Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1996, p. 23

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WhIby FreP. Pras Wekidy, -May 22, 1996, Page 23 CLEANING: HOME or office, HENK KARELSEN Painting & PAINTING & PAPERING "LET Wee9lY b-wekiy, ronthiy or one Home Repair. Qujailt work, George Do Itt. Retiable lime on4. Reasonabie rates. 7 years intertor/extenor. Over .20 yeams expenenced, quaiity work. Special experlence. References avallable. experlence.ý No lob too smaii. Free rte for seniors. flexible hours, Cal for free estimate today. estimates. 1 -800-423-0823. g~rMet service,_free estimates. 668-9587. k&a 4A o CARPENTRY, DRYWALL, paiting, basemnent renovations, decks fonces, window replacements and roof repar. No -lob too small. For professionat servce oeil James 655-3237. CINDYS ALTERAT1ONS - Corne see us for ail your sewlng neods. Leather, zýers, also mens taltoring avaliable. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 6Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. HOME , RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, sp-cifications, carpentry, plumbing, electricai, windows, enery conservation. Cai Jacques of 1I Trades ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0943 ELECTRICIAN METRO License #E-2268. Renovations, service upgrades, basement wOing, aiarm systems & 24 hour service. For a fre estimate cati Frank at 666-0193. g... .... replacement windows renovations - electrîcai W Tho Pe rty Mtce.ou Reaslonable atesn Ca66-966 ask f32-72 r t-nn iuri '3orge 6000-1 168. OLYMPIO PAINTING - professionat p.dni sm&waw. Intertor/extertor. No lobtôosnfl.yrs. guarantee. George ai 725-7870. Feesimes. BOAT TOPS repalred. Plus ail types of cartvas, vinyl or scroen repairs. 10 years experlence. For prom pt and Rrofessional work at lowest price cati ~ay 668-0070 LM. HOME CLEANER: exporenced, honost, relable wth terrifie reforences and incredliblo ratesl tEven dust fre. house plantslt) isease cati John al (905) 718-9580. Fertilizing & Weed Controt E I I e insect Çontrol Lawn Aeration~ Grass Cuttingjj Landscaping Interlock 4 Retaining Walis & Decks 655-5063 Speciaiizing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mind Perr7yHo use- Child Care Services 129 Perr St., Whitby 668-9476 WEEPLAY DAYCARE offers your child overytting yotd hopofor and much more. -Nutrtà usmoals, oÊutlr8s, craft, sorme. _xpoMlnced, reforences avallabie. Man ' n ardon. Cal Maion REUADILE CIILDOARIE by mother indor/otdor actlvitles, many toys, fenced yard, moais & snacks, waik to St. Matthows. Experlenced, non-smoing, references. Gardon & Dryden. 430-7227. MOTHER 0F -TWO MILL provide care In my home. Has oponing for fuîltime. Infants & todlers non-smoking and pet-Iree. cai 430-3361. Watch The systemi that provides... - Unscheduled home visits ensure quatity care for your child - Fulty tralined providers receive ongoing Agency su-pport 0Retiabte, local back-up covers Provider illness or hoticiays *Compete insurance coverage *Income tax receipt *Chddren sixweek2sand up *Fuit or part-time For more information oeil: a llcensed Agency WHITB3Y ONE 'bodroom unfumished, use of fa o s, close bo bus Ine, non-smokor onily $350 moti.Loave message 696-af388 ACCURATE CONTRACTING " Home Improvements " Basements *Building Maintenance " Drywatt - Stucco - Painting FREE ES77MA TES - 905-666-2185 l'i:18 yAi 111141 '1k tnterlock, retaining watts, decks & fences. Speciaiizing in Pisa stone. Cati (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 FURIISHIED SPARE- ROOM for re n i Soth Whltby. Share kitchen, laund& bahroom. Close to am n esclxuded. QuIet nelhbor ood, non-smoker. 0.e/mo. 728-0619. WANTED: MATURE respnsible femate to sharo a 2 boroom fumished basement apartmont Non-smoker. $380 pr month. For detaits cati 430-2984. BROOKLIN rooms for rent, shaiing ý= us, cable & air conditlontnig ermonth. References, required. W86 after-Spmn. AVAILABLE' JUNE 15TH .2 bedroom brlght basomnent apt, walk-ou to l arge lot. Fridne & slov $650/mo. Iot. tIrst & ladroquirod. -Mon 436-0990. CENTRAL WHITB 2 bed. a pt. avait. July lst. $680/mo. + hydro. Cati 666- 9626 after 5pm or teave message. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bodroomn newty renovated efpplances, air & hydro ,inciudo. $750Mo lirst & last, roforonces roqulrod. ho pets. Avalable now. Cali <905) 623-1013. WHr1BY RURAL - $450 fmonthty, separate .entrance, primae bath furntshedhnfumished, use o@ swtmming pool, parkng, GO bus seMS esuk single imrklng person or studont wecoffme. Profer non-sokr.409803. WHITBY DUPLEX, :balcony, laundry, gaagfilge & stove. Reeecs. ialaler 30m (416) 633-5131. WHITBY AVAILABLE June 1, 1 large bodroom basement çI, lving room klchen 3 piece bath, latindy facil1ies,.$62&Minclus irst & hist Non-smkor. References requirod. (905) 723-7306. MBM PROPERTY management Wh.byapariment bLildinga.-One bedrooms stafllng - 55au inclusive. 2 bodrooms 685/mo.» FtlrstAast months. Good locations. 668-6700 days onty. 905-986-0480. Whttby FrePress *668.-6111 Off ice Hours: onaytoFrday, O. rnto 5.0.0r Fa680 4Ij rCENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished înciuding refrigerator. Dead boIt tocks. Private cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Parking from $75. to $95. Cati 434-1457 e 576-2287 CAULLA-o 668.$35 9S54w12 I ROM SPART TO INSH Wdtl . JWayn Lowe 430-7664 e Pager 416-5452 - L leffl :J 1 Z 'N! ïCk àlillp4ffltilLUT M- "inteaýý ihg stone @ retaining walls wood fenciàg & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIAM TESlis Written Guarantee since l-q8o - 666-9690 wq 1 r- 0 1

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