-Whltby Fise Preu, Wectesday, June -12, 1996 Page 25 "I like designing, sketching houses...,» he Says. «It's like aI hobby. Ilhats te way I express myselL» I ANDERSON CVI student Peter Jaruczik won his second gold mecal for architectural computer-aided design at the ganadian Skills Competition. He's awaiting word as to whether he can attend the international competition in Switzerland. Photo by Mark Reesai, Whltby Free Press Wh itbystud'ent top architect in Canadian .co mpetition By JulietYoung -*Peter Jarczlk was one of the national medal winners at the Canadian Skills Cometito held in Montreal last month. The AndersonC tdet won a gold medal for architec- tural computer-aided design. This in the second Urne Jaruczik has won a medal in this copttion. The first Urne was in 1994. Moore than 200 students from acros Canada partici ated in the competition designed %t give the -good kidsà a pa[ on the back,3aïa,,,Davi'd Gould, project facilitator at the Durharn B3oard ofEdction. Jaruczik was one of the five Durham competitors. During the ail-day competition he had te transfer the design of a bungalow onto a computer screen. 'Iw"s surprised it was just straight copying from blue- prints,» says Jaruczik. "There wasn't much thinking involved. With architecture, there should be more of a design problem.» He says the Ontario Sk10ls Competition was a lot more difficult. He was required te, modify the design he was given by drawing an apartment on top of a garage. Don Ilk, who teaches Jaruczik in architecture at Anderson, says he was alo surprised at the lack of challenge in the competition. He says i the Canadian compétition Jaruczik was flot allowed te use the auto architect software that was used in the Durhamn and Ontario skills competitions. "(In the Canadian comptition) he had'te resort te, the auto cad package," says MIL."Quebec 18 flot as advanced as we are i terms of- architectural technology." Jaruczik may have the chance te compete in the Inter- national Skills Competition in St. Gallen, Switzerland in July. SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Congratulations te our amazing junior boys' volleyball teami who played in LOSSA but unfortunately were' defeated. Many thanks also to ail those hard working athletes and coaches who went that extra mile te make Sinclair proud. Now that you have made yourselffamous, it's time te return your overdue books. Mrs. Cotter would b. ecstatic if you returned your book by Friday, or even during exam week. Speaking of exams,. if you haven't started studying yet, you should bje hoping for a miracle. Another thing te consider is locker cleanout. That means cleaning out the old lunches fromn September and returning the phys-ed uniforma te the phys-ed office. The science and English departments are a few who are looking for their missinig textbooks. One last chance te indulge in your favourite pizza, courtesy of SAC. Our final pizza sale will take place temorrow in the caf, so have .your loonie ready. WOW! What a show! Many thanka te alI those.who helped inake WOW a sucoess. Teachers and staff orgaized a, fashion show te raise money for the John Thompson scholarship fund. Thank yout Whtby pastor to address colleg egrad [~ Duthie FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Students and staff alike continue te absorb the message of motivational speaker, Mark Sharenbrock, who. on May 22, resounded the message "Let's start sharing and stop comparing.". Our QACe erjoyed a relaing retreat at Knights of Columbus Park on May 31. The day consisted of a mass, barbecue, sports games and a slide show. QA students completed their 30 hours of community service - best of luck in- your future post-Austin endeavours. The boys'rugby team enjoyed a successful season, and despite menacing injuries made it te the LOSSA A playoffs. Way te go, guysl Austin's annual athletic banquet was held on Thursday, June 6. Congratulations to Natasha Stekel and the Athletic Association for an awesome night. Special mention goes out te maie Wildcat of the year, Gavin Prout, and female Wildcat of the year, Beth McCullough. A glorious year-end mass was held on 7%ursay, June 6. The entire school participated in a movingocélebration that concluded with the saddening announcement of the departure of our vice principal, Mik Bak. W. wish him ail the. best, and hope that ail other staff and students enjoy a relaing and well-deserved suminer vacation. Nic1l Fillion ST, CHARLES GARNIER' The resuits are ini... next yearls student coundil has officially been elected. Our new prime minster will b. Vincent Dessureault and the other members will be Brigitte d'Auzac (deputy prime ininister), Damien Steel (finance ministers), Sordja Gonsalves (minister of publicity>, Rana Korkmaz (recreation ininister), Andrea Dessureault (minister of culture), Isabelle Hodge and Rolland Lattouf (sports minimsters).,Together, they will try to organize better activities and improve the school dances. Good luck to the entire team. Itfs once again that time of year, .. rnie' to say goodbye for the summer. School 15 almost finished which means that my job writing this article i. over. Thanka to my editor, Mrs. Bedard; Thanika to my mom who helped me stay on track- (moat of the trne), and thanks to readers. Good luck on exams and farewell to ail the people who will flot be returning to Saint-Charles- This'summer, -make goo gmades even better at Sylvan.. i I grades. aza Sylvans unique teaching method has produced measurable resuits for over a million students in North Arnerica. Our diagnostic assessment uncovers your child's sIll gaps arnd indicates where the learning process can be improved. Then Sylà n's certified teachers develop a personalized prograni that is the key to your child's success. You'll see iniproved grades, încreased motivation and a renewed interest in leang. Build your child's skills and conifidence this sumimer. To learn more, cail Sylvan today. off our diagnostic Cail today to Iearn 110'w Sylvan can improve your child's 1801 Dundas, St. E., Whitby - Kendalwood Park Pie 404-1818' I E SYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE@ BellJerq,~gradew at'/r/ilu'Ile ef //,t'nuý' Suppot \(I I Ry. christopher White of Westminster United Church in Whllt.y will address approimately 1,700 Durham College graduates from more than 46 programs at the Durham College- convocation ceremonies on Saturday, June 15, at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium.' Two ceremonies will b. held te conffer diplomas and certificates. The access and skrills, health and human studies and technology divisions will honour their graduates at the 10:30 ar. oeremony. The arts and administration and the business divisions will celebrate the succese of their graduates at the 2:30 p.rn. ceremony. Bev. White, columnist for the Whitby Free Press, is a member of the Durham University Centre Cornmittee. He imitiated a partnership between Durharn College, the Business Development Ba.nk of Canada and Employment Canada te provide self-employment training for the unemployed. He has- served as a member of Heartbeats, a parent support group for farnilies of cardiac children, contributed te CBC's Morningaide national radio prograrn, and his flrst book, Naked on a Snowbank, is a collection of hie newspapor columns and Morningside material. This year for the flrst Urne, 10 General Motors of Canada employees who have earned two- year business leadership diploma will join the Durhamn College business division graduates in their celebrýation of succes at the 2:30 p.m. ceremony. 1 1