Whltby Fiee Prou, We*fesday, June 12,1996 Page 20 HO MESI GAR GE & ...RTICL S ....ES FORSAL IYAR SA ES I F R. AL FO SAEu QUICK POSSESSION. Lovely, cdean, bi1ght home on ravine lot ln a smali pnvate aiea. 5 applances lnclucld Central alr/vac. Déck and Garage. Whitby. $132,500. Ask for Ulian North, Remax Summit, 668-3800, res. 668-7479. HOUSE FOR SALE. FOUR bedroom, ravine lot, In-Iaw apt. Double driveway. Close to schools & 401. $1 52,900 or best offer. 666-9453 YARD SALE. SAT. JUNE 15/96. 32 Teddlngton Cres., Whitby. 8&OOam-2.OOpm. Boy'sbaby clothes, toys, books, new mon s winter coatNesulî pc. suit, ktchen aocessoles. YARD SALE. Camera bags (LO-Pro), rar-tyne rototiller, green machine, arborite oak & chîerry cabinet doors, miso. cabinet hrwr.Sat. June 15, 9-4. 309 Bosch St. W., Whltby. ...... ......... L.... .... . . ....... &LOANS [Jlst &2nd Unes of credit BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 Ater hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding 1c DREW COURT. GIANy MULIr fan*/r garage and movtng sale. Ramn or ,sNne. Set. Juntie l5th Bam-2:3Opm. Don't mis thîs onoîl Something fQr ovsryoneil HUE ULTI-FAMILY aiesale on Fernway Gros. [n Whltbvý, LAnderson and Manning aiea. Barainsgaiore., quity tems; dlnlng room suite, bikes, toys and mors. MULTI FAMILY SALE. JUNE 15, 8-2. Ramn dat June 16. Fallingbrookç &Clune between Drycfen& Tano. s klds/adufts clothlng, sport, oquip books, garborator, FOUR FAMI1LY YARD SALE Saturday, June 15. 4 Queen St., Brookin, 9-1. Plants, glass, aid stuif. Aro pstal cupboard, chair, LAWN SALE. 110 EUZABEH Gros., Whhby. Seturday(, June 1Sth.9 8 am. Antique hlghchar and rocklng homse, picture trames, collectibte teddy bears. Samnething for everyanet GARAGE SALE. Saturday, June 15, 9-4. il1McFartane Court. Broadlcom, air conditioner, bathraom slnik, lite jackets, etc. MOVING SALE. Saturda, June 151h. 1375 Towntine Rd., Ashburn. 1 km. east 0f Lakerldge Rd. 8:00 a.m. MOVING SALE! SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 8 a.m. 10 Rothean Driv (QueenIs Camman). Antique Icebox, antique radia and antique armoire. Blkos and much more. AUCTIrON SALE Thursda, June 13, 5 PM. At the Isiandier Banquet Hat Scugaa Island, 150 Percy Crescent. Furniture, appliancos, antiques and much more. Vlewng 2 p.m. Pea'rce Auction Services, 1-905-655-8073 HARDY FERNS and woodland plants. Also statice, strawfbowers, etc. for drled floral arrangements. OYFlaherty~s Garden Centre, Victoria and Lakeridge, 666-4263 TREES FOR SALE: BLUE spruce 7' to 8' $80; snowball $5; bridle wrsath ?rrea $5; lIlac $5. Phone CEDARS FOR HEDGING. ANY size. 593 Taunton Rd. E., Ajax. <905) 427-0912. ZZZBEST LAWNCUTflNG& wlndow cleaning. Readential spedalists. Owner doos ail work. LeLgitimate, fuil-time business. Relable & lnsured. Senior discount. 100% workmanshlp guaranteed or don't pay. Free ostimates. 571-5814. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seedlng, sodding. Spning clean-ups. Renovations ai gardons, rock gardons, plantin, firewoad. Dutchw Landscaplng. (905) I PETSILI:vEsTO I&SUPPýýLIES KITTENS. FREE to a good home. Back and white, black wlth a bit af white. Friendly, Nitter trained. Cal 905-725-9692. ANIMAL -LOVERS please help. Looklng for home for 2 stray kittens & mothor. If unable toa dapt, looki1 fo ponsor ta help nca spaylng/shots/food.65.4846 SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. Seals, blues, chocs, Utac, Pt. Cali 665-1099. WANTED 1IWILL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Cali 728-8485 beave a message. Il LEGAL D&D ParaleigalCi Services Smatt CIlaims, Landordenant Disputes, Wills, Power of Attorneys, Criminal Pardons, Name Changes,, Process Senaing & Mare Free Consutation 57&U572 JUDYrS BRIDAL RENTAL - affordable weddlng gowns ta buy or rent. Large. sel ononf sizos and styles. For an>ointment oeil Judy et REFRIGERATOR & largo freezer. Excellent condition. RefrIgerator; $300. Freezer; $50. Cail 665-0111. NATURES FENCING. 4e ta 6' cedars. $5 dolivered. 666-8500. SEMI ORGANIC FREEZER BEEF. Buy direct. Know what you get right tram the family faim. Spýlit or whole side, $1 .99 IL 905-655-4966. ANTIQUE WALNUT dining room suite, buffet, hutch, table, 5-chairs, $950. Vantywlth mirror, $175. Mahoganymlrrors, $100 each. Gray sofabode $20. Boat offer. 668-766 I ARMAOIRES, JAM cupboards and chlmney cupboards. Salld pine construction, shaker style. 430-3554 ta vew by app't. CAMPER/TRNILER SLEEPS six. Hard-top, stove, Ice-box, propane hook-up. $1400 obo. Crlb and change table. In excellent condition, $120. Cali 668-2149 or 404-8014. WEDDING DRESS'. Dress, size 5, detachable train, sIeeveless,jperfect for a summer wedding.CilMce (905) 430-7242 or (905) 686-5948 befors 4pm. $65Oobo. KENMORE BUILT-IN soif cleaning aven and counter top stove. Ai. $350. Cail 430-2485 aftor 5 p.m. 60 CUBIC FT. FREEZER, Speed Queeri, $150. Lazy boy leather chair,. dark blue, 1 month newl $650. 723-5620. DRESSER WITH mirror, $45. Dm1 ng room table, $35, pair oak & vinyt offic~e chairs, lunch basket, artists display easel, chest of drawers, fan, t.v. trays. 668-3975. BICYCLES. ONE 6 speed, one 12 speed. Aimoat new. $75 each. Cali Steffi, 668-4454. GAS POWERED concrete saw with diamond tlp, blade & varlous other bIades. $500. Set of cutting torches with Victor gauges, only usod twlce, $300. Wrdivsklsaw, as new condition, $150. Weedeater grass trimmer, gas powerod, new condition, $100., Rechargeable Makita duill with 2 battories & charger, $50. Delta table mounted jîgsaw, new condition, $80. Cali 665-8008 atter 6pm. LUMBER. 111, 2" 3' thicknoss. Red oak, hickolY29 cherry -l", codai 2Wx6,2sX8tJal1 ft length. Phono 905-619-2003 or appy t Elizabeth St., PickerngVillage.2 HARDWOOD FLOORING. 3/4" solid oak. Honey finish. $3.25 per square foot. 12x12 slate tile, $3.25 per square, foot Cal (905) NATrURE'S FENCING. 4' ta 6' codais. $5 deflvered. 666-8500. COUNTRY LAMPS, pins cupbaards, shelves, Cunro, CD, %oidéo, pland and mlcrowave stands. Buffets, benchos, m#rrrs, quift racks, dr snks. Buy direct..Phono- COUNTRY LAMPS, pine cupboards, shelvos, Curio, CD, vldeo, pland and microwave stands. Buffets benches, mirrors, quift racks, dry snks. Buy direct. Phono 1-905-665-16064. SUITS, SUITS, suits. Are you gan ta a wding graduation, or forma] but yaudonNtive a suit? Welcome Io lugged Rop4as whero for around $100 y ou Ilîget a qualty stylsh SUit, shirt, lie and a par of shoos. From jeans ta tuxodsRNgedRoplays Upscale conrme fclothinq or men, toons adboys has It ail, oak the 401 to Thlckson Rd., g o north (3 .ghts) toBum'sSt., turn rlght. We're n the first plaza on y our lef't (Burn's St. Plaza). Cali (905). 404-2063. Haurs: M-W:i 0-6; T-F: 10-9; S.:1 0-5. EYE EXAMS arrangod. 2 for 1. Buy ans pair at $199, get second pair af S.V. or contact lenses free. Discount for seniors and childron. 7111Wj e 0tlans, 102 Byron St. S. JFORLE Noed a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt - Undîscharged? "'We have leasetake-overs (re,?ossessiomi) "'Lease to own any maie or model -, Cash 'for trade -Cali "ofr free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cal Jeff (905) 683-6230 1963 THUNDERBIRD. AI mechanlcally.- $6500 or best offer. Cal 430-2485 ater 5 p.m. 1981 BUICK Contury. UncertMfed $200. Good body & Ires. Ladie amal raclng bike, excellent condition, $50. Phono 668-2894. VAN FOR SALE. 1982 GMC. $350. Needa muffler & brakes. 433-8898.. BOUNTY HUNTER Towlng Wantod doad or al Ive: scrap cars& tnjcks1 min. $40 cash'reward. Same ~~jp~24hurs, 7 days catI, Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, mattresses & m'ùch mere cKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa [_ 725-5181 WANTED: MY Mom wamts ta buy yvur bonely cimber oîr playhause with slide/sWlngs for me and My Me brother. Pfease cail 665-7050. MOTHER 0F two. Close ta R.A Hutchisan achool. Wlllng to babysit Reasonable rates. 4 years and up. Phono 666-2051. LOV1NG DAYCARE avallable ln my homnie.,Qualifcations/ECE-/prmary teacher, M.E.D. Hot moals, snacksg, full lime only. Fenced yard, non-smoking. lndoor/outdoor activites, crafts and storytime. Full references upan request. 668-843. NEEDEDI lWO taddlers,(2-3) ta finish fîIling a young Gramm's nest. Quaity, re1blLOVING daycaie. Snacks & exc. lunches, cuddles, actMiesandoxecis. Close ta Park and downtown. Nan-smokor. C. P. R. exp. Ref. 668-9891, Sandi. SAFE AND fun daycare in my homo. Lots of TLC, fenced yard, toys.. craft, walks and lots af fun. C PF and firat-ald trainod, smoke-free, pafl-time/ful-time. Breakfast, lunch snacks included. Peisas cai 666-9312. PEGGY'S TINY Tata asummer daycamp for 2 1/2 - 5 year aida. (Brock & Manning. 0pn- ut AM/Pm or ail day. A week. 0f su-mmerfin al lgroup aetting. DalytrJs, nutritiaus-snacksà craftsaà more. Run by.quaifled E(5.E/R.N., Cati Poggy 668-90>83 ,. 'j The system that provides... " Unscheduled home visis ensure quality care for your chiki " Fuly trained pmoviders receive ongoing Agency support Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or ho lidays. e =mpIete insurance coverage a Income tax receipts -*ChUdren six weeks and up *Fuit or part-time For more Information Calil: 686-3995 <a fioenSed Agency FUN, AFE ad rollable daycars bwcat l a Garden & Dryden. One space avallablo. Any age woelcome. Nn smoker. Hecoipto. Cali 668-7872. MOTHERS HELPER requlrsd for Summer '96. Some ovemlgat roqulrod. WII sutf student. 668-226. RiEUAIBLE CHILD cars avallable ln Mv dean, safe, non-smoking home, UmnBumare).Fenced yard ts of tays eis provded. Shiftworkers Welcome. Summer cars avallable. Exc. roforences. Cail Carmella, 432-1107. INMY HOME YOU wAill1nd aloving place ta b.. songs and storles, 00ur haesad even ABC's. W. finger paint, we dance and play, nutrftous snacks and lunch mld-day. Flexible sohodules for ail styloswtth unlimited hugs and smlles. Pes cali 430-7611., 1