Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 27

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i J Whltby Free Prms, Wmeisday, May 15,1996 ,Page 27 PROPSSINALiCALAL CUL AL A ....... 'AOFE*SOA RFESOA CLEANING: HOME or office, weeIybl-weekly, monthly or one imeonly. Reasonable rates. 7 vears expert once. References avlbe Cal* for free estimate today. 668-9587. CARPENTRY, DRYWAL, painting, basement renovations, docks fonces, lnowrplacoments and rof repair. No job too small. For ~rofessional servce oeil James 55-3237. CINDY'S ALTËRA1ONS .- Corne see us for ai your sewing noeds. Leathier, zýers, also mensà tallorin "Mllbe. Tuos.-Frl. 10-5:30, S! 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. STUDENT WINDOW cleanlng: profssinalqualty and low prices. CaliMkefor a f ree estimato. 434-7142. ELECTRICIAN METRO Ucense #E-2268. Renovations, service upgrades, basement wlning, alarmn systems & 24 hour service. For a fiée estirnate oeil Frank at 666-0193. SPPJNG HAS SPRUNG. Book row- eavestrough cleaning bungalows $3E., 2 stories $45 tree remnovals & prut-ting, weekly Iawncutting from $1 Wood specialist in oénces decks & retaining walls. Sod deiivered- $2.50 per roll. Free consultations <905) 428-1305. STUDENT WORKER. Avallable anytime. Great pres. Lawgarden Sre hosemalntenanoepintlng, estimatos. Referonces aviallae. Sergors clscount Cal Ed Ki9tchon (905) 668-8030. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive qualt portrafts. Studio or In home. Babies, c.hildren, familles. Packages- from; $29. à<Plo: weddlngs from "599, old ph1 oopled & restored, corporate &romollonal., No GSTI (905) HOME RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, speffications, carpentry, plumbing, etectrical, windows, energy conservation. Caîl Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. deed inelcigstone - retaining walls *wood fencing & decks FRE COPETTIV ESIMATES Written Guarantee Since 1980 0, 666-9690 TRIE CUTTING &TRIMEAING FuIIy lnsured e Free Etmae pager 721-7304 ACCURATE CONTRAC'TING* " Home Improvemnents " Basementz <1 " Building Maintenance " Drywall -- Stucco a Paintinço FREE ESTiMA TES a 905,666-2185 PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Doit". Reliable expenenced, qualitywork. Special rates for seniors. Flexible hours,* promp sericefree estimates.. Phon Gerge 666-1168. OLYMPIO PAINTNG - professlonai anlng & wwee. Intertor/exterlor. oo 00smalL 3 yrs. guarantee. For good prlcs & go work, oel George al 725-7870.4 roe estimates. BOAT TOPS repalred. Plus ail types of canvas% vinyl or screen repairs. 10 years experlenco. For prompt and professional work at loweést prico caîl gay 668-0070 LM. HOUSECLEAIENO o ur spoclafty. Dons by two v»men, rellable, hard worklng. reasonable rates. CalI Bonnie 666-8639 or Maggle 430-8769. YOUR #1 SEW1NG CENTRE. Sewin machine repairs.Almks 10% Seniors' discun.Complete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery caîl 432-7375. END YOUR housecloanlng nightmares. Cail Patrida for: Imimaculate resuits low prIces, aificeMtdepenable servicemature responslble lndMvdual. Free esiae.430-3383. HOME CLEANER: exporlenced, honoat, rollable wlth terrlflc reforences and Incredible ratosi (_vndust free bouse planitsll) Please calI John it (905) 718-9580. MAID FOR you. Relable service and affordable raies. Weokl bIwekly monthly services. CIN 75-91 0.y HILLCOURT CONTRACTING lnc. sprtng speclals on docks. Any shape, any size, stairs& rallilngs. 430-1466. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Ropair. QuaUty work, lntenor/extenor. Over 20 yoars expenoence. No lob too small. Free estimatos. 1-800-423-0823. C&D ROOFING. Wo do rooflng, eavostroughs, y ard cleanups. For estimatos caîl 665-7978. 44a-40 Wbuty p«tI3Pumy '668«S36S9854M12 WilIow Property Mtce. Reasonable Rates Cal 666-9616 ask for Dave 30 ears E&pence 10yAr xi ork-gAiwr uranteed I~4l wgu Seniors Discount Cali Samn (905) 683-3719 The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL ROOF MAINTENANCE PACKAGE includes labour& materials 'ela=ce almsîgshingles, .Pse n allos .sgles ~seal flashing of dormers ~repai i," e capskët.ck 1seal around sanitary pipes -seal around skylîcphts .seat around air %,.ents .seat around chimneys e1 secure loose nails .check for blocked eavestroughs .check lor blocked downspouls .secure ail loose flashing -' remove daniaging tree branches .check chimney flues Splus complele roof inspection LYNDEROO9K 655-5:124 i j:fi]à1L A LAMN CARI *Fertilizing & Weed Control e Insect Contrai à" . WOOD 'RENEWERS. Mako your docks, fonces wood sldlng, log structures look 1k. new egein. Removo ail weathorlng. stains& paint. Soalor stein will not pool or chlp. Work guaranteed. 665-7768. AWAN'S FASHION cen custom design bridai gowins, brldesmalds mothers dresses, business. suits, rrom dresses. No pattêrn neoedod, ust bring a plicturo. Alterations, also avail0aile. For appolntment caîl (905) 655-4748 Whltby. STENCLING: I arn avaliable to custom stencil an rom or pioceof1 fumitbre ln yu hm.Ploasooei Dena 666-4484. DRYWALL REPAIR oport- now or ronovation boasdlng, taplng ching textre spray, wator 1ek rîprs. Oeil for a free estimais 25 yeers e¶perlence., Dan 43-1 645, Jim SMITH a CO. INC. Contractors: Intorlor, exterlor construction. Tradosmon -slnco 1948. Free ostimatos.,433-8733. MENARD & SON' PLASTERING-. now & repairs, stucc concrete, pMal creckod <oundations M, pantn- Interlor & exterlor, complote bathroomns and rec rooms. 15 years experience. insurod. 'Free ostimates. 905-985-3794. "HANDYMAN WITH a van" wI do household moving & storage, dlean-ups and removal,. oeneral repaira and electrlcai work. Call Doug (905) 434-7874. MARIGOLD WINDOW Cleanlng. Al oxterlor windows clenod for only $25. For -prompt, professional servilce cal Rayatid O7and LM. The Mutual Group HERB TRAN caii for quotation 668-9669 e 432-7216 RRIFs ANNUITIES, GICs RRSPs--- i Resiunhal Lawn m Care Specialists e Lawn Culting & Mainfenanoe *Edging - lDe-thatching -Apiating a Fertilization *Spring & Fait Cleanup * *Vacation Maintenance * - qfîrith & Hedge Pruning M No job too big or too small. Reasonable prices Free estimates* Phonip Paul at. (905) 579-4129! L-

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