Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 19,1996l PROFESIONA I I LA.,CAP., ,CAL ACAI A ALL j ERVCESPUOESSONA PRFESIONL _________......Nlm PAINTING & PAPERING "ILET George Do Ir. Relablo, expert oncod, quality work. Special rates for seniors. Flexible hours, prompt servce, free estimatos. Phono George 666-1168. HOME' RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, spocifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows, energy conservation. Cali Jacques ofAi Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. MENARD & SON PLASTERING- new & irepairs, stucco concreto, parging, crackod oundations rpad, panhng- interlor & exterlor, complotectahrooms and roc roomns. 15 years experience. Insurod. Fre ostimates. 905-985-3794. HOUSECLEANIG IB our sïpeclafty. Done by two womnen, reliablo, hard worklng, roasonable rates. Cal Bonnie 666-8639 or Maggle 430-8769. MATURE HOUSEKEEPER, many years of exporlence. Great referonces & flexible ln prlce. Calt 430-0272. The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL ROOF MAINTENANCE PACKAGE -e r=epl i sslng shNngl.s . estonMil loose shirtles f sel feshing of dorrir fseul around sunltery pipes .'seul uround uyZgl nP euluround rair et e n eul uround chlmneys f msecure loose nulle e4 check for blocked eevestrot»ghs .'check for biocloed downspouts au scune aUue flsshInçL fremove chmulng Mea banches -'check chIrmey flues W' plus complots troof Inspection 55-.5124 à I *interlocking stone - * retaining watts 0 wood fencing & decks FREE GOMPETITIVE ESTIAM TES Writteri Guarantee Since 7980 e 666-9690 MI'Cerarnic Tile Sl)rciali:7ii. i Cerarnw TWç & Marblr. Tel: <416)ý,282.6&54 CARPENRY,, DRYWALL, painting, basomont renovations, docks fonces, window replacem~ents and roof repair. No job too small. For Êrofessional service calt James ~55-3237. VOUR #1 Sewing Centre. Sowving machine ropairs. Ait makes. 10%7 Seniors' discount. Complote tune-up from $29.95 Factory trained technicians. For freeslku doiivery cati 432-7375.piku & WOOD RENEWERS. Make your docks, fonces wood siding, log structures look Ike new again. Removeai weathering, stains& paint Soater stain wi not pool or chip. Work guaranteed. 665-768. FLOOR REFINISHING- - wood renowers MIl do a profossional lob of your sanding, refinlshod and stalning needs. AIl work guaranteod. 665-7768. HENK KARELSEN Palnting & Home RepaIr. Quaity work, Interior/exterlor. Ovor 20 years experlonce. No lob too smatt. Free estimatos. 1-800-423-0823. Property Services Your eeke9 s & Eens Ar e lxtion M I'R.TRTAFNIS ~~I-renoovuaationlcrcl HOME CLEANER: expertenced, honest, retiable ,wvith temrfic roferences and incrodible ratosi (vndst free house plantsli)Cati John, 435-0895 or colt phono (905) 718-9580. END YOUR housecteaning nightmares. CatI Patricia for: immacuiste resuits, Iow prîces, Mfcent~ dependabto service, mature responsibte indMvdual. Free estimates. 430-3383. PHOTOGRAPHY. DISTINCTIVE guariy ll rats Studio or ln home. ables hlidren, familes. Packages from $29. Also: woddings from $599, old photos coplod & rostored corporate & promotionat. No GSTÎ (905) 427-9164. OLYMPIO PAINTNG - professional Dmnflng &val Ier ntonor/extortor. Wojob o smal. 3 yrs. guaranto. For good _prces & good work, cati George al 725-7870.-Free estimatos. CINDYS ALTERAT1ONS - Corne see us for ai your sowing neods. Leatie, zippers, also mon's talloning avaJtabte. Tus.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byron.St. N. Pearson Lanos 430-6550. mr.trim Iawn & garden services *Grass cuttirig *Tree & $hrub .Pruning a Landscape e Feirtil,izing& Weed Control ' Z Since 1975 Laae 434-9428 L-Ontaria 623-9711 business aîd Mleha f&m Ioqs CEDARS FOR HEDGING. ANY size. 593 Taunton Rd. E., Ajax. <905) 427-0912. ZZZBEsT LAWNcuTtlNG & wlndow cloaning. Residentiat speclalists. Owner does ail work. Log'itmate, fuiltime business. Roiabl & insured. Senior discount. 100% workmanship guaranteod or dont pay. Free estimates. 571-5814. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seoding, soddin. Spring clean-ups. Renovations 0f gardoens, rock gardons, plinti ng, tirowood. Dutchway Landscaping. (905) YARD SALE A LITTLE bit for overyone. 1245 Townlino Rd. W., Ashburn. Saturda, June 22, Sunday June 23rd, 9-4. 3 FAMILY YARD SALE. Saturday, Juno 22, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. 35 & 37 Enniscare Place, (Failingbrook& Dryden). & TRIM&MIN es pager 21-730 - I0 Carre pecilor aaitee & T LawMn Clrg&Manenc * Ispnngé Fee& FiaiCleanp 'pU * rub7Hg-73nn04 a . artln ing &PMaintenance *W e eraig etimiates * W*-VaatonMaeancat: a Do youlikeor hacul sht? Do opa more than $6.00 for your aircut? 10 years experience. STOP Don't throw iR out. smeoe May want IL. TrythieClaslfecls. I ClneWhttby Fr.. Pros Earn up to $500 week or more. Not MLM. No.risk. Jst anh..-os ot Aeia HrulSto Smokingd aroNrhAme1ca, Heraito Smoking Prograte100 guaran teeor 9sess rate D(9t5b)t665need5d (905) 665-1854 E$i MORTGAGES " lst &2nd " Lines of credit Frank Callahan 571-2880 Ater hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Inc. NEED HELP SELUNG YOUR house? AJi our Nstings are soldi We offer . professional, . service , compethivo rates, personà I attention. Gordon Shirbon and Joanne Swardon, Sutton Group Execuive.' 571-7000. BOOKS AFFORDABLY *rfed. Paporbacks hardcovers. FIcion, romance, mystery, -western, scifi kids. Comic -hme doUlvey service. *The Book Between, 852 -Brck St. N. at Manning, 666-2442. YARD SALE. SATURDAY, JUNE 22.'Rain date, Sunday, Jtune 23. 8am-2pm.1011 Byron St. N. Babykids things, smaliplances, househoId tems. %Excetlent quality4rices. GARAGE SALE. Sat'urday, June 22, 8-2, Ramn Date June 23. 86 Ronfiold Cres., Whitby. Somothlng for everyone. Ctothing, bikes, books, & other househotd items. FRIDAY ONLY. June 2-1st, 9amn-3pm. Antiques, glass, books, china, pictures, dishes, lams, l4tf. boat~ good Junk - pust con oced ovor many years. Thickson Rd. south to Lake Ontario, flrst house on rlght. 666-4663. HUGE COURT SALE. JUNE 22n, raln date, June 23rd. Many usoabte Rtems, fumniture, fishing pSessoIes, lads stuff books, etc. Corral Court, Whltby. hickson south of Nicho, forth of 401. SATURDAY JUNE 22, 9-4. 22 Baldwin St, Àrooklin. "Much to my pleasure, 1 receivod 9 phono catIs the 'vory first day my. adé ran, anid as a result, sold every artct t adadvsrtlsed withtn one îi C ~a'oeeda 44<4~.. A'. ELECTRICIAN Metro License #E-2268. Renovations, service upgrades, fbasement wîring, atarm systems & 24 hour service. For a free estimate cati Frank at 666-0193 * * g , e e e ~j I. -1 1 Ma 3 1 L- a 1