Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1996, p. 12

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Page 12, Whltby Free Pr3s, Wednesday, June 6, 1M9 THE WHITBY Osteoporosis Support Group recently hosteci \a five kilometre walkathon along- the waterfront trait which raised $1 ,500 for the Osteoporosis Society.I Photo by Mrk Rosse, Whltby Fiee Piess Health and -safety stressed at seminar The"vounfèebJocation ofthi Whitby Mental Health Centre wn hold WFre~ Square Market Day$ in building. 30 at the hospital Thursday,,June 6, 9:30 a.m. te p.m. There *111 hoi home baking, crafta, cereamice, jewery, ciystal, books, records, woodworking barbecue, and counry entertainers. Funds raxsed go towards the. enhancement or patient programea. For more information, oeil 668-5881, ext. 5323. FACE-PAEN'FJG Mini-Skool Daycare will ho providing free face painting for chfldren at Tii. Expectant & New Family Fairs, Saturday, June 8, 9:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m., at the. Pickering Town Centre. The fair will feature many community groupa and services of intereet te pregnant or new families. WOMENS AGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship will meet on Thursday, June 13, 7 p.m., at Evangel Church, 374 Farewell St., Oshawa. There will ho a discussion about how te dress smartlY at low cost., For more infomatoncaîl Shirley at 723- 9458. LAMAZE The Lamaze Association of Durhamn Region will hold work-, shopa on varlous sulbjecta (baby development health pregnancy tips, pregnancy changes, environmental concerna labour and birth optons) on Wednes- day, June 12 hi Oshawa and on Frdayr, July 12 i Whitby For more informiation,. caîl 723-733. HOLJSTIC The Ontario Wushu & Holistic Health Association will hold a holistic health senunar on Saturday, June 8, 1 te 5 p.m., at Connaught Park Club House, 449 Jarvis St., Oshawa. Guest speakers- include- Dr. Robert Johnston, the chiropractor of world figure skating champion Elvis Stojko. Subjecta will ho homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture> nutrition and Massage. Cail 430-1i282 or 668- 6589,te registèr. Hlealth1 safbty and environ. mental Information workshops will b. offered in Pickering on June 6. Organized by the Industrial Acident Prevention Association, Central Ontario division, the ses- -sions are for plant and general managers, humfan resouroes per- sonnelhealth and safety and environmental managers and co- ordinators, and joint health and safety committees. Educator Dr. George Delgrosso ~. ~~.will discuss 'Dealinig withthe Challenge of Change' and Mélissa Hague of Ontario Stu- Non-pofit communW groupe - wihich arebased In WhItby ôr have a substantial WhIlby membeîship may. place their upcomning meetln*gB pi activities on thpaea i0cs pofie at t no cost. 55 ALVE rThe. "55 Alive" defensive driving course la being offered by the. WNhitby Seniors' Activity Centre in conjunction with the Ontario Safety Council for anyone over age 55 who i. a member of the centre. Classes are held twioe a week on Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. te, noon, for two weeks starting Monday, June 17. Cost is $65 and includes in-cias. and in-vehicle training as well as a manual. For more information or te registercall 668-1424. SOROPTIMST Soroptimdist International of Oshawa/Whitby Club will meet on Thursday, June 13, 7 p.m., at the Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexadra St., Oshawa. Interested persons are welcome to attend. TEA DANCE The Oshawa Folk Arts Council and Oshawa. Senior will present a seniors' tea dance on Wednesday, June,5, 2 to 5 p.m., at the, Polish Veterans' Centre,' 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. Tickets are $2. For more information, .cail 576- 6712. OUITDOORS CLUB Tii. Durham Outdoors Club will hold a day hike at the Petroglyphe in ieterborough on Saturday, June 8 (te oinoM, cal Phil at 433-0311) ana a sea kayakingexpedition on Gerga Bay on Saturday, June 15 (cal Janet at 579-4537). PARENm W1fflOATMS Parents Without Partners Chapter #204 will meet Thursday, June 6, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church (upotair), 51 Centre St. s., Oshawa. There will ho orientation for new memibers; carda and games for others. For information, cal Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723- 1699. Gol U$11.p5- - de I - (Upto5.GoffstroIGlX-iI) ioeSm- . s s utmREAIRINC 1ST. N, #59 WHITBY - -F Open: Mon. &Thurs&- Tues, Wed. & Fri. 8-730 Sat â4, Sun. Appt. OrIy o HW-y 2 ALZHEMER Alzheimer Durham will hold the Oshawa family support group meeting tenight (Wednesday) 2 p.m., at the.'Oshawa Executive Centre, (Oshawa Centre), suite 205. CESAREAN The. Cesarean Prevention, Support and Education Group of Durham Region will meet on Monday, June 10, 7:30 p.m., at 18 Saddlebrook Ct., C ourtice. There wil ho a discussion about 'Postive Pregnancy and Childbirth Tips.' For more information, caIl Judi at 668-3501 or Kathy at 435-0786. The First Oshawa 1TC Club, which helps develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, will meet on Tuesday, June 11, 7 p.m., at the. Michael Starr Building, firut floor, 33 King St W., Oshawa. For mýore inform- ation, cail 725-9179. PAREr1N I1HO PARINEIW Parents Without Partners Chapter #204 will meet Thursday, June 13, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church (upstairs), 51 Centre St, S., Oshawa, for a general meeting. For information, oeil Debbie' at 571-5452 or Ron at 723-1699. YARD SALE The Whitby Bolier'Skating Club will hout their second annual yard sale fundraiser on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9 from 9 a.m. te 3 p.m. The event will ho held in Ajax at 210 Kàingoten Rd. E. (firt houa. esut of Costco on the. north GARAGE SALE, The, YMCA Whitby Family Resource Centre, 250 Michael Blvd., Whitby, la holding an outdoor garage sale on Saturday, June 8, 8 a.m. te, 1 p.m. Cout of a space ia $15. There will ho a fish pond,, raffe» and barbecue luncheon. Cail 666-4794 te book space te seli items. YARtD SALE A sale of antiques, colbectibles, books and miscellaneouâ items wiHl talc. plao at Guy Houa., part of the Oshawa Sydenham Muséum complex, in Liakeview Park, June 14 and 16. -For more information, oeRIl 436-7624. AIl procSeds te tthe Oshawa Histercal Society. WORKSHOP Grandview Children's Centre will host a parent information night on the importance of self, esteem, with specific issues focusing on id with disabîlities, on Thursday, June 6, -7:15 te 9 p.m., at Grandvýiew's Oshawa location, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa. Admission is fre.T attend, cail 728-1673. PC lBERS> Tne.Durham PC Usera Clulù will meet on Thuîrsay,-June 13, 7 te 10 p.m., at CAW Local. 222 hall, 1425 Phullip Murray Ave., Oshawa, for the annual. 'swap meet. For -more informnation cal Allan Hewitt at 905-623-1313 or Linda Netten at 905-623-2787. AUARIUM O EI Society will, meet on av, June il '7-30 p.m., aR1 McLaugËiin? CI, Osh awa. Dorothy Rheimer. will discuse aquatic horticulture. For m'ore information, oeil Frank Capute, at 404-0641. TOPS Take Off Pounda Sensibly (TOPS) meets at Rundle Park, Oshawa, every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. For more information, oel Marney at 728-2111. CLOTHING SALE The Durham Region Sexual Assuit Car. Centre is holding a fundraising clothing and yard sale on Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m., in the Cuddy Place pàrIcing lot, corner of Byro6n and Coîborne *Steta, Whitby (rain date June 9). Anyone wishing te, make a donation can contact-tbe. office at 668-3050 te arrange a, drp-off time. - SALR., A yard, craft.and-bake sdle will' ho held Saturday, June, 8,'.» a.m. te, 2 p.m., at -oyFaiyParish Cliurch, corner.if ]Ribblesdale and Manning, Whiitby. Al proceed- g teward the centý of#a kidergartn school bus for St. Theresa School. WFREET SmE A <lStreet - Sale' and carnival will b. held at the Otter,'Creek Co-op. on Saturday, June 8, 8 a.m. to-2 p.n.eLat 835j, 860 and 856, McQuua y-ý'-Bôu1evard.. For more ijfornation, caR 666-5417.,ý dents Against Impaired Driving will alol,. a keynote speaker. Emergency preparedness, transportation of dangerous goods, inJury ;prevention, stress management and <health, safet and profit for businesses with 1100 employees or bus' are among sessions in the one-day event. "We expeet this L42A day of workshops to, ho the firet of many such events Ini the corm m years ini the, Durham Region, says chair.of -the event Gordon Reidt, health and, safety co-ordinator for the Town of Pickering. ROSE 0F DUJRHAM Rose of Durham, Youffg Parents Support Service, will hold the annual genera meeting - on Monday, June- 10, 7 to, 9 p.m., at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic, I11gh School cafeto)rium, 700 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. Betty Ami Manuel will.diacushealth .and wellness, andtîhere will be a teen panel.- For more information Or to attend, cali 4324622. COIN CLUB The 'Oshawa & District Coin Club wifl meet Sunday, June 9, at the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa Cityr Hall, 12:30 te 4 p.m. FUN FAIR E.A. Fairman Public School's annual fun fair will ho held on Thursday, June 6, 6 to 830 pm., 620, Walnut, St. IThe event Isa fun filled evening for the whobe family, with carnival games, raffles, pony rides, bake sale, barbecue and sulent auction. All proceeds go directly back into -the. students activities at the sehool. THEOS, The local chapter of THEOS will meet Sunday, June 9, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street Whitbyý. THEOS isa support group for the widowed. For more information, al68 2648. ,cîl68 MUSE PROGRAM Tii. Muse program is asking for volunteers for summer workshops scheduled for July. Prerequisites are a love of the arts and'chuldren, patience' only. No, formai educational background. is required for a volunteer position. Those interested in helping out with the program are invited te attend a presentation on'saturday, June 8, at Holy Trinity Church te Provide more information about the Porgram and ita objectives. To register, 11caîl Barbara at 905-404. 2493. LALECHE- La Loche Leagùe Oshawa will Lold its regular monthly meeting )n Wednesday,. June 1L2. at 7:30 ).m. Expectant' m=others and nothers with nursingibabies are WMTERS The Writers'CrldfDna Region, will bout a meeting of the Durham Wniter & EdiMors Breakfast Club ai Jackson'És Touch Of Glass Catiring, 104 Consumera Drive, Whijtby smta y, JMne81 Walking for others

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