 - Hughes Hawks 1.. Mlani. PringisoPiay 19Agate Sports 21 C(M Low>; Vilg iof oldin 17 <Raob Wakolin). Ian Brn7 (Oil Poros>; Hamo Plastics 7 (Henry Foret>,C"oieTud 4 (Riiard Marinl, .IonCligton) Juy 9 - Ma E"qiR p ort 11. Apollo Spoilswser 10;- C. Dm#"klns GrgNelon), Mastedroom i5 July 7 - Cti. Taid 8 (Bob Squros>. Master Bsdroom 1; Me"ni Pdngleoiay It Again Sports 13 (Bian Aat>oelç). C. Davklns 5; Dow"ln 3. Mam dlVRapcon a Women's lacrosse LACEIRE RLEAGUE. Sont.. Whldcats S hiSsa,, Phkedng Chargea Oshaisa Roadrunners CourftnoyBunet, Wh» kbyWldats Karia Karkoi. Brooldin Ba Chailoft Pondioto, Osh. Roadaijanors Judy Kim. WhitI2y Wdoats PROVINCAL AgIDELEAGUE Soaborogh Oshaym Whtby_ NaouTll WaIs.r.Osha16 5 NoW V . Scw9ro6 Grael , Ohma8 2 Losl Oufk.Whlh 6 4 Jsn Shannon, Sa'orough 5 3 Tanla Paulozza. Whkby 5 3 Jen Wilîiarns Scarborough . 5 3 Jen Johnson. Oshwa 5 2 soccer JuIy 9 - WIiby Staikes,0. Kwaitao; Ml Lincoln Morcury e <Catherinie Bn)da 3. Kaths Sotot, S&=zsLadoucer, HeatherAgaew>, Pkoering Spirits 1 MAJOR ATOM Jubi 2 - WhItby Uightnlag 2 (Kaiten Apheac4o Chantol Srnih), Uxbigs Renias O Junes28 -PeingleQsoC IG A 1 (Ch rtina Cavala) Ajax WaniateOr0 June 18 - Whkby Stormn2 (Kayta Muaphy, Kion Nblott>, U"4Rfld Rrrx0; WhitbY LUghlang q3 Laua Gbb Z AWwhms). Ajax Wark» orO June 12 - Whitby Statu 1 <Kirtai MocKemis>. Whity tightauig %ilun 1- Plingioe eklMGA 3(Eine LOgZ Kwun Lang), Whitby Teruos 1 (Any Bergoon May 21 - Pfingle*CreS MA 0. Canadian 7-m 3 <CrIais Henry 2. Stefanis Wright) UNDI ATOU JuIY 1O-ighlanVan & Starago 9 ChanteîS*h 4. Elisa Ditelano, Ashloy Bradirnoro, Coutaoy LOW, Janine Bayer, buta Elian i AaxWarricar Kinemen O July 3 - Canaia Trs 3 (Laurm mada. Sielans Wright, Meggan Staaded) , uxbrig.emua 0; %Hagild Van & Starags 4 <Ellict2.Z roUit Bradbmor). Equlon Group o Juns 28 - Highlarxd Van & Monrge 7 (Srnith 5. Asimien amia, Bayer>,Ajax U Diaac Pintiing o June 25 - Ajas Warncte 0 Whitby Statua 3 fimona Srilchoiti 2. Kayla M.); PrinlgiCreok IGA 1 MS Onge). Dodnglon âasAi Fal 1 Jung le - Scotia Ban 3 (StephanleBoaner A!hhBudaaKt tute-adto> Whltby Fros Pros, W otcfr say, JuIy 17. 1996, p.ge 26 Terriers are 'ousted Whitby Tormina Terrie won one of three gcames. in the' Ontario Cup undér-16 boys' tier 1 soccer round-robin held recently. Terriern failed to advance as they lost 1-0 to both North Scar- borough Flyerfs and North York Azzurri A. Their only win was 9-2 over Bramipton Academica. North Scarborog advanced te the Cup quarter-finals. Under- i17s advance The Wbltby under-17 premier rep boys soccr team advanced to the quarter-finals of the CSL Cup by beating Cabbagetown 6-O. Goalie Brandon Cedar earned a shutout in part due to outstanding defensive play by Dan Hesp, Nick Defreitas, Jeremy Mount and Gaels-' ffOth year OSHAWA Green Gaels junior B lacrosse team founder Jîm Bishop and wife Bonnie were among those celebraing the Gaels' 5Oth annivesar duning reent ceremonies organized by the City of Oshawa. Bishop, whose Gaels teams won seveai championships, now coaches the Whitby Warriors junior A team that is a Minto Cup contencler this season. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whîtby Froe Pres Sigsworth 5th i Orillia Mike Sigsworth of WVhitby had a fifth-place ýfinish at the Orillia triathlon on Sunday, the sixth race in the 12-race President's Choice series. Bruce Davison of Sudbury won the elite men's division that con- sisted of a 750-metre swim, 30-, kilometre cycle and seven-kilo- metre run. Equlon Group 2 June 18 - Canadoan Tirs 6 <Yarnada 2. Victoria Leve. henrY. Stephni Wrght. Jennifer Srnidi), Ajax Unirays Traphise 1 Juns 12 - 080C Thidum à i &Gin Hill 5 <Krst.n Vulsy, A"mmaa Brasseur, Kyla Watson. Jesica Hoise>, Equlon Groop 0. Whhtb Optirrusis 0. Highand Van à Storageo0 Jume 10 -CISC iidson & Gien Hill 1 (Brasu) Ajax WanorsFlysus 1; Sootia Bank 2 (Hethe Mj. Athisy Maioon. Highland Van & Storage 1; Whltby Opmtre 2 <Vicora Larbrcpolao Chantal Totino), AjaxWardors0 Jun. 5 - AjasWarrlar - Rayais 1. WhIby (Ojhniste 2 (Mols. Selmonts, Tacdiino>; Scotia Bank 2 (Lain 8h.., StoutlyH.nd.rsan, CIBC Thicum & Gien HO 1 <Vakey May 27 - CISC IhWiOlsn à Gen HlM 3 (Sarnantha Saru obM Balslaquoor.), Ajax W im orsRyais 3 May 22 - Ajax Waricrs 1.080B Thcson & Glen HiE 3 (Stay Schcpe Z Vadey> 9OUIRT July S - WhitbyOptirnista 2 <Cate Cchran., Sarah Knoalee. Sandoz Canada 3 (tisa Brunil. Lndsay Baya. Kauni LaFontaine); Co-Stewl Lasco 5 (UMMga Pound 3. Vinca Johaistan, Daniells Kolas). Omdas Contre GuardianDruge I1(Vloria Massh>; Roarer 1 (Stphanis Patt). Big V Dnjg Stlres3(Brrx Mackintosh 3); Stalkat 2 (Sarah Pldi,*SIqchaiis Kroaoukensoo>,Mghty Ducks 4 (banna Tiaat 3. Leah Dolinsial; Bradwa tdSho .City 0; Sandoz Nutrition 5 Jonnier Le"is4. Jennioer Duclovadh); Party Glatit7, CR08 Gffneral onrators 3 <Danislle Peremult, Siabhan Mangan. E#TUIy Ha")>; muppets 0, Canudas 2 <Katel Doddington. Sian Canavan) Juns 17 - Canudre 1 (Nicols Cunlifs>). Bradara LiJshosCly 2 <Res FarrowSamantha Zra>; Muppets 2 Kat"sJohaton, Kathleen Bl),Co- Steel Las 2 (Casskly Rsld, Jonnier Hldaoy>; Whltby Opfilmis a dre. Lczluk 4. Caille CodiranaAnyMacinn). Party GantsO0- mighty Duaks 2 (%lM't 2). Big v Dam Sors (Macintaeh.Raie Trenmin); Sandoz Nutrition 1 (Jau efanâ)>,Sandoz Nutrition 6 (LaFontaine 3. Hut2Z Says); Romm ais tiesSnu>,Dundas OsatasGada m 0; Stilka 0. CR08 GêneraI Co trat Perrmait, ayl. Ana Bryan Sipworth- of Whitby was second in age 19 division of the duathlon and Judy Rynbeek of Witby fourth in the women aged '30 to 34 division of the triathlon. Whitby minor basebal July 10 - Whitky Roaray Club> 7. ChuichorsAalo 7. Whlb Kinsmen 8. Sutan Gmup StatueS6 JuIy 5 - Churcher AutoS,. Suftan Grosç, SWus 5 Juy3 - Whilby WKinen 4. Sultan Group Sau 2 Churchis Auto S& Whilby RoImy Clhb 0 June 28 - Whittay Knmui 8. Sutan Group Statu 2 June 26 - liurchmu Auto 14, Whittay Kinsan 3; Sutton Group Statua 10. Vthitby Rctasy Club> 5 June 24 - Whtby Rtai Club 10, Sultan Grou Statue 3; Churchmr AutoS,. WhiU2y Kinen 2 m ou ilyf14 Churchers Auto, WL b Rotafy Club Stnm ropStatu Whety Klasen w L T p 7 4 'I15 6 4 2 14 1 1 1i JuIy 14 - Jeriys Drugs 14, Rois Erteapise 7; Markeing Rosource Grou> 11. StarrSuWge4 JUly 13 - OpUtirit Club 11. BanSsci Morreel 3 July11 - MWkmhsranos 1Z Brooldin Khmon 8; Make&ç gResauras Gtop 12.Bank ai Monbroal8-. WhkbY Audioidso 10, Stan Suger4 July 9- Broouaiii mn15, Sankof Montrel 12; 080C9, MâcholInsuranoa.8;Mailuadng R es Group 21. Opirnit Club s; War ren sdnMa 7. PcVs Eriuerae 6; Plaque AU" a.Jery~s Drugs 5 Mof lIy14 Marketig ARSoeGrop JuIY$ Drug Warehouse Mkdm isnsummic BmrhaKmnai Mark Enel aie and Danny Mattin -each scored two goals, singles by Bous Hamili and Dwayne Plakmeyer. Schneider scores . two On July %, the under-li1 select boys' soccerteain defeated Pickering 3-2. Paul DiStefano scored on a fres kIck to tis the game 1-1 in the first quarter. In the second haif, hi Schneider scored twie. , hi The team is sponsored. by Tas Kwon do Elite. Bull blasts winner Neil Bull sçored the only ,,%ai as Whitby edged Etobicoke 1-Oin under-12 premier' rep -soccer recently. Patrxck Shannon setu Bull, while goalie John Stevens got Antonio SoeIa. the shutout. Whitby froquiois soccer HOUSE LEAGUE PEEWEE JuIY 8 - Toan 41 8(Andew Kelly 2. Dougls MeHWme Sean Ksay, Mihael PagliaL, Gregory Sang), Bongard Collision 3 <Pau Fliiay 2. Slav Boworriu); Touan 04 9 <lIo Archaudaul 3. Rom"t Prralofta2Z Wayne Hopkdis. Ryan Carm Rymai Pâtlerson RobinCross), Teenu #2 1 (flan Gfra- Tani #65 LSdvador Pareja2. Grog JohastonDanyl Cai. Marik Ral>nson ,.,13f 8 Pday iidiaharZ Frank Brumwoil 2.Jason Vannier, Ian Espeu) Judy 12 - Wggers Custoan Fuinitre 1 (T. Haitog). Macon 12(Glog Stoneso4. Lenny Hardf4. Michael Gonnudo 3. Ede Forest), WliltbyOpdmrisus 2 (Blake HapperPhl!P Md<onzis. Pedrme Pizza 4 (Stephen Dinardo 2. Slavon ltd. Deo Maclatoah; Lynds Brook Golf Course 8 (ionian Calsghan 4. Tyler Kfrklad, Aleandre Murer. Aaidrew Koronovich, ~D" Kerr). ViMeo go I (Jetenv Boge J uly 5 - Pedros Pizza 8 (Cliris KÇig2. Logan Palmor, lYhdi. Adami Handeani. Stohen Dinardo), Wiggors Customn Furnituro 0; Lynde Brook Galf Cours. 1 <Kl*dnd). Whthy Optls 2 (McVmisza2) July 12 -. ateolLscS 6(Mich"lBauldiry2. PattickKelly. Kils MacL.od. Aadrew VauiDevaIk. Michael Les). Broolin Optirussts 0; Dynamnos 0. Aud@YCiraiic 4 <Soven Kontos Z Chuotpho Gaur Z Malt KorkesSq; Honkers 4 (Bradey Stoil Lasoo2 (Davld Leung 2), ~igIlmists O Ethoilaiguan 3, Nathan Boullon), Saoaples 2 *NOR MOSOIETO JuIy 13 - Bank ci Montroa 15, Vick Insuranos 7- Log egaogu 15. Doug Turner Carpentay 9 JuIy 12 - Sernolilks OiIesa13, HoSkin Coy 8; Bank of Montral13, ExoSutim Cisaers1; Picimeig Vhe 11. Doug Turner Caqpenuy 7; Vich kasasave 17, Loao onoukig 7; Dodd à Bouter 19. LeglBeagles 1; AJilTm.* hxsd" 14. Au Kln G»s4 Jsiy 10O- LigilBeagles8.,Sunas.Fanmm8; AUI Tec Eloiric 15. Cooldo Crshors a Jhy8 - Dudd&-Sauter S. Doug Turner Capenty 4; AI KMn Gas 6. Loam Consulting 4 m 09 lily 13 W L T p AI Téc*Elsctrlc System 12 1 1 25 AiKKMdGusEntesprases il 4 O0'22 %fck IS&Wurance 10 3 1 21 PiwiVE? Source 10 3 0 20 Dodd &Souber 9 e O 18 Bank ofora" 8 5 1 17 LeamnConsulting 6 7. 2 14 Off TunerCaqid S 5 10 O 1u Ex.ii. Olsanosu 4 9 1 9 Loga 1-eg 3 10 2 8ý SunlFaim 3 9 1 7 Cookis Cnjshers2 il 1 5 Hokidn Capy 1 il 2 4 MMRPEEWEE July 10 - WhiU>y Opimnists 13. Whitby Raay Club 2 JuIy 9.- Whiwltb RasyCub 7. in Graphim 7;, InternationalMii Senoice 13. Whittby Optinits 5; Lonaoxl>rum10. Rogers Omble8 July 8 -Glen Graphim 11. RogersCabis m d ily 14 W LTY P DualimDogChyshfsr il 2 1 23 Rogorsabl 10 4 0 20 Lonnoan a8 '2 2 18 Highwsd van à Storags 7 7 1 15 Glen Gaplb - 7 7 I15i Whè dotC*a lub S 9 1 13 kdti' i"mi Snfcm 5 9 0 10 Srnifin gDrlsrs 4 10 0 8 Whibyioistu 3 il 0 6 ROCIGE July 14 -Ph"te 14. Jays tuJafl9,Rode8 FWLP Rs ~5 310 .lay - 4 8 Pirates ft * Btuahors3î. ~yDias.sA29 ( V ldrCo o a lla, S lavonD avis ; N nJas 3 (J sJe Mouiscn, Carnron 'OWodaMasuni Tauzki>. T.am 811 0; GeaUlsnsnas Ch"lo 3 (Andrsw NMtà n mJani Hanis. Jo.y Violi>, ShanroSi u 11- Goaian Dnig4 Ouma Johnson Z Chris LiJnea Sysi..Doýihlns 5(«M iThouinuft 3, Qalg Shooter PaUl Fay, Durel Ranph); Nija 5 <DahidShaw 4.Du"lçk AWo4, Trim 3 (Mucus Spesia 3); Chis.. 1JoathanSS). Honkom 1 (Shan. Grahéas>; ligo1te Iely MMra). Quinor0'O;Groin Macins 3 (Sou< Wftson, Jooeph Voui.Peter ehwoto), Adidas 3 Brndon Goodchld3) Jsy4 - 0olhis 1 (Tlidhui),Adldas4 <C. Poids 2. Goodchild, S. ParoWs; Guadian Dingo 0. Gunnoas 8 (Jordan Whilis5. DOiM Alleson Z. ConnorBicel!; Chois. 1 <Don Wrght), ligot> 1 (S~oon odgs); T a nis 2 <DW S nMOC o0y. Andrsw Huntor), kHorikars3 <Grhani Z Kêvin Naso>; Gross Machin 2 (lI Farquhaison. Josh Jackson). Ninu 3 <DavlShaw 3) JulyS Co-StoolLasoo3 <Dsr&Roason 2Z AadmvSL Jahn. Shnicks 0; Sb"la 2 (Faloul S ibsis, D r sw Ty co. O pimist s 4 S eanT eallie2, Miguel Pink 2); Canuda 3 (DaM Broan, Ail Valluls. Joshua DbffsuaIs. Spng *Crek Golff C arsse 0; Canadien P roreesC lb ci Pw icc ungs StophenProk oS 2. tIWi =lusFHSlc 2.Colin H II), Smnwfs O Juà dy2 D-2aquasl. Poter Caposso). Snxifs 3 (Coy Ros. Kyls Guy. Rabsat Hovath); Ke m s 0. Shals 7 (Dsna m ahos 3. Kyls Hoktwook Z Sbak 2); Lighnng0, Sprkîqeek Goff Couae 4 (Michasi MaaFaydn. jonatha oWdcýDanli~e mStfln BaOM); Caauden Prcogres Club cg Plclsun 3 (PrshoS>3. Tutus 8 (Tanner Vaidgbrook 2. D>la Leonard 2. OhuiscPhe AsslnCk 2); Ranry 2 (Tyler Undo, JasonRP oe>Shmayuekl 7 (Stph n B rassu r s. StemenArchaibaulI, Chddsophor Garoas>; Co- Juwv 12 - Broksi insen 12 pro Street A 6o.oke W. Frsrk (Karop FedyW>8. Canaia ProgresoClii> 3; RetA.T.nt 15, Andersn VelariayCi* 9o; Bankci Montrea 16, Woednian il; Whktty Opdntinss 12, Pangle Crek Guardlan Dnugs 4.W.C. Towni 16.1<50 security.il J*l10O-W.C. Town 14. Canadisai Proe Club 1 J 9 Whâayl0ufrrdsê 9. Weedrna 3; Pro Strsst Aktx>ci .,CreansCutting à Coelig ; Dundas Ces*oudai Oiug 14 . KSC SeSurhy 3; Rsnt.A- Tm*t 20. PdngbleCreokuardian Deugs 15 m ou lly 14 Bank d Montreal W. Frank<Katon edk Dundast. Gurdianrg Pro Shed Automoly OmnadianPmromr sClub CremerCutang à Corlng PdngM Cil. Guandian DKp Baoakin Knsrnsn Weedraa July 14 - PiwAsud Contr 13. Air Con 13, J*ufr2..isnmn Autoody 9. WhitbY Lions Club 6; Pnswod Centi. 8. Tosunto Dotninion Bank 8 JUly I1l- Air Con 15, Buchanan Reaty 3 JUiIO 0- Whll Rose 0. Top Quà dity Collision 7; Co. See Lac 7,,Langisy Piunting 4; beciord Sondos Contre 8. Bankoet Montreal 5 JUly8 - TOP Quarty Colision5, Ai Con 3 m of July 14 Pfrueood Cente Budia a R am L&Wley PIruatlnq Top mOuatyClmo Whmii>*L=ab NO T-BALL Catiff 25; Eming Pools20,DynaLyn 200 18; Sunset Stuos 3,Whulby Kinenun25; Soishiai . 4 1 4 4 4 4 7 7 10 10 10 il 10 W 10 9 7, 7 4 .3 1 1 1 ý -t7iýýj