Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 4

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Whhby Free Press, Wednesday, April 24, 1 M Pqp 3 ..... ........ .............. .. . ...... ......... .... ............. .. .......... . ............ . ......... .............. ............. ......... . . 0110AU DONATIONS oirt oir aware ess growi I. committee That a site plan application from Late Nlght Cafe Ltd. (formerly Boppers), 207 Dundas St. W., for an 81 0-square-foot expansion of lis outdoor patio be approved;ý The addition will not affect existing on-site parking. The applicant is also proposing ta upgrade the patio with brick pavers and railings. Carried That a site plan application from BMW Canada for construction of a 5,000- square-foot addition to the southwest corner of its Canadian headquarters at 920 Champ~lain Ct. be approved. The addition will create an indoor display area for the éomp~anyps vehicles. That a site plan application from Canadian.Tire Corp. to permit the erection of a 2,000-square-foottemporary seasonal greenhouse-at its Glen Hill Drive store be approved. Crre That a site plan application from Co-Steel Lasco to permit construction of a 44-kilovoit electrical substation ta service the company's Hopkins Street South factory be approved. Carred R ecommenda- tions from operations committee That applications for the cancellation and/or refund of $37,661 ln 1995 property taxes be approved. Most of the applications deal wlth businesses that are no longer operating. Crre That council accept an $8,625 quotation from G&R Welding of Brooklin for the supply of a tandem-axle, lowbed trailer ta transport pieces of equipment such as mowers and trimmers used ln the parks and recreation departmeant's grounds maintenance program. The existing trailer has suffered extensive rust damage and lacks the structural stability to carry the requlred equipmnent. Carried That a $1 9,635 tender from R&N Maintenance of Guelph for sealing approxlmately 23,200 metres of cracks ln Town roads be accepted. Carried That council authorize the Pringle Creek and Bellwood Oommunlty Sohool advlsory committees to hold fireworks ilsplays at Pringle Creek P'ark and Kiby Park.on May 20. Cawrled Items from Whitby Coui agenda(s) Monda p 2 Recommendi tions from planning and developmnent il E E r I. r a a t' o c o, t] ci B~y Mike Kowalski A Whîtby woman's campaigr te promote greater awareness a, organ donation ie showing signi of succees. Politicians. in increasing num. bers are responding favourab3 te iànda Rumble's efforts té bring the issue of origan donationi squarely inte tho public domain. Recent developmonta at both the national and provincial leveis have encouraged Rumble that a crucial shortage of suitable organe for transplantation pur- poses îegaining attention. LastF*iday, a private mem- ber's b1îlte have April 21 deciared National Organ Donor Day in Canada Passed second reading in the House of Com- mons. Sponeored by Ontario riding MP Dan McTeague, the bilI would establish an «honour roll" of deceasod Canadians whose organe were used te savo the lives of others. MeTeajgue chose April1 21 becaus: it marks the Passin of Rumbe'stwo-yeapha e w Stuart Hemrott who succumbed te severe head injuries following an accident in 1994. Stuart's parents, Tim* and Judith Herriott of 'Whitby, did not hesitate in consenting te the use of hie organe for aftor their son diod. On Monday, Durham East MPP John OTIooio read a etate- ment in the Ontario legielature te mark Organ Donor Awvareness Week which runs until Saturday. OToole's plea for eople te sign organ onor carde carried speial significance for the north Witby ropresontative ini that hie assistant'e son is on a waiting liet for a kidney transplant. Meanwhiie, several MPPs have informed Ru mble of 'their sup- port for.a, pro 'vincial initiative similar te McTeague's proposai. Rumbie wrote Premhier Mike Harris last month and suggested that Ontario bocomo the firet provincial government te '«offi- Youth hit by painthais A 13-year-old Craydon Road, Wlutby youth received minor ieg Injuries after being hit wtg painthails whiio riding hie bike on Dundas Street East. The youth teld police the pintbaa was fired from an oast- budcraround 9:30 p.m. Wed- nesday. Paintbalis were aiso fired at a houso and a car. About an hour later, police arrosted two Osh- awa men, aged 22 and 19. They were charged with wea- pons dangerous, assault with a weapon, miechief and breach of probation. N/Iugging ciaIIy recognmze- organ donors i and their faznilies. f Although neither the federal 13 nor Ontario government have yet taken eteps te formaiiy legielate organ donior awareness, IRumble rremains optimistic that it wil ihappen. She is pleased by the reception that MPs from al apties h ave given McTaguesbIte date, especaily after the Whitby MP'sl speech on Friday. «Other MPs spoke on it and said how important it was te themn,» said Rumbie, who noted that a Bloc Quebecois member delivered a particuiarly iengthy rEL?~Y suggested the entire month of April be devoted te orjan donor awareness,» she said. «It's nice te see the response of MPs from acrosa the country. It seems like- there's a little bit of national unity on this.» Thfe impetus for McTeague'e bill had its origine in a v*gorous Ietter-writing campaign Rumbile initiated iast year. Following her nephew's death, Rumble took it upon herseif te increase public awareness of organ donation and sent lettere te politicians of al stripes and governiment leveis eeekfng sup- port. McTeage seized on her su - gestion of a private membrs bi 1 as one "'ssbilit, and pDut for- ward hieproposaiiast fait. In fat, ths is the second time the bilhas reached this stage. McTeague was forced te rein- troduce it after Prime Minister Jean Chretien prorogued the pre- vious parliamentary session in February. Ail bille not approved at the time were effectively dead and had te go through. the legis- lative procees once again. The bill now goos baek te comniitteo,,but Mceague's assis- tant Gien Bradbury could not predict how long it will take for the bill te come up for third and final reading, if it does roach that stage. «There wore several other ideas and amendmonts put for- ward and the committee has othor thinge before it,» said Bradbury. While she has yet te, receive a repiy from Harris, Rumbie said DUham Centre MPP Jim Fla- herty, among others, has already written th epremier an d endorsed her cal for provincial action. In hier letter, Rumbie sugges- WHAT A DEAL!! * TX ESTOAECOSTRATIN * A *.1 STAFRr TOPL. O. * Unique Designs J Exerence and 0 Quality Nursery Stock Vuttion since .61.: For blariket coverage of ALL the homes and/or businesses in WhÎtby OR to selecteci areas only, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. If you did flot get a fiyer which Is listed for full cfstiibtion, glve us a oeli. *The Prince Restaurant (select), Pringle Creekl Dundas Centre, Guardian Drugs (select) *Big Boy PizËza & Chickei (select) n ton E - IOflo ýOw2Otn - i as Grow wttb *,e Profes~foiaIs' ted that a certificate or ecroil be given te the donors' families. Meanwhile, Rumble was pan- niEtobe at Qeen's Park Mn. dy to hear OToole'srmak abut Organ Donor Awarenessi Week. An annuai event hed usualiy in April, the week ie sponsore by the Multiple Organ Retrievai and Exchange Program (MORE), a non-profit agency which attempte te link up donated ora *wth ptential1recipints. Base n,; Toro nto, MOREhas medical information on hundreds of Ontario residents requiring new organs. Terming the need te be a «critical" one, OToole said that if donations increased by only 10 percent, the savings te Ontario's health care budget would be $12 million in one year. "The 9sue e s i s apparent ... however, the public needs te know more about organ transplants,» OToole stated in hie speech. "A signed donar card has no effect on treatment in the hospi- tai and perceived religious or cultural restrictions may not apply as the objective of health care is te save lives," he said. Noting that assistant Louise Jones' 25-year-old son Im has waited two years for a transplant since developing kidney disease, O'Toole saîd organ donation peit more than just the reci- "Families who agree te dona- tion report that they have recei- ved something very special in I return. Furthermore, this altruistic act has helped many CtLL G through the grieving process," he Afluc said. 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