Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 24

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Wh#W yFres ProeSW.e day, Apri 24, 1996, Pffl 23- IPWFfMAL II m1LPLAFr MENARD & Son Plastdng- new & repalirs, stucox> concreto, parg, cracked foundations repulreu, iWr& oxtertor, complote mmMdroc rooms. 1'5, years onlw mnc,,ued. Free estimatos. OLYMPIO PAINTNO - profeslsionai ' 0AinInwaiÙq. lnterior/extedr. For good prcs od wouc, oeil Gaonget F725-7870. freoestimates. SPPJNG HAS SPRUNG. Book niow- eavestrough cleaning bungalows $35, 2 stones $45 tree removais & prut-ting, weekly Iawncutting from $18 Wood specialisi in Ponces docks & retaining w ails. Sod deivered $2.50 per roil. Free consultations <905) 4281-13ý05. CLEUIG HOME or office, weekl lC-vwoely), monthly or one imo4.Roasonaberate11 7Jas eponco. References aa" Cal 'for freoestdmato today. END VOUR housecleanlng rughtmares. Cal Palnda for: Mmmaculate resuits, Cowprices, defIlnt. depndablo service, mature ras1fni< indMdu al. Free esiae.430-3383. MAID FOR >vu. ReIlable servi ce and affordlable rates. WeIc ,bl-weekly& mronthly services. C'ai725-4910. "#HANDYM AN WITH a vantm wUdo household rnoving &storage ci 1ean-ups and remnovalgeeral repairs and eWeMrcal ';ork aI Doug (905) 434-7874. HOUSECLEANI S aur speciaty. Don. by two expenenced womon, remable, hard worklng, esoal rates. Cal Baniffe 666-8639 or Maggie 430-876ç9. HILLCOURT CONTRACTING Inc. s-dgspedals on docks. Any saf anY size, stars & ralilngs. 430-1466. JJ LYN Sewlng services. Dressmaing, alteratios Includin bridai. ki-homo seroe availablo. Câl Janet 666-9607. UCENCED ELECTRiCUAN service upgrades bsment & roniovaflo winng. 24hour servic cals. Cili Tom 668l-7852 for free ostimates. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON WTERIOR PA@NTING - aur cmei nd professionaip I n~eente,rne~ gueantood. Cali Peter 8165-768. HOUSECLEADINO RESIDETA and commerciai. Fr.eosmates reerncs.Soe b.urdan PHOTOGRAPHy. Distinctive quallty portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, chiiren families. Packages from $29. As: weddings f rom $599, old photos copled & restored corporale & promotional. No GbTl <905) 427-9164. COUNSELUNO SERVIÇE deallng with grief, chuidren Wth emo1Ione1 behaoural problems separations, depression, etc. indîiduai, mariage, familv or group therapy. 10 years expoenco, professuonal dogres. Cml Usa or Karyn at The Parenrs Network 576-1673. 44<~.. interok, retain i ng wall1 s, doks &fences. Specializing in Pisa stone. fCai (905) 718-1008 or (906) 9à5-4626 Carpentry, siding, drywall, files, tm, painting, dçcks, renovations. ACCURATE CONTRACTING* " Home lmprovernents " Baseients < *Bulding Maintenanoe " Drywalil a Stuco. aPainfing FREE EST/MA TES * 90-666-21851 WINDOWS &DOORS SOFFIT * FACIA * SIDING * ENCLOSURES by &ConstructionhIce The Mutual Group HERBTRAN çali for quotanion 668-9669 e 432-721 RRIFs ANNUITIES GiCs RRSPs * FuIy nsurd *Free Estîmates e pager 721-7304 ,à à 1'ii~J a edokn t interlocking stone- retfaining walis aWood Iencing & decks FREE COMPE Ti Ti VE ES TIMA TES Written Guarantee Sînce190*669 0 The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL ROOF MAINTENANCE PACKAGE înldsir >ur& Z. fll .1 ea around smoke stacks .e seal around syar , ies -' seai around-qky1.hl .seal arounr1 i,, a,s .' ealfaounc chmneye~ pe secure loose oeils ..e checlc for blockeld eavestroufihs , il ek for blocked dwso -s secure ail loose fiashing w.1 remove damagin tree branch~es .1check< chsmney flues ' we plus compflete roofl anspect.ion WOOD REDIEWERS. Mako yoUr dm*$, fonces Wood sÉdlng, log stuctures ok 1me now agan wotofg, mtains & paint. Sealer st"n WU nfot p- or chi p. Work guaranteod. 665&7768. AWANS FASHION can aastom design bridai gowns, brides="d, mothiers drosses, busness suite, Jrom drosses,. No pattem needod, ust bring a picturo. Alteradons also avilal>le. For appolntment oeil (905) 655-4748 Whltbjy. HOME CLEANER: experiencod, honest, reliable with terrIfi reforonces and Incrediblo ratosl (Even dust free house plantsll) Pleaso oeil John et1(905) 718-9580. HOME RENOVATIONS& resto 'ration.' Plan s, inspections, specufications, carpentry, plumbing,. electnical, windows,« energy conservation. Cali Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993 'PAINTING& PAPERING "LET Geo.rqe DO It". Reliable expenienced, qqalitywdik peci<a« rates for seniors. flexible hours, Prmp service, free osimate. PoeGeorg66-18 VOUR #1 SEVWNG CENTRE, Sen machine repairs. Al makies. 10l9ieniors! discount. Complote tune-up from $20-95+'Parts. Factr trained technicions. For free pick-up& deliver.y cai 432-7375. FREE ESTIM1ATES Smith &Ca. lc. buildng c6nt'ractors. Al lnds af hom o repairs, lnldlng , 'é*ko Nobaon. Trasmon sinco 1946. Nojbtosmal, 433-8733'Oshawa CINDYS ALTERATIONS .Camne sep us for ad your soowlng neods. Loto,.4fers, aiso mo«is tailorfng a v a l a b l o. T o .-#. 1 0 5 30àe 13 3BronSt N. Poarson FLOOR RERINISiNO -Wood renowerç wo do a professianal job of Ivurandm~<relshod and stalnl Cue'd"s.work guarantee. 665-7768. HENK KRLE Painting & Hom Rair. aualy work, '0teror/ or. Ovr20 yoars experience. NoJob too smaU. Froo e«Maes. -8CG23-0823'. -vryn re- -. the cl se! mr.trim Iawn&grdirce Srixe$ uttIno Tre f Sru * pruvnn s~ign a *FerWIzinp Weed Qontrol oâ Smnce 1975 'q" 434-9428 Landscape Ontano 623-9711 Ail woîkgularanteed.FREE estimâtes Cail Phil 430-5873 -1 m D Reýhin ý??ippîng& Re-fiqisbil;g Woodedrno;g 47Rpaho cau -iôhà 430-MI anyfime mai a &M

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