Page 18, Whitby Free Preas, Wednesday, June 19, 1996 Moonli*ght, Keys earn awards David Moonight and Lyndsay Kes were named as athletes of the year at Sinclair Secondary Sehool. Moonlight won the maie award for his 'plaÎy in voileyball, basket- bail and rugby at the junior level. K!eys played voileyball, basket- ,bail and lacrosse at the junior level. 1The- coaches' award, given to male and female students who show leadership and fair play, Midgets 3 for 5 The Whitby major midget basebaîl team had tbree wins and two losses at a* teurnament i Mississauga June 7-9. Whitby bast 6-2 te Pickerhig and. 6-2 te Streetavilie before comingbac with wins of 8-4 over St. Catharines, 12-O over Georgetown and 6-1 over Caw- thra. Tim Nasiopoulos tossed a one- hitter against Georgetown while Colin Cockburn bit a home mun and drove i four muns. Lame Cla y got the win over Cawthra and also had three bits. In league play, Whitby ran its unbeaten record to seven straight wins before losing 9-6 te Cobourg. Rya Crtinand Ryan Balan hit ome unewhile Nasiopoulos was solid on the mound i an 8-2 win over Ciarngton. Crotin and Bial an each bit a home mun and drove in tbree runsei a 10-3 win over Whitby's minor midget teain. Cobourg scored eight runs in their flrst at-bat and Whitby couldn't quit. make Up the dif- ference i their firat league loss. Peewees wi titie The Whitby major peewee baseball team won the Baltimore- Cobourg teurnament over the weekend. Chiefs capped an undefeated weekend with a dramatic coine- from-b.hind victery over EOBA rivais Fenelon Falls, winning 5-4 in the final.Witby trailed 3-0 Durham girls' soccer LADIES Whilb Stikers 4 (Brigite LHsursw 2. Angie Crackfod 2). Oshawa Trident 3. Whitby Madigold Lincoln Mercsjry 3 0(ati. Delore. Zikda Joronimo, Kathe Sdhgotl). Whrlby Shootera 0. WhRtb Marigald LUncoln Mercury 2 (Delom e Jronimo>. Pickecing Elite Sports 0 JUNIOR Juns 9 <for May 21> - Whllby Sharks 3 (Andrea Kfrk 3), Whllby Dophbs 1 (Lima Chqxnan> June 4 - PSC Pro-Motion 3. Whutby Dophine2 (Mmw Pillons. Michel. Ketrico> Juno 6 - Whiby Eagles 2 (Ka"i St~wr 2). Whitby Hawkcs 1 <Aynsley Smith) Mday 30 - Whilby Hawks 6 (Natasha Sarrpeon 3. Mogan Brousseau Z. Moissa Hart). Whilby Falcons 4 <Dana Frew Z dono Stratton, Vulan Flsher); Coibourno 4, Whilby Eagles 2 (Kafio Stewart, lOm Sinclair) MAJOR PEEWEE Jun. 5 - Ajax Warrnors 2. Wbitby Rogers C"ble2 (Tuiya Tury. Sarah Ayres); Whitby Knttes 1 (Sarahl Milan>. Piclceilg ID Bank 0; Whitby *H/M/R1 <AmandaicotI).,Ajax War Bongard O Jun. 3 - Whilby lCmnetee 5 (Kim Sicair 2. Jonnifor Giib, Sarah Mian. Vctori Spasic). Pickering Stinkers 0. Whilby Rogers OCabe 1 (StephanisSdoor. Whitby HMÎR 7 (~tphni Morgan 2. Amandaimei, Kelly Mournt Vaness RoâxxMamartneyh.AjaxWarrirsed j. Wlb Rc 5 0" nBrui. JianNubsor jsnnlsr Ve. Mlags Vapeî Raboca were given to Bill Woods and intramural award, giv en to a Leiey Maybury. situdent Who organized fun acti- Shannon Harrod received the* vities. Vanessa Micieli of Whitby had two first-ipiace finishes at a recent track meet. Competing in the peewee girls after the first inning ta Fenelon Falls who had qualified for the final by*knoeking off the powerful Pickering Red Sox. With Whitby trailing 4-3 going inte the bottom of the seventb, Peter Stefanovie drew a walk off the Fenelon Falls cdoser, Rob Leva hit a double te score Stefanoivc and when the baIl slipped away from the Falls' catcher, Leva advanced te third, setting the stage for MVP Mike Nacaratto's suicide squeeze bunt, scoring Leva from third. In other teurnament gaines, Whitby. defeated Kingston Townsbip 5-1, Hamilton Mahoney 10-O, East York 8-4 and York 2-O. Gaine MVPs were Andrew Midwood, Justin Bird,, Stefanovic and Nacaratto. In EOBA play, Whitby bas nine wins in, 10 gaines, and in tournament play, Whitby bas 16 wins in l7games. Juniors sti unbeaten The Whitby junior basebali team remains undefeated in regular season play after a win and a tie last week. Whitby tied Newmarket 1-1 in a curfew-shortened gaine on Tuesday night. Both Tim Imeson and Tim Puddister pitched weil, ailowing only six bits and a mun over nine innings of play. Craig Lannegar provided Whitby's oniy rmn on a solo home run in the sixth inning. May 29- Whftby Rascals 3 <Stophanlo Chapman, JennlerMcCoal, Diana Bruni), Uxbrldge 2; Whitby HMIR 4 (Stephani. Morgan 2Z Chriclino Sa desp.areVano esaRdmand), AjaxaWrriors 0; Ajax Unile 0. Whilby lGnolio 7 (Sarah Miflon 2. Victoria Spasia 2.Michelliedst&ýaw, Elanor McKeo. Jonnifsr Jonge) June 27 -Ajax Unied 1. Whilby Kinettes 1 (Sarah Milan) UMM PEEWEE June 10 - Whllby T71Ms 5 (Niole DaviSnZ2 Victoria Horner. Sarah Hume. [>*rdma Law). Whtby Cougars 3 <Lauren lSn. Robyn Poste, Li" Lang) Juns 5 - UÀridge Foxfam 0. Whilby Tiges 5 <Noreen Cauhey. Mar*y Cas. Victoria Homer. Sarahl Hume, LaureThorepso; Whiuy Couga 1 <Rabyn Fouler), Sm" GogGresklResort 4 June 3 - WhRWTy liers8 (Cauley 2Z Homsr 2. Hume 2. Nicle Sorgeant. Tbompson), Ajax Waffas Blue 1; U*brdgo Foxfam 1. Whltby Cougars 1 (Poster> MAJOR MOSITOy June 13 -Ajax Warrlor Blues 2. Fortune Financial. De"bi Norgan 3 <Erin Giroux. Krisln. Hanf. Susan Ryan); Whiby Hanet Plastis 24 Pomam nWhitney &. Ra"ho Steiwart 6. Lani Hikdor 4. Kastis Kartulovicil 3. Stephani. Cbapman 3. Caileigh McNaughton, Cher> Foret). Ajax Unied Raya Tnphies 1; «kWyBurger à Balcery 1 (Natale Babony). Ajax Warrlors91 3 MINffRMO6OUWo Juns 13 - Ubig MoDonald 1. Broolin Concrees 0; Wib Kinettes 1 (Norah Foy). Pickering Vilage Kslays 0; Whalby Dodd a Sauter 0. Wbilby Lions Club 2 <Klrbedy Ctiry. Alexandra Flego) Jue il - Broakin Conoeete 0. Whilby Lion Club 3 ZFeo2 Michelle Bayer); Whilbiy Icettes 3 (Mch .Bayer); Whiby Kineftes 3 (MWc"S Alison, KM" Kma oaclaý, Foy). U*toitge MoDonakda 2; UbdsQukr Pharmacy 3. WMyDodd à ote (Renve. Prreault 4. MaeaEvane) division, the Oshawa Legion Track and Field Club member won the lO0-metre and bal throw events. Lanneger aiso bit a double in this interlocking game with the York-Simcoe league. On Saturday Chiefs trounced Ciarington 17-2 behind the pitching of Keith Mille and Puddister. Clarington's defence broke down in the fifth inning as Whitby sored eight times te put the gaine out of reach. Whitby bitters piled, up 14 bits with the big blows coming fomina three-run biast by Ian Andrew and a two-mun homer by Blair Hardy. Imeson also had four bits and five RBIs while Jason Linden chipped in with three bits along with Pomroy .and Arges who had five apiece., Whitby now bas seven wins and a tie and will play Ciarington and Cobourg this week before opening the senior teurnament against North York in Wbitby on Thursday might at Iroquois Park. Clyke clicks Leadoiff itter Frank Clyke scored three runs, stole four bases and coîlected &ie bits as Whitby beat Oshawa 5-3 and 9-0 in minor peewee select action. Curtis Puckrin drove in two, runs and game one starter Ryan Sisson delivered three solid inninge. Game two was bighlighted by the no-bit pitching effort of Nick Bubela, Jeif Hass and Chad Seymour who allowed only two baserunners. The catcbing duo of Geoif Wells and Corey Hess was superb, with Wells erasing one of the baserunners at second with, an excellent throw. Steaingwins Wbitby won two of three gà ames against Pickering, in nmor Mosquito rep boys' base- ball action recently. Bryan Leva dfrove i three, runs .and stole two, bases while Anthony Novia, stole three bases in a 9-5 win over Pickering June 15. Matthew Melissis also stole two, bases. Whitby stole a wvhoppn 32 bases ini an 18-6 win -june 14. Cyle Costello and Femi Amurawaiye each stole, six bases, tova five and Craig Hannaâ_nn &elissis four each. Amurawaiye irove, ifour runs. .Tyler Healy pthed four ini- unga i a 5-4 lois on June 12. Sem ii-fmalists The Whitby major mosquito baséball team went as far as the seini-finals of a' tournainent in ,Ajax recently. Whitby ot 7-5 te league rival Peterborough. Whitby had opened with a 12-8 win over Okvile as Chris Bow- 1er knocked i four runa and stole five bases. Centre fielder Jeff reeman threw out à rmimer at firat and Kyle Simpson made a shboestring catch te end an Oakville tbreat. Whitby downed Rexdale 134 and then trounced Ennismore 18-2 te, reach the semi-finals. PItchers K le' Branson and Sean Cunningham each won two most vauale layer awards. ý Inlfflu. play, Whitby got by Plan the work Training properly for youi sports can seem like a compiicated task.' It is easy to get caught up chasing the iatest in equipinent, joining the best clubs, or trying to get information on the newest tech- ,niques.,The truth is simple -- eat properiy, get lots of rest -and create a routine that you can follow. Thé "eating" part doesn't require a nutritioniet ;if you choose a variety of meals, and, include breads, vegetables, fr-uits and lots of water. In hotter months, or when you are exercising a lot, you shouid drink water reguiarly. Don't wait until you are thirsty. Thot would b. hike waiting for your car te' run out of gas before filling up. You will last longer if you top-up the tank more often. Your body grows when you are resting. It is during rest that you respond to the bhard work of training or playing and your muscles prepare for- the next time. If you eat weil, exercise smnart, play bard and rest properily,.you wiil b. able te play a little harder next time. Trainers and coaches caîl it progressive overloading and soon you will find that; your muscles have gained in tone and/or size and that you c'an move quicker,. apply more power and iast longer. To gain the most from. your training, you need a plan that; includes aIl the. elements of a quahlity, prograin. You should map it out week by week, and day, and include your regular schedule of activities. It is aiso, a good idea to, keep a Soccer LEAGIE STANDINGS 19 AND UNDER Turul 92 Turuil CobaUrg Azzuri Whotby courtim Brook Malvem NASCogi NASC 02 Port Whlby 41 Vauby 92 17 AND UNDE W L T GF 3 0 1 14 i1 1 il l 1 O 4 1 2.,0, 3 01 3 :work the plan: diary of your training. Ail you aneed is a notebook and a few tminutes at the end of the day. iTry te keep a record of the tfollowing: date; -training; other tmajor activities; meals and snacks; personal commenta on bhow you feel and any injuries or 1pains that you might have. A tgood training diary can b. a lot of help in evaluating your performance. 1 Give it a try and see for lyourself if it makes any idifférence. From the, sidoies: Congratulations te the following:. Dave Branch of Whitby who was reoently appointed te the position of conimissioner of the Canadian Hockey League. Whitby athietes, (ail Henry Street High School students) who were recently drafted inte the Ontario Hockey League: Josh Evans (eerborough), Jason Hotcbkiss (Sudbury), and Justin Collina (Erie). The Hemry Street High School basebali tearn who, repeated as LOSSA champions and will play off this week te see if they. can earn a second straight berth at the Prentice Cup titI. match te be played at Skydome. Kudos are also ini order for the excellent -charity ,-1golf tournament orchestrated by WMhy-based D.I.S Insuranoe that raised miore than 2,000 for athietes with special-needs.ý Joe 'Millage of Whitby ws program director for Variety Celebrities ai golf tournament On Thursday, June 27, the second annual Doug Brown Celebrity Golf Tournament will be held at Thunderbird Golf Club in Whitby. Proceeds will b. forwarded te the Cbildren's Fund of the Cbildren's Aid Society of Durham Region wbich provides Christmas hampers and summer camp registration te cbildren in need, and supports two particular children in their atbletic *pursuits (competitive swimrnng and karate). Celebrities already confirmed Durha~m W L T W M p *lmU~.A Ae 4 0 0 34 3 12 *Bok 2 2 011148 e celg1 2 1 81 tien xortg 03 1 524 1 alumni), Leon Hatzinonou (Argos), media personalities and harnese greats. Brown, a Durham Region resident, bas been awardèd as Canada's leading barnesa driver seven of the last eight years. Ho has driven horses te more than 6,300 wins and total purs. earnings of over $57 million, rankcing hlm ninth and sieventh ln those categories. Anyone .interested h participating in the event as a sponsor, prize donor or golfer can caîl 433-1553, extension 2220 or Cobourg Part Hops Whkbyr Ccoourg PWidcrng Whotby Ajax 9 Ajax Îd Port Hope picerng2 AIRa #1 Piolag i 13AND UNDER W L T GF 4 0 0 14 2 2 0 12 2 2 0 1 21 il 1j5 0 30 2 11lAND UNDER W L T WF 3 1 6 13 2 01j8 2 018 1 1 0 0 21 3 0 313 1 209 9 AND UNDER W L T > F 2 0 1 il 2 0 1 il 1 02 7 2 1 0 10 0 20 4 0 40 4 SaAND UNDER w 2 2 .1 O