Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1996, p. 30

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Page 30. Wnltbv Fiee Prees, Wednesday, ay 8, 199 BISUETCRAMI SOW'fo V ictodan [h. Goth L nJ i ve ta 66-82 M 6 60 Et 6 VISIONSý PSYCI'C - bye, money, cmse, have >vurfuiture told today by ans -of aur 'truIvjatd psychlcs. 1-900-451-302 29 9mjn. T7our = Tomonto Fres callng ssrwlcs 905) 68"-222. CALL NOW. Connsct wth other camou kit%*i. Browss 100'Ys 0f ads and e.Feefrso and womsbn; < W%)f683-2808. Chit' WANT MORIÉ ~ ahaltlr at=ac9vWhslu9MfThon Bodyfor Ftnesss t osforeyu.W. offer psrsonalzed structuropragram guaranteW o lourklll Cali 668-4464. EVANLY RAYS sevcing oe 20,000 Ontario houssholds. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, poliiclans & corporations- use us. Concerns about bye, heafth., relatlonshlps m' ronoy. Just cal 1-900-451-4055,24d hrs $2.991m1n., 18+, 1-960.451-4055. THAKS TO ST. JUDE. E.B. PRAYER TO THE BILESSED' VrgIn nover known to faIL O most beautfuiý flower of Mount Carmel, frultfui vine, spiendor of evn Bl4ed Motherof the Son of God, Immacuate Virgin, asslst me ln necesslt. O star of the sea hee me and show me here you are my -Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother cf 'God Qusen of Heaven & earthI humbly beseech y ou from t(ie bottom 0of MYheart to socure me ln my nsit mai<e requests). There are nons that can wthstand y aur power. OMayoencslved without tin, pray for uswo have recourse ta ihos (3 limes). Holy Mary 1Iplace this cause ln your hand (3 limes).Sa this prayer for 3 consecutive daysà and then you must pubilsh it and i wiII b. grantod to you. S.B.B. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart 0f Jesus,,for favours recelved. May the Sacred heart of Jesus ho adore&, glorMfed, baved & preservod throughout the world now &forever. O Sacred heait of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo, worker o@ miracles r for us. St. Judo, helpero@ tglem oless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eIghth day your frayer wvlll ho answerod, regardieu f how hoelssyour -situation 'seems. Publication muât hW promlsied. S.B.B. TNANKS TO ST. JUDE & 'the Sacred heart of Josus for favaurs rocolvod. May the Sacrod hearu of Jesus ho adored, glorlfld,*.bvod &, preosrvd throughout tho world now &forever.0 Sacrod heart 0f Josus pra for us. St. Judo, worker af miracles Iy oru. 'St. Judo, heloro t~o hpelees, pray for us. S~iW is prayer 9 limes a day. By the eghhday your p rayer wlll hob answerod, rogardiess of ,how; hopless 'your situation soems. Publication must ho promlised. «T.B. prpi, nld s t sx fo 25e e sorls OLEN STEWART Cooporative Playschool Open House 201 Cabot St. Oshawa, Tuesday, May 14, 1 9è6, 9:15am-10:-30am. Parents Interested In a pre-school program for their 2-5 pear olds may b ring. them ln fora lay opportunfty anda chance Ia ses aur program. Hope ta see you thorel EVENT# I EVET BINGO COUNTRYI 1$452IzOXO] JACKPOT 5 Points Malil Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P)- Charities 945371 00 pm& 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. ,1:0OPm Sat & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 436-940*4 Support Your Local Chanites E ALSO wA.MON SUE 0 JACKO UP $2910 JOHANN, MORLEY BRUCE Suddnlyat the Grey Bruce Roglonall-Iealth Centre on Monday Ap 1 29 1996 Mforlsy Johann a1 Owen ëound »In hîs 72nd yoar. Lo'Vod husband and best frlend of Helen (nos Buzza). Doar father of David and his wtfe Marilyn of Bowmnanvllle and Carde and her husband Ross Church of Owen Sound. Sadly mlssed by 6 grandchlidren Sean, Shaina,' Simnn Taylor, Laine and Amy. Also suvevd b 2 sistors Vera and her husband Goron Waghom cof Owen Sound and Audroey Loucks of Chatsworth ad a brothor Evee and his wtfo VcIçIof Bardie. Frlends were lnvted to the Tannahill Funeral Home (Owen Sound 519-376-3710) for vWsdng on Thursday ovenlngfm 7-pm. A pdvatofamlly funeral Wlb. held wth Rev. Dr.. Brian Brown offidating. Cremalian Woodlawn Crematodum, Gueph. Momodai donations ta, the carty of yaur cholce would ho apprediated by the femlly. Please Recycle This Newspape C ASH E D In memory of my Ioving, husband & best friend Ross Allen Clark Who passed away a year ago on May 12, 1995 If 1 could have just one wish I know exactly what I'd do I'd pray to GÃ"d with ail my heart For yesterday and you. A thousand limes I've needed you A thousand tears 've cied Somnedays jusî can't believe You were gone so suddenly, Without a good-bye.*' Il broke my heart to lose you But Hon you didn't go alone Because p art of me went with you the day God caled you home. 'Tii we meet again... Your loving wife, Irene In Ioving memory of our dearly beloved Father, Father-in Iaw 8& Grandfather Ross Allen Clark ,Who passed away a year ago on May 12, 1995 Our lives go an without yau And nothing is the same We have to hide our heartache. When someone speaks yaur name. Sulent the tears that faîl, Living our lives without you, Is the hardest part of ail. You did so many things tior us. Your heart was kind and taue And when we needed someéone, We could always count on you. The special years wiIl not retum When we were alil together, But within aur hears. You will walk with us forever. So Laid put your arms araund him 'Gi ve hi m love and tender care And save a place beside hirn Until we ail get there. Sadlv ,ni,.vsedatiid dl-i loi'ed hi' sons Dav.id, WaYvne & fàîuiî, Keii & janilv am/i daiîghîer Karein nd.fauiIiý AUCTIONS ~' ~ - GIANT SPRING BOAT/R.V. and Motlorhome Auc- lion. Saturday, Ma y il -10 arn.Baffle 400 Ma*iet. Hwy 400 exil. 85 UNRESERVED repos. newhised, 450+ unIts. ail slzes/prilcs Aero Marin. Auction Sales 705-734-4777 * *-BUSINESS OP GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govemment assistance programs tnformiation avallable. For your new or extstlng business. Talcs advantage of lhe govem- ment grants and loans. Oeil 1-800-915-3615. A SECOND INCOME WITHOUT A SECOND JOB. Se your own basa. We show you bow. Eam Imme. diate cash from your home business. Recorded message: 416-462-7523. GLENTELS AGREEMENT WITH BELL CANADA requires distrIbutors ta betp save Bell long dis- tance customers 25-40% svery montb. Ufetime commissions pald on cuslamer base. Oeil 1-800- 364-6997. *AN EXCELLENT Opporlunlty exista for a dîsiribu- tor ai an exceptionat lins ai high-tech sotd stale water lillera and purifiera. No tees but nominal lnventory purchas requlrsd. Eau Canada 1-800- 403-3228. CAREE R TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestsm School ai Auctlaneerlng. Next clasa Auguat 17- 23/96. Contact: Southwestemn Ontario School ai Auctlonoerng, R.R. 95, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. EDUCATIONAL 0PPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... wilh aur great hame-study course. Oel laday for your FREE BOOK . 1-800-267-1829. The Wrtlng Schaol, 2563-38 McArthur Avenus. Ottawa.ON, KI L 6R2. MUSICAL INTEREST CLASSICAL, JAZZ AND BLUES CD mailt order catalogue FREEI CaIl 1-800-310-1116 for cata- logue. Lists every tille avallablein Canada. Excel- lent collectors resource. Shop ai home. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lai of money selllng chocolats bars. New praducta available. Nathlng la psy ln advance. Fat dellvsry 1-800- 383-3589. PAY TELEPHONE SERv. HEAVENLV PSYCHIC Answers servlng aver 50 million readars and mtid-talented psychlcs. Free astrochart wiih your tirsi readingl Relallanshîps, Future, Career. $2.991 min. 18 + 24 Haurs 1 -900- 451-3783. CANADAS MOST GIFTED«paycbîca have answers la your problemsé or questions about beallh. love. retailonship, money. luclcy numbera. *3.49/rmute. 18+. 24 boums, 1-900-451-4336. HELPI SUFFERING fram Dépression? Abuse? Addictions? Loneliness? Confuilon? stladp or sexuel problems? Oualilled counssilors avait- able 24 hrs. ConfidentIel. l8yrs+. *2.99/min. Cal The Key Counisellors 1-900-451-3030. LIVE. ACCURATE. PROFESSIONAL PSVCHICS tell you where yaur future ÃŽles: love, marriage. reia- tlonahips, carier. reunfite you wiib lovsd cnes. ARE YOU A MAN Wl-O HAS sex wlth boffi men and women?ýWe'd l1k. la talc wllb you. Make your. self beard by taldng part lIn ibis U af Toronto sur- veY. ira anonymous and confidential. Cai for free tram anywhere In Ontario: 1.800-9-BI-MALE. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. For compan. ianshlp or marriage. Agas 18-85. Single. wid. owed.dtvarced. Canada. USA, global on Internet Write Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205. Chase, B.C., VOE 1MO. Free Information 1-604-679-3543. MISTV RIVER INTRODUCTIONS. Matchmace for rural Ontario men and women seeklng long- terni relattonahîpa. We've malchsd bundrsds cf happy couples. 613-257-3531 or Box 325, Car- teton Place, Ontario K7C 1 N3. A'"~ DOPTION * HAPPY, financtally secure couple unabie la have baby wtshes la adopi. If yau're pregnant and con- sldering adoption.' please oei ANN ami MARK ai 1-800-290-9172 eveningsa and weekemis. 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No experlence necessay. 1-800-264-7238. * Ils Affordable e I's Fastie* Ils Easy - One Bill Dees filAl *Noecmo $78oS a Eagtgm Oario$139 *Wesfm n ao $10a o.cfi admio 34l.i jmaj0p - iatioealPacaps AvailabLc *Calit hi, paper for delails! NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS N THE ESTATE 0F MAVIS VIVIEN WILLIS, late of the Town of Whitby, In the Regional Municipality .0f Durham, deceased. Ali lCaims against the estate of Mavis Vivien MilIs late of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about the 1 7th day of January, 1996 must be filed with the undersigned thereafler, the undersigned wil distribute the assets of-the said ?astate having regard only to the claims then fied. DATED April 18, 1996. Terry Lawrence and Jan Lawrence, Executors by their solicitor DAVID J. GILLESPIE 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 (905) 666-2221 NOTICE TO- CREDITORS. & OTHERS Ail claims against the estate of KENNETH ALLAN YATES, JR., (self-employed - Ken Yates *Trucking).'late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the, Sth day of November, .i1995,' must- be flled with the undersigned personal representatives on or before May 31lst, 1996, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard* only to the claimns then filed.' DATED this 8th day of May, 1996. Jean Yates & Kenneth Vates Sr., Trustees, by their solicitors Sosna & Shaughnessy Barristers & Solicitors 214 Coibomne Street West Whitby, Ontario LI N 1 X2 BATIRAN FOREVER *SM.OR MOOu.eTuxJMoMMS *SPIDERMAN a CINDERELLA e WHITE RANGER also Red, Gregen and Pink *Brthdays, Company Picnlcs Etc. - NO VIOLENCE!.- DOI J 416) 43-81M3 CLASSIFIEiD. MAR KETPLAC E "Advedise A cross Ontario or Acrosth. Countly -J

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