Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 35

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Whitby Free HiOSpital could be one o ags centres FROM PAGE i for restructuring Durham's six Jacuto care hospitals. Chairod by former Ontario rid- ing MP'Réne Sootens, the com- mittee dealt with such issues as capital costs, siting of services and a'timeframie for implement- ingaregional system. %toug the report drew in- mediate firo from some quarters (see separate stery), Souch ter- med it a generally "positive" document from Whitby General's perspective. The report affirma the original biliatio tratmet cetreserv- Iordor te accommodate the 156_beds needed_-for henew facility, the four-storey building will have te undergo extensive ronovations which are estimated te cost $24.1 million. «We have tekeep in our minds that it's not goig te happen overnight," Souch cautioned. "It has te be phased in and' thero are stili a lot of ifs" ho said. «But if wo get the funds, if we progress to a rehab centre, 156 bods willinale us the biggest in Canada. It's a reai lu or Whitb." Whlelased with the reports overaîl contents, Souch admiitted that. it doos contain some &grey aroas,» such as lack of a commit- ment te in-patient acute care or urgent care services.* Unsupprting the original study's recommendations, the hospital board of directors quali- fietheir endorsement by mak- ing it conditional upon these requirements being mot. (Under the health council scenarlo, local residents needingL emergoncy or surgical, services will have totravel to oxpandod hospitals in Ajax and Oshawa.) "F'rom the standpoint of econo- mies m!aybe wo don't want to be invofved with other services. We will have our hands full," said Souch. «But I stili have concerns that Whitby residents wili not et health care that's convienent,"hre said. "Will Oshawa and Ajax have the funding and rosources to do itr» According to the committeo's repotte recently renovated Ajax &Pickeing General Hospi- tai has sufficient capacity to accomoidate programs and fea- tures associad with a fuli-ser- vice hocipital. But a oiaW$. million will stir en edt ake improvements in certain areas, thereprtstates. Asfr Oshawa General Hospi- taI, ongoing expansion, plans made it difficult for the commit- tee to separato current and future roquirements and there- fore a specific figure was not citedL However, informed sources told The Free Press that $160 mn'illion will be reuie if Osh- awa Genoral is té fulfili its envi- sioned role. Souch noted that the report provides for «level A7 (treatment can be doferred for up te 24 hours) emergoncy services in Wihitby, but not necessarily at the rehabilitation centre. It also Tus out any in-patient acute caro services. "Pm unhappy about losing acute care, but ]Pm happy the site wili romain," said Souch, who feels the report solidifies the hosp itai's future, alboit under difrent conditions. Souch also doubts that a cost- conscious provincial government will decide that it cannot afford theoexrnse of rovaznping the boa talandwill simply close it. UItho community *flatly refused, and the hospital board flatly refused(rehabilitation), th (provincial hospital restruc- turing) commission could move in and say 'shut it down,' » ho said. 'But I don't think it will. I think Whitby will play a major rolo in health care.» Sootens agreed with Souch that ail bots are off if Wilson rejece his committeo's fmndings due to financiai, concerne. "T'he monoy muet be thoro in order for it to work,» said Soe- tons. "Ini the case of WVhitbyit's a strong argumnont for th con- tinued use of an excellent faci- lity» ho said. dogiýzant of tho lingering opposMitino ayrosidonts to the réhabilitat'on proposai, Soe- tons offered critics some solac. «The peoplo of Whitby can feel comfortablo in that until the minister says 'yes, hereý are the (financial) resources,' the hospi- FLEA MARKET A flea market will be held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock S& S. on Saturday, Aprii 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations will be accepted after April 14. HOBBY CLUB Tho formation of a Whitby Seniors' Hobby Club will be dis- cussed at a meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2:30 p.m. at tho centre, 810 Brock St. S. For more infor mation, cal] 668-1424. tal will continue in its presont role," ho said. Taking note of this fact Whlitby councillor and hospital board member Shirley Scott roi- terated her opposition. I a prepared statement, Scott said an «alternative plan» must be developed, even an amalga. mation shm such as the one with Oshawa that was rojected by Whitby hospital members ear- lier this year. "Many Ontario hospitals are amalgamating voluntarily te reduce costs te 'make their options viable," said Scott. «In these economic times of severe restraint, amalgamation may be.the only way te deliver appropriato health care te our community » she arqued. "The rabilitation role for Whitby may have been a great idea at an earhier pointin time, however, times have drastically changed and a réhabilitation facility may be but a dream." C]r]rectin Ini the April 3 edition of The Fr'ee Press, an incorrect tele- phono number was gien for information about the Healthy Action Packs, teaching kits about safety, vision, hearing, nutrition and hygeneLfor children Te numbri 18081-2729, ext. 2158. e Prou, Wochiesday, Api 17,1lm6, Page 3 Wednesday might darts LASTTS1WLUE UGH DIVISIO IDirWsFish à Ch%» 1M6,Otuernnt ColIer*a Cam 116.RaVe Entoqpr"..115, Fg>r"ctng Tee*nimklcsIo Z WhftbyTropfiy House 10Z 0" Hafr & Sdn 1W0, Gay Qplne Servas. l». Baker F=nlur.FInhang 80 Baker Fumiture Finishlng 7, Duke Flh& Ch4 8.;GsY CcppkServis>..,OCtarmn Callectar Cm s3; Oube Haïr a Skm 7. Roys Enterpiase6. Whitby Trqshy Hou». e, ID>eHFM* à Sdn 7. Gary Cappins Services 6; WhIty Trqihy Hou . ,BaSer Fumiture Flnlhig 1 WhbIY TraPhY House7. Dub» Hafr & 5ki 8; Ph"*cifMVP: Jo. Wduan ShoIes toummeewlnner:Luosudet ftob-m Surie Seahome Flsh à Chipe 78. Natin" Trust 76& Dcddà& SutrV5. M Dis e s , Deeita office SeMas. 5z InLk»e Stor Fktuoe.44 Dec. à a fs4. DukofataOffice Servces2; Dcdd & Sauter Bradiocn r.%, Inbe Star Fbtures3 Surie Seahars. Flsh à Chips 4, Dis à Dot 2; DmOd& cSauerBadlcm4.,MNatinTut 2 Surie Seabars. Flsh & Chips 4. Dodd à Sauter Bmmaicain 2. Pimyci MVP: Wendy Dot" xM mwrmat wbnr Wayr.lThon». Rard Naion VOLUNTEERS WANTEDl Grandview Children's Centre, an outpatient facility assisting children with physioel and/or communication disabilities, seeks volunteers. Cali 728-1673. To Plac.Your Fe..P....Ad.... 14001671-8-x------.-- ............1......Ex.i. ~o afr..................... .................. ...... ~. . . ...... ..... NATIJRAL BLONDE SWF, 47, naturel blonde hair, plue eyes, enjoy live theatre, din- ing out, dancing, searching for old-fashioned, chivaîrous, roman- tic gentleman for a commitment. Ad# 1078 LONG RED HAlA SWF, 22, long red hair, blue eyes, seeking someone t0 go to the movies with. Ad# 1116 ENJOY MOVIES SWF, 22, 125 lbs., rea hair, big blue eyes, seeking someone to go the movies and bars with. Ad# 1124 APPRECIATE ME SWF, 47, blonde hair, enjoy live theatre, dancing and pets, seek- ing maie who viii apprciate me. Ad# 1102 VERY OUTGOING SDF, 46, 5r, blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim, very outgoing and, active, seeking maie who is active and outgoing and knows what he wanîs in Ie. Ad# 1142 ENERGETIC & ACTIVE SWF, 33, energetic and very active, seeking young male in 30s who is kind, good sense of humour, sincere and has a good attitude about Ie. Ad# 1022 GREAT SENSE 0F HUMOUR S SWF, petite, blonde, 5'3«. great- sense of humour, love t0 dance, s seeking SWM who is tait and b interested in love. Ad# 1076 A EUROPEAN FEMALE SDF, 39, 5'l". 115 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, loving and caring per- son, seeking special maie, 35+, for long term relationship. Ad# 1026 DOWN TO EARTH SWF. 36,.5'2. shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, great legs, enjoy movies, music, candlelight dinners, & long walks*: Seeking SWM, 34-45, must be honest, romandic, nice smile. Ad# 1182 SEEKING CLEAN CUT MALE SDF, 5' , 115 lbs., short dark hair, no mental baggage, seeking dlean cut maIe who loves chlldren. No head games please. Ad# 1027 ROLLERBLADE WVITH ME S WF, 5'7, red hair, green eyes, enjoy funny movies, rollerblading. have 2 dogs & 2 cals, seeking M who has a sense of humour& enjoys pets, children OK Ad# 1091 ARTICULATE & BRIGHT SWF, 35 years old, petite, articu- laie. bright, seeking SWM who is honest and understanding. Ad# 1129 SEARCHING FOR A MATE SWF, 47 years old, natural blonde, blue eyes, enjoy live theatre, dining & dancing, searching for a mate. Ad# 1010 GREAT PERSONAUTY SWF. 31 years old. brown hair, brown eyes, love animas. Ad# 1134 SEÉKING MOTIVATED MALE SWF, 23, 5'9", 123 lbs., indepen- dent, love going up north, honest, seeking tait. dean cut maie, must be motivated. A~d# 1020 ROMANTIC FEMALE SWF, 27,5'5», red hair, blue eyes, down to earth, caring, romantic, enjoy going out and staying home. Ad# 1072 ENJOY DANCING SWF. 26,.5'4». petite, long blonde hair, blue eyes, confident of appear- ance, enjoy dancing, movies, & physical activities. Ad# 1041 MAKE ME LAUGH SWF, 20, 5W, long brown hair, brown eyes, romantic, fun loving, outgoing,seeking maIe who can make me laugh. Ad# 1131 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWF, 34, 5'9», blue eyes, light brown hair, seeking tail and employed SWM l or serlous relation- ship. Ad# 1032 ADVENTUROUS SWF, 34, 5'. 100 lbs., easy going, adventurous, social drinker, love music. looking for mae, 30-40 who can make me laugh. Ad# 1071 SENSITVE, CARING SWF, 5'4, attractive,. long darc hair, great body, aff eclionate, active, seeking maIe who loves to-dance. Ad# 1012 SEEKING FUNNY MALE SWF, 21, 5'4", long dark aubum hair, brown eyes, college student, seeking man wfth a strong person- ality, attractive, funny, who has lime for someone else. Adi 1090 ATTRACTIVE BRUNETTE SWIF, 30, 5'3», 130 lbs., brunette, very attractive, seeking SWM, 28- 35,professional with a nice smile. Ad# 1056 ]UALITY TIME SWF, 33,5,r. brown hair, brown eyes, seekîng maie to spend quality j time with. Ad# 1049 HONEST FEMALE SDF, 32, 54, 118 lbs., curly brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoy swimming, dancing, basebal, movies, Gel back 10 me. Ad# 1088 BLUE EYES SWF, 25. 5'2, blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy theatre, dining, seeking good looking, wel dressed mae, 5'9», over 30 years old. Ad# 1135 SEEKINO ADVENTURE SWF 40, professiona, no ctiildren, seeking maie for adventure and friendship. Ad# 1084 SEEKING SPONTANEOUS MALE SWF, 34. 5S". blonde hair, hazel eyes, enjoy travelling, reading, ten- nis, live my Idt 1 the lullest, love music and dancing. Seeking sponta- neous mae. Ad# 1087 ATTRACTIVE & CHARMING SWF, 50's. attractive, charming, 5', 130 Ibs., hazel eyes, blonde hair, ersjoy music, movies, dîning out, seeking SWM, 36-43, mature. Ad# 1085 UNIVERSITY EDUCATED SWF, 32, 5'10", 100 lbs., university educated, seeking SWM, 28-37, who has a good moral background. Ad# 1083 NOT INTO HEAD GAMES SWF, 34, 100 Ibs., easy going, adventurous, social drinker, love music, looking for mae, 30-40, not into head games, who can make me laugh. Adi 1071 LONG WALKS SDF, 38, brown hair, brown eyes, young lool<ing, 5'3. slim, petite, cinjoy dining out & long walks, seek- ing 35-45 year old stable mae. Ad# 1058 Ailyounee t amio,~ .o place...v...g..e lng, aI[14O.763 .4let11intr optin I.24'hurs " daIisl O tOl NO HEAD GAMES SWM, attractive, fit, 30, 61,180 ibs., blue green eyes, seeking slim & fit, down 10 earth female for friendship. Ad# 1100 OPEN MINDED SWVM, 30, 6'2", attractive, enjoy :ýcamping, skiling, pubs, seeking female with same interests. Ad# 1172 GOODTI1MES' SWM, seeklng SWF, 1 8-30 for good imes and phone conversa- ions. Adi 1164 IIAZEL EVES SWM, 24,.6'. 165 ibs., short ight brown hait. hazel eyes. enjoy dancing, camping, hiking or stay- ing at home. Adi 1036 NEW TO AREA SWM, 22, 6'. dark hait and eyes, enjoy dancing, movies, dining, seeking SWF, 19~-23, Adi 1004 NO COUCH POTATOES PLEASE! SOM, 37, 5'l11" blue eyes, blonde hait. enjoy outdoors, seeking active, outgoing, female who likes to do things. Adi 1031 PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, 40. tlu, good looking, pro- fessional, romantic, sincere & loy- ing person, would like 10 meet an attractive woman with similar qualities. Adi 1025 ROMANTIC WALKS SWM, 20, blue eyes. blonde hair, attractive, enjoy walks on the beach, sports & ouldoor activi- lies. est. Adi 1021 Ad# 1095 RETIRED MALE SWM, 50's, relired, wel adjusled, enjoy dining out, quiet evenings at home, seelcing femnale 45-53 for lasting relatlonship. Ad# 1140 DO YOUULKE TO HAVE FUN? SWM, 39, 5'l11", enjoy working out, playing squash, pool, movies., music, seeking F who enjoys Ite. Adi 1073 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWVM, 39, 57', 180 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, enjoy dining and dancing, pets. seeking F for long term relationship. Adi 1136 LONELY SWM, 23, 6*1, 220 lbs., dark hair, brown eyes, muscular build, intelli- gent, seeking F who is funny and« kind hearled. Ad# 1148 MUST ENJOY LAUGHING SWM. 36, 62«. 225 lbs., enjoy ski- ing, cottage Ie, dining out, movies, theatre, seeking F 28 10 38. Ad#i1057 SEEKING RELAflONSHIP SDM, 58W, 175 Ibs., brown hair, green eyes, seeking seriomis rela- tionship wilh a romantic woman who likes to cuddle. Adi 1097 ATTRACTIVE MALE SDM, attractive, 37, 5'1. 230 ibs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enjoy cooking, outdoors, romance, movies, animais, seeking femnale 28-38. no head games. Adi 1031 ARTISTIC MALE SWM, 43.6', hazel eyes, artistic, open minded, enjcy dining ouI. camping, seeking single femnale, 36-45. must bu sincere and hon- ..........................

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