Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1996, p. 6

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1 Lck of attention To the. edior: 1Iam ai OPSEU worker, stationary engineer 111 sewag. plant operator, iedig and ventilating engineer and gullterand only*able towork on niy eqipen1 ..Whitby kile= 1thýCentre Everyane talcs about essential services and Ji the.capaclty of sewage plant operator, I was asked ta lnpetti.sewage plant. I dd. ai ond a frozen final tank, frozen slp ppes and sewage goinig Iutothe. lic. I lmmeclately lnformed the management aid envîronnient I dont know what environnient cld as I M k up ta thi ,ce president of 331 aid diier who were ln charge et the time, as I or rny wankmates were deemied non-essentiaL 1 is sewage plant tappens ta go down froni "ckoa attention, it would close the centre, Whltby General Hospital and the new hospital that is under construction. Under the. teallng and ventilation part of aur wark, nathlng Is belng dane, ballers are not checked, etc. We have, In tiis facity alone, approxlmagely 39 hot water bollers, titre. glycol bolIers, nune iow pressure bolIers, on. high pressure steam baller, 21 hanging unit, al operated on gas. We also have approxlMadty one ta two hot waer Ilteaters ln eveuy building, operated on. gas Ire. But we, as the pawertouse staff, are not essentiaL. fts not tet we want to be essential, but dont you thlnk'titat smieane sÉ the tap made a istake. Oh -yesIi 1understand that Penetang is the sarne klnd af operation. and their sewage plant was made essential., Titis leter is'my opinion only and not that of the OPSEU 331 union or any ather member. I arn very concemned where thîs "tie Is leading. I amrnont agalnst this strike, just the. way R is belng managed on bath ides.' H.T. Bedford Six Martins To the editar: 6M - 10P +2T Imagine the. abave ho b. an equation hn a Grade 10 math aduit education class, wiiere M.stands for (Paul) Martin, P for province, and T for terrltony. How about a wee context clarficatian: This year Mn. .Ma*li, who had been eîected an the. poltial piatorn af "jobs, jobs, jobs," condescended ta allocate $120 million a year aver three years -a& fInanclal assstance ta youtii for sumnier empboyment. Titis antount whlcii Martin finds considerable le equivalent ta a mere six Urne the pre-tax profit ($197 million) aiofhîs wtolly-awned co rporation, The CSL Group mnc., ln 1990. In fact, consldering that noa txswere pald an this amaunt, on.' couki have seid post-tax profits. And one cen Include a trivialty, tco - the. what 15 allocaed a substantiai segment of the wtole nation le equlvalent ta six Martins. To make a point, wtile the mathematlcs of the. equation are quite sound, wtat does h imply about social and economic "balance" in aur soclety. Yes, it is passible when legislation lleft tothe lîkes of Martin, and Information is fed ta us by media whose awnersiiip is in the hands af V fwrich men. 1 aàmare, the trends7,in aur democracy portend an even larger Imbalance, and what is left ta the. public gond, sucit as healtit and education, ha in danger of becoming part afithe private daniain or ine few. The continuation of the. current trend in aur saaiety is equivalent ta the. subjugation 0f- deniocracy ta big business and sa-calè market forces ta shape aur future. Parviz Mirbaghl Page 6. Whitty Fre Preas, Wednesday, March 27,1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Wtiîtby resîdents! ~~4A MEMBER 0F:s CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY vRFEDCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weII as numerous public and commercial outIets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,0 00 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSORIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GSI - Qutside C anada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario mc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher - MaricePither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minirhum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. oAil wnitten materiai, illustrations and advertislng contained herein Is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for comqmercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper ls prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shouid bear a credit uine to the Whitby Free Press. m r the editnr... Gord as Ghandi To the editor: Gardon R. Wlsan of Whitby, a respectab~le family man, unionlst and leader of the Ontario Federation af Labour, wrtes ta J.C. Hope, the head af the Ontario Provincial Polce's Queen's Park detachment (we have no knowledge af hîs persanal Nfe. nor do we expect hlm ta teIl us). To ensure the message gets acroos, Gard sends coes of the. letter ta wvery newspaper and provincalpaldcian h. can flnd.,Gaod communications or good palitios? Unl.ss the point isrnissed. Gard affers: "FInalIy, I want Itamassre you thist the workers of titis province will nat be passiv when and Uf yau again came calling. On a persanal la, I lac*forward ta meeting you ln soai future simnilar occasion.0 WhatIshe saytng? The people lntenferlng wth the operatian of aur eledted pravincial gavemment were stnikers, nat 'workers.' mhe anly workers there were the OPP and Metra police officers wha are given the task of ensurlng legal rights are not lnterfered wlth. Penhaps the newspeopl. may be included, as well as the peaple trylng ta get ta their nII lacfaiemployment. Tme strikers aithie oppasite objective, and reaIly couldn't b. considered as workers (unless they were not unian members, but were hlred ta agitae the situation). As fote second sentence: Gard, please dant do RId our motter waulnit pprove of yau fighting, and 1lthink he could probably beat you. We donltne oeboda h pket Unes. .And Gord also talked about a -goan equal? Gord, that is the union methad of taldng advantage of weaker people by the use oifarce. Hal Banks and Hoffa used that method. Is that your style? CaJUng major walkauts ta intimîdate weaker companles Into accepting yaur view of reailty? The OPP Is pald by the people of Ontauio ta maintain the right of Ontarlo citizens. They are nat an army of thugs such as has been employed by sanie unions for deviaus purposes. Their agenda i. clear, ândit ls understood by anyone with elementary educatian. And what is your function ln the sciieme of thlngs? Fran wtat you write, Rt would seernta be ta strengthen the conflict and firn opposition ta the wefl being of the people'in-this province. Why àrent yau wrking as a maderating factor lni the offct between a govemment benefit most of us taxpayers find extravagant in thistime and place. Why dlon't yau use your considerable negatiating s5105 ta create two wlnners when 'Ie* fat lady sings? We aheadY have enougit bosers lnithis province,'and aur police arganizahions would b. better used trylng Ioaoveroomemal crimes instead ai union folshness -and intenference wtt business. Flnaly'Gordlon. I MUSt saY ta YOU as a frend, slnc.rely: -You have the awlty ta pravide great service ta labour organizations and tii. people of. Ontauio. Vour present niethoda alentate you froni achlevlng the good things you are caale af. Get beta realty and you could be the. Gandi ofa thse trnes. Go the other way. and wha knows what will oocurr Donald Young Ajax Tro the. editor: ln response ta curriculum wrtter MAke Brousseau~s diatribe <leter, Fr.. Press, Marot 13) regarding the failure af Rec*,oe iheRsk, ik appears thei. Durhtam board consuftant's tacllcs have reached a whining new low. Mr. Brousseau wdlli h preparlng ta speak out sa the Guelph Sexualty Confenence June 17 on haw ta overcom arental opposition ta compehem (cndom-based) sex education. St i rrtated. about the document's infamnous demise, Brousseau wlll conduct a warkshop on -IaHw ta, apply opposition management strategies ta real lie case studes.' Yesý you alear parent, wta abject ta your cilldren being coerced nto, playing s.xually explcit condom *gamnes" and niorally manîpulative exoises, wll bethe target groupfor their ecase studies.0 In fact, Guelph sexobgists (of whici tiier. are maniy) teach that parents are not necessauily gond sex educators for their ctuldren because they are not "erotophoblo" (believe ctildren shouîd flot be having sex) and go sex-ed programs should b. e d ta muling youngsters as werotophilic" as passible sexually joyous). The conference encourages teaciiers of sex educatlon ta overcanie titis eratophobia by de- emphasizing the. negative aspects of' premarital sex anai stresslng the joy. 'Sexually Healtity4 Is a buzzword for the. acceptance of ail forms of sexual expression as equally vald, honiosexuality, -Iesbîanisni, blsexaalt, eM. Mr. Brousseau wll h. contrlbutlng ta thîs notonlous -group. Will. *Sex wth Sue' (Johanson) will h. discussing "Attitudes and Vakme abot Klnky Sex,w Lesblan and Transgender Voices will present a Transexuai, Transvestite and Cross- Dressen's panel. But the most lntrlgulng worksiiop itas ta h. "Wamen Masturbatlng; New Possibles for Self-Lave." Dont laugit. They are serlousI I guess if the aId adage Is true that *you are known by the co'mpany you kee. thus wmtes a poor commentary on Durham's best, but also explains the. driMng force beind the. introduction of the diabolical program Reduce the Rîsk. Whlle Mnlster af Education John Snobelen ls emphasizlng the need af scitool boards ta work witii parents, stressing 1quality and accountability, l Mr. Brousseau not only considers parents as apponents but delivers opposition strategies ta, outwlt themn and we pay hlssalary tado it. Arrogant beyond. belef, many aademlic eltists demonstrate the. sanie sneEvdng dlsregard for parents, and this begs the. question, *whose children are they, anyway? Carol Switzer Oshawa The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on any subject of concem to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point -- rarely more than 300 . words. Ail letters must be. accompanied by the name, address and telephone number of the writer. However, on request, your, name mnay be wfthheld from publication f we agree there is a valid reason. The newspaper reserves the right to reJect -or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5S1, or drop through our mail slot at 900 Hopklng St., at Bums St. Parents ignô'red To theedto.

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