Page 14. Whitby Fre.e Press, Wednesday, May 8. 1996 EmDs IN TELEVISON An informative seminar to heli you or your child get started ini TV. film without. getting ucammed. Learn tiie do's and dont'., avoid unnecessary costs, flnd a credfible agent, and more. For information, cati Tih. Studio at 416-929-1511. AQUARIUM SOCIEY, The Durham Reglon Aquarium Sadiety'will meet on Tuesday, May 14, 7:30 p.m.,ln the. cafeteria at P.S. Mclaughlin CVI, 570 Stevenson Rd. N. (Juat south of Rosand Bood), Oshawa. For more Information, cli Frank Caputo at 404-0641. PARENT SUPPORT The Oshawa/Whitby chapter of the Association of Parent Support Groups of Ontario' meets every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at Faith Place, 44William St. E., Oshawa,, to offer support for parents of "acting-out" teenagers. For more information, caliLorr-aine at 668-0633. 5K WALK Tii. Whitby Osteoporosis Support Group is hosting a 5ive- kilometre watk along the wat.rfront trail on Frida>', May' 17 at 1 p.m. Proceeds go to the. Osteoporomas Society. There is a $5 entry f.. which wiil be waïved if the. registrant receives $25 in pledges. Rtegistration and pledge forma are available at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., or oeil 668-1424 for more information. SOROPTEMST Soroptimist International of Oshawa/Whitby will hold a dinner meeting on Thursday, May 9, 6:30 pan., at the Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexandra St., Oshawa. There will ho a guest speaker. Anyone interested in attending, can oel Yvette, Adamkovics at 432-2828. CBONIC FATIGUE The Durham -Region Chronic Fatigue. SynclrometM.E. -Support Group will meet on Wednesday, May 15,. 7 p.m., at A.E. King, Memorial Complex, Ktingsway College, Oshawa. For more information, oel Renee -at 655- 4398. OSTOMY The Oshawa and District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for ail persons who have or are about to have ostomy surgery will meet on Wednesday, May' 15, 7:30 p.m., at Oshawa -General Hospital, room 1002F. For more information, cli Candice Miron at 427-5512 or Bon Marston at 571- 3670. CAhMS FOR KIDS The. Durham 'Coilege Early Learning Centre in offering summer camps in art, con- struction, draina and nature for chfldrenn waedixet 12,«%a- &'-. Harmony Social Club Singles Dinner & Dance Every Friday Night e 8pm-l am Newly opened. Admission $10.00 DUJ & band. Hits from the 50's - 70's. .At the large Ukranian Peter & Paul Banquet Hall 1490 Markham Rd, Scarbornugh. Entranoe on Miner, west of Markham Rd. 1 block north of1401. For details cali (416) 287-2015. CARNATION CAMPAIGN For the Multiple Sclerosii Society of Canada'. annual M Carnation oempaign May 9, j1 and 11, volunteers wili b. offerinj carnations te the public in retur for donations to M research ang services. Voiunteers will ho ii shopping malse, office building and on street corners. For mon information,oel 1-800-268-7582, Dr. Robert Munn, pediatric neurologiat, will ho guest speaker at a meeting ofEpilepo>' Durham Region on Tuesday, May 14,'7:30 p.m., at the Kinsmen Comnmunity Centre, 109 Coibomne St. W., Oshawa. For furtiier information, cati 666-9926. INVEDINT "Women's Only" investment l ase will be held on four Wednesday, afternoons, starting May 8, or three Thursday nights, starting May' 9, at Edward Jones, Oshawa/Whitby brandi, the Island Plaza, 580 Klng St. W., Oshawa. Cati 725-4142. POUCE WEEK 98 Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Bowmanville are celebrating National Police Week May 13 to 16 b>' hosting an open house, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, at 415 Baseline Bd. W. For more information or te book a tour of the detachment, cati Linda Ruazer at 905-697-6054. EM> DINJURY The Head Injury Association of Durhamn Region will hold a support group meeting on Wednesday, May' 15, 7:30 p.m., À.t 459 Bond 'St. E., Oshawa. For assistance with transportation, oeil 723-2732. SPANISH [FESTIVAL The Durhamn Board of Education Continuing Education Department witi present a 'Spanisii International Language Festival' on Frida>', May 10, 7 p.m., at G.L. Robertsa Coilegiate (lecture theatre), 399 Chaleur St., Oshawa. The festival includes music, dance, comedy and poems, to, celebrate Spaish and Latin American cultures. For furtiier information, cati Mica Arnold at 579-4326 or Florinda Bosen at 430-3953. HELHSTYLE The Whitby Civic Centre recreation complex is hosting a health style workshop, including talks on nutrition, stress management and physiotherapy, on Tusda>', May 14, 7 te 9 p.m. Guest speakers include Louis. Crouche, Leeson Clifflon* and Carol Cappe. Cost is $5 per person. For more information, call 666- 1991. FUN FAIR West Lynde Public School will hold a fun fair Friday,. May 10, 5:15 to 9 p.m., at 270 Michael Blvd., Whitby. There wli ho many games and, events, a barbecue and over 50 itemùs up for bid at the sulent auction. $ 1 1 9 5 -gJcet-Roet aineOsaa With Tune-Up « (up to5.oL castroi GTxOi) -i-s *MANNING3 Open; Mon, & Thurs.88 Tues, Wed, &A ýFr1. 84:30 Sat. 8.,5, Sun. Appt.,Ordy I Keep 'em JAMES SYAL of 3rd Whitby Cubs .is shown with Mike Keep, vice-president of the Whitby Lions Club which, along: with the three Knights of Columbus groups of Whitby-cand Brooklin, donated tour tents to the cubs. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whltby Fre. Press BJOOD DONOR CLINIC A blood donor clinic wil ho held at the Whitby. Branch 112 Legion hall, 117 Byron St. S., on Tuesday, May 21, 1:30 to 8,p.m; SOCIAL JUSTICE The Durham Région Coalition for Social Justice will hold a workshop, 'Government Budgets as if People Mattered,'Thursday, May 16, 7 , p.m., at the Steelworkers' Hall, 115 Albert St., Oshawa. The' workshop will featureJanet Conway of the Metro Toronto Social, Planning Council and the. Métro Social Justice Network. For more information, oeil Momeca Connolly at 6M87100. SHOPPING SPREE The Optimist Club of Whitby will hold a raffle -for a one-minute shopping spree at Whitby Loblaws. One thousand tickets have been printed, each selling for $2. First prize is a one-minute shopping spree and second prize is a $100 voucher for Loblaws. Tickets can be purchased at Loblaws or through any Optimist member up until June 1. The draw wiil be made on June 4 at the Optimiet meeting at 8 p.m. The shopping spree wil ho held on June 8 before the store 'opens. For more information, cati 579-9007. BEM EFOOTFORWARD On Tiiursda3, Ma>' , at 1:30 p.m., chiropodit Mchael Doiierty wMl discums 'your feet and how te take car. of tiem,w at thi. Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. Coat is $1 at the. door. PLANT SALE Th, Whitb>' Seniors' Activit>' Centre la holding a plant saie on Max 14*, 15 and 16 from 10 a.m poennlansd hanging basket available. BABIES VACCINATIO1NI TIhe 'South Durham Region Veterinar>' Association- wili hiold a clinic today. (WednesdaY) 1 to 4 p>m., at Iroquois Park, in Wlutby and on dayMa10, to 5 pm.,atLuherVpond Memorial Ârena, Brooklin. Cost in $12(dogs and cats over four' months in age). WOPÀEN INDEED The Women Indeed Besource Centre offers the fo lio* at 70 Simcoe St. N., Oshaa:a 0 6:30 p.m., presentation, 'Dreains & Dreaming- Unlocking the Myvs- tories of our Dreams,' with facîli- tator Michelle Kin gMay 13, 1 p.m., discussion lIow to Make your Cycle Work for You',; M 14, 7p.m., presentation, oueý*es...The Keys t hpg David Cark; May 15, 7pm, presentation and demonstration on self-defence, wlth facilitator Colleen Hanna; May 16,,7 p.m., study session, «Celestine Pro- phLecy,' facilitators Carrol Camp- beladSandi Gale. For more information, caîl 576-3805. CHILD FI"D The fourth annual Green Rlb- bon of Hope camnpaign, highlight- ing the issue of missinE 1&oèn in C anada, is held troughout May, and includes National Mussing Children's Day on My 25. Fr more information, cai the Durham Region chapter of Child Find at 689-3181. THEOS The local chapter of TIHEOS for the, widowed witi meet on Sunda>', Ma>' 12, 2 p.m., ai St. Andrew's Prsyteria Church, Cochrane Stret. or ore information, cati 6681-2648. Ontarlo Friends Of Schizophrenloe, Durham chapter. nsupot group, Win meet Wednesday, Ma>' 15, 7. p.m.,i* building 30, Wbitby, Mental Health- Centre. Fr more f CRAFT SALE A craft'garage sale Wlll ho heldl at Anderson CVI on -May 2 5, 9 adn. te 4 p.m., For Inturmtaa vendalrn.. PARENI WlHUPARIWER Parents' Without Partners Chpter #204 wlll meet Thursday, May 9, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church (upeitairs), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa for group discussion. For more information, cali Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723-1699. WOMElf S FELL.OWSHIIP The Women's Agiow Feilowship wiil meet Thursday, May 9,7 p.m., for refteshments, meeting starts at. 7:30 p.m., at Evangel Church, 374 Farewell St., -Oshawa (off Olive Avenue). For more inforain call 723-9458.oraon YARD SALE A yard sale wili ho held by the Reformed Church Women's Minlstry at Enmnanuel Reformed Church, 401 Rossland. Rd. W., Whitby on Saturday, May 11, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Table space isi available. at $15 per table. Cali 668-6601 or 655-3010 for more information or to register for table space. ONE-PARENT FAMILlýA ES The One. Parent- Families Association,of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, May-14, 8 p.m., at the Adria Cultural Club, 432 Simcoe, St. S., Oshawa. AJi single p 1arents, custodial, or flot, are invited to attend. For more information, cai Doug at 728-1011 or Debbie at 404-0629. PARENT FINDERSl Parent Finders, the volunteer group that helps and advises al members of the adoption triangle, will meet Tuesday, May 14, 7:30 p.m., at Albert St. United Church. For more information, caîl Sandy at; 404-9151.- ýCESAREAN The Cesarean Prevention, -Support and' Education, Group of Durham Region will meet on Monday, May 13,7:30 p.m., at 31 CarneilyCres., A*ax The topicwiil Foi more ination, caîl Judi aà t 668-3501 or Micheile at 6834229. ARCHIAEOLOGY The Oshawa Hiistorical Society wiil meet on Monday, May 13, 8 p.m., at Centennial United Church, Rosehiil Boulevard., Oshawa., Chris Andersen, archaeologist with the. Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation, will disuss archaeoiogical discoveries3 in thie area, and laws and regulations as they pertain to Durham: Region. ..For more information, cati 436-7624.' NEWCOMERS CLUB Thé Oshawa/Whitby Newcomers Club is hosting Patty Watson of the Durham Tourist Association on Tuesday, May 14,8 pRm, at th Co>'at6 th41 a ( I a' LEAERSIp RAINjG. A corete train .group fa c ilta to r s fo r p a e n s u d r updevelop lea eshp s ll d anB uriderstandi'ngof«group, tynarnica, yMl hooffred at Kinark Miild & Famil> Services 1916 Dunda st. Le., W tby, sart* s 1-