Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 25

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Whftby Fr.. Pmo, Wmhiody, May 15,1lm6,'pao 25 Stuents.enigageý in mock mun'icipal council session,, A meeting of the 1996 youth and civic administration council will ho held tonight (Wednesday), 7 p.m., in the meeting hall (council chambers) of the Whitby municipal building., The 'mock coundil meeting concludes a lO-week administration course. sponsored by the Town b'of Whitby and designed to give 1students from Anderson, Father Leo J. Austin, Henry and Sinclair secondary schools insight into the gstructure and administrât ,ion of municipal governiment. Residents are invited to attend Student job centre nowoen for business On a mission MISSIONARY DON FULLER answers wife Betty' questions from eager children at Col. J.E. time thysi Farewell Public Sohool recently. HE and Phillipines. spoke to stuclents about the pent in a. rural area of the, Photo by IM" Reesor, WhiIy Fe Pros Blair NibletCV Thank you te ail who donated their hard-earned money te the United Way during last week's United Way spiri't week. About $235 was collected and given ta the United Way. Brie Maddeux had the wi«ning guesa (1,521) in iast week's jeily bean conteot. The actual jelly bean count was 1,523. Brie is now the proud owner of a jar of 1,523 jelly bean. On May 23, Anderson will host the biggest choe tournament aine. Kasparov teok the titie. At noon, Mr. Krolyk and Anderson student coundl prez Raj wiil faoe off in the Fireworks ai Inimanual A 'Victoria Day Spectacular' wili ho held on Monday, May 20, 5 ta 10 p.m., at Immanuai Christian Sehool, 849 Rossland Rd. WV Oshawa. Thore wili ho a barbecue at 5 p.m., gaines and fireworks starting at 9 p.m. Bring a lawnchair. For firther information, cali the sehool at 728-9071. old gym. The catch'is Mr. Kroiyk will play blind-folded and a member of the audience will pick the square on which Raj wil ho checkmated. ickets will go on sale Monday, and ail proceeds from the event will benefit the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Spontaneous CombustionIV an ovening of one- and two-act plays, wiil open tonight at Anderson. For tickets for Thursday or Friday night, contact Margo Rogers at 668-5809. Muscle Mania returns te Anderson on May 29. This year's body-building contest boasta bath maie and female participants. Next week ini the cafeteria, candidates for next yearls student council presidency wiII speak at lunch time. Make sure you are there te check out ail of the political backstabbing and'mud- slinging as; Mark Scuse and Brain Baker hack it out. SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOLMo fl, Last night the fabulous video, dance party, aur iast bash of the year, was held in the Sinclair caf. Many exuberant studonts gathered and teok part in a truiY amazing night.. Thore bas nover been anytbing 1k. it at Sinclair. Studonts lookod very impressivo in their formai attire and we were glad te se. that 50, many turned out. Aithough the caf was packod, we stili noticed a few absent bodies. W. hope that there were flot too many dampened spirits hast might - Grade 9 students who miight have received -their communications andMUST outcome compietion/credit- endarigerment notices bofore the dance. Ail the hoat ini brlnging qp tark Just a few exciting words for those Who are graduating this year -- Promis next week.Gi.ads wil gather next Friday at the Thunderbird Country Club and celebrate a fabulous heginning. Congratulations te ahi. SAC elections for the 1996-97 achool year are approachfng. Campaigning wili begin the week of May 27 and willi ho wrapped up by thoeélections assembiy on that Friday. SMay 30 will make the flrst production of Sinclair's first musical, vie s&cret Garden,. Hurry up and purchase your, tickets for thi s spectacular production; there are only a limitod number of Ébats available. IVRI7 UI approaches The annual May Day Festival will be held at Trafalgar Castie School on Saturday, May- 25, starting at 1:30 p.m. The May Day eeremony will ho foilowed by the dedication of the new gymnasium. There wil ho gaines, castie and gym tours, international foodla, pony rides, art display, The Guild -Shoppe, tea room and an auction (items needed). For, more information, cmli tii sohool .t 66843358.. The Canadian Employment Centre for Students (CECS), serving Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering, officially opened their doors for another summer season on May 6. Located at 78 Richmond St. W9 Oshawa and 1400 Bayiy St, Pickering, the student centres are open Monday to Friday to heip students looking for summer employment and employers with summer vacancies te fili. Employers can advertise their vacancies at no charge. Employment rnay last a day, a week or anh'nire unliner. Inlrmation about wage- rates -and federal and provincial programs is also available. Students looldng for work wiii be able te identify employers who have jobs available and wil ho able te contact them directly or speak with a CECS staff member for further information. Through, individual and group sessions, students can also pick up tips on resume writing, handling an interview and job hunting in general. For more information, cali 725- 6319. Srorts camps 0 &eredat col leg e The Durham Colloge Athletic, Departxent ia again offering, for the lOth ypar, the summner sports camp prograi. Includod this year 'is a new camp, diyland hockey training, Juiy 22-26,, catering te those individuels serf oua about preparmng for the hockeyseason. The Oshawa Generals', former strength coach and the -Durham Coliege fltziess co-ordinator wfUi direct theocamp. Camps for baaketball, volleyball, basebail, boccer, tennis and squash begin July 8-12. Registration is underway. Cali School tax increase PROM PAGEZ March. Because of asseasment equali- zation, the education increase ranges from a low of $19 (1.51 per cent) in Oshawa te a high of $64 (5.05 per cent) i Brock. The Ijoard voted down two motions te dip inte its $3.6 mii- lion-reserve fund ta lower the average miii rate hike. Nicholson withdrew a previous motion, made after the budget was defeated at the May 6 spe- cial board meeting, ta Whittle the average miii rate increase down to 1.5 per cent. That would have meant cutting- another $2.5 mil- lion in spendinig. 'The system has taken a fair hit »ho teld bis coileagues, "and I Ï"in we now have ta ait back and see what's going te happen over the nez.t year.» It wouid ho taugh te find addi- tionai placecut that wouldn't hurt the classroom,. he said, adding that he wasnit "coi- p1etely satisfied" with. the tax hkbutpleased the seven'posi- tions were restored. Whaihtrustee Doug Rosa was al»a unappywith te hike- -aithough ho voted-in'favour- saying the board should have been more creative ini dealin wfthryrovincfai f iding utack<s. y fruy elievew viespt mWey beyond the ratepayers means," said Oshawa tnrtee Nancy MeLàean who, along wfth feliow Oshawa truse.Kathleen Hopper, Uxbrfdge trustée Faith Neumnann, Broè%k trustée Bill Fairburn and Willard, voted against the budget "I think it terme of creativity and innovation, w. aganî av missed the boat... because I holieve a zero Pr cent'budget, increase in posaible.' - The budget procesa needs ta ho changed to give trustes more information and contrai, argued 1Hcaert ay if this board is as bean as it needs ta ho ... hecause I really don't know," ah. taid col- Trsesshouid ho tald exactly how much money fn spent on individual items "because we have te h. ahi. ta justify that ta 1><I coud do thatmaye 1 could support this bugt.B ut I cant hecause 1 can't honestly tell you 1 know where temoneyin." 1

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