Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 34

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Owasco) offers speciaý Owascoe affers a S$pectacular Feul Speclal' ram Sept. 13 ta Oct. 30. mhe 14-day fall tour itlnerary Includes: Day 1: Yo.s wlIl arrive In Toronto and spend your first nlght at the Holiday Inn, Toronto Alrport. Day 2-4: You MfIl b. transferred ta Owasko wherê ouWill recelve yaur rentai car and be on your way ta Niagara Falls, Ont., where wthln walklng distance tram the falls, YOU can ftnd a hateV/matel af your chalce ai very ompetlve prices (tram $50' per nlght and'up). These days are spent tOur in fail motarhome or camper ai your cholce Wl take plaS.c.Vorfrt nlght In the motarhamne/camper WIIl be spent i the h=xryKOA "amgend In Klngston, Ont. (Thouand s d alory Tow as shown onma) The r gla camping raie is dleutd for Owaa customérs. slgtsélngandexperenclng the beauty af NI aara %asor whatevér you désire. Da 5: You wlll retum your rentai vehiclé taOwac and the handover' ai the The Maings of aPerlect Escape GaIIyfuuue3 cLft. mrtrmo, mcrouv, $1ooe,fa74,sinhkandfmmiao IIrm ounge ùgreafor eaing entertainhw or jus: relarowg 11Oeaircoeditoer Lmo)Wfe roofoesd owTdoor taerodiacad P=4fgstadinbet u wtbou parh1ig mpwmur0Icfti oekny r oo Roomfor Imm cbisorbo«clubs Fjoy auI& oemfo7rsOflome U*àh custom ma*e tmuer tanheflhbelowbuhfloor to in our belowflooenrunk opntubndsbwe mazxEmisierorsoagspaaa<nop weigbt disfrlbuon andbandlïg. A fil thecomforgs of a motor home. AUl the cms and efficency of drivng avan. Whether You are a firt, secnd or ithiUe RV buyer, you owe it to yourself to dLscover why Roadtrek 15 Uic best selllng North Anierican camper van. Roadtrek- The Motor Home That.. Dri &esLikea Vant"' by dYi HM E & PARI Hoe O&W. IrAc .leMomHOMeî%mDMuhANAl mfmOmmd UWM",MJJft,,,,,,, , a<td, HM mCopnmàa kMudormW s OWASCO RECREATIO0NAL VEHICLES 0Expeineth #seFeeling. Pven= eveyuBESTsinoe 972W ITBY2 An "I CARE* and OAA award w:nner HY RnaSales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. RenaIsin anaaUSA and Europe, overseas delivery 1425 Dundas St. East', Whitby N AuÃ"u 686-6410 I~~ OWSTOP DOLLAR FOR 35 MINUTES EAST FROM Vý > OUR TRADE! DOWnTn 6Whitby Free Press Day 6: EnJOY a lunch-Urne threé-and- oné-haif-hour scenlo crulse of thé Thousand Islands ln Klngston wlth lunch lncludéd. Alter thé crulse you have thé option ta stay et thé Klngstan KOA campground one mare night or travél ta thé KOA campground ln Lake Pladid, New York. me-dM i s epproxlmnately three-and- ane-haif hours. Thé regular camp raté ai Lake Pladid KOA Is dlscounted by 20 per cent éxcluslvely for Owaso customers. Day 7-14: Yau are on your own ta éenjoy thé use Of thé motoîhome/camper and fre ta travel back ta Owasco any way you choose. Priclng for this spe ctacular tour ranges fram $820 for thé VW -camper ta, $1,140 for a spaclous 28-foot motorhome and i ncludes car rentai, Toronto hotel réservatons for two, a scenlc Thousand lsland lunch boat tour for two (until Oct. 13) and motorhome rentai l ýth 2,000- kilométré mleage. Thé frendly staff ai Owasco wlll be happy ta, provlde ail thé déails. You can also purchase any camper or matorhome from OWasco and put Rl on thir rentai program. With themn you rclve> thé hlghest payRof aiIncarne ln thé lndustry and wth a minimum guerantée. Dépendlng on personai use. you cen alsa be tax exempt on thé purchase. Their rentaI leaséback prograrn albows one ta own and use a 'camper and have thé Incarne ta hélp pay for thé purchasé. Owasco has a divsion that - rents out théir vert ous types af récreational campers available for sale. Thé budget traveller cen renta car and tent packçage complète wth tent, stové, coaler, sleeping bags, etc. Owascos extensive rentai department also affér rentaIs ln Haiffax, Calgary, Vancouver, Callfornia, Florida and In Europe. Anyone intérestéd In buylng an RV cen go ta Owasca and rent one for thé weekénd. Uf you Uke t, purchase thé unit, and Owasco will refund thé rentalinto thé purchase. Wheré else do you have thé apportunlty ta try before you buyl Owaso RV lsàbcaéd -on Dyndas Street Ow*asoeRV Is lcaiéd on Dundas Street East~ Just West ai Thlckçson Road In Whltby. Duin 1. mnabua atoUiRV area busead ofa smailp.mnem one. m m 1 16

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