Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 19, 1996 DECORATION DAY Oddfellows and Rebekah lodges will hold their annual Decoration Day at Union Cerne- terM Thornton Road and King Street ini Oshawa, on Sunday, June 23, at 2 p.m. For further information contact Ed Gaskin, 668-3194. ANNUAL AMTING The AJax-PIckering and Whitby Assocation for Communlty Living will hold- the annual general meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 7 p.m., in the HMS Ajax.banquet hall in the Ajax Community Centre, 75 Centennial St., Ajax (behind the ANax-Pckenng Hospital). Dr. Patrick Spindel will discuss "Seeklng Justice Together: Reclaiming the Power of the Developmental 'Disabilities Movement in Ontario." Al welcome. SOUTDOORS CLUB The Durhamn Outdoors Club will meet on Tuesday, June« 25, 7:30 p m. at Faith Place, 44 William à t W., Os3hawa. For more information, caîl Phil at 433-0311. BREAST CANCER Reach to Recoveiy, breast cancer support group for patients family and fienda, meets Thursday, June 20, 7 to 9 p.m., at Fortune Finandial, 335 Bayly St. W. (at Finley Ave.), Ajax. For more finforation, caîl 686-1516. STRAWBERRY SUPPEIR A 'Strawberzy Supper,' hosted by the"Order of the Eastern Star, Whitby #24, wlll be held Monday, June 24 at the Masonic Temple on Cochrane Street, Whitby. -There will be'two sittings, at 5and 6:30 p m. Tickets are $7 for adults and 3.50 for children (under age 12). Advance sale tickets only, cal Cathy at 668-9371. GAY & LESBIAN The Durham Gay & Leebian Inter-Faith Support Group meets twice a month in downtown* Oshawa. For further information on meeting times and location, cal Judy or Jim at 436-3617. FIRST AID The Oshawa YWCA, 1 McGrigor St., is offering an emergency flrst aid and CPR course on Satuiday, June 22,9 a.m. to 15 p.m. Caîl 723- 9922. STBÀWBERRY SUPPER A strawberzy supper will be held Thursday, Junie 27,4:30 to 7 p.m., at Columbus Community United Church, featuring beef on a bun, baked bens, country music. Cost for adulte is' $8, those aged five to 12, $5, those under age five $1. Tickets are available by caling 655-8852. FAMILY COUbITRT CII BAZAAR, TEA The Durham Region Community Cars Association Community Care Aduit Day Program is hosting a mixi-bazaar and strawberry tea on Wednesday, June 26, 1:30 to 4 p.m., at 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 and 20, Ajax. (Corner of Westney Road ý.and. Clements). Everyone welcome. Proceeda will go to- the day program. For more information, cail 427-2315. ONE PARENT FAIlS The 0One Parent Famiilies Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, June,25, 8 p.m., at the Adria Cultural Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshiwa, for coffee, cards and conversation. All single parents, custodial or not, are invited to attend. For more information, caîl Debbie at 404- 0629 or Doug at 728-1011. BREAST CANCER The Oshawa and district breast cancer support group will meet on Thursday, June 27,.7:30 p.m., at Kingsview United ChurchWilson Road and Adelaide Street. For more information, caîl 725-5349. AUDLEY CLUB Past and present members and friends can attend the Audley Community Club's 7th ai- versary on Saturday, June 22. For more information, caîl Len Waltham at 432-0907. SOCIAL JUSTICE The Durh am Region Coalition for Social Justice will ' meet Thursday, June 20.» 7 p.m., at Steelworkers' Hall, 115 Albert 'St., Oshawa. Glen Eagle, United Church minister, will discus "Social justice from a Christian faith perspective." Winnie Ng will diacus the recent Bread and Roses Mardi (women's march *against poverty). For more information, Sni Monica Connolly (668-7100) or Drummond White (668-0999). CLOTING/YAR[D SALE The Durham Region Sexual Assault Car Centres clothing and yard sale wiil be held on Saturday, June 22, 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m., in the parking lot of the Cuddy Place la w office, Coîborne Street West and Bryon Street South, Whitby. (Ramn date Sunday, June-23).- Donations ofnon-clothing items are welcomne (cail 668-3050 for drop-off arrangements). HELHCOUNCIIL <The Durham Region District Health Coundil will hold the ainnual -general meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 5 ta 7 p.m., at the McLaughlin Publieià brary, 65 Bagot St.,' Oshawa. Dr. J. Fraser Mustard will discus 'Improving Health: To the- Year 2000!' To attend, cail 433-4262 by June 21. DANCE The Whitby Liegion Branch 112 Ladies Auxrilary will hold- a dance -ecf BROOKLN} - Brooklin heights THE 75,000-gallon water tower in Brooklin recently received a touch-up. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, WVhlby É»Pe Anni*e &Mo retum. By Steve Leahy The wildly entertaining Anmie & Mo are back on Friday, June 28 at the Brooklin branch library. This musical delight for children aged three and over will get started at 12:45 p.m. Bcuse of demand, regis tration will be required although the event is part of the County Town Carnival and is free of charge. To register, visit the Brooklin library. GOLF FOR CBILDREN'S AID Once again, Ashburn's Thunderbird Golf and Country Club wil be the site for acelebrity teurnament and fundraiser on Thursday, June 27. Net proceeds wil go to the children's fund of the Children's Aid ýSociety of Durham Region. Top harness driver Doug Brown will host the event and celebrities .will .include sportscasters, current and alumi NBL and Argonaut players and racing greats. Anyone interested in becorning a sponsor or wishing ta play should caîl the CAS at 433-1553 ask for Ralph Suoee, ext. 2220 or Susan Kucharskci at ext, 2311. OPTIMIST CLB THE WALL As part of the County Town celebrations, the Optimist Club of Broolin is sponsoring a jumping castie and velcro wall on Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in downtown Whitby. They will also be hosting a scavenger hunt on Sunday at 2 pam. at Rotary Park. STBAWBERRIES IN GRASS PARK A' reminder that Brooklin's United Church Women are -once again inviting everyone t their very popular, 'Strawberries in Grass Park' social on Wediesday, June 27, stsrting at 7 p.m. Strawberries, ice cream and entertainment by the Oshawa- Whitby Fiddle Club cos $4 for adulta and $2 for kids under 12. Presehoolers are free. Tickets are available from any UCW member or bycèaling 655-8025 or 655-4141 - or the evening of the social. Grass'Park'is located at the corner of Cassels Road East and Highway 12. And if it's raimng that evening, the whole shebang will be relocated te the church hall. OPTIMST TENNIS Ail .would-b tnnis plyers are optimilsta by definition. Although they aren't nearly as optimistie as golfers, it is. fitting that the Optimiet Club of Brooklin organize an instructional tennis pro)gram again this summer. The Optimist program held from 7 ta 8 p.m., July 3, 49 10 and il for youths aged 9 ta 18. Knowledgeable instructors from Weisz Warriors Tennis will be on hand to illustrate the finer points of the game. It only costa $5, 90 be sure to sign up early. Applications -are available at. Brooklin Bulletin Signs, Way Street at Baldwin,,or Steve Leahy's cokn appeaI, every week HRe arn be reached t 655.4398 or 655-5888 (ax). 'arshes Thigs'WHY PAY The Brooklin 1iiorticuitural for bottlod wate?, Society wiilmeet on Wednesday, ...when you can enjoy' June 126, .8 p.m., at Brooklin Ultra'Pu're Water' United Church, for the rose show' Corne on by and and Seneralmeeting.tatthdfeene. Margaret Cornfoot will discum as tthdifrne. 'Marshes & Things.' 18 lOony $250 $11.95 - s.,,. (Up o5.OL Casw oGTXO0d)I -~ ~ ~.. - MAttIMfn irrrn &Thurs8- n.Appt. 0*I j-r Çfrooklin VllgeSoppe fine ladys'clothiers pmoprietress Conniej-Iemn 57 Baldwin St. P.O. Box 459 Brooklin, Ontario LOB ICO Tel (905) 655 - 3474 Ho:Mon -Wed 9C30- 5:30 *il hiU&FI9:3 - 8!00 Sat 9:30- 5:00 ARTESIAN WELL WATER PROCESSED, BY REVERSE 05110515 7667 5 Baldwin St', Brooli n 655-454 aW. 1