Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 21

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IIMOJikbi AM Tenacity pays off In 1984 Jamie had avr promlslng future,. vs Ho lovod football, had played ln the'l<lwanls beague, but was anxlous to got Into Nh ahool action and ny pop!tliouht that ho had the potontial to b. an excellent' athiete. Ho, looked forward to Grade 9 and beyond, wheme ho mlght eaven get an opotnt 10 lyfor tho Senator OCnnor enor football squoel that was coached by his father. Hoeofate- was ta take control of Jamlo's amibitions. Hi-s soro leg had boon examinod and that mystorlous lnjury provod f0 b. cancer. Thore was no alernative - Jamie muld kso Nis log, but the doctors woro hopoful tttlue# could save Nis Ife. ln a very rare procodure, called a "Van Nosm Amputatlon,O Ja1moes g a taken ln 1985. 1 met Nm shortly thormetr. Ho was eh ortor than h. should have been, chomothorapy sometimes stunts growth, bt when the bald, chubby athlete walkod Into Vaitoty Village, Nls oyos k up with a lire thet nobody or no disoase could put out. Ho lmmodlatoly took a Ilkng to wlieelchair basketbail and togethor wo got to leam about a game thet can b. as oxcing as any sport. H. was always a leader and any team that Jambe played for was a botter toam. He hatod 10 lose and oxpocted that lie would control the outcome cf evory contest. He was rugged and you couki oeqect Io see hlm catapulted from his chair et least two or throo imes ovor game, sither driving to Durham men's lacrosse M&V 12 ÙidM 13 (Don Floyd 4. JOhn Semag2. Doug Kobe 2. Dàn Mord"U> ZTpanChayto»Wsk 2. Guy MIory). Lion à th. Unloam 7 (Ks.n Hayes 4, Jamon Moey, Tyer MAey. Ed National1il(Jamon Rdiazds3. Mark Alnwoqth 2 PaiiiDonadson2.Chris Lopin. Z Daik Jons2>4 Rebok 10 (Joas Dwks 4, Dan McWhlt.. CarW Dt.. Chris Edmanson, Riah Sabroor, Ken Bergard. Ken FiMe ld lacrosse Hanay 8oot7 (Anmi.Hodoison Z.EWhI GalUsalda ZL.eonnBulaugh. Kils tnk.a à& l»wRonluid>.A .1 (LÉM&oni) HOMay91i-1 7 (0~ -ugh4. Jon Catai Gamiada). DanoniCVI58(Jeosiao e.3. 10m Doon CVI il ÇmMW %I3HO 3. L».Z CÉdUiMisai tCanned. Midioi.U«4c. Aax2 Fr. Lmo Atln (W«~v10 (Liday tHms3. Cootnqr WalshBoh MCugough 2. Soedy Pdmui*sokumesMh3INM az.Casruliy Mhrii4. D" bOCsmoe ~m41(C"w um Hm"suySi il 0u~sili3. 'lmlaoris2 Galmids2.Andrea .hluuonLlaa Wdons M, m*wm nKhssVuidorM. Fr. Loo Auailn3 ~e& Bsi rady. CoUauWffl Hen Si Ue1il ttudoran 4. Hlinlun3. Dg evasCVI IPm 4, CuisboI3,Hâ Z hnmâMcml~,sWSugiet,~os. pi"l the basket or tryng 10 make an Impossible 'save* aiong the sidelines. Whon he fouîed out of gameis.lie stayed near the sidones and contlnuously oncouragod his teammates. Ho was always a tenacous Impact playor and between 1986 and 1991 he combined wth Jeff Adams and Tracoy Foyguson to lead Ontario 10 four national junior wheoklalr basketball ttles. From 1991 to 1995, James dedlcated hlmsol 10 Imprwovlng Ns game, moVng into the men's lbagues and taklng on tho bost of tliem. Threo Urnes ho was ivted 10 the national toam tiy-outs a nd three ies lie dldn't make IL Ho nover seemod adown,0 but lm sure ho wondered If ho would ever get Nis chance. For the past 18 months, James has Ived In Vancouver where lie practicos dally wlth the Olymplc toam. Last wookend 1nAMontroal, thoy pbayod ln a toumnament alter which thoy muid make their final cuts. mhe tension was great and 1 arn sure that thero were moments wMon the potential boss would sooni as final as the amputation that changed Ns If. forever. On Monday moming Mms. Trouer calied 10 tell me of the coaches' decislon. I set back, took a deep breath, ralsod a clonchod flst, and quWoy thankod God. Thon I yellod 10 the rest of the staff: eJamle'sgolng 10 Atlanta.n Joe Millage of prograin director VMlage. Whftby Is for Variety S.IM .....MI 1 Whitby and Ajax eplit i two gaes in minor mosquite base- There were 20 stelen bases in a contest won byWhithy 8-5. Craig Hannan and Jonathan Thiebaud drove in runs for Whitby. Thiébud drove i the 'only Whitby run in a 5&1los toAjax. IDInld). G.L Robeets0 DonavanCVI 8 (L» 3. EM sContdlaM ~Hall, Michele Mach. Wiltoughsby). Siclair 3 <Lesoy àMtury Z Lynx Koya) &.L Rabout 8 (Daim Ofczyk 3. HathorRas2. Jalon. Ham. . iani .Cavai Courtnoy), Contrae (Natasa Vs4anvia Z Juid. Wagar Z. asisqui@, Kihy evW Ho.ySoe (aunia .Buiiough. Caftan Hinkson, Vandodg). 5Si r 4 (Koys 2. J-nie HmqSyhat 13Con 4. GalnaJc3. Heodnoron ZAuoiBultaughVuserP). G.L Raba2 (Kil.Young. Shanon Smith) Sind* ak5(qbusy 2.Kay a " Ci.Chener, Melany Chuidi. Shwi Bayai. Homa). G.L Raod2 (Rm. Young) FrLw Aubo CL Robout en"i Ai-m D ece" W s 3 3 2 1 O O O O Whltby Fr00 Pmosyiosday,, yl Mayi 99,Page2 Club skaters roi to 13 gold mel][dals The. Whitby Bolier Skating Club colours were gold, silver and bronze at the 1996 Ontario roller skating hamipionships in CambridgeZay 10andl11. Whitby club skaters won 13 gold, 10 silver, and 10 bronze medals and as a result 13 club skaters wull advance te the Cana- dien finals in Kitchener Juno 28 te July 2. Tara Canning and Matthew Radford each won two gold, Can- inh novice ladies' figures and fre kate, Radford in novice mes figures and free skate. In world class ladies, PMa Schmidt-Hansieriwas frst i free skate and Rébecca Woodhouse flrst i figures. Woodhouse was second ifree skate. Jennifer Caukwell won gold ini level 1 solo dance and was second in solo original set pat- tern dance. Silver modale wont te Andrea Mcçron was second i freshinan froe skate Kriston Nakamura i level 1 soIo dance, James Mace i novice mon's figures and'free skate, and iàndsay Radford i elemontary loops. Bronze medals went to Neuman at his best in bout in Bellevili1e Chris Nouman of Whitby recently improved hie amateur heavyweight boxn record with a unanimous decison ovor an exporioncod Kingston boxer. Neuman had his best bout yet as he battlod Brad Wilson at the compettion iBelleville. .Atran evon flrst round, Neu- man rocked Wilson in the second round, delivering two standing isn tecorne on s3tronjg in hethrdround but Neuman s pwerful combinations again had Wlson iný trouble and ho strug- gled to hangon. Neuman is a member of the, Moter City Boxing Club which will present a show, Tage at the Regent, on Sunday, June 2, 2 p.m., at the Regent Concert Theatre in downtewn Oshawa. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for those under age,12. For more information cal the club at 434- 8686 or the kegent at 433-1556. McCron in freshman figures and open lops, Jennifer DeHetre i novice ladies' figures, Sarah King i novice ladies' fro. kate, and Lindsay Radford in ementary froe skate. Ail will go te the national finals. Provincial champions i the junior olympie division (do not advance te, Canadians) were Canning in level Il division B dance, Mgan Dochuk in level II division Afire and free skate, King in lieo1 division B dance, Sandra Caukwell i lovl 1 divi- sion A dance and Caitih Brand-' son i lovel 1, division a free skate. Silver modals went te Jennifer Caukwell i levol Il divial I division A figures; bronze. te Sta- csy Laigin lovol, II division B fr0. skate,- Sandra Cauqkwell, in Gemini gymnasties mou rUYkOcym ve.t Aprd 19-21 8A caegoeF KATE BROOKS.* 2nd 78 emnomr: VANESSA JAKYN *2nd 7A "SeoeyKATHERINE FAIRNURSI),l1.; STPHNENEWLANOS, 2nd level il division A fr-esskate, Michelle Evans ini level I1dviion B dance, Staci Evans i level I division a fres skate, Brandson in level I division A dance. The. ekaters are coached by Pétra Bayford, Tony' Quatrale, Beverley Preston, Schmidt-Han- sen and Dean Bint,. Whitby Slonpitch 4.W L T-,' P c.~ ~ 0 0,uoi.~2 4 Seis 1 0 O0O2 WhIby Inn " 1 0 .0 2 Admmp - ' 'l1 O 2 bnhPdnghs 1 1- O2 SupuoVUmndn 1 1 0 2 RESPaývWng0O1 O 0 AMUZbSu 0 2 0 O TalIg.hhulls's 0O2 0 0 &teMvu Au.2b, Zone2,-Cuoys 13, RUS Puvbqg10, WhlIy lknm Wu1%. Mehnl Pu. gI 1 0, cmeyu UM Auto Zone 9; Bunkera B'S"23 - !da. 7;eim" Prinlee 11, âi-nl-n*q e- wmw(wln by delaul. T1 .ChaU.; Sme s(Wln by dulal) ilgasChaatls Yu NOPEFARDA GOmwcLFCOURSIE < -sals e *Sie18 Family& Schools Welcome 1,e834 yd.e l5 HoIes* ePar 3 REN TALS AVAILABLE* 15 miles north of Whitby on Lakeridge Rd. J I IFor more information, cal 655-3091J ~BASEBALL SCHOOL For Boys & Girls aged 7 -14 at Iroquois Park Complex - Whitby i3de ,cHn 1 ACADEMY BASEBALI SCHOOL 1 -80363.9053 Split for inosquitoes Durham College BASEBAL CAIMP '962i 5th Great Year! JuIy 8 - 12 IuIy 15 - 19 9am-3pm Ages:7-14 Excellent coaching staff, FREE canirp I-shirt, BBQ, draws, awards, ndividual instruction, three greil facilities on campus. Ask about ouri fmiy Bonus Pfln! For more Inforniaion cail 721-3040 'w.

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