Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 26

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page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, dune 26, 199 OfficeH ours: Monday to Friday, F9:00sam_66856111 *Fax 668-0594I Durham, police, cief new Ontarlo association head CHURCH 0F THE GOOD Shepherd, Oshawa, Ontario. A membero@the worldwide Tradtdonal An ica Comunon.The sarne union wth the Church of the -First Centuiry founded by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. We hod fast to the doctrlne's of the Soriptures refleced ln the Biood 0f Commion lirayer as OPPOsed to ail modern changes contraryto the Bible and Tradition of the Church. Information 0f Sunday Services, phone 432-8879. Durham Regional Police Chief Trovor McCagherty was last week elected au preuident of the Ontario Association of Chiefis of Police. Hie took over from Chief Kevin MéAlpine of the Peterborough City Police, at the annual- Ontario Association of Chefis of Police (OACP) conference in Toronto. McCagherty was firet elected to, the executivo of OACP mn 1994 and previously served as vice-president of the association. He cwTrently serves as a chair of the OACP training committe. and is chair of the Police Learning Advisoiy Cominittee which is reposilet te olctrGeerl uldnga ote cmmniy Jeopardize high way for the im le e tto n Ontario. ie. learing iii Hie is the former vice-chair and now an active member of the humnan resource comumttee of the~ Canadian Association of Chiefs ol Police. McCaghertyps career includes service with the Metropolitan Toronto Police, Oshawa City Police and Durha- Regional Police where he became chief in 1991. The focus of the tenure as chief has, been to crate a learning organization ini which members of the police service are committed to COMINO VENTS FITNESS ONE ON ONE prsonal trainingfodîlfty. Speclalized ttness Instruction ln a privae studio.setting. Goal assessment constant su pport cand motivation, àodyform Fness Studio, 213 Bron St. S., Suite 101, Montgomery Place, Whitby. Cai for appolntment, 668-4464. PORAYER TO ST. JUDE Holy Saint Judo Apostie and martyr great ln virtue and rich in mirades, near knsman of Jesus Christ the falthful Intercessor of ail who Invoke, your speia ptrnage ln tUme 0f need, to Y-OUI have rcourse from the depth 0f rmy heait and humbly beg you, to whom GOD has given such great power, to corne to my assistance. Hiniln my present and urgent peiin nretum I1 propose to make your name known -and cause >your namne to b. Invoked. (Say 3 Our Fate~3Hal Maysand 3 Glories). S. epray for us and ail who invoke your ai, Amen. This novena bas neyer been known to faIL ibis novena must b. sald nine consecutive datys. Publication must- b. promnised. R.W. THERAPIST:* CARROL Campbell focuslng on maing women whole, agein bydealng %witb tsar anger, co-. dependency, abusive relationships,' to bulid seff-esteem, confidence & positive self-Image. (905) 576-3805. VEDIC ASTROLOGY - Discover the key to your destiny through this anaient scencel ConsuRTton on natal horoscope, relatlonship and comatibiity charts. Cali san Mr-augtén(905) 655-3933. EVANLY RAYS servlcing over 20,000 Ontario households. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, poîhiýiclans & corporations use us. Concerns about bave, health, relationshIps, money. Just cal 1-90-451-4055, 24 hrs $2.99/min., 18+ 1-960-451-4055. LOST: MANS C.A.W. RINGwltb red stone. Owners nameneOngaved inside. Reward. Cali 430-1599. BINGO COUNTRY s[ME i*I'X'I' * o . JACPOT 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. à Sun. 1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pmn Mon., Tues. & Wed. 5 PontsMaiI4690 Chanties 945371 Support YourLocai Chale CELESTINE PROPHECY Stucfy Sessions. July 2/96, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. 70 Slmcoe St. North, Oshawa. 576-3805. Cost $15 per week for 8 weeks. BATMAN FOREVER *SAIOR MmOa TUXOmASmm, OS SIEMAN a CINDERELLA * WIHITE RANGER, ealso Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company Picnics, Etc. *NO VIOLENCE!. DOUG (416) 4398133 Whether you're buying or seilng, .put the classifieds towork for youlTop0 cor ad, call 668-6"1 OUTSTANDING AUCT1ON SALE Thursday, June 27th 6:30 P.M. , vlewln 5:06) MacGREOR'S AUCTMON HALL, Bowmnanivle. Talc. 401 to Waverl Road North to' #2 _w & east to ecugog St. forth 1km. Aucdon feutures an exceptional ofedrig 0f antique fumiture from an Oshwa home. A must attend event for one & aILTerms cashtcheque/isaIMJÇ. McGregor Auctions - 905.987-5402 905-987-3664 [ ALS SUPE ,EAk HUNTER - JEAN. APTER a lengty iliness ai Oshawa Generai, HOU- 1alThursda, June 13,1996, ln her 8ffth year. Jan Hunter (nee illing)beloved wife of the Wat Gôrdon1 A. Hunter. Dear mother of Robert (Bob) and Nis wif e Barbara 0f BroMOkn, Edward (Ted) and bis wife Jacqueline of Oianido Fiorida and the late Mary Lou. Lovlng rn rnoter f-David Herbert and Jeffr ,* Alexandra- and John.,Great nalimot er of Ryan Shelby and alas. Dear sister f lVaul Mayhew and Helen Kayler both of Napane and the laie Miidreci Edwards. Frlends were. recelved at the CARSON FUNERAL HOME AND CHAPEL, 79 Baldwin St., BrooIn. from 2-4 and 7-9 pm., Saturday June 15 and Sunday Jne 6e Io Brooln Unlted'Clurch, Casseis RdBrookin for funerai service ai 2:0parm. Monday. Internent Groveside Cernter, Bokln. WILCOX, MARK CAROL JOHN - Passod away ai the Sunnybroo Medica CerKire, Toronto on Frlday June 21, 1996 in is 36ïthyear. DOWkIovOd son of Dorothy Wilcox and eld hompson 0f Brdokin, and the late Hanry (Babe) Wlboex formerly of Scarborough. Much loved brother of Wer and ber husband BiIh Sohulte 0fBrookin and Stephen Wicoex and his ,jfo Maryof Haliburton, Michael Thompsn and his wtfe Carol 0f Uxbrldge and Tonry and ber husband Ken Lovelace of Guelph. Dear grandson 0f Dorothy . Robertson of Buckhom and the lat JoephAfamily celebration 0f Meadowcrest Baptist Cburch, Brookin. Interment wil follow ai Pinsfi-lus Cemetery, Scàrborougb. In Heu of fiowers, memnorlal donations may b. made to the lndrmndent' Uving for Dea Blind, 11181rnongilSt Suite 215 Ricmon FUIOntaito, L4 1112 (905-770-4948>. ]FAX YOUR AD FROM PAGE 1 ham Region. Produced b y a group claimii te ho "The Friendu of Whitfr General Hospital" the letté endorsed the cancidacies of--thi four challengers. It alocharged the curreni board with no longer being com. mitted to retaininig any of the hospital's existing, servies des- Pite its previously-stated posi- tion. The four candidates ulede figyht frtese services everi tho ugh Ontario Health Ministai Jim Wilson has endorsed the rehabilitation scheme. Hospital official» responded tc the- letter by running newspapeî advertisements that disassocia. ted the hourd from the letter. .Prout, who freely admitted ko Ihaving a hand in producing the Jletter, nonethelss expressed lier hope ' that there 'wilb. little ammoity etween the two fac- tions on thle board. (Other board members who supr SOGH'a goals include Jack Hutchinson, Pearl Ault, and Whitbq councillors Gerry Emm and Shirley Scott.) «W. need te work together-for the bout intereuts of the people of Whitby,» said Prout, who pro- misete examine* sali issue on ite merits. .I tbink rNe got a good track record of workiniq on boards and committees,", said the 'former Durha separate achool trustes. . Yet, Prout miade it clear that ah. will not back away from lier grups-belief that a reconfigured WhtyGeneral Hospital, can also accommodats acute cars and 24-hour âme r-geny services. (A Durham' Region District Healtli Council study pgathe coat of convertingWhitby Generul Hospital into- a state-ý of-the-art réhabilitation centre at $241 million. (Whitby resdents in need of emergecy and surgical saervi*ces would travel te expanded hospi- tals i Oshawa and Ajax.) .Pl "I want te serve on the hospi- tal hourd ofWVhitbj General Hos- pital and not the Durham Region centre of excellence for rehiab,» Prout strossed. «Somehody should look after Wbitby residents,» aseadded. Souch, hoapital chair for the past two years, opted not te sek another term in this capacity. Ho was replaced -by vice-chair Rob Mortoni when the board met briefly later, in the evening. Souch viowed bis re-election as a "vote of confidence" sud although no longer chair, hoe to, continue on with some ofbi current duties. J This- would include ,isn with other Durham.Regonhu pitals, the Ontario Hopital Association and the healIth, ministry in preparation for Whitby General's envisioned rôle. "W. ami kow C 'hange i. goino did not forse a problem i ieIt tint at the same table with Prout adElston. 9 9 believe the two newcomers Y' to the board are well aware of rthe situation..,th>r-will add a lot e the discussion, ho ad t However, Souch didvow te b. « more. vocal" on theo rehabili-ý -tation.issue ýnow that.ho iq no Slonger chair. Durham Centre MPP Jim Fla- -herty termed, the élection of Prout and Elstoôn as,.vital te bis >efforts te convince ministry offi- 'cials:of the'need te preserve r acute ,car servces at Whitby General., «As UT?, it'. difficult for me to >a.dvocate for those services when r -the board doos not," sgaid ýFla- hiqe prevmous board said it >would puali for'emergency ser- lvices and acute cme but it 0 didn't» he, said. > "Withfresh blood on the board, 1Ihope it nowwiil." Flàhert;Y noted that when Wil- >son vga ire bssupport te the health couneil, aîtudy -whichý rea meded rehabilitation.,ie. added a qualifier. Me minister aiways said the a acute 1cure and. emergency needa of the 1ebleof Whitbymsb addressed, ho said. «Mllwork withanbodyany- time who -will work frth. pre servation of community he-alth services at YWhitby Gener1 Hoa- Flahertyosàid the moat «realis- tic' situation for Whitby ireiten- tion of some out-patient services, , ambulatry care and"an arounid- thé-dok emergeydepartmet Motpatient sricsin. Dur- -ImRegion are day surgery and "1e have four operat ingroomea i Whit)q that have te be usedY Flaherty rejected the hoapital board's argument that it can no longer afford te keep the'emer- gency department open ail niglit wheni the number of, people who used it declined so dramîatically at that time. "Twenty-four, hour emergency service is not expensive en the budget of the hospit, he said, citing a figreo $2509000 amiually. 'I tbink emergency services are more important than a series of administration executives."'ý Flaherty said - arecent, health council report on implementing the recommendations onaied i las t years acute cars study in now mn the hands of, the provin- cial hospital restructuring com- mission.' Oshawa resident Don Thorn- ten is a member of the commis- sion which lihas the power te "implement reject*or make revi-, sions," to Durham'a or any other health council's study, Flaherty "Even if one accepte the pýro- mise- that, the roIs of Whtby. General Hoapital is* rehab we ha&ve te Iook at.the c, - ho-ai» 9~ ~~cs knwteh s o 2e i. D&D Paralegal Services Smail Ciaims, LandlordTenant Disputes, ,WiIis, Power of Attomeys, Criminai Pardons, Name Changes, Prooess Serving & More Free Consultation 576-8572 oft UimWh itiy and uron ngwm.n yatiendng auction sales knowabout your nme *"as rdWlng in the moatwld.ly r.ad page. ln, Whliy"yFo rs Cauld ai Th6W, 6?8-6Poe.111 d&Cal e m 1

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