Pop. 16, WhIIby Fmeq Prou., Wednesday, July 10, 1996 wqmmw Mdm p % ý in Buines TD Bank cm. make t easier for bus iness women 'FAS ylLllNS» 1032 Brock St. S., Unit 6 Whitbys 666-4561 TAN JAY e TABI * ALIA and more... Fashions foyour active lifestyl and reinember... we ali's Pm,' f/e GSTL! Carol ONeila Owner «"UB CARDS, CRAFTS, COLLECTABLES A uthodzed Agents For Ex1>ect morefrom Sears Dinai og SEARS CANADA INC.Mai og (905) 666-8000 1032 Brock St. S, #39 Whftby, Ont. LiN 4L8 A Comaipbe Homo Ducoaf.u ve *Custom Draperies e Carpetng - eBlinds a Fumiture - *Shutters. a Wallpaper à Re-upholstering e Planning *Consultaton Cindy Weindorfer Telephone: (905) 725-0385 (905) 430-6655 BUS. 24 Hour Pager (905) 430-4505 FAX (905> 428-3100 TORONTO LINE S A LICE HREHORUK Sales Representative COLDWELL BANKER R.M.R. REAL ESTATE ( 1032 BROCK STREET SOUTH LT WHITBY. ONTARIO Li N 4L8 Thinking of buying or selling? Call Alice! An lndependentty Owned and Operaied Member Broker of CoIdweII Banker ASfiates of Canada Inc. 0 ~Ikb~TOYOTA Co. ~1.SALES - PARTS -SERVICE Dundas St. W.9,Whitby ý 44792 -a Fax (905) 430-7874 "Change is the only constant ini financial services today," says Susan Abbott, vice president and regional manager of TD Bank's Durham Region. "Our customers want one-stop financial shopping and they want to deal with one knowledgeable person who can look after ail their needs", Abbott says. "This is what we mean by Your Bank. Your Way. And recent survey data on customer satisfaction shows our staff are doing a great job looking after customers." TD branch managers and personal bankers now are licensed to seil mutual funds. Many are working towards their financial counselling or financial planning designations, including Abbott, who became regional manager in 1994. Although she grew up'in Ontario, the 39-year-old Abbott asked Toronto Dominion to send her to Calgary when she joined in 1983, after completing her MBA at the University of Western Ontario. She spent the next 10 years there leamning the business, first as a commercial account. manager, and later as controller for TD's Alberta division. "I did lots-of oil industry work, including m anufacturing and, high- tech support sectors, as well as import/export work, which was a "TD BANK belleves It has somethlng speclal ta offer Wh ltby oustomers, " says Susan Abbott, Vice President and Regional Manager of TD Bank's Durham Reglon. relatively new field at the time. 1. got very broad industry exposuire, so it was a *good place to leam,". Abbott says. Bringing small b usiness banking back to the neighborhood branches is anotherelemnent of,, We can help you with copy, Iayouts & art work for an individual ad or an entire program. Cail one of our specialists: Lynda Fox, Joy Gilbert, Judy libbits, Bemnadette Miller, Liz-Anne Kalatatis 900 Hopkins St. @ 668-6111 Women Inideed,, ~# Change through development A Woman's Resource Centre offering business and professional enhanoement. We host a varIet of workshops, seminars, networking sesion, ad speakers that Iead to skilled development and a positive self-image. Ask -for.,Carrol or, Joan 70 Si e St.N.isaw.1-1 S2(05 7630 Abbott's job. TD cails it, Mainstreet Banking: the 'credit application is simplifled and smal business services have been packaged with a fiat fée. "Women in business often choose a home-based enterprise because it offers lower start-up costs and fiexibility to meet family needs," Abbott says. Recognizing the growth in this area, TD, provides free copies-df:Larryý Easto's book, 110w To Be Successful In Your Home Enterprise. A' business planning guide diskette o r bookiet is also available from TD branches to assist start-up enterprises. As weil, the bank's research shows women want more information about investmnent decisions, mutual funds and retirement planning. The Women in the Know seminars offered by TD branches provide this information inan informai environimen t, The neêw downtown location~ in Whitby has a drive-through Green Machin e, a TD Trust office and eventuaily will house an Evergreen office, TD's full service brokerage. "We think we have something special to offer customers in Whitby," Abbott says. "We're here to help make it easier." B.A. So., LL.B. President - 1996f WhftbyChamber of Commeroe 668-4506 W s;ri ep aeser Srv ad ue are in Stone. 103 Byron St. S., Whitby TEL: 905-666-1200 Sylvie Biondo, FAX: 905-666-1938 MANAGER Beth Cross FMR ALL YOUR LEASING NElEDS -OSHAWA YBank.éj #ur W1'~Pr,4~ Susan G. Abbott Dundas & Thickson 723-8700 Vice- Prescient & Dundas & EucIid 665-1800 Regional Manager Rossland & Garden 430-0983 Durham Region TFEbfla>z I - Want to business? . 4 . 1