Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 22

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I.' Il fleres a new look to Mosport Park. Extensive landscaping of the grounds, fresh paint on the pri- meter? walls and floodlighting, new vinyl cladding and furniture m some areas and locations are Just some of the changes that have been made for a busy sum- mer schedule at the raceway in Clarington. Improvements have been made to, the corner four area and a new pemaent chicane has been in- saldat the top of the back- straight to resolve a- longstand- ing traffie concern. The latter ehanges came in trne for the Sunoco Ultra 94 Trans- Amn Weekend, May 17-20, kcicking off the Mouport season. 'In addition te, the Trans-Arn championship the weekend in- cludes the U.9 Formula Ford series SCCA's Shelby Can-Am and qpec Rider series, stock car and motorcycle racng free music concerts (Jeiff Hee, Sky- digger, Pursuit of Happiness) andcifree camping ail weekend. Mosport's new look also in- cludes a new event, the 24 Hours We're taking over the Pizza. Market The crust is Wiade of fudge and chocolate crunch. Add lots of Dairy Quen soft serve, and a combination of scrumptious toppings. Four flavours to choose from. The DQ Treatzza Pizza1" us the only pizz that tastes better cold. !ý only $5.99 . gets 1 OO add $4.00 and get 2 add.$2.OO more & get 3 We freat You Right Delry Ouser, soom sare prend@Fonof a#» eCMdmn Miade Nerworlc,~ wNctbmnhlw Oca"hsptas o&mmide. SNol availabto wih any othar affer. WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 I We brew for you - no extra chargeIN (you just add the yeast) Brew beer for as Iow as $11.50. per case of 24 reg. botties. We spare no expense to provide you with the freshesi Brew ypur 1lOth batch & ypur 1llth is FREE! IN/ake wvine nowv! From $2.75 per 750m1. wies.Ch- In)- Chali- Freh olrh d SavgnnBln I-inol hrony-Chta-ei*D DUNDAS ST HWY 2 Ci BURINS z- z ýÉ 0 CL C eCONSUMERS CA6L 666nBREW 1390 Hopkins St. Unit #6 Whitby IHours:I IMon.-Fd.I il1-9I We accevt competitors coupons - ----------------------------------- IF~yur frst batch. of Mosprt, in late June; Thun- der Aley, a caino, vide game arcade and beer gaden; King of the Hill racing for spectaters and roller blading-, free shuttie bus service te and frorn Pickerinq for GO Train riders; pace car rides for spectators. The road course which opened Palmerston students get agrip on gold James Cunningham and Michael Nacr of Palmerston Public School each won. gold at the Ontario wrestling champion- ships in Scarborough recently. In the kida' division, Cuning- ham won the 33-kilogram, clans and Nagy 54.6-kilogram. Five other Palmerston stu- dents won bronze: Brett WhVite- Finkie i bantam 45.4-kilogan; John Chesebro h ie nbantani 73.8-kilograi; -Noah 'Clarki kids' 31. 1-kilograni; Brooks Tay- lor in novice 31.9-kilograni' Grg Campbell in novice 28.1-kilo- grami. Saits sink1i I Ontario regional roller hockey action over the weekend, East End Saints novice rep team lost in the finals in an early bird tournament in Whitby. After faling 6-3 in" their firet game Friday night, Saints rallied with three straight wins to earn a berth in the finals.- The firet two vietories came at the expense of Port Hope (3-2) and Oakville (5-2) and in the semi-final, Saints again defeated Oakville 7-2. John Scxymgeour led the offence with four goals in the semi-final. Michael Minig added two goals and Robbie Selig had the other. Saints lost 3-0 to Kitchener- Waterloo in the, final. The tournament was the firet for the Young Saints. Whitby mnor lacrosse HOUSE LEAGIJE INTERIEDiATrEJUR May 2 Lagion Br 3 7(M. Piedt 2. J. Bilich 2. P. Thornion. D.MCuicuh.R. Fard). Oshawa Lions 6 (Z. Peilaj..Rcheleau. C. Shannon. M. Bilec) Wftitby Free Pres 3 (J. Johnson 2. J. Houston). WhiIbyIClnmon 9 (PL Haris Z K. Kimer, iJ. Crystal. C. Whikr. W. ichard, M. Johnstcn. R. Douglas. R. Carvolho) Apri 29 Whitby Kinsmon 8 (K IGrner 2Z W. Richard Z. C. Whilhier, M. Patio R. Harris, P. Carvalha). Lsgion Br. 43 3 (P. Thorrian. J. Bâleh.FR Fordl) Fue Piss4 (J. Johnson, B. Johnson, S. Hixoox. R. Unwin). Lions 9 (3. Rochelau 2Z M. Norton, L Rochelea. C. MoBidle. R. Ryan. J. Jmariks. 0 co& J. Chadrm) April 24 Frse Pie2 (S. Hisoox, J. Houston). Legion Br. 43 5 (J. Bilich Z.D. MoCuîicugh Z. P. Bli"e) Whitby Iinsmen 12 (W. Richard 3. R. Harris 3. R. Douglaa3.C. Wrigh Z Y- lmer).Lon;2 (J. Bageun, B. Ryan) MAJOR PEEWEE Ontarlo Data 5 James Muniord 3. Ede Coins, Col. Martin). Spei Sportswear 4 (Ge«ol Jorie 2. Mmt Newel.Frul. Malt Wies) MitchMllirsrance 4 -(Adam -Mitdie. LM& McKinnon. Adam Murray. Todd HubItad). Whitby Cou" 6 (ZaiUtsmn Z Sieven ThaulI. John SWiaS& Aaron Gls Sean Kmq MAY 3 M4dtchell3 PariILang. Malt FasIer, MOlCIo), Mme poqlJ ruaon 3. Colins2,.Ju"nCîrnora Hgh sehool,« sports SEIlOR lOS' UAEU w L T m CENTRAI. DIVISION Henry Ssi4 O O O sinclaIr 2 O O 1 Anderson 2 O O i McIUughiIn O 2 O 3 Edale8 0 2 O 3 Pauit oyer O 4 O 4 EAUT DIVISION EasdalsA 4 O O O 0'NeiI 2 O O 1 Roberts 2 O O i Courtice 2 4 0 3 Bowanviîle O 2 O 3 Ce"tr0 O 4 O 4 WEST DIVISION DenisO'yConnor 2 i 1 O Dunbarton 2 i O O st bly 2 1 1 0 Pkcoeng 1 2 1 i Exeter 0 2 01% Plnuidgs O 3 i 2 Hu" ybent 13 (M Andy Lundy). Mctaughlin 2; Henry Street 18 (WP JemrnySohoti, McLaughlin 3; Sicair 9. Paul Dwyw 3; Sinclar 6. Eadals B 0; SincIk10, Eastale B 0 SENIORGIRLS RUGB3Y HarmySle<44 Modet Agufrre, 2 trIe.; Jennier Morin.try Anng Papadimltnnopolous, b AnniseBe& ,by Kate Elisty; Cara Cannon, try mei Smet; Amanda Knege, ty and oonvert>. coudt"ce0 SEUOR 1BOYS' RUGBY Dunbarton 25. Henry Sireel 3 <Mike Frands, drap goal> TRAcCANDRELD 4 x 100m relay - loi Anderuon, 52.0; 800rn sprint mediey - lot Anderson, 1:54.6; 2nd Bimount. 1:564; 3rd Pne Ridge. 2:W.8 OP&oinb 7 <Sean Kerv 3. John Stafoda2. Gallas Brendon Simeson), Spiri 3 (Wyle .Doy Dmonldan, mBrown) ApnU 30 Db3 (Mundord. Glen Courbin, Colins). Oplimists 5 <Galles, Ker Chris Noble, Simeson, Andrew Vincent) *NI« RPEEWEE May 12 %Rvor Hautng 6 (Deoan Brick 2, Zachary Greer, Brnhe$Ymerrt, TonvmyWaldook. Andrew Lebel), Oskwood UMdanical 5 (JochuaO'YDea3. MW"ae Crysta. Adam B"r. Caaron Langoîs> Crow Sports 7 (Derek MaTeague 3, Scott Masaterton, Michael Mc(enzle. Ryan Long, Brennan Hafrey. Bladea 6 (Jeny Frances 2, Camero VonEsduscholtz 2Z Craig McJ)orald. Ian craaNoA WhiI3y Mader Lam"oea4 (Shane Sargent 3. Malt DohortY). H.&. Roughley 3 (Kyle (YBnOOn 2. Kevn May 10 BWM e3<(BlOir Sfîgler. Peterion, VonEsdmshoîi2). Rammor Heafrg 2 (Brick Mika Haley) Crow Sports il <Nichla Marasoo 3. Halsey 3, Magtà.ZM" Kr, McKvenzr>,H.G. Roughley 4 <OBrien 3. Ian Stwart Oakwoad 4 (Bar 2.C;ysta., Michael Heas), Madters4 Pdohery Mathew Carrai. Poajf Barrett) muel Mal 12 Cmwspants 3 O0 O0 25 16' 6 Biades 2 0 1 14 13 4 OakwSodihch. 1 1 1 18 il 3 Wht Untar, 1 I 1 12 12 3 Ranvîot Huing 1 O 2 14 15 2 K.ri oughiey 0- O 3 8 24 O *NOR NOVICE May 12 Fidler Chappors a Jamm ad u4. Andrew Dymmrt 2.- Matthe ArbourDean Biwood) Leacom Consuklng 4 (Tyler Ferusan. JumtbFaxi Brooldin kinsmen 9 (Stephen Bathe 2. John Hughes Z Adam Der", Mitchell McMiahael, Kody MusasolmriEda Regan, Sean Sîmeson). WhHWb Trphy Homa.7 (Alex Henderson 4. Jason Casdy Z Jan Arrmstrong) Webco Crane 6 (Daniel Dernçsey Z. Tyler Calma, Andrew Fanac, Paul Kent. Try Sherili), Pringle Creek IGA 2 <Andrew Murphy, Joel W"be) May 9 Weboo 5(Fano2.Z Zachazy Eriterson, Eric Gordon. DerricitGray), Flddler 10 <Dymed 4. Neal 3. Todd Colin. 2.Matr MIzi) IGA 4 (Chris Wood 3. Jirni Provenzano), K(insmen 8 <Bahe 2, Bon Sawyer 2. Hughes. Mussemnan) Leacom 1 (Fox). Trqthy 6 <Hen-densa 2 Chriatq>her Boyce. Cassidy, Derick Gay, Sarah MMOR 1YKES May il HAG Roughley 6 <Ryan Pkcher 3 Shanbe Davkdao 2Z Michael Cudmore). Whitby Warnors Jr. A 6 <SlavIra Lysyk 4. Andew Bawler 2) Broadlin Redmen Alumi 5 (Andr.w Mc9ride Z. Tyler Mille, Cary Flynn. Michael Turealti), Panda Fundrasng 5 (Coin Dobeon 4b Michael Andersan) May 4 Roughley 6 <Davldson 6). Redmien Alurmi1 (Mcflride) Warniona 5 <Mike Makinnon 2. Lysyk Z. Blak BrerrNUe), Panda 3 <Dobean 2Z A.J. Marasco) April 30 Roughley6 (Dawidson 3. Cudmore 2Z Kyle Wbeay), Panda 1 (Lucas Labelle) Warrior 8 (Lya>It 3. Androw Molredanz 3. Mdcinnon. Brerser), Redmon 2 (Tyler Jkran 2) HA. Roughley Whit. Warrlois 'Panda Fund. Brook Readffu Page 22, Whltby Free Pres,. Wednosday, May 15, 19916 i.g~ 'Ne lok'osport opens.Friday i -1 miles) and the speedway oval, opened in 1988, is 0.8 kilometre The oval -was o Uil plan- ned as a dirt tre butte firet event tore up the track and the pavement1 came shortly after- ward. For more information, eal the Mopr park office at '905-513- Whitby'- mnor basebaf PEMWE Wht~R~yclub s, Wiby Oç,i,île1; DuaaDd.Chflvyhr11. RogersC" a MV 7 Hlglmd Van & 8tonage 7. Srlng Drilibre 1; Lanm no rm 5. (Ion GrahiaS 3; Durbarn CW9ge OCysWwr18. WhItby Robqy Oub 0; Raoger.C" 7.. ktad iol ISevi e May8a Iternat MionlMIIService6. Sn~imng Drlers5 as siMay 10 W L T P Duham odge CvyWor 2 0 0 4 Lannxm O1 O 0 2 WbltbyRotaiyClub 1 1 0 2 Hghand Van &StMrge, 1 --0 O0 2 k"mrntiona nsiLIISujyle 1 1 O0 2 RogmaCable 1 I O 2 whitbylorlnish O 1 O O Wmèn GhphIcs O 1 O O P"lIg Drlmo 0 O2 O O U*DR IPEEWEE My Whkby Pro. Firellghtors 17, S"ls Chalt 1 May 7- Roya Enteeprb. 11. MacMillan Ordwvds 7; The GreeTyooon 13. Lennox Drum 3 MaB M&M Meats 7. Jaen Auto 2 Mayl0 &UMMu rrh* 9. Whâby Pro. Firefighters 3 st&la.d. u et May 12 W L T P WbithY Pro.RIulIghtst 1 1 O 2 Ojukycon 1 O O 2 RoysEnturdso 1 i0 0 2 MacMllan Oharde 1 1 O 2 M&M MMtShops 1 O O 2 SwissChali O 1 0 O Lu= oDrum O 1 O 0 .InosnAutosody O i O O

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