Whit <by Free Prees, Wednosday, June 26,1996 Page,15 Meadowreient-nifed over road work injustice' By Mark Reesor Whitby council's decision to urbanize Rtoan Drive but not Meadow Road -"smacks3 of favouritism, nepotism, one-side- dness and injustice" complains a Meadow Driveè resident. John Fraser blasted councillors Monday night for splitting the town into the, «haves and have- nota -- and you shall create these have-note from your long-stand- mg residents; those who settled and. live in the old town of Whitby.... "Vie have nice homes but our old streeta are cavin n around us and nobody caresF » Residents of Meadow Road, which ras south off Rossland Road, just east of Garrard Road, have been waiting 35 years for the road ta be paved, he says. They "rejoiced" when told it would be reconstructed (paved and curbs, gutters and sidewalk installed) but the project was downgraded ta a simple paving re-ditching and minor drainage improvemient job in May without residents being notified, lie says. At the same time the Roan Drive road allowance -- Roan ruas west off McQuay Boulevard, south of Bonacord Avenue - ia being completely urbanized from Kennett Drive ta the dead end. The Town had originally plan- ned a «basic roadworks project" for the Roan extension, b ut- in- structed tenderers ta also, bid on- full urbanization. Since Durham Region will pay $24,225 ta install a watermain and sewers the extra cost ta the Town ta fuîî urbanize Roan would onILyabut $3,00, according ta Town staff. The RKegion should question spending money for services that no one will hook up ta, Fraser maintains, adding "this contract calis for the construction of a dead-end street where no- build- ing of homes is anticipated ini the foreseeable future ana may neyer be.n Meadow residents don't oppose the work on Roan, he says, "we only want ta be treated equally." «Theres been no secrecy here, there's been no hidden agenda here,» countered east ward- coun- cillor Dennis Fox, who says resi- dents were always told the work wouldn'tpoce until money was avaiI le. Until the pblic tells council itprepared z accepît a tax increase, sacrifices wl1 have to be made, Fox says. A 43 per cent cut i transfer payments means the Town is «under a financial crunch and... we'll have ta find and establish a cifferent standard that what we were used tei the past. «I understand their anger, and disappointment, but we don't startturning the cannons ini- wardly and start shooting at ourselves because things haven't turned out i the manner that we want... "We're flot the bad guys here... unless they (residents) have an idea on how ta corne up with over $100,000 more ta reconstruct one more road, I don't know where we)re going to get that kind of money from." Residents turned down a Town offer to improve the road several years ago, holding out for a full urbanization. They were neyer given an undertaking that, the road would be reconstructed, recalled north ward councillor Don Mitchell, just that if thinga continued un- changed, <it would likely be Council voted unanimously ta go ahead with the Meadow Road and Roan extension work. ThIe $315 186 contract ta Osh- awa-based i3ennett Paving and Materials Ltd. aIso calîs for resurfacing of the Vipond Arena parkiniz lot' and resurfacing of Garrà Road North (fr-om the regional works de artment entrance ta Conlin Road) and resurfaci1g, re-ditching and minor drainage improvements ta Elizabeth Crescent (from Craw- forth Street ta Manming Road). Strwbery estval Bot Das. ot ogs StawbrrySho0cke * Chocoate Covered Strawberries H -orse Drawn Wagon Rides Face Paintinge Balloon Figure Making ~. OUR MARKET IS NOW OPEN U-PICK OPENS AROUND JULY 29 ~ ~.. ~ .< *Creative Playground.- Free Wagon Rides Peting zoo -Straw jump U-PICK HOURS: SUN.-FRI. 8:3OAM-8:30pM HV&, iw SATURDAY 8:30AM-5;3OPM OR CALL > J Available Now-Rhubab Available Soon-Raspberries, Peas, Beans ~ CROP REPORiTS CAIL 623-7252 54St9N HWy401 WhittamOre's B3erry Farm & Fairm Market 8100 Steeles Ave E. Markham "Celebratiflg 40 Years of-Pick-YoUr-OWfl" KIOS! OOME »t' 9E OLR Located on Steeles Ave. 6krn east of Markham Rd. (Highway 48) b BROOKLIN R. ornme and pick puir oe<n. 5eSebinour own contai"e,. Zg 'Pe' vei ay -Weher PerMit! ing. WHITBy. ROSSLAND RD. Dp n8:OOa.m. to 7:OOp.m. (nothof hibyWorks, Dept.) U-.PlC reeft For daily v oe ~ ickiflg conditions phonle 0 z 0 655-4501 7th Conc o 655-3217 S soughà an Brookln H OI U R S : NO. 7HVY Whltby 8af Bpm READ PIKEDSTRWBERRIES AVAILABLE. SUBECT TC -WEATHIER AND sPLE BFU KNG TANES MEASURED IN Q UARTS (e.g '6qt' basket) (Suppiy Perrt- ~ rLf -ritti) W+E 0 OPEN 8-:00 amn to ý8:00»pm 'l (North of eer. Creek Golf Course> lometre- i he was lain with ions can Canada ronto or nsorship, Drae -:7-7777- .......... . . . . . . . . . . pIr-Ar Ar-#%,Fr% jr 'Juff () WN & Rsa n v j