Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 36

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Summ er attractions in Ontar::il As the long hot days ai summer beckon and taughts turn ta vacation Urne, many ai North Americas best taurlst attractions are rlght here In Ontauio. These attractions, ail agendies af the Ontario Mnlstry ai Culture, Taurlsm and Recreatian,. have an excltlng llneup af speclal events and great pragramming this summer. Science North is set amidst the rugged rock af the Canadien ShieId ln Sudbury, and is, aptly designed ln the shape af a snowflake. Hors, six scientfillo spheresu relate science ta evoiryday lie with a number ai hands-on exhibits that emphaslze the northern enviranment. An exciting 3-D film, set ln a rock cavem theatre takes visitors on a joumey ai the pre-cambnian shleld. The centre also operates a Path ai Discovery bus ta the n earby Bg Nickle Une, and the nBSg Nickel,w easlly ans ai Canadiasmost instantly rocognized attractions. Open daJiy ail year. Ramsey Lake Raad and Paris Street,Sudbury. Ontario Place, the luturstlc entertalniment edilice located an three man-made Islands on the Toronto waterfrant, affers a full days fun far the whale family wth an extensive children's village playground, a thrilllIng wilderness adventure ride, paddle boats and waterwarks. The IMAX theatre shows mcàvies 16 stories high, and the MoIson Amphitheatre showcases open-air concerts thraughaut the summer. Visitors can picnic on the grounds or enjoy ans af the many cales and restaurants. Admission Includes a pass ta the Canadian National Exhibition in late August, early September. Open mid-May ta Labour Day, 955 Lakeshare Btvd. W., Taranto. The Art Gallery ai Ontario includes the warld's largest public collection af Henry Maore sculptures. Dundas Street West at McCaul, two blocks west ai University Avenue, Toronto. The Rayai Ontario Museum, lacatod ln the heart ai downtown Taronto, is Canada's largest public museum. From dinasaurs ta the bat cave, the ROM captivates the mmnd and Imaginatian wlth unique and lasdinatlng exhibits. Renawned far its lnternationally acclairned collection ai Chinese artifacts and early Canadiana, the ROM also leatures an unique outdaor courtyard gardon and an excellent restaurant an the main llaor. Bloor and Avenue Road at the Museum subway stop, Taronto. The McMchael Canadian Art Collectian ln Klenberg, Just narthwest ai Metro Toronto, was once a private home designed and bult ta display the owner's magniricent passion, Canadian art -- notabiy ails and drawngs lrom the Group ai Seven. The unique architecture and natural surraunding echo and enhance what is ans af the most impressive collections ai Canadien paintings enywhere in the world. IR is open ail year. Major Mackenzie Drive off Highway 400at Klelnberg. The Niagara Parks Commission has creatod a greenbelt af exceptional beauty that follows the course ai the Niagara River lrom historic aid Fart Eds ta the charming town af Niagara-on- the-Lake.The centrepiece ai the Niagara Parkway is the worlds most famous tourist attraction, Niagara Falls. Expenience the Maid af the Mist boat rides ta the foot ai the flls, the camnival atmosphere ai Cliftan Hill and the tranquility ai the Park Commission Greenhouse and Floral Clock displays. Niagara Falls, Ontario. At the Ontario Science Centre be prepared ta mix leaming about science and technalogy with a load af fun. Hors, science is shown ta be an engrassing part ai our Ives as visitors are encouraged ta touch, push buttons, "use" the'experiments and particapate in demonstrations. Kids delight ta Ses haw static electricity makes their hair stand an end, and the' beautiful surraundings on the slopes ai Don Vailey are part af the experience. Open daily ail year. Don Mils Road and Eglinton Avenue, Toronto. Old Fart William, lacated at the narthem most edge ai Lake Supenaor at Thunder Bay, is a ink with the original fur trade that opsrated hors lram 1803 ta 1821 .This summer, ln the largsst reconstructed trading past of its kind ln North America, visitons can take part ln relMvng histary wïth a cobourful cast ai wil 8 Whitby Free Press A CLASSIC CAR show was held recently at Cullen Gardens, one ai many speciai events mounted throughout the year. Canada Day weekend celebrations include a July 1 lirewarks show, the Festival of Flowers continues until September, Kids Day ($2.50) is held every Thursday, and an antique music box display is at Lynde House until Aug. 6. Photo by JereMy Dresar, Why Fro Press frantier characters- lrom The Great Rendezvous -- a time when evey summer traders wauld corne aut ai the bush, make their deals and thon whoop kt upl Surrounded by palisades the fort dlsplays al the essentials af 1 9th century trading pastIlle in authentIc detaJI. Thunder Bay. The Rayai Botanical Gardons in Burlington bloom throughout the year on 2,700 acres nestled ag ainst the Niagara Escarpment. Faatpaths wind thraugh waoded areas, marshlands and the adjacent wldlls sanctuary - whlle the worlds largest ilac collection Is dlsplayed at the Arboretum, two acres ai rases fill the Rase Gardon, the Rock Gardon hugs the valley siope and the Tea Raam sits serenely amidst ail tho beauty. Open ail year. Plains Road West at Highway 6, Burllngtan. The St. Clair Parkway is a larnilyfavourite. This scenlc iverside drive stretches for many miles along the St. Clair River, bocated between Lake Huron and Lake St.Clalr ln the southwest corner af the province. Hors, visitars can tour the historlc site ai UnIle Tam's cabin at the end af the undsruround rallway. Parks ai the St. Lawrence are a chaln ai picturesque parks, campgrounds, marinas and necreatian fadiities llnked ta Important historic sites along the St. Lawrence River. The St. Lawrence Parkway encompasses Fart Henry at Klingstan, and Upper Canada Village at Morrisburg. Once the principal stranghald af Upper Canada lallowing the War of11812, It now houses and extensive collection ail 9th century military unilorms and equlpment. Costurned infantrymen perform daJly dris, with fie and drum corps and artillery salutes. Upper Canada Village at Mlonnsburg Is the rnost authentic showpieceofa Upper Canada ln the mkl-l 800s. Visitons can travol back ln Urne wlth a visit ta Hurania Historical Panks. At Salnto-Manle-amang-the-Hurons, ln Mdlend, visitors go back 355 years ta a Urne when French Josuits bullt the first inland m ission in Ontario, and enjay a detalled recreation ai the lyes ai the Huron. Nearby ln PenetanýguIshene, at Dlscovery Harbour, a bustling garnison and naval post tram the earlyl19th century has been recreatod complets with sallars and soludions ln authentice ganb. In Udland and Penotanguishene, south ai Goorgian Bay.

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