Whltby Fm Presa, Wecfrisday, June 26,1996,Pýage E F il items from Whitby Counèi agenda(s) MondyJne24, Recommendam tions fromý the Planning and Development Committee That secondary plan studies be undertaken for the Brock-Taunton and Thickson-Taunton areas. The studies will examine a number of criterta that may Impact on future development ln the two locations. The two studies could cost up ta, $1 55,000 and affected landowners wilI be asked ta contnibute ta the cost before work can proceed. ca-lied That a site plan application from Faith Baptist Church, 95 Taunton Rd. E., ta permit construction of a 5,792- square-foot gymnaslum and auditorium be approved. 1Cari-led That a site plan application from Ontario Hyundai for an automobile dealership at 1505 Dundas St. E. be approved. The applicant proposes a 9,171,-square-foot development on the, northem portion of the property. h will include a sales area, parts and service departrnent with a drive-through component, and a car pavillon ta display -vehcles. F E c F L k e ul e in s Boy's condition is critical after accident A 12-year-old Léockridçe Street, Whitby bo Mi ncritical con- dition in a Toronto hospital after being struck by a car while ridinq his bike lato Saturday morning. Police say Bon Cochrane rode out between two parked vohicles on to Cochrane Street near Bona- cord Avenue and was struck' by a southbound 1992 Volkswagen Jotta. 'Te impact knocked Cochrane, who was woaring a helmet off hie bike and onto the hood ofi the car, smashing the windshield. Ho was taken ta Whitby Goneral Hospital and later transferrod to Hospital for Sick Children with very serious head Tedriver of the car, a 48- year-old Whitby resident, was shaken up by the accident but not injured. Her car sustained about $3,500 damg and the bike was des- troyed. Police are continuing their in- vestigation but don'lt anticipate layinig any charges. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT RETIREMENT PLANNINGI - TAX I ESTATE STRATEGIES 9666-8245 FORTUNE F 1 N A N C 8 AIL D DEBBIE MORGAN Fortune Financial Group mc.