Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 30

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Page 30, Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, May 15, 1996 A ~irnrnw WIqgyUFreePes6861 BOATS & ANNIVERSARIES LOST&FON 1967 14' HUMBER REGAL fibreglassA boat and traller.wth 33 hp eloetcstai Evinrude Ski Twln motor. $2500. 668-3168. FRIENDS 0F ISABEL AND BUD HEARD are lnvlted to drap ln to the WhtySeniors' AcdMtyCentre on SatUay,,June 1, 1996 between 2p and m to wlsh them a Happy 5m in Anvesay Peae- SBISQUE-ff CERAMICS tram Victonian -tao ntic and native ta seasonal. Every Saturday from 10 until 3. 15 Jacob Drive, Whitby. 668-8267. prepasi, includles tax, for 25 words or Iess VISIONS PSYCIIC labye, money, career, have your future totd taday by one of aur truly gifted pschics. 1-900-451-3025/$2.99 min. TryOur eToronto Free callng servie 905) 683-0222. CAU. NOW. Connect with other caler istanti. Browse 100's of ade and bave Free for men and women. (9 ) 683-2808. Chit Chat Interactie. WANT MORE ENERGY A hether atratie physique? 'rhen BodyomFtness Su-dio Is for yau. We offer personailzed structured prgrms uaranteed ta workIll Call ACCURATE TAROT Card Readtngs for future. 20 years expertence (I aM a registerd médical technologst aiea). $GOhr., doe: 1. OVRHE-TLEPHOME 2. IN PERSON- salve problems, Questions answered concerning: Love, Work, Mane, Health. C Il- VIolet, 905-666-4975, Whftby. EVANLY RAYS servlcng over 20,000 Onitarlo househalds. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, paliticlans & corporations use us. Concerns about byve, health, relatlonshlps maney. Just cal 1 -90-451-4055, 24 hrs, $2.99/min., 1+ 1-900-451-4055. FRANK AND CHRIS WEBSTER wlsh ta announce the anmval 0f another grandchlld- NICOLE GLORL WEBSTER. Bom May 9th, welghlng 9ibs. 5oz. Proud parents are Jayne & Frank. A Utie sister for Breanna. Another great grandchild for MAr& Helen.Faster, of S-otland. A new ouin for Etana Sean and Evan McKay. hanks ta Dr. Henderson and staff at Ajax-Plckefing Hospital.- Don and June White are very excited and proud to announce the birth of their daughter Christie Wilson born April 1 lth, 1996 at 12:27am, weighing 8 lbs., 8 ozs. She is. welcomed by'Grandparents Amy White of Oshawa an d John and Marjorie Wilson of Bancroft, and Great Grandparent Vera Morrison of Brownsburg, Que. Special thanks f0 Dr. Spear, Dr. Beatty, Nurse Sue and the staff on the 4th and 5th floor of the Oshawa eeaH;i1 _ýsîa. BATMAN FOREVER rSLOeR OONeTUXO IEMKm *SPIDERMAN e CINDERELLA *WHITE RANGER * lso Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. *NO VIOLENCE! DOUG; (416) 439-8133 l frHafyBztMy or AnivsMaa. Vclassifieds are a special way Cail 668-6111 ... ..M IO.....I ..E... .V.NT.... BINGO COUNTRY 5 Points Ma Ritson & Taunton, . Oshawa (behind A& Çhadties 945371-. 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. 1:00 pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. ý)436-9404 SuportVou Loal Chauiles JAKPTUsT 2910 INPRZE f%-I MISSING SINCE May 6 fram faim adjolnln Otter Creek -bege shephen cross, btacknase, spayed femnale. Reward. Phone 668-4089. AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY MAY 23,1996 0 5:OOpm at dreenwoo United Church, 2430 Concession 6, Pickerng (Highay #7 at Greenwood) the property of DOUG AND MARJORIE MORDEN. Contents of 3 bedraom home plus antque, ollectables dlsnes, vatique, 14- aluminlnum boat ~4hp Mercury matai & traiter & 14' alumlnum boat wtth 9.9hp. Envinrude motor. Terms: cash. EARL GAUSUN, NORU FAULKNER AUCTIONEERS 90540-3079 AUCTION SALE THURS. MAY 23 et 5pm et150,Perey Cro.., Scugog Iland Estate sale from Oshawa with fumniture, applances, good dishes, linen, 12' boat, lialler and motors, and many more good Items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES (905) 655-8073 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS Ali l aims against the estate of KENNETH ALLAN YATES, JR., (self-employed - Ken Yates Trucking) late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the Sth day of November, 1995, must be filed with the undersigrîed personal representatives on or before May 31lst, 1996, thereafter the undersigned wiII distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED this Bth day of May, 1996. Jean Yates & Kenneth Yates Sr., Trustees by their solicitors Sosna & Shaughnessy Barristers & Solicitors 214 Coibomne Street West Whitby, Ontario Li N 1 X2 THANKS in annual payroll from the employer health' payrol tax; *harmonizing with the federal government, a temporary surtax on CaaIWtaxpaimIby banii ,but Prýza tax credt tobanks makmng capital investments in smail businesses- * re. urng l wishing ta do busmess with the province ta have a comprehensive record cf small busines lending. OToole also applauded, Eves' decision ta increase the Ministry of Health's operat ing. budget ta $17'7 billion and spend $700 milion on road maintenance, "he.y're, just terrible, it'sa real safety issue in my view,» lhe saxd. Priate swim les.gsons at Civie Private swim lessons will be offered at Whitby's Civic rec coni- plOL. Currently only group- lessons and semi-private lessons are offered, but a Town cf Whitby reereation department report ini- dicates that those lesonis don't totally satisfy demand. Osh > Aja and Pickering already oferprvate lessons. Thxecost wouldbe $93 for five private lessons. Mare semi-private sessions will also be introduced. For spring 1996 reitration, 2,387 people registrd, the highest numnber yet. FITNEISS Three-month memberships i the Civic fitriesa centre wnil be offered.year-round. Previoaly offered only as a summer promotion, the concept has attracted many members, offeringmore flexibiity.* Terec departmient is working on other ini'tiatives ta increase revenue -at the Civic centre, such as adding a Kùfit proam (ages .ight ta >11), snd reuce 'apend- mng, such as eéliminating towel '*1- n ',y: ~' '-c,.',.: 1 1 In order ta Lnae us opesicidenitre, the S'cugo councllosta dicss a requestaora blawrstrting th cosmtCad, use o pesicids ointhe Poislkpe on cil ereLcived a packge of information outlining how the use of chemical lawn sprays threaten human, wildlife and environmental health. Scugog's Green Team, a Port Perry envirornental group, was formned in 1994. They have held a series of talks on community and environmental health issues as well as promoted a 'Dear Neighboui> campaign in which volunteers go door-to-door handing out letters cautioning against the use of lawn sprays. Materiai provided includes a handout on viable alternatives. Inspired by the efforts of Hudson, Que., in 1991, the, flrst community ta, pass a bylaw restricting the cosmetic use of pesticides, the Green Team has been working with the Montreal-based committee 'Citizens for Alternatives ta Pesticides' (CAP). Through the distribution of newsletters and the handbook Pesticide By-Laws: Why We Noed Th.em; How to Get Them, CAP has spread the word about the more than 15 Montreal-area communities t.hat have already passed the same bylaw. If you have problemes, try these following recipes taken from Metro Works Non-Hazardous Alternatives fact sheets: * All-purpose insect spray: *one garlic bulb, one small onion, one tablespoon cayenne pepper, one quart water, one tablespoon liquid handsoap. Chop or grind garlic and onion, add cayenxie and mix with water. Let steep one hour, then add liquid soap. Store ini a covered jar in the refrigerator up.to one week. Use as a spray wherever insecte are causing a problem. *Fertilizer. Use peat mass, organic compost or manure and sipread evenly; plant white claver. * Weed killer. For gardens, use mulch of woodchips 10 ta 15 centimetres thick and hoe regularly; plant daisies and chives., * Fungicides: Aerate soul and permit sou ta dry before watering, water plants from thxe bottom. * Tips: Learn ta identifyr insects and diseaseà 50 you'll be able ta detect problems early; encourage natural enemies such as toads, birds, ladybugs and praying mantis; rotate crops ta, avoid a build-up of pests in any one area. A Peterborough company, The Organic Gardener, provides 100 per cent pesticide-free lawn care. For a free, n'O obligation, quotation for your lawn, caîl 705-749-5735. COMING EVENT: May 25, Scarborough, conference offered by Canada Africa -Youth Action, %Minimnizing Mountains of Materials and Waste.' Registration, cail 905-420-9924. MPPs tout budget -1 1$452OOmOO_ [ ALSO SAT. MORN. 9:30A.M 0 1 FROMPAGE2 continue ta provide a good level of services» Flaherty said Ontario must make do With' a reduction i transfer payments from the federal govermnent and "we're, flot cryig about that." Although the government has faced extensive criticism for slashing spending i almost all areas since it took office, the budget does make certain excep- tions. Roughly $85 million will be directed ta four programs that will primarily benefit children. *Aprovince-wide nutrition Prog,,am will get a one-time $5 millon grant. .* Speech therapy services will receive $10 million this year and $20 million nextyear ta help the 10. percent.of Ontario children with speech disorders. * Pregnant women and moth- ers with young ch-ldren will get $10 million anually for educa- tion sud pre-natal health pro- grams. . Daycare prograrns will receive about $50 million more perrear, bringig the province mitlon.ycare budget ta $600 However, the latter is offset by more than $100 million in cuts announced previously. "Spending reductions are not pleassut but we're doing what we said we would do," said Fla- herty. "Jobs are being created and the deficit is on target. We're not running the goverrnment by the seat of our panta." ForMnothWhitby representa- tive O'Toole, prposaIs ta assist small sud mediurn-sized busi- ness are a major budget initia- tive. «They are the only industries that arecrMatingjo- b, he said. «There are a lot of signals that this government is committed ta workxng with small business.» Measure directed at. this sec- tor include: *Exempting the fret $400,000

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