Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 18

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Page 18, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 17 199W Silvers for. WhitbY twin sisters Amber and Shannon Gallogiey each won a silvor modal at the Canadian junior judo. championahips in Calgaryrecentiy.. Ainber, a six-time Ontario chamnpion, won in the minus 52-kilograin division and Shan- non, a five-time Ontario chamu- pion, iu the minus 4&kidlogramn division. The two l3-year-olds members of the Whitby Kiitchi-Sai Judo Club were competing in the aged 13 to16 categoy Misy o 13, won a bronze medal in the 44-kilogram division while another Kiichi-Sai member, Danny O'Hara, 20, was fourth i'minus 95-kiiograin. Midgets Win Shanirock The Whitby midget select hockey team won the A championship at the Sharnrock tournament ln West Hill. Whitby started with a victory by default, thon victonios ovor North Toronto 4-1, Brampton Red Wings 3-0, and 5-1 ln the champlonsbip gamo ovor Forest City. Jin DaSilva had six goals aud one assist; Jamie Barnett, two goals, two assista; Miko Kryhui, One goal, two assista; Brent Pinch, two goals; Dan Thorue, one goal, one assista; Mike Peterson and Jason Robinson each two assista; Chad McKinzle, Jaune Hancock, Josh Willianm each had an assist. The shut out was shared by Jerrad Zdebiak and Richard Anders, and Sanders won MVP in the championship Rame. Anibrose wins siani dunk Garvin Ambrose of Anderson CV won the siéai ýdunik titie at the annual senior high achool aIl-star basketball game at Dur- hain Coliege last week. The siain dunk and three-point shootout were heid as part of the Severa Whi*tby wrestlers first in Durham final.s Seventeen wrestlers from Whitby oiementary sehools, in- cluding seven from RA. Sennett, had firat-piace. finishes at the Durham championshipa held last week in Oshawa. Sennett's Nicole Persaud in 36.5-kiiograin, Jeu Turner in 61- kilorx ad Sara Jeffray in 6a6.4klogai each won their divisions in senior girls. Sennett also won the teain titie in the division. Dr. Robert Thornton's Ian McKeuzie in 51-kiiograzu, Matt Burtch in 78-kilograin and Dan Sosua iu 83.2-kilograin ahl won in senior boys. Iu the saine division, winuers were Palmeraton school's Brett White-Finkle in 46.3-kilogram and Stu Derbyshire in 113.6- kil1r , and Sennefs; Matt TreMP3-klogram. Sennett's Sandy Jaraczuk iu 36.4-kilograin and Serona Lee iu 55.9-kilograin won junior girls' titi"s. Glen Dhus -Dan Naccarato lu 30.9-kiogamn, Kyle Simpson iu 34-kiiogram and Derek Rayuer in 34.5-kilograin won iu junior boys. .Other winnersa lu the division wore. Palmorstou's Jerem ngt in'28."iiogam, Son iitett'Kvin Rompo i 29.7- kior an d Thorziton's 'Aloi ail-star eventJeremy Ranich of Brock igh School won the shoo- tout. Chris Smith of Henry Street High School ýscùred 16 points sud was nazned most valuabie player as the west teain won 64-56 over the' east team in the Durhamn high schoois' men's ail-star con- test. Ryan, Robinson of Anderson CIwas aiso on the west team. Wes Vickery of Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary Schooi had seven points for the east teain. Leanue Buiiouch and Misty Kucherik of Henry played for the west teazu that romped 52-29 over the east team in the womeu'sail-star coutest. Andrea Lyou of Austin piayed for the east teani. OMHA champlins MEMBERS of the Whtby team that won the Ontario Minor Hockey Association majoratomn AA 'championstip are (front row, fromn lefi) Ian Upton, Justin Hawe, Jeremi Brimble, Keviin Walsh, James Liske, Andrew Lamiot, Chris Nemisz; (mid- die row, from left) Sean Kerr, Jason Connor, Jefi Seedhouse, Jeff Hass, Glen Corbin, Andrew Martland, Adam Thibo- deau, Mati Annis, Brandon Fowler; (backç row, from eI)I Bruce Hawe, John Annis, Bob; Gamble, Doug Fowler. Atoms squeezed out of, medals at ail-mOntarjo The Whitby major atom AA hockey team carne up a little short in the aii-Outario chaxnpionship in Chatham over the weekend. The OMH-A champions, facing four other Ontario divisional wiuners, iost oniy once in the four game round-robin, iu their firit game againat Hamlton wheu they were ahut out 1-0 by soiid goaiteudiug. Wiidcats managed a 1-1 tie in their second gaine against North Toronto, the Whitby goal by Brandon Fowier. In their third game against Sauit Ste. Marie Lakers, Why came away with a 3-3 tie ou goass by Counor (two) and Matt Anuis. Iu the fourth game againat Cambridge, Wiidcata came out strong, notching a 6-1 victory. Goals were scored by Fowier (two), Connor, Kevin Walsh, Adamn Thibodeau sud Jeif Seedhouse. Counor also had four assista. Ou Saturday night, Whitby skated away with the skilis competition. Goalteuder Chili Nemicz, shooters Gien Corbin sud Connor sud ikaters Thibodesu, Andrew Martiaud and Jeremi Bnimble turned lu briiiiaut performances against competitors from the four other teami. The six won Sherwood hockey sticks for themselves sud ail of their teammnates. Poiting a 1-1-2 record, Whitby advanced to the consolation final ou Suuday againit Sault Ste. Marie, lu overtime a deflected blooper saw a 3-2 wiu for Lakens sud the bronze modal. Both Whitby goals were scored by Connor. The teazu was sponsored by the Brookliu Lions. Panth.ers cdaim Ontarlo tille Four WMhy girls were members of the Oshawa Panthers atom hockey team that won the Ontario womnen's hockey champiouship iast weekend in Mississauga. Second-year forward Lindsey Goodchild along with first-year players Chrystal Chartraud (forward sud assistant captain), Laura Campbell (forward) and Susie Crabb (defence sud assistant captain) make up the Whitby contingent, who together with il Oshawa girls finished off a fine season. Panthers had advanced te the provincials by knocking off Clarington then Durham West te, qualifyas regional champs. The provincial round-robin started off slow for Panthers, as in the firit game they lost 3-0 to s much larger Kemptville team. The second game had a weird twist bo it as their 'Leaside opponenta did not have a goalie and Panthers skated te su easy 14-O Yictoiy. Captain Lisa Zatylny led th. team'with'thre, gals"n three assista, while Campbell sud Chartrand had two goals each sud Crabb picked up two assista from defeuce. Due to an unbalauced schedule, Psuthers had te play Leaside for a second time, with the winner advsuding 10 the semi-finais. This turned out te b.e the most crucial game, as at the end of regulation time the teama were scoreless. After some relentless forchecking by Chartrsnd sud Campbell lu the overtime period, the puck came back te the point where it was stopped by Crabb who slid il inte thealot tes wide open Lauren Simeson. Simeson then riflod a ahot thait the Losaside goalie -couldn't handie sud' Csmpbell pounced on the robound, tuckiug it, inte the net seven minutes into the overtime period. This -sent Panthers into the somi-finals against -teurnameut favounite Sarnia, Sitrreswho had .ended up in it ýplace alerth. round-robin. But Panthers came out flying sud Campbell opened the scoriug early lu tii. second period on a nifty pais from Kistin Parker. Sarnia tied the score late in the. period, but in the third Ls Zatylry passed from the corner te, Campbell who fired it acrois the creaso te a diving Parker, who tapped it lu for the winner. The final, a rematch wlth Kemptville, saw Aureles Guniiels score firit sfter a rush down right wing. Crsbb passed te, Campbell who made no mistake for su early 2-0 lead. Zstylny, Simeson with two sud Emily Montgomery'also scored in a 6-2 win. Nine-year-old Katrina Gay knotted two goals sud an assiat during the. tournament, sud goalie Robyn Huggett only allowod six goals lu the five games. The defence was made up of Crabbe Deborah Âbriel, .Cheri Ostroakie, Tarra Myens su ad ,Moagan O'NeiUl. Zatylny led,1he, forwardu ""th' fcur.goals andfour assists, while Campbell had five goals and two assista. Crabb had four assists while Ostroskie and Myers had a goal each. Any girls interasted in playing hockey next season for P4tnthers should contact Marie at 404-0197. ~Irolis to top spot Andrea MeCron, 13, of the Whitby Roller Skating Club took first place ini freshman fr-eestyle'at the OCA invitational, roller skating meet in Camibridge recently. McCron was holding third place after the shot program an&: vaulte. into int after a flawlessa long program. ah. wil kat.hI the provincials In May. ----------

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