Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1996, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Free ýPress, Wednesday, May 15, 1996 For information cail: 905-655-3493i M U NIciPAL CEMETERYI THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE 0F THE PROPOSED AMENDMVENT REGIONAL FILE NO.: OPA 96-008 The Regional Municplt of Durham is proposing an amendment to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan to permit; 1) other employmnent uses in addition to prestige uses along freeways and Type A and Type B arterial roads within Employment Areas; and, 2) deviations from the right-of-way width requirements f or arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamiets. PUBLIC MEETING The Durham Region Planning Commlttee will' hold a ýpublic meeting to provide interested parties the oppoitunity to make comments, identify issues and provide additional information relative to the proposed Amendment. The public meeting will be'held on: Tuesday,,June 25,1996 at 10:00 a.m. - Durham Region Planning Department, Main Boardroom Whitby Mail, Fourth Floor, Lang Tower COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? An information report outlining the detaills of the proposed Amendmentma I be obtained from the Durham Region Planning Department. If you have any* questions or comments regarding the proposed Amendment, please contact: Grant McGregor, Planner Tel: (905) 728-7731,(Whltby) Tel: (905) 686-1651 (Toronto) Fax: (905) 4366612 If you wish to make a written' submission or -if you wish to be notified of subsequent meetings of the adoption of the proposed Amendment, please write to the Commissioner of Planning, Box 623, Whitby Ontario, LiN 6A3. Please include your address, telephone number and ~ Regional file number in your submission. REFERRAL REQUESTS. If a person or public body that requests a referral of a proposed decision in respect to.the proposed Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed Amendment Is adopted, then, (i) the Ministry 0f Municipal Affairs and Housing, as approval authority, may refuse the request to refer ail or part of the proposed decision to the Ontaio Municipal Board; and (ii) the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss ail or part of the referral of the proposed decision. Gerri-Lynne O'Connor Chair, Planning Committee A.L. Georgieff, M.C.l.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning 1 'NO ]RUSH'I1 How you choose to pay tribute to a life lived or make an expression of remembrance is a personal choice. Your Municipal Cemetery serving the Town of Whitby since 1951. AS ABOUTOUR- PCIAL The speed at which Brooklin undergoes its metamorphosis from a rural village te an urban centre may ultimately be deter- mined by the Ontario Municipai Board. ,Town council'. planning and development committee ha. rejected an attempt te aoeelerate the pace of growth in the north Whitby community. Committee last week refused te consider aplea te begin the Lthe!evlopment of two 4o sites on the east'and west sies of Brooklin. Committee member. supported a planning department recom- mendation that there be no change in the two properties' designation in Whitby's officiai plan and that a projected popula- tion -of 10,000 in Brooklin by the year 2011 not be aitered. Although council wias expected te endorse the recommendation when it camne forward Monday, the final word on how quicldy Brooklin grows could be dehi- vered by the- municipal board (0MB). Everi if council accepted an offer from the two property owners te fund planning studies required before development can occur, it did not gantee that the 0MB appel willabedropped. "They're saying if you (council) .want te do a »Sndaiy plan now we will fund it " said north ward councillor Don; Mitchell of the prposal put forward by Brook- valle Holding. Ltd. and Mark- borough Properties Inc. "(But) rve neyer heard them ayteywoul1d withdraw their (0aMB),objection," said Mitchell. "They're, saying 'we're going te the board, we want the boun- daries redrawn now'." The two companies have chai- lenged the designation assigned -te their properties i Whitby's new officiai plan- which was approved by Durhanm Region council last Deoember. Brookvalley owns approxi- mately 180 acres immediately east- of Ashburn Road, between Hi4ghway 7 and Columbus Road. Markborough' owns about .350 acres immédiately eaat of Thick- son Road betweeni Columbus and Winchesterroade. Both properies are des ated "lLivingre"in Durhams Offi-; ciai p an, which has *a 3-year timeframe to guide growth ùmtil the year202l*. However, iWitby'splan, the lande are assigned a "FuÛture Urban Development Area" label which means chat the lande will ultimately be used for residential purposes but are not needed to satfisfy hiýtby'is residentiai land requirements in the near future. Bh proerties are located outaide ofb ut adJacnt to, the Whitby -plan'a 20-year urban boundary for Brooklin. During regional council'. con- sideration of the Town's official plan, the campanies sought changes that would accommo- date earlier development. Brookvalley sgeted that since the WhiMtby planu a o approved until late ,1995, a true 20-year planning timeframe would extend te, 2016 and not 2011 and that the population target for Brooklin, should be changed from 10,000 by 2011, te, 1700YOby 2016. Àîthough regional council fapproved Whitblys plan, it refer- edthe developers' objections te, the 0MB. A hearing on the two appeals is not expected until the fil at the earliest. Solicitors for the developers- tried te cénvince the committee to chn ethe Town's position on their client.' properties last week, but the committee was not prepared eo revaznp the official plan at thisstage.' Committee was suppredM its stand by Stephen D'gstino a lawyer for Bok Lim ite Partnership), the flrm behind the massive 1,200-unit Brooklin Meadows subdivision now beinga built on the eastern 'portion of the village. D'Agostino argued that it will take 10 years before ail the houses in hi. client'. subdivision are purchased and that counsel .0 - £ -. -sedW ite /Serrted Back-Ltt r RailTA R-- .Whit - .-.:.Blak -ter sd Tres 20 ad s for the other developers had offered no evidence te supirt the need for accelerated gromt. Mitchell essentially concurred with VAgostiosargument "'ihe (officiai) plan waa drawn up deliberately so that Brooklin would grow lie a villag ol The Free Pres. "We didn't want scattered development ... a pocket here, a pocket there," hie said. "We wanted it to grow naturafy and with some conside- ration for the downtown.p Mitchell explained that if council* expanded the 20-year development boundary for the lands mi question, one or both of the comanies woýuld likely pro- pose a siubstantial commercial area7 as well." The developers wold have a "compelhing argument" i that Brooklisexisting commercial areas would not be sufficient te handle such a larg influ of people, said M olitchrell, while stressig that the plan-directs future commercial growth te the downtewn as much as possile. "I understand from a- develo- per'. perspective, but. fio. the c muit's perspectivethr' no rush,» he addecl. after rai.d A 42-year-old Whitby man was arrested and- charged recently after' police found about 159 maijuana .eedlings during a raid on a Lakeridge Road residence., Police discovered the seedlings, which* have an estimated street value of $160,000, when the .earched the 475 Lakeridge Rd. S. home around 1 p.m., May 2. - The suspect won cnarge<i witn possession of a narcotic for the purposes of trafflcking and culti- vation of marijuana. IS VOUR cAR..U ~'Bow L~ Pigeon Kriock Iegged ®toed ne Then yOU need the experts at DIXON ALIGNMENT 317 Hopkins St. Whitby e Cai 666-5167 Today! Our expert technicians are ready to get you traveling straight again! Committee rejects plea to acceleirate B rooklin development

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