Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 19

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Whltby Free Prou, Wockoesday, May 15,1996, Page 19 Town issues wearning to province over charges By'Mike Kowalski Whitby councillors have again corne out s3winf *g againat a pro 1a aimed at sparking Ontrioa housing industry. For the second time i five monthe, Town council has calied on the provincial government to' abandon ail thought of revamp- frgthe Develipment Charges Oniy now council la prepared to back up ita demand with action. Ini a tersely-worded resolution approved Mondav. council war- ned that it may have no alterna- tive but to reconsider ail pre- Arenas' FROM PAGE 1 «Hf we buiid it, they had botter corn ehoaaîd teconsiderabie lafobiZever, if the commente from the ice user represontatives are any indication, the arenas wili flot oit 1de. Gene Byrnes of the Whitby Ringetto Association said ls orgnEaioncen no longer take any more girls and han had te aignficatreduce both practioe and piaying time. "Our members aeot the cost. No questions are bein asked by these people, they will pay the increase," aeid Byrnos. "We don't expeet any aubsidy from the taxpayer%," nid Whitbiy Minor HockeyB Association po aident Peter Lng.«We'vetae that osition since day one." «éakthat yrou accept this and get on with it as quickly as you can," he said. Inhroduced to council foliowing approval of his company'a pro- posai, construction manage Jason Bail assured a concern councillor Dennms Fox that hie firm wili meet the scheduled Septmber 1997 opening and on Bagilweas then preaented with 'a ceremonialishovel by councillor and'recreation depertmnent chair Judi làongfieldL Bail telId reportera later that Whitby'a weas the "beat organ- ized7 design/build system hie copnhas yet seen. "Staff provided us with ail the information we needed te. corne up, with the most competitive pricinq possible," ho seid. Havmng built the four-rink Canlans complx in Scarborough,' Bail said the Iroquois Park expansion poses a different chal- lenge in that it is an addition te an existing fecility and that it muet not interfore with the other arenas. Bail expecta work te begin ini Document Shredding *High volume. equipment will reduce your shredding cost * Secure Iocked containers at no extra cost # Bonded drivers *100% of paper is recycled *Certificate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CAIL lOif (905) -427-3605 (Derrick) ffffff~ffj WASTE SYSTEMS, viously approved draft plana of subdivrisioni if it cen no longer app1 the cost of «soft services"-te new lorneconstruction. I addition, future rosidential development proposais may bo approved only if the developmient doos not negatively impact, on the mu ipalty's ability te pro- vide suchricesas lire protec- tion and recreation. if ai proposaI.irnow being con- sidered b Mcipal Affaira and Housinp Miniter AILeach pute restrictions on what municipali- ties can coilect from developers, property taxes could jump by at lest 10Oper cent, council fears. con tract late summer or enrly fali. The banquet hall will accom- modate 300 people and the res- taurant will seat 175. The res- taurant will ho leased te a pi vate operater end is epctdtc be deaigned with a sports motif. I Whitby's case, this wil resuit in an annuell oas of $1.7 million. "This came up before, but it appears te ho headig tewerds a resolution in tho e fal 96"» said councillor Don Mitchell. «We're gotting no response from the novernment," com- plained Mitèheli of the motion council passed lest Decembor cal- ling on Leach te consider. 'the impact on municipelities if ho 9 -ed with plans te amend "Tha Town wlll ho closed for businessý, as opposed te the pro- vince being open for business,» naid Mitchell of the unofficial motte of Onterio'a Progressive Conservativegopvernment. Last feli, Leach announced that ho was considering chane te thoe ct which woýuldlii municipalitistoecharginfor only "hard«msvicwessuce as aewera, roada and waste manege- mont. Municipelities would no longer ho aiiowod te apply the cost of 200 HP Vortec 4300 V/6 SF1 engine, 5-speed manual transmission, 4-wheel ABS, driver's side air bag, side-guard door beams, cloth seats, chrome plated wheels, power steering, tinted glass, ail steel 8 ft. cargo box, intermittent wipers, AM/FM stereo, underrail boxliner I I I I I I I I I 230 HP Vortec 5000 '/8 SF1 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission, 4-wheel ABS, drivers side air bag, side-guard door beams, air conditioning, A.MIFM cassette, cloth seats, chrome grille, rally wheels, tilt wheel, cruise control, power steering, tinted glass, ail steel 6.5 ft. cargo box, intermittent wipers, underrail boxliner providing soft services '- parka, recreation, librarles, fire protec- tion -- te fees assessed on new development. "We will not me the quality of lif. in this community undermin- de4ý " said Mitchell. t'as unfair te ask existing ratepayera te aubsidize new development," he said. ClI** that the message esosed y the government is one of "eit thiýa sash that,"ý Mitchell isaid Tory MPs do not realize the problemq.this croate. for their muinicipal counterparta. "They make it sound so easy, but they don't realize how diffi- cuit it is," ho aad.L " We can't abndon our see like théy can," ho aeid ini refer- once te the recent atrike by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. . Pointing out that eéomn charges are rosponsible for fund- Ing aportion of the Iroquois Park recreation complex expansion (seo separate story), counciulor Judi Làongfield eaid the move will beckfire on- the goverrnent's attempt -te heip the houeing in- duery. "They're (developers) poing te findthe door closod," nid hing- field. "Municipalities wiil not aproe devoiopmont that dentpay its own way," ah., fiid. Inresponstea question fr-om Lon4fiOn! Tow treasurer AI Claringboid nid no devéopprs have chalegeWhitby'a dévo- lopment charges byiaw since ita ipiemontation in 1991. Longfield added that Lunch las also conaidorinir closing the "loophobe" that shlows municipa- lities te dotormino what dovlp mont erpreoais are appropriat and what are premature. 'Td 11k. te ooethat issu, lob- bied egualy as hard " h. add. oosent tovarious gpvorn- ment mainiafries, local MP.Paand homo buildors' asaociations. - - - - - - - -I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I Get wb8t yoU waflt from Dont forger to use yorir GM card Eamnings toward te purchase SmmaRLEASE Smart customer 1s u'eSATES, or lease o otx, next GM vehnle. Sub)ecto GM C<cJ rram Se MATLEsE Tan aelicerised users of mrwk. Tm Regrstered Tradte Marcktomdesigned lease, plan to fit your specific needs. of Gerierat Motors corporatio, TD Icesed usqer. You can oav zero down. lower vomir monthh, n -nt-, r You Should Know This Based on a 36 month lease for GMC c/K Regutar Cab 1SH and GMC c/K Extended Cab 1SB equipped as described. A minimum doywnpayment (Regutar - $2226. Extended - £2,996) and security deposkt (Regulai - $300. 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