I I ?Lirkey" tis week It's 'Cold Turkey Week' ai Anderson CVI. A program in which studente are encouraged tO qit» okn roitrtion was held earl1ier thua wek with participants eligible tc 'D=ra Centre MPP JimFia- hertyMs'sponsoring the progranm an providibc 'Support Smoke. 0% uttonsi3 to partici- pants.,! Hie will be at next Tuesday'i lunchtime ceremonies recgniz- ing successful participants Veronica Gruneberc FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN It seems like, only yesterday it was September, and. now rm writing what promises to be one of the final articles of the 1995/96 sehool year. But things here at Austin are stMl busy, no matter what the time- of year. The concert band, concert choir and jazz band returned last Monday from a trip to Boston, where they competed in the Heritage Festival. AUl of the months of liard work were obviously worth it, because the concert band and choir both won bronze awards in their respective classes, and the jazz band won a silver award, and placed second in their class. Friday saw the concert band travelling to St. Mary's in Pickering to particiate ini the 'Massed Bands!.' The fine arts students are liard at work preparing for neit week's music, art and drama, (MAD) festival. The show will be held Thursday, May 23, 7:30 p.m., ini our cafetorium. Cost of admission is a mere $2, and promises to be an outstanding show. Friday also saw OAC physics '> students travelling to Canada's Wonderland to take measurements of varlous rides, and investigate the principles that make themn work.. The alurmni-graduate luncheon was held today in the LRC. Graduates had the opportunity to speak to.-Ausin alumni about college and à ,,unimversity life, or the world of work. Cngratulatins toMVicki Duthie special performance of the play for seniors Iast week. Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. We're only a month away from the end of this final term and dreaded final exanis. Everyone is trying to complete assignments and prepare for finals, while fltting in job hunting, prom plans, and plans for smmer vacation. Evezone should bave received a list of their courses for 1996-97. If you have any concerns, contact a guidance counsellor as soon as possible. Program changes may b. made during May and June only. Durham summer-school will be held from July 2 to Aug. 2 f'or tbose students interested. Courses, in the remedial program are available to those who bave been 1nsucP q R 6 m in n or two subjects during the. preceding school year. or who wish ta upgrade their marks in these subjecta. Courses in the aceeleration full credit program are available to students who wish to gain a credit ini a subject they bave not previously studied. For more information, contact the guidance office. Acceptance, notices from community colleges are expected on May' 15. -To avoid Possible elimination, students should- ensure tbat interviews are attended, forme completed and fees, fowre The -guidance department. will photocopy and> c.rtiê midterm report c-ýardoi for thomé student. roquiring 'them. Accoptan IOs ete,from OntaIoý universities will, not be mailed until June 12. A summer opportunities workahop will be offered to Grade 10 students this month, with several representatives from the community outlining the variety of services offered. AUl Grade il Hawks are advised that; a complets guidance system in a computer known as "Discover" is now available through Ms. Brown in the guidance department. The program covers career exploration and educational planning, so is a valuable tool for those students preparing for graduation and post-secondary education. Ail Grade 12 students are reminded tosee Ms. Brudek or Mrs. Chornobav to update their portfolios wluch are an file ini the guidance office. This information will h. very important when attending college, seeking employment or applying for university next fail.' 1Henry students participated 1iii the automotive skis challenge in Ancaster. Mark Fraser and Paul' Mott placed second, out of 29 schools from Ontario, in the written test, and fourtli in the. diagnostics ofvehicle problema. .On gay 24, the. Royal York ýHotel will -b iii. site Of Henrysu 196Promi. insmen, boautînga pauta diuh ai the, mam coure, promises to be a delicious start to the niglit, with post prom festivities planned ta be informally held at the Skydome Hotel. Booms are going fast, se anyone planning on joining in the fun, book your rooms early. The prom committe. certainly had their work cut out for them this past weekend. It seems Mother Nature did flot cooperte with plans for a plant sale and car wash. Ramn and wins made the jobs less than enjoyable, but the students perservered. Henry's girls' soccer team continues te gain momentum with a 8-3 victoiy over Port Perry. Jamie Malcolm scored three as a forward and also played weil in net. The other Hawk goals were scored by Debbie Hamilton (two), Shaunna Wagnel, Amber Mclntosh and Carrne Hatloffer. The boys' field lacrosse team opened the seasen by defeating Ausin 104 and Eastdale 15-. Ron Death scored three, Zac Aiken, Derek 'Suddons, Steve Death and Greg Peacock each had two, inges te Brian Johinson, A.J. Shannon, Phil Greenen and Luke McKbay. The Henry ba sebail team, partic*ipated .,ini the, .Metro the semi-finals. On the home front, Hiawks defeated McLà aughlin 13-2 and 18S3. Winning pitchens were Jenemy Schott and Andy Lundy, and Hawk home runs were ht by Ken Calway, Brad Newport and Adam Thompson. The Henry egis rugby teamn had a resounding 44-O win over Courtice in their last game. Tries wene scored by Anna Papadimitropolous, Jen Monine, Annie Bell, Cama Cannon, Amanda Knegje and Kate Ellis. KIate Agwirre had two tries and Amanda Knegje and Cana Cannon added converts. On a tour in Ottawa, the gils aIse won three out of thesfive games they played. The Henry girls' lacrosse team added two m'ore ýwins to their perfect league record,,defeati GL Roberti3l12-2 and Sinclair 6-4. Jen Cassidy made a number of timely saves in the game against Sinclair. The Henry midget rugby team defeated Anderson 36-O. Mke Francis was the only high school studint' in the' senior Canadian . .wrestling championships. in Vancouver where lie became the champion of the greca-roman divison and was fifth lii the. reestylediion Page 24, Whitby Fe Pres, Wednesday, May 15, 1996' i