Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, July 10, 1996 *RLS---- FASTEALL ... ... ... Squirts win silver The Vhithy Rebels squir Ir' fastball team won the silver medal at a tournament in Osh- awa over the weekend.. Rebels loet 16-6 to the host team in the chaxnpionsbip fial. Rebels lost 11-3 to Oshawa ini their firat game of the tourna- ment but came back' to defeat Cobourg 21-1, Whitby Eagles 14- 2N 205and, in'the, semi- fina itýy Eales8-7. Laura Campbell and Karen McWilliams each, had three bits while Rebels had 14 walls i the win over Cobou. Ashley McDonalid tossed a two- bitter in the firat win over Eagles. Susie Crabb had three bits i the win over Neépean. The Whitby team is sponsored by Big V and Midway Nissan. Novices. edge..d The Whitby. novice select girls fastball teazn bost 11-10 to eary- vale in the final of a teurnament in Whitby recently. Whitby's first select team at the. novioe level, made up of p layers, who also play in house lege, first defeated Eringlate 8-3 and Newmarket 9-5 before bosing te Maryvale (score not reported). In the semi-final, Whitby crushed Eringate 9-2. Katrina Treboar had two home runs in the tournament and Jackie Skinner was the golden glove award-winner for the tour- nament. At a tournament in Newmar- ket, Witby lost 4-1 te Chingua- cousy in the semi-final. Unbeaten The Whitby Eagles mite girls' fastbalb teazu remais unbeiaten in beague play after defeated Oshawa 16-7 bas t week. Bailey Corneal smacked three triples and drove in five i-ns and Kayla Harris bit a home run. Bs qualify The Oshawa Double B midget girls' softbabl team was tbird in a qulfir te earn a berth in the 2ntri championsbips Juby 19- At the qualifier in Belleville, Oshawa won 4-3 over Pittsburg Township 2-0 over defending Ontario chiampion Cawthra, andl then bast 7-2 te Port Perry and 2-1 to, Erin Mills. Missy *Pigeau had five hits, including a triple, and Shannon Tabb had four buts (home i-un, two triples, double) in the tour- nament. In bae play, Leslie West smacked a home mun and three singles but Oshawa bost 8-6 te Cobourgintermediates. 0shawa defeated Port Perry 3-2 as Sommer West hit a home run and triple. In an exhibition against Canada7s Olympic teani, Oshawa bast 19-O Stacey Taylor getting the onby ôshawa hit. Air Conditoi INSPECTIOIkjf.9 1 ýý ý 1i IV4ML IIf)S 3, MEMBER INSTALLER *Check Refrigeration System with Manifold Gauges *Leak Detector *Check Compressor Clutch SCheck Compressor and Drive Beits sTest Temperature at A/C Outets eFreon Extra (includes 1/21b. freon if nec.) Whitby mnor baseba JUVENILE4M O JuIy 7 - Whktty Fise Pissa1. Whliy Opthidste 1 Juiy 1 - WMBA Exso, 9. Whiby FisePissa2 Junes30- Whl>y Fre Piss W (y dsfauk>, Whilby (OûâbbL; John G. Patte C.A.12,WMBA Exso. 1 June 24 - John G. Patte CA 12. WhMy Opfinnis 7 Juns 23 - Whkby Fies Pres4. A Exsc. 3 Junes17- Whliy FrosPissa15. John G. PatteCA 9 m of àdyl7 Whit Fies Piosse JhG.Patte CAL WVMBA Exea. Whilby cptimists July 3 - Moton City Satran 7. Babry Hecig 0 JunsS30- Biui>ury Heatkg8. Cnsed% Cydse 2 Juns 28B-Swish Maintenance 3. City CeniiAuo 3 Jws 24 - Davlie Produosg,. SaisIr Malnleance 8; Moo City Sdwn8. City Centre Auto 1 June 23 Biaibury Heali 12. Ciy Contre Aulo 1 JuniS 19 - Swlsh Maintenance8. MoloCiy SalIJm 2 Jwrs 17 - CmedCycle 5. DodUe Procduce, 1; Molor Cfty Satum 10. Swih Maintenance Jiais 16 - Brdury Hsatng 9. Swish Maitenanc es etâdy 3 W L T p Babury Hsag 7 2 0 14 Mat«iCt Saturti 6 3 0 12 Ceod's CIOe 5 2 0 10 CkyCentre Auto 3 3 1 7 Swish Maintenance 1 6 I 3 Deilis Piduce 1 7 0 2 MAJORPEEWE Juiy 3 - Lennox Drum 7, Snuing Drille.4i JuIy2 - Rgeale 5. RotaryCub 1; lItrnational Mill Services 8. Durhami Dadge 5; Highland Van & Sa11rage 10. Whitby Oplirust 9; Sndlng Drilens 7. Glen Graphicse4 J*l 1 - intenutina Mil Servicas, Gien Graphie 4; Highland Van & Storage 8. Lennox Drum 3 Jure 28 - Rotary Club> 9, Snding Drillers 2 Juns* 25 - Gien Grophmc 13, Highland Van& Storago 8; Durhami Dodge 6. Wbitbtr Oplinilts 4; Srviling Driiers 11. Ragers Cble4; Lsnnox Drwn 11. International Mill Services 8 Jure 24 - Rotary Club &6. Itarnatin.lMM Servions 5; Lennox Drum 4. Duram Dodge 4 k-wàf sé of &aly 5 DurtrainDodge Chrysber Rage. C"d LennoxDruin Hrghhnd Van à Storage Gien Graphace IlGymnasts Isle in Windsor Two W hitby gymnasté won overaîl titles at a Windsor meet held recently. Jennifer Kolumbus, 15, waa fmrt all-around in the senior 3 division after gold-meddl perfor- mances on uneven bars and beam, silver on vault and bronze for floor routine. D'Arci Newman, 15, of Ash- burn won gold in aIl four events in the senior 1 division te cap- ture all-around honours. Jennifer Milne, 13, was third overaîl in junior 3 after silver- medal prformances on uneven bars and balance beam, fourth on floor and fifth on vault. It was the last meet of the season for the members. of Gemini Gymnastica. VdyRot lubi WhRUW Opinsts July 7 - Pires18. Jays 8.5; R e. 8,Piatue JunsS30- Re&s 22, Pirata 3; Re&s 8. jays5 m of hm le Roda Jaya Pirmms L TP 20 10 208 0 4 àjui 6- Whby >porniste 13. Banik cf Monirsel 13;0 CrsmmCulting & Corirg 7. AndaSnVM«sunaa cL*i8,C.m .anPragrSs. Club 8. undas Contre Guardian Druga 3; Biooldin Knmn 14. Prinle Crsek Guardilan Drugs5. Rani-A-Terr M0 Wesdm.n 10 Juiy 3 - Pio 5Sdrc Autonialie 9. KSC Sourky 5; W. Fm*nk(K.re Fedyk) 9. W.C. Tomn 5 JIy 1 - Coerer Cuting & Coeing 5. Prngle Crek GuchrDugs0.Bank «iMontresi 12.W.C. Town 5; KSC Secrny 14, AndorsonVseduay Chal 10, Pro StrasSA~mrnlirs7. CanaianPmrgimsClub, Juns 28 - Ran-A-Tant 18,.Whitby Optin*sa7;- BSffIl Kkamsn 16, Wesdrnr7; Dundas Centre Guardan Drugs9. W. Fr"nk(K.aren Fedyk>8 June 26 - W. Foenk (Con Fedyk> 8. Pro Stras Autornali 7; W.C. Towni 8. DutidasCsrtre Guenon Drugs 7 June 25 - Pringle Crek Guardian Drugs 10,KSC Securly 3; Whtby Optimists 17. Brookuin Knmn 3- CreemerCutting à Codlng 6. Wsen n2 m of dy 7 Rom-A-Ton Pro Sb"esS omoife DundesOtr. Guardian Druga W. Fma* (Karen Feyk CanadienPfrfes Cm i CreamarCutting à Coring Pringle C&k-GuUIiaIi Drugs KWS cunily Andenson lVsternasy Oii Brookirnme July 7 - Pinwmood CYentis 58 Top Ouaty Corraion 7 July8 6- Ba*k cdMontisal11.,ToronÈo Daminion Banik 10 July 5 - Co-Ste L o7. Bak aof Mor" 5-. Budwana Redy 12. Seddord Auto Senvios6. LangW leunutlng 7. Jensen Auto Body 5 Juiy 4 - Toronto Ominion Banik 15. Whitby Lion Ckhb 3 July 3 -Whîb RoseS, Langley Piuntlng 6; Jensen Auto Body 8. BudiananResy 5 ms of July 7 BudwananRealy Pio ad nre I.ang leyPunting Top Oakty Colmo Air con Beddod Auto Seadc Toronto Doenidnlo Ban Whb Rose Ba*ked Monires Wtdiby Lons Ciii> JuIy 7 - MarkAUting R esarsGra.5,Warren Puinng 7 Juy5 - Stanr uWgmr12.JerrY. Dmuge7; MarWtng meS rGoup 8. PlarqueAt"aik1 Jiy 2 -WhMib' AudnVldoo 13, Mkahsl nsuranos 5 JulY 1 - Toumamntd - Conscialon: Rois EzisPulee 7. Warre'. Puloin4-, Chazoplonhb: Cisc 10. Jerry' Drg Wmus0 Jun. 27 - Mmkain Rsouros Gra. ,Roi Erieapnles7. Jerry'.Druge 1 MUt"l inuranos 12; Warrn'.PnfrIn4,CIBC 3 Juns 25 - Mid"ikmsrans 12,Marketing Resurs GroP 5.- Plque AUta"k12. Whmtby OPtlrist. 5; Warrn'. Prltng 11. Bicoldin Kinmen 4; CISC 9, NU2Ly AdoMlo 4 m ofJlMy7 Manoir,9 Resource Grp PlaquettA" Biookin Kinmen Juiy 5 - Ail Ted Eldria 9. Ssnotiuk!s Drller. 5; LegaiBeales 7. Hasln Capy7 m#4-Lcm Crmuk l .g1,Cookie Cushers4; Dbug TrnenCarponiy 7. Sunlea Farine S; Bank of More" 15. AIl Kind Gas 13, Dadd & Sauter 10. Piksrig VikageS Juiy3 -Yckuwanos 18, ExeoutiveCleaner 4; AI TSch Eledi9a.Legafl iles 5 Juns 28 - Ssrnolks DdUsr 20, Leacon Consuking 3; Ooug Turner oepenbry 17. Hosirin Copy 3; Bank et Montrea l 2 Coakis Crushens 9; PiconngVoinae 11. SunleaFaim 6; VIck Insuma 13, AI KInd Gu. 5 June 26 - ExecrilvCWsane 6. Dadd a Sauter5; Le.aorn Consuidn15. Lega l gls8 June 24 - AU Tedi EIed 13. DoQ ug m«s CmperàYSruuàis Drle .5 Bankaof Monirsai 4,. Vick insuanas6. Cocus Cm>hens3; PWWsnng Vilage 16. HoSdn Copy 5 » 09 .h*y 6 AI Teck ElecrlSysten AI Kind Gu Enerprue Vlak Isunno LeacunmCormuhting Dodd à Sauter Bank ci Mont"sa ExeàutvsComtien SunimaFam Hosirin Coy ...OCCER... Two wins for under- 17s Whit putan end te, an un- beatnNwarket streak and then bbasted Malvern te, pad their first-plaoe 1ead in -Central Soccer Làeague under-17 premier rep cton. Sctt McDavid, Marcus Joseph and Rosa Hamill scored as Whitby, with two. key- strikers absent nevertheless won' 3-1 over ?i4ewarket, wiho had not bot a game tbis season. Danny Mattin scored tbree WHITBY FREE PRESS would like ta wish a Happy .Birthday ta ail its CARRIERS -WITH JULY. BIRTHDPAYS David Addison Matthew Godfrey Chris Michaudý Mati Agar Karmyn Giesbrecht Dan Preziosi George Armstrong Greg Ivail Jennifer Pritchard Matthew Astbury Vickram Kambli Laura Shea Dominique Boileau. Brennan Kirby Kari Soetens Sarah Chesebrough Ashley Koster Reid Walker Lino Drago_ Andrew, Wyld goals and Mark Engelage two in an 8-0 win over Malvern.* Michael Criscione, on a pass from Mattin, Dwayne Plakmeyer and Kybe Muian also scored. Brandon Cedar got the shuteut for the WVhitby teani, coached by Steve Hainilb and assistant Mikie Sookdeo. Wolves will represent WVhitby in the USA Soccer Cup nei,&t week in Minnesota. Under- 12s tie mn comeback Whitby came back te tie Dar- lington 2-2 in under-12 elite soc- cer action asat week. Paul Kontes, on a header from an Erie Shah cross,ý made it 2-1 in the omnd half and then Ciaran Thompson connected on a cross from Lucas Kwapisz te sqare the game. Darlingtoný won the- lege championsbip last season. The Whitby team is sponsored by Halenda7s, Golden Griddle and Hard-Co Construction. Ontario youth soccer. UNDER-18 ofa -w Vaighen oi" mL"n Whitby- mixd slo-pitch Juiy 7 - MelanlPringles 20. Auto Zon. l1 MoieniePrngles18. Cassys Gnous. 13;* Talgate Cheis. W. Auto Zone LWltyInn Mates W. RES AsphaitL;Adag.13, Taitais Charles 10; Caseys Grilous. 14, BMW et canada le WL YTP Cm*Y**Gilhouse 9 4 O la sa"sys a 1 O 16 1&u1" Chairs 7 4 1 15 Bake &th BWk 7 3 0 14 dvtap7 4 0 14 "Meafl inMW 7 5 0 14 BUWetCanda 4 8 0 a RES Aphait Mait 2 10 0 4 AtoZn 1 12 0 2 f 1 1

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