Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Prm, WedieSday, JuIy 10, 1996 Page 26' I J4 r I MO~TAO.SPkAMe«L BEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Cedar trees for hediglng. Planted or delvored. Discount prices. Other trees avaliable. 905-723-0239 or 705-833-2674. LAWN MAINTENANCE, prunlng, grass seedlng, sodding. Spring clean-ups. Ronovations ofgarcens, rokgadns, plantlng,frirewood. Dutchwa Lanidscaplng. (905) 649-3183 MORTGAGES & LOANS "$1 ,e 1st &2nd e Uines of credit * BESI RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding mnc. AUTOS/TIUC... .....S.. ____ CG ......S.. N..d a car - Cmedlt Problems? Bankrupt - Undlscharged? " We have leasetake-ovrs repossessbns " Lems to own any make or rmodel " Cash for trade - Call nowtforfkSequotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Caîl Jeff (905) 683-6230 1 1992 DODGE SHADOW. 5 sped hatchback. Low 73,000 km. 2.5 L Certifed, $6,500. Caîl 430-3370. NEW WHEEL (TRE & rlm) for Ford panel van. $125 or best offor. (905)721-2956. 198 CHEV BEREITA GT. 28 litre, V6, b"ac with red trim. RaIlly wheels. Excellent condition. Non-smokor. Cerlifiod, $3,000. Aftor 5:3Opm, 668-6903. 1984 POI<IAC RIERO SE. 4 cylinder, 4 sp., ps, pb Mp, uIt, sunroof, new b rakos, newpant, Utle to cerhify. Asklng $1 00. Cal 432-9186. 1987 PONIAC FIREFLY. 167,000 km. $1,000 certified. Caîl 655-3031. 1986 CHEV S10. 2.5 lire,4 adidtonal new tires lncluded. Needs body work & wator pump. $300 or b.s offr.Cail 668-4968. TOP.DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars, trucks, miotorcycles, skidoos, etc. Also scrap metal, applances, etc. Caîl anytime 571-2429. 1 991 HONDA Fourtrax. Excellent condition. $2,500 flrmn. 666-549. 1995 PLEASURE-WAY 2 person R.V. 22,600 km. Dodgo Ram 350 chassîs. Immaculato, follet/shower, stovo, 3 way fridgo, t.v.Ncr, mlcrowave, heators p lus more.ý $39,900. (905)666-7730. . ... s-"... .OP ..PO..RT.. UN.. IT..ES.. Best Home Based Bus. No Sellîng! lnvest $5,959p. FT/PT - FREE Pkg. 800-513-4282, 24 hrs. HOT DOG CART EQUIPPED wh M oe.hot &coki wator, bun warmer. Sng $3,500. 666-3361. BUSINESS LEADERS and entrepreneurs wantod. Amnazing homo basod business opportunWt with dynamlic Canadian company. Full timo Incomo p:ontial for part time work. Ambition and Wilingness to Ieamn are, important Cali 721 -8839. BURKSFALLS. BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. cottage on Loon Lake. Private lot Wlth beach,- sleeps 8. Includes ail amnitio. Excellent for chîiren. Caîl Dave, 430-8658. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., Whitby availal for bnquets, weddlngs and 'Cher occasions. Catoring avallable. For more Information, beave message at: 668-0776, 24 hrs. NEW QUALITY built Donoble Homes ln Whitby for $147,900 Io $149,900. Four beautifully styled homes. Cal Emilio Zingone aÉ 668-6171. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. STORAGE SPACE available. Boats, trailers, campors, small equipment, etc. Secure. Cal 905-430-26;45. SPACE AVAILABLE for professional, (esthetian, massage therapist nâil technlan) with exisflng dlenteleada a busy salon. 430-8787 BATRAN FOREVER *SAILOR MOON - TUXEDO - MASK *SPIDERMAN * CINDERELLA a WHITE RANGER - aiso Red, Green and Pink *Brthdays, Company Picnics Etc. *NO VIOLENCE!a DOUGý (416) 439.8133 SHELTIE PUPPIES. Sable. CKC registered.. Guaranteed. Shots. 9596-5164. SHELTE PUPS <2). SABLE. C.K.C. reglstered. Vol checkçed. Shots, dewormed dueclawed, tatlooed. Champfion line pedigree. Roady JuIy PUPPIES - ST. BERNARD cross. 8 weeks oId, $40. Bunnies, dwarf & Iops, $15. Also kittens, cream & trn-coloured, free. Cal 655-8251. AITRACIWE, SINCER, romantic, passionate, 37 yoar old swm. Ukes outdoor activities, theatre, country muslc. Soeks a lady for romance and adventure. Send reply to #1 0034, Whltby Free Press, 900 H kins St. P.O. Box 206, Whltby Li N5S1. FINESS ONE on one personal trainng faclity. Speclalized fgness instruction in a privato studio setting. Goal assessment constant support and motivation. bodyfÉorm Fitness Studio, 213 Byron St. S., Suite loi, Montgomery Place Whitby. Cail for appointmont, 668-464. PRAYER TO ST. JUDE. HoIy Saint Judo Apostie and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miraces near kinsman of Jesus Christ, the taithful Intercossor of ail who Invoko your speckai patronago In time of noodt you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you, to whomn GOD has given suchgra po0wer, t corne to my assistance. Holp me In my present and urgent petition. In rotum ropse 1mk yr namo known çffld cause your name to be invoked. (Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and 3 Glones). St. Judo pray for us and ail who Invoko your aid, Amen. This novona has nover beon known to fail This novona Must be said nino consecutive days. Publication must be promised. R.W. MALE IS SEEKIIIG FEMALE 25-40' Who is physically fit and ikes cottage Iffe, boaling, swimming & fishlng. Caîl 666-8536. VEDICASTOLOGY - DISCOVER tho key to your destlny through this andoent sooencel Consultation on natai horoscope, rolationship and comrpatibdly charts. CalSusan McNaughton (905) 655-3933._ EVANLY RAys serviclng over 20,000 Ontanio households. Ratod #1 in Canada. Police, polilians & corporations use us. Concerns about love, heahth, relationships, money. Just cal 1-900-451-4055, 24 tirs, $2.99/min., 18+, 1-900451-4055. Arc you clear of parasites? ANC lENT HERBAL RECIPE Kis600 year old formula Klsathousand known parasites 98%/ of ail Canadians suifer from parasites IF YOU SUFFER FROM:- Weight loss/gain Constipation/diarrhea Fatigue Bloating/gas Persistent colds Joint pains Itchy ears/skin and more You moy have pariésitesd For more details cati or fax NQW 905-666-2088 Fax 905-666-4046 TRENTISEVERN DAY CRUISE. July 24th. Dont miss this speca! day sangwith a waterside lunch at an ok=de built in 1921 and thon we'l cruise down one of the most beautiful parts of the Trent/Seve. For more information oeil SihvorIne Tous, 37 yron St N., Whitbh' 430-2253. O/L31 22474/0434409. WrS A BO3Y! WENDY and Brent Lassila WOUld Ike 10 announce the blrth of their son MICHAEL RAYMOND, born on June 9, ln Oshawa, woighing 7 Ibs. Proud W.andpar ents are Madeine and, Raymond Jarvis of Ennismoro and Carol and PenttU Lassila of Ajax. Michael is also -wobcomed by re-grandparents, Myrtîs andl and by his aunts, nls-d cousins. COWNS - Chrisian Rose. AI her residence surrounded by her famrlly and frtonds peaoefuîly ln hor 62nd yea on SundayJùly 7, 1996. Chrllna dearmotherot Moya-Jane Colins and her fiance John Yurkovlch," Adrian Collins and his wlfo Mary Anne Roland Collins and his wlfo Mary. e!ndli, remombered by her grandoti dren Tyler, Benjamin, Ux and Jessie.Mms. Collins mill be restinoat the W.C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL 110 Dundas St. East Whhy (905-668-3410>,Wednesday 2P andl7-9 p.m. Serice In the Chpl Thursd!ay il .a.m. Foîlowed by cremation. In leu of flowers donaion 10 ho anadian Cancer Society of Paîliative Caro at Oshawa General Hospital would be appreciated by tne0 famlly. JONES - Gordon F. At the Oshawa General Hosphita on Saturday, JUl 6, 1996. Gordon Jones ln hs 78t~ year. Beloved husband 0f Dorothy of Whilby. Loving father of Pal Fredodick a Byron Gordon and hîs wifo Caty.Rsted at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 Kling St. E., Oshawa vvith Funeral service ln the Whltby Free Methodist Church on Monday July 8, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. Cremnation Moiuni Lawn Memnoulal- Gardons, Whltby. Memorlal donations to the Wh ly Free Methodist Church - Building Fund vwould be . apredate. Visitation Sunday 2-4 aX7-9 p.m. FAX VOUR AD 668-05_94, BINGO-COUNTRY F Tw S 00 5 Points Mali Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) Charities 945371 7:0pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. 1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30'pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 436-9404 NEEP TO KNOW SOMETHING A12 TYOUR NEW COMMUNn1? s#NUAF 1g30 T PHONE 668-6497 Our hostess WII brng glUts and greetings, M lo------ heipful community information. A~LS WUE JAKPTUPT $290( INoRZS

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