Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1996, p. 28

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P'ÏgOï8, Mtb' e msWeëdn eiday, ,Maé1d6 QHLf CR Perry LHo use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 SUMMER DAYCARE avaliable for chilren 4yeoes & oider, quallty cars, reasonabIeats references& recelpts. Cail 666-5039. EXPERIENCED, REUA13LE babysitting avaliabie ln my home, $9olweK. Meais & snacks provded. References. Bums.Garden, close to 401. Please oel 430-2274. WANTED: A FEW GOOD K1DS ta enlst wth mature, expenienced nanny. Dally cross-country training provlded at the park. Qualified sorgeant ranks hlgh wfth CPR and flrst aid under her boit. Fuil-time troops proferred. For sonious ontry report ta *The Colonel" at 655-8600. CENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished inclucing refrgerator. Dead bot locks. Private cable for TV. Share kftchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Paring from $75. to $95. Cali1434-1 457 or 576-2287J WANTED: MATURE responsible tomais ta share a 2 bedroom fumnished basement apartment. Non-smoker. $90 weekly. For details oeil 430-2984. LARGE- FURNISHED ROOM CLOSE ta downtown Whitby cabie lncWied. $90/week. Close té [uses. 666-4279 leave message. TWO - 1 BEDROOM with shared accommodatiÃ"ns, five minute walk fmmr the downtawn area. $70-$80 a week. 312 Chestnut St. E., Whltby, ON. Tel.: 905-665-1304. SMOKERS WELCOM, cam, quiet tumished roomn parking & cable lncluded., Avalable lmredlately. Uimlted kitchen use. Suit mature workiw mae$95. RrstAlast ONE BEDROOM basement firsi time renting $700 Inclusive first last, 3 1ec bath avallable immediateiy. NW OSHAWA 2 bedrooms split-leel w/o Io patio and large yard. Hardwood and ceramlc floors. Jtizzl, laCmdr available June let $795/o. ai1încLàve.725-- -123 DOWNTOWN W -vr lkio Y 2 bedroom ances, air & /mo* lrst & CfOL LE CONSEIL DES AECOLEFS. SEPARÉESM \Ç,,uICATHOLIQUES DE LA / REGION DE DURHAM La Section de langue fran çaise invite les parents à inscrire leur enfant à LA MATERNELLE OU AU JARDIN D'ENFANTS pour SEPTEMBRE 1996 L'inscription aura lieu la semaine du'13 mai 1996 de 9h00 à 11h30 et de 13h00 à 15h30 L'ÉCOLE CATHOLIQUE FRANÇAISE DE PICKERING, AJAX, WIIITY Notre-Dame-de-la-Jeunesse 7 1, avenue Ritchie, Ajax Gilles Fournier, directeur Tél: 905-428-1460 PRIR DE NOT E] L'ÉCOLE CATHOLIQUE FRANÇAISE D'OSHAWA Ecole Corpus-Christi 362. avenue Hilîside, Oshawa Achille Haché, directeur intérimaire Nicole Taillon, directrice W.lJointe Tél: 905-728-0491 1. La décision pour le format du programme de la maternelle (une demi- journée à tous les jours ou une journée complète en alternance) se prendra au niveau de chaque école. 2. Les enfants devantêtre inscrits à la maternelle doivent avoir atteint l'âge de 4 ans avant ou à la date du 3 1 décembre 1996. 3. Les enfants devant être inscrits au jardin d'enfants doivent avoir atteint l'âge de 5 ans avant ou à la date du 3 1ldécembre 1996. 4 Un certificat de naissance, de baptême ou un passeport est requis. 5. Veuillez mettre à notre disposition le dossier d'immnunisation de l'enfant ainsi que tous les renseignements concernant ses allergies. etc. 6. Pour que l'enfant soit admissible aux écoles séparées, il fa~ut que l'uni des parents soit catholique et francophone. G.A. Andrews Directeur de l'éducation Elaine Legat, présidente Section de langue française APARTMENT$APARTMNT FOR RENT FRRENT BROOKLII 2 bedroom tridge, stove, heat lnciuded, workln .pol p roterred. First & last,$ 57. ls large store, 1400 sq. t. 655-8079 leave message. FOR RENT, WHITBY SOUTH. 1 bedroomn apt., LR, DR, kitchen, 1 parkng space al'i ci. $490 per month. Phione Goldie 430-0085. 2 BEDROOM APT. AVAILABLE June 1 . Beautlful country surroundings. $800/mo. heat hydro included, siove & trldge. CafI (905) 649-2003. ONE BEDROON APT. N excoptonal qlijet, dlean building. Ail inclusive $6201mo. Tom 428-7677. 2 BEDROON PARKGING & laundry, utiies extra. First & last. $600/mo. 430-6109. $550/MO. 2 BEDROON, CLESAN bright, first floor. $625/mo. + utilihes. 3 biedromr spacious main floor near WhIhby GO train, 401 & schoal. Avalale now. 666-4850 or 420-9477. WHITBY DUPLEX, dock, 3. bedroom applanices, bus route, schools, closedowntawn, Avallabl June lst. $8751mo. Flrst, last and references. Cal' atter 6pm. 434-2325. WIUTY DUPLEX, balcony, laundry, garage fridge & stove. References. Càal1ater 3pm (416) 633-5131. GARRARDIMANUNG. One bedraom basement apartment. Bright, almost new.' Primae bath and iaundry, separate entrance and edrvat parking. Avallable June lst. 585 Inclusive. Single workl n temnale preterred, non-smoker. Gai 723-6684. Please beave message. WHITBY -1lu2 & 3 bedroom apts. for rent. 668-7196. CENTRAL WVHIT 2 bed. apt. avail. July 1lst $680/mo. + hydro Cal 66 9626 after 5pm or leave message. WIUBY CLEAN 3 bedrocm main floor, tngsoe aundry, tenced yai d, ý80prmnth&pait ullidtes. Mms. eans 65-307. WHIBY AVAILABLE July 1. I large bedroomn basement apt living room kitchenr- 3plece bath, laundr facde% $62lîm nIcusive. Flrst & last Non-smoker. References requlred. <905) 723-7306. UPPER LEVEL of 2 sto rimpdae home, suita" for sigle workng person non-smoker.1 bedroM. own ldtchen, Ivng mcom &sllg Mmm $550 per mormlhicludes het hydro, cable & parking. 666-2127 I ~!I±~11r1 *414 gIl.I~1kI4AI~11~j1i REGISTRAT2dION REGISTATIO CATHOLIC SEPART - SCHOOL BOARD, Applications are now being acceptedfor JUNIOR AND) SENIOR. KINDERGARTEN " nuxREGITRATION Applications for September'l1996 registration wilI be held at each sehool as foillows: WEEK 0F MAY 13-17, 1996 9:30 to .11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. WIIITY/BROOKL1N SCHOOLS G. Blake - Superintendent of Education: St. Bernard Catholic Schiool 1000 Dryden Blvd. Whitby LI1 R 2A2 Prncipal: J. Nichoils Vice Principal: H. Lanthier 668-3772 St. Mairk the Evangeiist Catholic School 95 Waller Street Whitby LIR 1 Z7 Principal: M. LePage Vice ' Principal: R. Agostinis 721-2460 St. John the Evangelist Catholie School 1103 Giffard Street Whitby LI N 2S3 Principal: B. Caineron Vice Principal: G. Aziz 668-4011 St. Matthew the Evangelist Catholie School 60 Willowbrooký Drive Whitby LIR 15S6 Principal: S. Connelly Vice Principal: G. Booth 430-8597 St. Th eresa Catholic School 173 Crawforth Rd.. Whitby LI N 3S4 Principal: B. Vreboscli Vice Principal: M. L. Michiels 668-8261 St. Marguerite d'Youvilie Catholie School 250 Michael Blvd. WhitbyLlN6Bl PNncipal:L. Kelly 666-9301 St. Paul Catholic School 200 Garrard Rd. N. Whitby LIN 3K6 Principal: B. O'Donoghue Vice Prncipal: M. Nash., 728-7011 St. Leo Catliolic School North Street, P.O. Box 159 Brooklin LOB I CO Principal: J. Ralph 655-3852 PLEASE NOTE:- I . The format of the Kindergarten Programf (every day for a half day or full day on altemate days) will.be a local school decision., 2. Children to b:e registered for Junior Kindergarten must be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 1996. 3. Children to be registered for Senior Kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 1996. 4 Proof of age is to be presented in the form of Baptismal Record, Birth Certiticate, Birth Registration or Passport. .5. Parents are requested to bring available health records on inimunization, al lergies, etc'; 6. To be eligible as a Separate School Supporter one or both parents must be Catholic. G.A. Andrews Director of Education HOfýMES IBEAUTIFUL 3 bedmcom north Whlbytawnhouse. $850/mo. couers m= âgge, utiltes, condo tees and tae.Askingj $65 000. Cai Vic Lewvis (aeRo)burham Quailt Realty *M42-2000. WHITBY HOUSE FOR SALE by owner 1800+ sq. fi n 1~ resdental neighboujrhccdr3+ bedrooms 2½ ibaths, tamily romm wtth fireplace, assumnable 3 y mortgag $161,000. Ntjst be sl soon. 90557-0546. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., Whltby avaiabglfr banquets, weddlngs and' other occasions. Caeridna avall"l. For more Inuisforation b ai 668-776, ë4,tirm. msae T. Oldman Chair of the Board ...... ...... G E MORTGAGES & LOANS [$j *st &2nd* Lines of credit *BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 .After hours, Upper Canada1 668-4454 . Fu nding mc. NEW COTTAGE for rent Greet, tlshkig. Me*Àskocaspivate greatvlew, golf course 5 min.a. Bookings no bum4fO o s wemk 180 er wkd. 146&~ Specializing in Early Childhood .Education. For Peace of Mind. iroi; il lui r -1

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