Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 25

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'WhithyFree Preé8, WWledauy.Jfne26, 1bb9, ýI'a25 A R TIC L E S A N.E..A.......T. Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, matt~res& uch more .---- - oï McKEEN FURNITUREI 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181. "I had nover used the Whitby Free Press classifieds before, ana I was delig hted with the reponse to my ad.ÎT ho cost was a lot less than other papers. 1 wili continue to use the Whitby Free Press.* R.P. WANTED FOR RENT: Tent traller for six days near end of Juiy. Gail 666-2092. BUYMG 0W TOYS. LOOKING for tws rom 960'stol198's. Star G.I. Joe etc. Cali 665-V1 62. 1 WILL BUY VOUR unwanted items & contents. Cali 728-8485 bave a message. WANTED: MY NOM wants to buy your bonehy climber or piayhouse ith slie/sWlngs for me anid my litle brother. Please calu 665-7050. OSHAWA,4 3 bedroom backsplt semi. Attached garage, gas heating. Avaliabie A ust 1l 1996. 925/mont h. Flrstlast. Cali Jim weau Assoc. Broker, Re/Max Summit hity (1991) Ltd. 668-3800. LARGE 4 bdrm. home to share. P29ngle Creek area. Fumished. Laundry, parking. 430-8590 after 5:30. WHITBY. ONE bedroom. Use 0f faies. Parking avaliabie. Close to bus. Non-smokers. Onl $350 pr month. Leeve messna t,666-8388. CLAS-SIFIED,' MAR KET PLACE "Advertîse Across Ontario orAcross the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govemment assistance pro- COUNSELLINO HEIPLINE. New, unique telephone gmms information aveilable. For your new or existing heipline, 24 hours, qualffied counisellors. We cen help busnes. Take edvaniage of the govemment grents you wfth ail issues $2.99Imin., VISA or Masercad and boans. Ceil 1-800915-3615. C,, toillfree today. 1-888970.6666. SQUARE BOY PIZZA SUBS AND WINGS franchise HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers seMvng over 50 mil- opotntes available. Cun'ently over 30 successful lion readers and multi-ienied psychics. Free =oain n Ontario. Established 1979. Pull training asirochart with your first readingi Relaiionships, and head office support provided. Caîl cole Dave Or Future, Cameer. $2.99/ min. 18 + 24 Hours 1.900.451. Ted 905433-1333. 3783. CAREER TRAINING CANADAS MOST GIFTED psychics have answers to your problems or questions about heahth, love, rae-a LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern ionship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49/minuie, 18+, School of Auctioneering. Next class August 17-23196. 24 hours,, 1-900.451.4336. Contact: Southwestemn Onaro School of Auctoneer- ing, R.R. #5, Woodsiock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537- ESNL 2115. ESNL ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with.both men and COMPIJTERS women? Wed likd to talk with you. Make yourself heard by takcing part in this University of Toronto sur- CUSTOMIZED SCREENSAVERS TRANSFORM your vey. Ifs anonymous and conf*dntial. Caîl for free from phoiographs into your personal screensaver. $19.99. anywhere in Ontario: 1-800.9-Bi-MALE. Great gift for PC and MAC usersi Company LOGOS, ISN'T IT TIME YOU MET SOMEONE NICE? Linda Electronic Brochures. Fundraising available. 1-888l- Puso it ie nrdcin sOtrosta 273-667 httl/ww.n.neVplaetntional maichmaker. Lindas service has been featured EDUCATIONAL OPS on television and radio. 613-257-3531. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with our great home- REAL ESTATE study course. Cal today for your FREE BOOK. 1-80>0- ACMGRUDmrieshptmsae 267-1829. The Writing School, 2576-38 MoArhur GTACMGON ebrhptmsae Avenue, Ottawa.ON, Ki L 6R2. Wel take t Arnerica's lergesi, oldesi resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800.423-5967. HELP WANED Trmeshare rentaIs needed. CatI 24 hours a day. CLASS-A MECHANIC. Year-round, required immedi- STEEL BUILDINGS aiely. Busy Muskoka repair garage. Experienced with STEEL BUILDING SALE... Manufacturer Direct. 20 x laie model, compuierized, fuel-injected cars. Front- 30 $2.998,00. 25 x 40 $4,4800. 30 x 44 $596600. end alignment asset. Contact Dave: Town and Coun- 40 x 56 $6,856.00. 40 x 66 $7,988.00..44 x 70 try Auto, Port Carling 705-765-5864 (days) 705-765- $9,449.00. 50 x 90 $14,944.00. Qiher sizes. Ends 5618 (evenings). optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SALE HEP WATEDSTEEL BUILDINGS, S.Series Siraighiwall Building SALE HEL WANED 'S25W X 32L $5839. Dome Quonset Building 035W $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a loi of money seili X 40L $6726. Buildings are complete wfth Ends and ing chocolafe bars. New products availabie. Nothing Doors. Cali Future 1-80-668-8653. to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Monthly discount prices on qualiiy Canadian-made pre-engineered steel MEDICAL buildings. We specialize in egriculiural, commercial, 20120 WITHOUT GLASSESI Safe, rapid, no-u cl industriel or recreational buildings. Cal for delails - permanent resioretion in 6 - 8 weeks. Airine pilot 80-675. developed, doctor approved. Free information by BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Siraitwall Type - not mail: 406-961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. E- quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14.233, 50x90 mail: Vision@0Montana.com. or hiipi/www.visionfree- $20,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes available - dom.com. Satisfaction guaranieed. misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. * ts Affordable - ts Fast a ts Easy e On. Bill Does t Ail Noflhem Ontano $76 a Eastem Ontano $138 Western Ontanio $130 a Central Ontarlo $134 a Ait Ontano $384 -eNational PackeasAvelletle Ca t ibi paper for detallel WHIBY CENTRAL LOCATMIrOT ail amenhies, 3 bedroom a l. n a traplex building, avallabie Ag. .8 ~874 Hyro, no pets, quiet location. C alil 668-5068 BASENENT STUDIO for rent Brght and modern. Avalabie immediae. Located ln Whltby $Bmock & Taunton). Includes cabie, ri d0Pgstove, iaundry &prking. Price: $560.00/mth (first & last) Lookingfrasingle worklngperson. No pets and would like référec. Please oeil in the evening at 905-668-4373. BROOKUN; SELF' oentained bachelor apt. Primae entrance. Avaiiable JuIy 1. 655-55W9. SMALL BACHELOR ApTr. country home on 12 acres. Private entrance. Private 3 po.. bathroom, central alr, smaii frtdge-, microwave & t.v. hookup. Use of-grounds. $330, lstflast. 655-4514. CENTRAL WHr1-BY. 2 BDRN upper unit in tripiex. $740 inciuding parking and ail utilties. Close to schools and shopping. Cal Davo, 666-1259. ONE BEDROON basement. Flrst time rentlng. $650 Inclusive. Frst/last, 3 *iG bath. Avaliabie immediaey 66-8589. AUGUST 1. ONE BEDROON wth private entrance. Includes utillies, cable & parking. Quiet, dlean, non smokin4 References. $550 mo. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bedroomn newly renovated applances, air & hydro Inciudied. $750/mo., first & iast, references required. No pee. Avalabie now. Cal <905) 623-101f3. NBN PROPERTY management. Whtby apartment buildings. One bedrooms startlng sat600 ai Inclusive. FirstAast months. âood locations. 668-6700 days oniy. 905-986-0480. LUXURIOUS 2 largebedmoom apatet Downtown Whltby. AaliabbeeJuylst. Hardwood floors. or vew $650 pkis hydro. Gai RAR-SSSS RQOMS BUSINESS I FOR RENT OPPORTUNflUS I LARGE FURtSHED room close to downtown Whitby, cabie Included. $85/$100 week. Close to buses. 666-4279 eave message. F O R. . .. .. NASONIC HALL,. 203 Cochrane St., Whltby availabie for banquets, weddings and other occaions. Catenng avaliabie. For more, informïaion leave message ai 668-0776, ë4 hrs. LAKEFRONT colTrAGE; Baldwln Bay on Lake Catchacoma. 2 bedroom. Wonderfui for chiidren. Good fishing. indoor facilitis. $425 per week C-al,905-666-1236. CENTRAL WHITBY. 3'bedroom apatetW townhouse. Asking $68,00.CaMs mortgage condo Mees, taxes & utilities for under $895 per month. No dlown payme required, O.A.C. Cal WI Lewis. 432-2000, Sales ýRep. Durhami Quality Rdalty mnc. . MO.N..O.QES .j MORTGAG ES- & LOANS [$J Ist & 2nd LiUnes of credit *BEST RATES Frank Caliahan .571-2880 After hours 668-44 54 Upper Canada Funding Inc. ICENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished including refrigerator. Dead boit ocks. Prîvate cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Parking fromn $75. to $95. Calil434-1457,» 576-2287 or 432-79071 FURNISHED ROON avaliable immedlately. Parking & cable, use of bathroom & kitchen. Suit miature working femnale or male. Rirst & last No smoking. 666-9620 beave message. WHITBY CENTRAL fumished bedsfttlng roorn. Oule, prvate. Park%. $o w . crowavo, fiidge.'&Or i eea referred. lst/last 728- 697/655-ý,sl9igafterl1 p.m. or beave message. FURNISHED ROOM for ent, $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Waik to ail amenities. Please» cati 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. LARGE, -Fumished/Unfumnîshed room for ent ln NE Whitby. Close to ublic transprtaton. Share kitchen &letJdryfIl iesncudes cable. Maturewrk M pron. Rrst and las wek rquled.$90per-week. <905)430-1415, Just îauncneo across Nortfi Amenica, Herbai Stop Smoking Program 100% guaranteed, over 90% success rate. Distnibutors needed. (905) 665-1854 Friday',June2 NEED HELP selling your house? Al our listings are soldil We offer professional service,- compethtive rates, personal attenton, Gordon Shirbon and Joanne Swardon, Sutton Group Exocutive. 571-7000. Nd a car - Credit Probems? Bankrupt - Undlacharged? Lemseto owvi uîy makeo«rmodel "Cash forte Caï now*f« eequotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cail Jeff (905)683-6230 1994 PLYNOUTHI Voyager LE. Non-smoker 65 000 kmf. Ecelient condition, fu(ly bided. New brakes new Yokohama Ires. $115,M0. Ci 905-666-2088. 1987 MSSAN SENTRA. LADY owneï. 162 000 km. 4 cyflnder, new tires, excellent cond1ition.' Certllid, $2,600. Cc-d 905-666-0530 after 6 pa. TQP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars, trucks, motorcycles, skidoos, etc. Aiso scrap metal,. aglances, etc. Cal anytime 571-2429 BOAT NOTOR TRAILER. 14 fL deep huli with deck. Fibregiass runabout 40 Johnson motor electrie start Centre console. Windshîeld, belge u~m ld sng $1250. 13> FI. TRILUUN, A-1. new Ires, super iight. Must s;lU. 728-8517. IBEAUTIFIJL, INTELUGENT and bvlng cats and kittens, free. Oniy caigrespnslble masters wanted. cal 78697655-5719 efter 1 p.m. or leave messa-ge. SHELTIE PUPS (5). Sable. C.'K.C. regîstered. Vet checked. Shots, dewormed, declawed, tattooed. Champion linepedîgree. July2Z 728-1352. ad The -offices of the .............Wiut.. Free Press wi1lbe .............d.ue t t e FOR JULY 3RD ISSUE- will be at4p.m 1 1 AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY --i 1 L-

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