Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 16

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FROM PAGE 1 «unrealistic and out of step with health care planning for the rest of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).» HIISTORICAL IFEATURE in the WWhy Jree Press 1. Why couîd the Brookîin Flour Mill not be run at full power for an entire day when it was run bywater? 2. What bank apened a branch in Whitby in 1954, 87 years after its first branch in the tawn was closed? 3. When was the greatest train wreck in Whitby's history? 4. What connection does Whitby have with the Scadding cabin at the Canadian National Exhibition, the oldest building in Toranto? Answers on Page 28 This feature providied by Local Ard,,tectural Conservation, Aàvisorg Comtmittec Ho noted that the committee's own report warns that bench- marks (data) used in making projections for Durham's future needs may not be reliable. The behmarks "may nega- tively affect the health care available to (local) residents in comparison with other areas of the GTA and the province,» the report states. "Mites our intention te restruc- ture under the prifciples of im- Provingthe quality of care and brin healh care dloser te, hometen we had better make sure that the assumptions we use mako sense,» said Milnes. «Othorwise, we might as well croate anothor lane on the 401 te handie tho traffic increase for Durham residents who will have topointe, Toronto for thoir hathcaro.n Milnes said the hospital coun- Cil, which represents Durham's sxgeneral hospitals as well as the Whitby enal Health Contre, remains «committed» to restructuring. "However, the standards of care for patients and the quality of care close te, home muet be fully addressed if this report is te IaLy the roundworkfometn th elh care needs of the citizens of Durham Region,» he added. Accrding te Soetens, the hos- pital council "obviously» issued its pres relese ?ror te review- ing niacommitte Sreport. "I hope they will issue another te) withdraw their comments. It beaves an impression that's tetaly erroneous,» he said. Sotens said informýation used by the committee in making pro- jections for the number of hospi- tal beds needed in 10 years, lor example, was based on data sup- plied by the hospitals themn- selves. "These are not pie-in-the sky fiueteyaeb gusod col- lectively throughout Ontario," he said. Soetens said Durham is the only health council ini Ontario te have its figures- «authorized» by the health ministry. The recent report of the Metro Toronto health council which recommends a major overhaul of FLASH___ AUTOMOTIVE REýPAIR INC- - SPRING TUNEL P PEHAL CULE-UP SPCIAL $llm's,* With Tune-Up (Up Io 5.OL Castri GTrX OPt) L MANNING 701 BROCK ST. N, #51 WHITrrBY pen: Mon. &MTurs. 8-8 Tues, Wed. & Fni 8-7:30 6 8 1255 Sat. 8-5, Sun. Appt. Only 'THW Y. 2 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING * AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE * DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICE PLAN PURPOSE 0F THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT REGIONAL FILE NO.: OPA 96-005 The Regional Municipality of Durham has received an application to amend the Durham Regianal OfficiaI Plan from the Municipality of Cîarington. The amendiment proposes ta allaw places of worship on lands designated "General Agricultural Area." PUBLIC MEETING The Durham Regian Planning Commitee wiIl hoîd a'public meeting ta provide interested parties the opportunity ta make comments, identify issues and provide additionaî information relative ta, the propased Amendment. The public meeting will be held on: Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. Durham Region Planning Department, Main Boardroom Whltby MaIl, Fourth Floor, Lang Tower COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? An information repart outlining the details af the propased Amendment may be abtained fram the Durhami Region Planning Department. If you have any questions or camments regarding the propased Amendment, please contact: Jeif Brooks, Planner, Tel: (905) 728-7731 (Whltby) Tel: (95) 686-1651 (Toronto) Fax: (905) 436-6612 iIf you wish ta make a written submission or if you wish ta be notified of subsequent meetings of the adoption of Ithe proposed Amendment, please write ta the Commissianer of Planning, Box 623, -Whitby, Ontario, Li N 6A3. Please include your address, telephone number and the Regional file number in your submission. REFERRAL REQUESTS If a persan or public body that requests a referrat af a praposed decision in respect-ta the praposed Amendment ta the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissians at a public meeting or daes not make written submissions before the proposed Amendment is adopted, then, (i) the Ministry af Municipal Affairs and Housing, as approval authority, may refuse the request to refer aIl or part of the praposed decision ta the Ontario Municipal Board; and (ii) the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss aIl or part of the referral of the praposed decision. Gerri-Lynne O'Connor Chair, Planning Committee A.L. Georgieff, M.C.î.P., R.P.P. Commissioner 0f Planning Motro's hospital system uses data which was "neyer approv by the. Ministry of H-eaith,ý,» he said. Branding the hospitai council's dlaim that the report may beave l"100,000» Durham residents "un- planned for» in a revised system as "nonsense, » Sootens said the committee based its findings on «patienÏt» needs, not the total 1><Wsaid flot every person is a patient, we quantified, it,» h. explained. "'If Metro Toronto makes changes mn its heaith care, we clearly said there muet be changes in Durham te, accommo- date that.» Soetens said a substantial number of Durham residents who work in Metro aiso have thoir heaith care needs addressed by Toronto area physi- clans and hospîtals. "T'hat seems te bother the hos- pital council,» he said. "They believe we shoubd build a barricade at the Rouge River." Referring te the theme of the basebabi movie Field of Dreams, Soetens said «buiid it and they wibl come is the concept of the Hospital Council of Durham Region.n Soetens conceded that his dom- mittees projections may flot be realistic but that lower than expected population growth has been taken inte account as weil. «What if you don't have 600,000 peopie in Durham Region by 1006? What does it do? That's been done,» he said. Noting that seven of the 12 members of his committee serve on the boards of Durham hospi- tals, Soetens could not; under- stand the hospital council's posi- tion. "The committo. operated by consensus,» he said. «Each and every recommenda- tion was-.approved unanimousel Thoy had sufficiont votes te otheérwise.w Hospital council executive directer Jim Armstrong admitted that there wore a «niumber of hospital representatives on the committee,' but that their notions wore oither overruled. or rejoceoutright. eW found it difficult te, gotOu concerne heard,» ho said. "Thoso concerns are reflected in tho toit and not; roflectod in tho numbers and thafs why we are still concerned.» For oxample, the implomon- tation planning committee pro - rides for 25 per cent fewer acute care' beds than the original t 3tudy, Armstrong said. f "There are things we do like, more psychiatrie and rehab, beds, thaes good,» ho said. «But w. are sayng, why can't it b. don. in the acute care area?» Armstrong said the hospital council has requostod a meeting with the hoalth council to, dîscuss its obj*ectins If th session poe futile, the. noît stop will b forwarding a separate report te the govern- ment's hospital restructuring commission, lie said. Catliolic JK FROM PAGE 1 changes both JK and senior kmn- dergarten te an all-day-every- other-day echedule. The personnel and finance committee will hold' a special meeting A eril 25 te, decido on a recommendation. Eliminating the bus ing would save the board 300,0 0from, September te, Decembe alone, estiniates business superinten- dent Cleary Smith. "This board -cannot afford te, continue te provide JK under the current funding model without significant change -- or without sienificant reuctions ini its over- ail budget,» Smith teld trustees at last week's committe. meet- mfYoýu re faced with the decision -- you either must terminate or you muet drastically reduce the cost of maintaining that pro- gram. The. alternate full-day format is the only "viable, credibie model» now being used in the province, ho said. Itvs not beingp roposed because we think i t te prefer:- red alternative - tsbeinç po-Pd posed because we think its'tii. only alternative. un»o ti board keeping JK more than one year warned soveral trustees. 9ýWe could continue te kooep the* JK (the way it is),» said person- nel and finance committe chair Mtatt Simmons, but «thie miii rate (increase) would be astronomi- cal... «I* think we)re fortunate te, wven b. able te do it on a >ne3-year basisj.» Qîdman agreed, noting "theres no way this particular prograrn wil sty n pâeif t the the ono-year leainpho;i time."aanpiiti How you choose to pay tribute to a life lived or. make an expression of remembrance is a personal choice. Your Municipal Cemetery serving the Town of Whitby since 1951. For information cal:. 905-655-3493 GKOVESIDE MUNICIýPAIL, CEMETERY Page 16, Whitby Frae Press, Wednesday, April 17, 1M9 Revamp lan pnned14 hoslp i oni *ý9a

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