Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whltb Free Prase. Wednesday, June 5,1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F:s Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whltby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Acion Buiders' Association 'r - k.a. r- - in vio -resMsdi-bue teet 9%ofte oesi Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtle as weIl as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby,,Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 128,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc.' 900 Hopkins St. IBox.206, Whitby, Ontario Li N-5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor- Donald IG. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printeci on newspnint with minimum 20%_~ recycled content using vegetable based inks. to To theedor *Bash ing the poor 0 Alil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit uine to the Whitby Free Press. Healti s'hould be To the editor:. The Town ai Whitby medical and dental plan for ils employees has nove been tendered, which creates the Impression there Is no accutabiity With regard ta this costly expense. I have been patlently walng for a reply ta my ler ai Feb. 9, quetionîng the approximate $1- milin medical and dental plan which is pald for by taxpayers and has not gone thraugh the usual tendening procees. RI l my understandîng that Mr. Buffet (Buffet & Taylor) is a consultant for the Town ai *Whîtby, accordîng ta the administrator. Their advice -. anayIMng the municipal Insurance requîrements and Invting proposais alang wth negotiating insurance carriers - has been fînanclly beneficial ta the Town. From the adminlstrator's point of vew, il maiçes no sense ta, tender for a firm toa aI as the. Town's agent when Buffet & Taylor Is providing such an excellent service, suppasedly for fre. How can a consultant get *quotations and provide the Town with the beet offer wAnhaut a percelved conflici of Interest? k le dfflut ta belleve that an unelected employeo (admînîstralar), can make decisions regarding, this To Uh. ditor: I *me 00 id personalfy thank the Whltby Fr.. Proseand -Mke Kow"d fo responing so poeutlvoiy ta ny.ch"nge- of printlng a 'gaa newe eto, on the front page. ýTho ,ç%yInqusion we "~ IA-war.fri antamr Mhtult &La To the editor: WLet them feed deerO Comment an Workfare. mristvy on May 7, I atte'nded the forum held by Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty. I was disappolnted that the tumout was sa Iow and that the local media were not present; this may have had something ta do wlth the h- plan fact that it was budget day ln Ontario. On the atherhand, this may luave tend redbeen a deliberate tatic an the part of -ten eredthe gavemmont. Duning the course of the malnly quesdionand very Utile answer perlod, amount af taxpayers' dollas h pkepro rm h nsr ainta, thconsultath e was asked for examples ai workfare admiistrtorthe onsutant' ~ ragrams ln other jurlsdictlons. The are pald for through the insuring t wa roet that Barry OBrien campany and there are no direct descdnbe wre the pulîing of purple disbursements ta Buffet & Taylor by loasestrife fram waterways and the the Town. feeds ai deer.- Surely this council or the I was shocied at the Iack af ratepayers of this community are so senstivity in slling. these two naive as ta believe that the Town af examples ai workfare.The image ai Whltby is not paying indirectly welfare reciplents being denied their somehow for services rendered by meagre welfare cheques if they Buffet & Taylor. decided that feeding deer was not a productive way ta find meaningful Through my initiativ, the.tendening omployment seemed taoenflrm my p racess ln this matter was brought opinion of wrkfare as an ideological forth at the budget meeting anîd exercise in "paar-bashing.* The couniclîlor Soeitt was in agreement weiffare recipient and his (or more that this Item should be tendered. lkl e)fml ol tre hl An advisory by councillor S Mkei>ther) f ilOtaol sare, whlci states .that a reply sha(o hederm Otaoar eda forthcoming before council adjourns taxpayers' expense. Does this seem for the. summer. ilke oemmon sense' ta you? In view of the enormity af this 1 spake with a young welfare contract, this deal should b e subject ohrateme'tigw adus ta, a peer review ta ensure that graduated fram a human service Integrtty and accuntabîuty ls worker course. She was tao shy ta foremost and guaranteed an behali identif>' herseif ta the man from the ai the taxpayers. mlnlstry,' but she told me that she P hhan s beeonilr oInquire woulneyer bo farced intoacceptîng Ph hhon ar ounallor ta o wark such as pligpurple continue for aver a decade wlth littIe loetieo edn er scrutlny. Where has council been aIl On communlty TV recently, Mr. thie ime whlle this, has been gaing Flaherty described the. workfare on? pragram as a means for wofare - W.A. Lovelock reciplents ta - network ýýwt Whty employers.« How ailen do yau see Whty local business peaple'on pulling- purpîe-boosostrlfe- expedidions. or orraîling local deerta feed themn. The "man from thoeLUnlstr madle ingenuous commonts about the n ew s average wefare reaiplent beîng a rel.hard-worlçlng persan.who just needed- theo 'apportunfty ta get employment Thon ho shot him"Neln,, thé- foot. qgàn by sayng that- he winning the 'Governor. Generars couiflo accopt the three p'er 'cenrt Awgrd of Fortitude.wearfau rate In Toronto. It le AItoo oftén front page news tends Mare Ikelyý 30 per cent- was -hie to report on the negative. 1fUndlt very comment, --seenirily plucking this encauraging -that aurcoemmunlly fgre oui afthoair.- newspaper is willing ta respand so -,Aller the May 7 budget, a single pasldvello a challenge - way to gaI ompbyabsmllniew, .àlgbl Demies Fox' for a $63.,000 per annum -*tax' cut.' JMýst.9r q "MMioe ,iThis.~e~e , ovLmmet sanctîoned fraud perpetrated on the twç>aers of the province. Maybe the yv millionaires should be sent aut an mandatary workfare projects, such as deer-feedlng, to Justify their tax cut. Can we hope that their social conscience wiII kick ln so that they Wl. want to give back ta their icommunities what -they have taken out ai them for years. Welfare rec~ipents are belng farced ta do thîs, so why natthe rtch? in concajsion, paar-bashlng by thi elfte le not new. Janathan Swtl Dubin's beloved Dean af S Patrlcks Cathedral, wrate wanderfully saliricai essay titied Th Modest Propos&i. MayI1 suggest th- Mr. Flaherty tap Inta his Irlsh ca and revUsi the warks af Swift In ordE ta see the hypacrasy ai thîs workfar Issue. Gillan Mani An unfair solution To the edîtar: Re: 'Road repair costs may b. charged ta residents,' May 22, Free Press. Hawcould the Town of Whltby even contomplate such an unfair system af payment for road repairs, as charging residents for repairs, on tiie road on which their properties front? Some hamneowevers, such as those on Kent and Palace streels, have paid taxes for 20 years or more for road paving ta see ail the money spent elsowhere, whilo their roads are patholed and paorly patched ta the. point where they are hazardous ta drive on. Wlth 1h. prapased system, they wauld bd oxpecled ta pay agaîn ta have their streets brought up ta acceptable levels. Alsa, what about streots such as Harnt with houses an one side only? Waul we b. paying double because nobody lives on the other side ai *the Street? Only on a nieve playing field,O starting with ail streets newly paved, would this system b. fair, and that ie obviously neyer going ta happen. Try again, councillors. Surely yau can come up with a betier solution. Rita Cane SWhitby We deserve better- To the oditor: W hat lei happening ln Dunham Reglan? In one week recently, a gIrl wes robbed while walking homo fram sclhbol ln Plckerlnîg Vllage by a persan wllh a knife; a ftrobomb was thrown In an Ajaxc bouse; a gIrlwas aaulited ,In WNhy when she,' stopped ta help a matarist. Do we nol spend mUdions ai dollars on police servIces? Are, w. not entitlo ta seety In aur awn- municdpaity?,,- When I the police stopatg lik. pakideins and startproVding tho prapedon we pay for? le this anathor demoanstratîonof incompoetence by aur elocted offiiais, pald bureaucrate and *especdally the unelected -memrber ai the police board and chair of the Reiedn? vebotter. Don Young 'Aax *The Whitby Free Press welcomes'letters'to the eio on any subject aio conoem ta a- ur readers.. Letters should'be- brief and tô the: point - rareîy maore than «300 words. Ail, letters must be acca mpanied i by -the namne, addres s and'telephone- nu mber of the wrter. Hobwever, on reques t, your namne may be withheld -from publication if, we agree there is -a valid reasan.. The newspaper reserves the. nighft'ta re*ect ýçr edit ail letters. Send ta:. The Editor, Whitby Free Press,'Box 206,-rWhitby, Ont. LlN 5S1, -or drap through ur mail sot et'900 Hopklns* ,St, at Burrs St.'" To Vie cd itor,,,,.

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