Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 7

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Page 6. Whitby Fre Pross, Wednesclay, April 24,1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: ONTARIO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. j28,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GSI - Outside Canada $85 +~ GST Published evey Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. IBox 206, Whitby,ý Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minirtium 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. CAil written material, illustrations and advertislng contained herein is protected by copyright. An' reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a creditfiune f0 the Whitby Free Press. kSUUêthJèfl [or.,. Future Iooks,,goodX Tro the editor: The warld has changed in the odd years since Whltby Ger Hospital was an Idea In the mrnd a number af communlty-rn indMvduals (among them my fci George Lofthouse). Despite the. efforts of many dedicated indivt In the intervenlng years, the hasp In my vlew, nover reaily reached, full patential aifIts vision. W. deserwedly have the reputai Whitby hasa itter problemn To the editor: Now mhalthe nicer weather Is hei I have been out walklng in differe amas of Whitby. I am appalod eat i amount af garbage and bIer tha see. Bags-fulI af garbage are layng ditchos, empty lots and aven pari People dlean up thoir yards af dispose ai the debris wherever It convenlent. Pop cans, glass. plasi bottles and paper are strewn abot YIthis continues, Whitby will 1k> Il a dump site. I reaize mat there Is a fine if personIs caught gettingrldof thE gaIrbage In thîs way. Te shoul also be made ta spend some titi golng around and plcklng ht up. the mayb they Whl reconsider doing The Town provides us wl garbage collection, so there- is n need for tNiIrrespnsible lltering. Thi'nk twlce, Keep l nice Show how much you, really car., Dan't toss yo ur garbage, Juc anywhere. F.. Grasain _____ -'4 -e-' To te i o'r.. Her own agenda To the editor: Re: Letter. 'Agenda was alreadyse' Fr. Press, April 17 Could somebody please tell IM. Prout to cal the. district heafth council and ask for Information about what Is reaily gaing on. 1 know she's wnitten them, but does she Nisten to their answers? And could somebody pleaso tel me who exactly Ms. Prout ropresents. rm a businessman in -this town, vew I1nvolved«In the community and at my local hospital. The people 1ltalk ta are fo llowing theo Issue af resmig and when they ask me for excellent care, but what we are, about the new enhanced roIe for th. actuaily able ta do here an a cially hospital, they seem rather exclted 330- basis does flot fuMil the vision of about the potontial magnitude af the neral what a full service hospital should rDIe for Whltby. Therefore, l'rn rather dsa afllfer. Certalnly during the hast few Ided years, wlth the combination of ather finandial cutbacks and the now best developments ln high-tech modicine, uals that gap has wiidened slgnificantly. gh a Mlal, With the release af the final report I the of the Implementation planning committee of the Durham District ation Health Cauncil, the future for this To the edîtor: Institution Is a more optimlstlc one. The hospital has, at last, beon I have Just road, with some affered a niche in the health cars amusement, the discussion in Steve system; ans that Is on the leading LoahY's cobumn regarding the evils of odge ai change, and a raie for whch the 407 (Impact of a superhighway,' many in the community shouki be Free Press,April 17). proùd. A significant point here is that Mr. Leahy is attempting ta close the roIs af centre of excellence for tho gale long after the hors. is lost. rehabilitation Is ane the FâisrymfTe construction of the 407 Health (the key decisian-maker hlg hway has been in the planning around fundung) has endorsed. This stages.Tor many years. A number af new mIle has corne about ater a long aternative routes have. been penod of study and assessment of discussed bath to the narth and the health care needs ln the reglan. south ai the village af Brooklin. The The release af the report has alternaties ta the north would have eli, e h xetdrnea put the highway on the very Oak the responses. Change is challonging Rklges Maraine which he feels would Sand, for some, threatenlng. Certalnly be devastatng with the use af the at1the heakh care system has seen a lot gravel. Those routes were soon 1 n af change and this is probably just d1scarded due ta the envîronmental the tip of the iceberg. The common impact. Th. gravel. used in this nd. thread ta ail this, hawever, is that the construction will corne fram existing sttsqu sno notin blae pîts and exlsting permittod areas in rehblitatiq o sn wIantoupti o r1 el vos S o fl , U bi g, naeo p r muh mo t hati n w e eveh r I vgi sd. ando thi e rs Arde, the s oal ut hmr hnw ve mgnd n hes r hs oa ke Many af us Wi receive rehab care employers causing us any probîems ke and we will be ghad that this care is now? a dloser té home.i Every map 1 have seen of the 407 khr qumay be some unanswered includes a corridor for a rapid transit 0f curs. Bt m, sa the plan may be less short- m qestbers, f theovriseciButot-e sighted than is alluded ta in the ne making odite, rincudion h article. en memngbers iteW H bardi the As a businessman who doos diectors eogn that responsiboe provIde local jobs (right in Brooklin>, diretor, reognze hat espnsibe 1assre you that n auatrro 1h stewardshp af health care resources Ias omnuatrra ta s one of their tasks - and they Wl goods will rush ta the area ta set up no continue toa acdress those issues shop without first looking carefully at and look for positive solutions that the logistics aI' taking goods ta ýM8bet metthe needs of everyone mnarket or the costs of transporting i bt ee ngtims.rawmaterials. in thesrcyanginhtimes.We currently have only one major Mar Lithu : transportation artery wvhich gets us m Public Relatons Commtte. Toronto., Nhs -Is -an bexpensive W.t. o!eh M pf-thie baffled - when she says she roprosents Whitby. 1 thought we had elocted affidials for that purpose. In hor letter sho states that the agenda was set already. 0f course, it was. I can only assume Ms. Prout does flot read this paper'or ln fact has ever contacted the DHC or the hospital ta elct clarification on the process undertaken by the govemment across the province. The "agenda," as sho retors ta It, Is, the need to restructure. She has avn tatedn the pst -and t m'us be tnjebcajse ftwas ln the paper - that she agreed that the, status quo is fia longer an option. When the acute care study was released, I believe I read that -MK. Prout gave sorne endarsement to the statement by the WGH board that rehabilitation was acceptable provided outpatient acte 'neded road shL ts down commerce attempting ta pass through the dity. Il casts ovor $1 per minute for us ta, mun our vohicles. A one-hour delay ln each direction attompting ta shIp product frorn Brooklin, Whitby or Oshawa to fississauga, Hamilton or Buffalo can mean a 25 per cent loss af productivity for that persan and machine. If yvu consider that most af the market Wswest of town, those are the' problerns that put you out af business. When Iooking at the map af the highway, one realizes that, yes, there, will be ch'anges. That is inevitable, but also take the time ta, look at the Reghan's plan for the corridor adijacent ta the highway. Look aI the proposed industrial and commercial developmont right: through ta the narth af Oshawa. This is the eonamic e4masion that cornes with good transportaion. As a persan born and raised in the village, I100oo hate the thought of disrupting the tranquility. But take a look back to the years between 1840 and the early part of the century. Broakhln was a very prasperous town with a vibrant milling -industry and mare developmient and prosperfty than rnast of the Cther Major centres around. At that time thers was a railroad thmough Brooklin that ran between the' lakes gt Part Perry and Port Whitby. This was the *suporhigh *way aof Yesteryear that brought ln the raw- matenials, and- tokthe gaods to, market. The village has been stagnant-for' many yoars-- and shows 1.t Unfortunately, w. truly need the Nghway, JohnMCoy and urgent care were avallable ln Whlty. Has Ms. Prout. read- the report af the DHC? Wrs a very large document' and even people, ln the health cars sector -are taklng a lot longer than a week ,to- respond accurately to the report. Secondly. iVs rather Interesting that Ms. Prout continues to uses thîs venue mare and more ta get her' opinions across. There rnust be an election coming up., About her comments in her rocent, letter, Il notod -three thîngs - theYre fouI, untrue aid-she's only teýl-ngta futrthér her awn personal agenda. George Khourl New residents are welcome Re: Steve Leahy column, It appears that Mr. Leahy resents the new Broaln development and t saddens me that on more than ans occasion he has chasen ta air hîs negatiites ln 1h. local newspaper. R Is a natural reaction ta b. reluctant when changes occur, but not welcominq, aur new residents ta our beautiful village is a mistake. Lst's flot forget that without them we would flot have received sewers ln thîs tawn, and-the land and creok would continue ta be polluted. In my view, Tribute Homes, and Sorbara Group have been very supno rlve and rcpiet the views of x Ssting rsdns believe a single phone oeil wauld have produced positive resuits wlth the garbage problem on Thicksan -Road. Oowntawn Braoklin definitely needs improvement ln thîs area, as wel as many. rural routes, so perhaps Mr. Leahy could expand an hNs lifter concerns.- R cornes as a great shockç that aur local IGA Is clasing, especially when we are now one year -Into dovelopmnent. The new development couki breathe some new lufe into aur downtaw, but how woboeme do aur new neighbours beel? On. new resident told me she had heard they are« knawn as *Subbies.' -1Attitudes. and comments such as Mr. "Leahys'spramote., this unoemfortabhe feeling between Broakiln- residents-. Neither Brooklîn nar.-the, Whhb4y. iFr.. Press .neod negativ voices,4so.haw about l, Mr. L"ay lr ear some paad nw;t Isblnga verdue'. --< :ýeII 1OanWIl Hron CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION *Plasdc

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