Page 14, WMtby Free Pmss, Wednosday, JuIy 10,1996l Whyinot Marathon InWhitby on Saturday 11re uanaaî.an organizations have Joined forces ta stage the Royal Lepage Whynot Marathon for paralympics, an event which will make Its way through Whltby on Saturday, July 13. The Canadiaji Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons (CFPDP)o the Rotary Clubs of Canada and the Canadian Paralympic Committee planned the marathon, sponsored by Royal LdePage. The Rotary Clubs of Whitby will be partlclpatlng in the marathon that will paso through Durham Reglan along H-ighway 2 wîth torchbearers and supporters, starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Oshawa-Clarington Town line. Approxlmzately 100 kilometres a day will be run untIl the two sides of the marathon, Join back Ini Toronto at the eternal flame. The torch will be handed ta, Canadian paMiympi c athletes who wIll carry it ta Atlanta and carry It at the opeming ceremonles. Local Rotary clubs overse each communltys 100-kilometre section of the race, ensuring that local reuidents have the opportunity ta carry the torch or run the town's route. For more information about local participation, cali Ron Murdloch at 668-9433. r V 9A. b' i-c c I 4 I V. p SI