Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whiby Free Pres, Wednesday, May i1996M Whitby Free Press 0 668-611il Office Hours: -Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 Carnival guide cover an, ACVI class assignment ANtIOWCSMNT$ MICTIONS BEN AND EVE LaHAYE are oelebratlng their 45th Wedding Annlvers . ln honour af this occasion, family and frlends are InvtedIoattndan Open House at the Whtby Legion an Sunday, Mayý 5th from'f to Spm. 6.51 wsh3 onl Moeet SILR OON, BATMAN FOREVER in person Sunday, May 5th OakviIle Beaver Fammily Show Autographed photos $5.0 CALL c".5) 845-3824 BATMIAN FOREVR SIIOR 8001 a* WXO 8MM *SPIDERMAN a CINDERELLA 0 WHITE RANGER also Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company PiCnics Etc. *NO VIOLENCE!. DOUG (416)»439833 TAIKING RESPONSIBIUTY for how 1 look and feel. Speaker meeting Wed., May lst, 7:30pm to 9:OOpm. Women lndeed Resource Cèntre, 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 576-3805. EVANLY RAYS servlclng over 20,000 Ontario households. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, polliclans & corporations use us. Concerns about love, health, relatlonshlps money. Just cal 1-90-451-4055,2 h rs, $2.99/min., 1+ 1-900-451-4055. ACCURATE TAROT Card Reoeilngs for future. 20 years enieence (I arn a roltodmédical technobgist aiso). 601r., $40M hr. by ~t only, Heolngso*e:1 . OVERN TELEPHOE 2. IN PERSON- solve plobom% questions answered Coenel:LoVe, Work, Money', WIiIIb. VioIat, 905-666-4976- WANT. MORE ENERGY A heaithier, attractive hysique? he Bodyform Ritness SuIo is for you. We offer personaliie structured ~roorams guaranteed ta workll Cali Afr~ & ANTIQUES AUCTION SUNDAY MAY Seat l2noon atiTHE StATION GALLERY, Henry & Victoria Sts. Whutby (905) 668-4185 PREVIEW: St le , ay4, il Ma5, 10a-12Sn.Spoclalfundralslng ever t wlth auctioneer Frank Stapletlon. ExcIing selecdof a 250 Items aifiUne artantiques & collectibles. ARTWORK BV 130 ARTISIS: sucli as Jean.Arp Ron Boit, A.J.Cassn Kosso E John Gould, Theo& Susn HdanerBarb Kbli," Wiiam Kurelek, John Lander, Fredrlch Landsdlowne, Mary Elen MoQay San MQuay Nck Glass, li Tamasas & manyý more original artwovks for home or Office* ANTIQUES &COLLECTIBLES Include: sihmrplt tea service & servvng cdisheM,brass kotios American Thermos iS bucket, plats "Ia. Uirt glass che, ar degoy typevase, brgh cuystal glassesBelee cream & sugar, Theadlore Havilland china wager set, Eagle/Cornuo pa aqua glass flk, ess"backchars, pine rocker, pine Ces, Wm. Bell & uo. pump organ, a il lampe, autographeâd agGilîmaur win the Moment' ýimlted edilon. Pkis more Items. Several silent auction items & door prizes. Ternis: cash, chenue (Wlth I.D.), VISA, M/C. Admissio for miction biddngbl top tent l$5ncues c Mlou barbeque. Please parki Iraquols Park & south GO parking lots, near Gallery. JPlease Recycle This Newsae NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS 1IN THE ESTATE 0F MAVIS VIVIEN WILLIS, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, deceased. Ali Claims against the estate of Mavis Vivien WiIlis late of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about the l7th day of January, 1996 must be filed with . the undersigned thereafter, the undersigned wiII distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED Apnil 18,1996. Terry Lawrence and Jan Lawrence, Executorsby their solicitor DAVID J. GILLESPIE 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 (905) 666-2221 ToS1.000 JACKPOT 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun -1:00 Pm Sat & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. JE.O A ** S. 9' 30 SM 'SUP WLSON, ROBERT ROSS @IBERT" (mmber of Cauchichlng Golg and Cou ntry Club. Retlred teacher wlth the Durbam Board of Education). At the Orila SoIcers Memortal Hospia an~~~ Saudy pril 27, 1996 In his 69th year. Bort Wilson beloved husbanid of Barbara. Lavîno father af Karen McRa. and her husband Ken Margaret Wilson and her husband Davld Martin, and Leslie Wilson and lier husband 6111 Klng. Dear grndaher of Alex, Chgsthe Tab and Brianna. Brother af Grace Bainar, Lois Weston and Sheilaveanah. A memorlal service wiIl b. held aie the Doolfttle Carson Funer" Home 54 Coldwater St. E Orila. on Wednesday, May 1, 1999 at 1!pL ifN deslred ,memorl al doaios0 the Ontarlo Heart & Strake Faundcatian wauld b. appecltedby the famlly. THANKS TO ST. JUDE. -T.D. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & 1he Sacred heart af Jesus for favours recelved. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, giorlfled, boved& preserved throughout1th. world now O oevr Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo, worker a@ miracles, ara v for us. St. Jude, helper of thie fopelesspafous S.ay this prayer 9 times apray.for us. eighth day ýourp rayer WiJb. answered. Publicain mstb. promised. H.L PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash. VISA, cheque received before deadline). $1 0.00 for 25. words; ($9.35 + 650 GSI) 15o each a -dditionaî word; (140 + 10 GSI) DISPLAY AD'S UN CLASSIPIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular dispiay rates apply - $1.15 per agate Une (14 agate uines per inch) Minimum size i column inch $16.10 QONIINUQUS RUN 1-LY-AIS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes>. GSI is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be*lhable for faluûre Grade 12 desi ns st;udents at AndersonMcVIare applying their sidls for the caver of a feature guide ta the 1996 County Town Carnival. The Fre. Press ls publishing the guide and, through advertise- ments, invited the community ta submit designs for the caver. 0f designs submitted, <Judqig will b. based on reproducabilit of artwork originality of design and the Ïejiciveness with which it caz~tures the spirit of the event. Lindsay Howlett's senior design class of 24 studentstook up . the challenge as a class assignment. Among the students is Peter Misevski, who recently won a pster contest held by Durham Regonal Police.< Howlett fsays studerits m ayb. tackling the project with added enthusîiasm because it is a «real as opposed ta fictional- assign- ment. Some -students have explored the histarical'asapects of thie car- nival as. they produce their, designs using computer graphice. The carnival, whMch was suc- cessfully revived last year after an absence of many years, will take place over the. Canada Day weekend, -with most events downtown on Saturday, June-29. Deadline for the caver desjign submissions is May 3. Open house, haute cui-sine at Exeter Open houa. including a culin- ary buffet, wiil be held at Exeter Hxgh School ini Ajax on Thurs- day, May9?., Exeter is a composite school with commercial and industria skills programs as well as acade- mic subJects, and was recently nominated for an excellence award.. It is the first sehool in Durham Region ta b. nominited for the award, inormally . nta busi- ness or industry. g1e award is giveniby the. Bureau for- Excel- lence in Durhamn Region. The buffet, from 5 ta 8 p.m., will affer food prepared by stu- dents and the school chefs, one a former gold medal winner at the world culinary-.olymipics and the other a perenmîal winner in an annual competition -for chacolate sculptures. Tickets, $12 for aduitsand $7 for those Uder age 11, should b. reserved b cotacting the school The open house, from 6 to 8 p.m., will include student demonstrations, subject displays and interactive activities. Exeter is also only one of three 'high sehools in Canada chosen by the Canadian Aviation Main- tenance Council ta provide a student internship program for aviation technologies. The school is also on. -of 12 in North Axnerica involved in. the, construction of a hovercraft. INCI. Brew beer for as, Iow as $11.50 per case of 24 reg. botties. We pare no expene to provide you with the freshest aind hest qualitv mails and hops for our beer recipes. MJ L4 , Brew yur 1 Oth batch & your 11lthis FRE Make wine -now!t Froi $2.75 per 750m1. We use only the highest quality importedjuices to make ouri wines. Choose from: e Chablis -, French Colombard I Sautvignon Blanc a Pinot Chardonnay e Chateau-Neuf-Du- . Kes ih s aa- -- e for o- . . sil pary r -en . l -ust esee. DUNASSTHWY 2 à BURNSZI z RIO o.0 z~: CONSUMERS CA66 666vBREWý 1390 Hopkins^ St.- Unit, #6 Whitby- IHours:I lMon-Fnl 11-9 \Sat9-5«- We accevt competi tors coupons ........I cum BINGO COUNTRY

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