Whitby Free Press, Weôiesday, Apri 24, 1996, Page 25 HOMES LF0OR SALE: j LNDSAPNO ARTICLES $ER ~ ~ 0 VI'FRSLE ARTICLES WNE BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroam forth Whtbytownhause. $850/ma. covers martgage, ullities canda tees and taxes. Asklng $ë5,000.Cl e Lewis (Sales Be.)burhamCat i ReafyIne. 432-2000. WHITBY ALL BRICK DETACHED, 3 bedoams, appliances, woadstove ln roc. raom, 9Oft drivoway. $1 29,000. Cali 668-6272. PRIVATE SALE 2 bdrm. brick bu5291ow1 downtown__location, .5. Wruwy avalabe for banquets, weddings and cther occarions. Catering availabie. For more information, bave message et 668-0776, 24 hrs. ..I...... .. NEW COTTAGE for rent. Groat fishing and swvimming. Muskoka's P"emaÊ vieww>lf course 5 min. 430-1466. Pieturs avattablo. (5 SPRING CLEAN-UPS,, lawn dethatching, prui awn railng& gJb ontroa r tddng & IntertockY mon awnpackages avallabte. Free estimates. Cati Daug ci 430-8106. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sadding. Spring clean-upe. Renoavatians of gardons, rock gardons, piantiy1tfrewood. 649-3153. 95 IIrwUUUU iUUF5, 'r.os netuydc, new kitchon, 3 appliesne ar, F.A.G., asking $138 500. Phonoe adp~ ~daneac David at 905-666-9326. 10 years horticultural expenience SPRING CLEANUP Tree, shrub, & garden ptanting GARDEN DESIGN 666-776 Lawnmentance &care. ________________ ZZZBEST LAWNCUTrING & MORTGAG ES & LOANS [$ e lst & 2nd eLines of credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 Atter hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Inc. wuno muu leaning resicientiai spedialists. Owner doos ail work. Legitimate, tuli-time business. Relabie & insured. Senior discount. 100% workmanship guaranteed or don't pay. Free estimatos. 571 -5814. L an D MOWING LTD., speciatizlng ln iawn mowving, spring a-ups and grub damaged iawn repairs. Weel and seasonai rates. For tree estimates cati 436-7833. *ITERLOCKING BRICK wvalkways, patios, dniveways, retaining walls, stops, repairs & sealing. Caji for a fre estimate- Bnickscape .'c 668-2742. AERATION, LOW rates, 1/2 pries fertilizer free estimates within 24 hoijrs. dali 723-3833 anytime- isave name, address & phone number. Umlted time atter. SUPPLIESC K9 PARTNERS dag training ýrosents puppy classes starting May h.T egister cati Jerry 434-6304 or Wayne -668-7825. BORDER COLUE CROSS, 5 months now, ait shots. Free ta good home. 666-4942. PETS IST PET SIflNG and do g walking. For seniors or for the pet left atone ail day. Reasonabie rates. 430-1591. PROFESSIONAL CAT arnd dog groomlng, de-mattlng, dipping, flea gaths, complote b w dry. 808, Simca. St. S. Cati ristina MASSIVE SPRWG CLEAMNG Osh Kash, Uttle Tykes, household items. Nothing wil came back ln the house. 8:OOa, April 27th. Nrhon Thcson, past Rossland, 54 Waller Street. GARAGE SALE APRîL 27TH, 8-noon, 828 Contre St. N. (Brack & Manntng. Pre-schooi toys & games, wagon, Cabman gpar, weighit lifting bonch, surround sound amp. MULT1-FAMOLY GARAGE Sale 78 90 Fallingbrooiç St. Whitby et Dryden.,Satùrday, ApIi27. .8à m, - lprn. ANTIQUE COUCH & chair $200, Harmany etectrie guitar $10 0; jungle gy pia centre unassembied $800; Com moare PC-40111 $350* white crib $50; craft baskets. 666-M27. SPRING HAS SPRUNG at Rugged Repiays. Durhams ani upseate re-sae store far mon, Yeons and boys. The wedding seasan is just around the camer- why nat look yaur best for Iess by shopping at Ruggd Repiays, where for under a W100 g. # et a styiish suit, shirt, tde and a p air aishaes. Saund taa g9adta be tnue? Came ta Rugged FRepiays ln Whtby and see far yaursetf. We seil eveythiing tram jeans ta tuxedos, boys size 8 ta mens XXLG Wt up ta 75/c0 beiow retail. Take Hwy. #2 ta Thicksan Rd. Go sauth thréeghts ta Burns St. Turn teft we'rl n the llrst ptaza (Bums St. FPaza. Haurs: M-:10-6, T-F: 10-9, Sat. 10-5. Far Information 404-2063. BOOK BETWEEN a vatlety af paperbacks and ha'd ers. We tke trados. New/akd camics, magie, avorpawer. 1/2 off Startrek. Jyhad. 852 Brack St. N. ai Manning 666-2442 STOREWIDE SPRING LEARAN 1 GARBAGE BAGS whaosate, 250 quailty bags per case 26"X36" $18 tax lnctuded. Fres delivery ta y aur home or business. Other sizes avaitabte. Cati (905) 668-3013. GAS STOVE, S dryor, dishwasher, washer, fridge, ans voar aid, asklng $3000. Cati (905) 665-7300. STIIIL CHAINSAW, $250. Toot box mneehankcai $399. Oak armehah's (2) $150 oach. 7X8 garage door, ait hardware. Cati 6554138. GOLF CLUBS COMPLETE SET of men's Rh Hagan golf clubs $150. Cali 655-4501. SOLID PINE BUNK BEDS& mattress - iko new best offer 666-5452 ater 4pm. FOR SALE 15 FOOT Grumman Ilquare stem aluminum cana. $ 0.905-430-6037. FOR SALE fridge, stove, dehumiditier, dryer. 725-1937. LAST CHANCE SAE NICE waad coffée tablIe, antique iamps, assarted vases, pictures, paitlngs, small steel kitchen set, waaen shielf'baakcase. Aisa mechanic's spela '84 Oldsmobite $400 great engino neods rebulit starter but runs ak, has new brakes. (905) 725-9161. TEAK VENEER QUgEN BED t rame, headbaard with drawers & 9 drawer dresser gaad conditian $100. Alsa 9 drawer woaden chest 430-9540. FRIDGE & STOVE, WASHER& d rypr, beds, kitchen sets, safas, cotte. sets, dining sets, large seiectian new & used. Befare yau buy give MW Dad's atry.l116Brix* St. S. 430-0561. FRIDGE, WIUTE Hotpolnt, 2 door, frost-free, ln goad working condition, asking $17S. Phono 433-775. FOR SALE - SOUD pins armoire 6'X3'X15n needs stain. Asking $450. Caif 65573143. 195 tILfTY traiter, 1 0'X5, oerd-titt-Iack. 150 wheets, 35001b capacitySuitablo for snowmoblil, Iawnmowors, moto cle etc. Great traiter. Cati Hugh 668-1292. WHEELCHAIR ADULT Ernst & Jennings Travolier, good condition $375 firm. Walerbed , ngrsze, $5. Cati M7-3 280. RIDING LAWN mower 8hp Massey-Ferguson 80 RT, Ike new, usedorýy 2seasons, 30u cut, 5 speed, comfortabie ride. Asklng $1100. 723-2917. BISQUE-lT CERAMIOS tram Victorian ta Gothie and native ta seasanal. Every Saturday tram 10 until 3. 15 Jacab Drive, Whitby. 668-8267. CRAFTS OPEN» HOUSE 47 Longfellaw Crt., Saturday, April 27 1l0amfita4pm, Sunday, Apriî 28 1pm ta 4pmn. Cati 430.-6194 far infarmation. APARTMENT CONTENTS sale. Freezer, watt unit, dining raom set, sectional sofa, etc. Call 433-5066. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - affordable wedding gowns ta buy or let argese oto f, sizes and go nt cal Judy et WANTED: GOOD used woaa fumiture, applances, stereas, TV's. We pay cash& plck Up. 430-0561. My Daa's Stare, 116 Brock St. S. I WLL BUY VOUR unwanted Items & contents. Cali 728-8485 beave a message. WAKrED: UMiE Tykes piayhouse in good condition. Cati 430-4888 leave message. BARBIE COLLECTOR on buin sree wants aider (§0's) dlÈ cloai , accessones ar =à anbia&i. Top $ paid. Cati caiiect LADIES, CIULDREN & maternity erig cothngnow belng accpted. e havebUers far ladies, business & casuai lathes size 14 ta size 20. The Wardrabe Exchange 856 Brock St. N. 666-9225. CEDAR TREES for hedginig 3' ta 8' 1-705-42-23p or delvered. IPlease recycle this newspaperL BATMAN FOREVI *SAI.OR EOON TUXO MMSK *SPIDERMAN e CINDERELLA e WHITE RANGER aiso Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Comipany Picnics Etc. e NO VIOLENCE! - DOUG (416) 439-813 leet SALOR IÀOONTUXO MASK, BATEAN FORE VE in persan Sunday, May 5th Oakvitte Beaver Famity Show Autographed photos $5.00 (AU (90l5) 845- 3824 ATSIRUKS FOR SALE. TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cais, trucks, motarcycles, skidoos, etc. Alsa scrap motat, applances, etc. Cati anylime 571-2429 1989l DODGE RAM PICK-UP, 2.6L with cap, automatic transmission, AM/FM cassette radio, excellent condition. Asking $3900. 571-7360. 1984 AUDI 500S, FULLY boaded, recently safetied, $2,250,o.b.o. Cati 723-5852 atter 5:OOpm. N.ed a, car - Credlt Probleme? Bankrupt - Undlscharged?- * We have lemetake.ovo,3(rpossessionS) *es LMto owmney mMe or mods1 " C&A if« trade e Cal now lorfroequot LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cati Jeff (905)683-230 t.. ...4..& BOAT FOR SALE-i1988C _Pro Sertes 162 4Ohp.- 2 ttôrlnmotor 'depthsoul 'ilbk Retail Space available for sale or rent in Downtown Whitby former offices'of the Whitby Free Press 29000 sq. ft. with 12 private parking spaces 668-6111 CALL A PRO! FOR WREN LIFE BRINGS g. ~YOU ASHOCR ORtTwO! Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! You cen compare and choose froin the services you'I l nd there! _____ ____ _____ ____728f-0203. ... .......... .. j .RREurGAROE& MASONIO HALL 203 Cochrane Y R A E 1 - - -- . -9 L-