Page 26, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, May 15, 1996 HIOWTIQ BQOK YQUR _ÇLASSIFIED AD.. 8«P<~9V(Caîl 668-611il. Ads placed by Fax your ad to us ai 668-Malyuadt:WtbFre#p.(ON Wreon9anto5mMna Monday at nonwl be 0594. Please ensure you Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, ~t na.Paeyu ad by Monday published that Wednesday. provide ail pertinent é '.~ Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed a oon for Wednesday publication. ~~ Prepay by 5 pmn to save information, and a to arrve by Monday ai noon. B WeaeIctda90 VISAy Or, prepay with your number where we can You can enclose your payment, ~I i S e t nb VIAcard when placing the ad. reach you, if necessa y. r povid bilin«infrmaion J CAREERSI CAREER C ERS CAREERS EL LEGAL EECUTIVE OFFICE ASSIS.TANT' NOWENROLN Pre Employment Readiness - P/an your job successf,,n daY le Keyboarding with WordPerfect -- Computers are used inz ail Typing Modules Machine Transcription - Computers are used in ail Transcription Modules Business Communication - Memnos, Letters, Reports Office Systems and Procedures - Organizational ski//s an'd tinte management Bookkeeping and Financial AccoUnting - htv oMatnualAccouninig Computer Fundamentais - Softwvare Applications, hatro ito Winidoms Windows Applications - Microsoft Word, Micirosofi Excel Electronic Spreadsheets - Lotus 1.2.3 Procedures and Transcription: " Law Office Practice and Procedures " Wills and Estates " Real Estate " Corporate and Commercial Law " Civil Litigation' "*Family Law "*Principles of Canadian Law Job Search Computer Support and Applications * Business e Accounting * Dental e Hospitalily e Secretarial * Medical Toronto Schoolof Business Oshawa Campus - Oshawa Centre 723-1163 PRIVATE &commercial pliot traniglSave timel Moneyt Greengank Alrport (905) 985-7683. (008OHAWAR C) DRIVINO 0QISCNOOL 172 King St. E. Sute 301 Osawa . 728-0091 Fuit Drivers Educat on Courses MAY 28th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course JUNE 8th Sa turdays 4 week course ASK ABOUT OUR 4 DAY COURSES Pickerng Campus 420-1344 BUSINESS ELP SERVCESWAN TED WORDPROCESSING/DESKTOP publlshtng. Speialize ln rasumnes, reports presentattons, dicta, custom6zd business starter kits. We can make you look good - ln cotouri Studant ratas. WordIPro 668-9464. BOOKKEEPERIACCOUNTAN T availabla for short or long terni asslgnmants. WliI work from home or your office. Cal <905) 430-3865. HELP WANTED D.SA.O. AND O.S.L P O T N I E WA T D I WOULD YOU UKE TO make EXPERIENCED HOMEMAKER or companton, Alght housekeeptng, taJndry, cooking, grocer shoppng, ru n errands of an klndi. Hopialor Dr. cpo sasotr». nable rates, heI 57-4315. Anywhere, anytme. -FOR HME - uMovng truck and driver. 430-1080. COMING, EVENTS I luu*wtmj. luI. r. Decker 808 Dundas St W., Whitby, Ontanio.1LiN 2N5. HOMEMASTER -HOME INSPECTION. Succed in this fast growing business with the most âdvanced & experienced franbhise ln the inclustry. Supérb support, 1sup>526ta'ninntoa advrtiing. 1-80-56-339 Bob Petty. F YOU ARE MOTIVATED uid hava a desira to b. flnancdally socwre, this oppornuri couki b. for voul Int edýCatI 90)427-4446. LEcote. Fraà çaise, el[tt aduitcasses in an informa uh d t loene vrmnt Beginner to Advanced designed to meet your needs I Reasonable Rates, ______ 20 ypers.teachlng experience Pnivate Instroction aleoavailable 'CalitJacilüi tês -m66ga, KEYACCOUNT SALES RPEETTV Old Port Marketing imports and distributes nationally some of Canada's most popular giftware lines. We are an innovative, growth oriented company. Your excellent interpersonal skills, and a natural sales ability will qualify you 10 join our team of professionals. ln Key Account Sales you will provide personal representation to some of our largest accounts. Experience in self organization and dealing with senior buyers is a definite asset. Frequent travel across Canada is important 10 this position. This is a salaried position and a company car is provided. Please 'reply in writing, stating your salary expectations to: Old Port Marketing Ltd. 16050 Old Simcoe Road Port Perry, Ontario L9L i P3 FAX NO.: (905) 985-0676 *PRI VA TE LESSONS REGISTEREO & APPROVED BV THE -Cm 81668-6111 THE MUTUAL GROUF SEEKS a self-motivated lndMdual wlth exmlen pepleskilsand an lnterest ln aNeýng -enti reneurlal Independence. emlt tralnlng/beneftsMfnanlngprograms avallable.à nmumn2 yoars full tlme work na experlence requlred. Also, preferabl wth a universlty degre. requetd Fax resume to: Pearson Lanes, 129 Byron St. N., Whltby ON Li N 4M(905) 668-2141. ACTORS: CHILDREN-STUDEI« starter package Includes profesonal photo shoot, prints, Wt of reputable agents & uhow to get startôe semînar $135. Cali the Studio <416) 929-1511. LANDSCAPE for emaMabourer expedenced onty, onstruction of lnterloclc- retalning ,wals, -lances, doclks, drivers le. & own 66-99t lae ree Cal HOMEgWOkkRKES NEEDEDI!To assemble aur produdts. Free suLpIes. Start tmmedlately. For fie d IssendS.A.S.E.: iQ.S.EJT5, il 7-1057 Steelas Ave. Wqst North York. Ontario, M2R MX. EARN Up to $550 a week- we nasa peope t mae jwelery(necklaca, braceleto rng)Job lravallable coiast, from your home. No exeine ' nseded. -Ssnd a seff-aIdressed stamped envetope to: Kevinchrls Corp., .991 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit #5, ref. 139, Mà sslssauga, Ontarlo, L4W 2V3. $35,aiOOO/YR ,INCOME fotential. Readlng books. ToI Free 1 -800-898-9778 Ext. R-5365 for detals. CAL L A PRO! FOR WHENIFE BRIGS YOU A SIOCK ORtTWO! Just check the CALL A PRO section and let' the pros do the job! ~~tYou eau compare and choose froin the seices youll find there! ED~DCA IONî: WHITBY SCHOOL of Muslc -PlanoAcayboard tessons (prvate & group),gjultar, vloln, volée, f luta, saxophone, clarnat, lndermusik 5 ers)andrhileboos.103 kýnà jas St? W., Whltby. 666-8780. L- oer.,