Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1996, p. 23

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Whltby Free Prees, Wednesday, March 27,1996l, Page 23 EDUCATIONAL I . SERVICES _________ SRVIES RFESSIONAL POE$NLI re P c77itcd ta attend the Durham Collège (Jontinuous Learning Exhibition Wednesdlay, April 3, 1996 5 - 9 p.m. Gordon Willey Building, Cafeteria, 2000 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa Course displays & démonst rations Karate Blood Pressure Clinjc Peter Vanderdium of the Police Canine Unit with ££e0 the Dog' 6 Aromatherapy6 Country Line Dancing7 Fitness6 Tai Chi8 Stencilling & Block Painting 7 Plus many other interesting displays For furthcr information please cal (905) 721-3052 or 1-800-461-0549. wvelcome! DURHA Educoting You for the Real World. 6:00 - 6:30 6:00 - 7:30 6:30 - 6:45 6:30 - 9:00o 7.30 - 8:00 6:45 - 7:00 B:00 - 8:15 7:00 - 7:30 BECOME A nail technician. Courses availabte in acrylic nails, waxing and edicures. For information cati h e Nail Station Career Training Centre, 723-8083, leave message. o DRIVINO SCHOOL 172 Kijng St. E. Suflo #301 Full Drivers Education Courses APRIL 9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course APRIL l3th Saturdays 4 week course PRIVATE LESSONS . REGISTERED & APPROVEOD THE DS.A.OANOOSL YOUR -AD! 668059 K *g.g y £ USINES I --~ -~ -~ -~ - - I S R V IC E S %LNU1II1UUU5 Lerneng Spring Course REGISTRATION Register now for a wide variety of interesting and informative courses. Your January calendar is stiil in effect, also new and exciting courses are now being offered. Cail for your free copy of the course calendar today! For VISA or MosteiCard r.goswt.fon, coN 721-3000 or 1-800461-3260 CdN todory firmore ifr att (M0) 721-3052 Educoing You for the Real World. ACCOUNTINGIBOOKKEEPING services- for your smail business accounting needs and for coputerized personai tax retums cati LHK Business Services. CGA expenenced. Launie King 4 30-06 7.eg BASIC TAX RETURNS Seniors $1 5.00 PAINTING, WALLPAPER, quaiity work, best material used. For those who deserve more for their money. Cati Joe 721-2706, please leave message. LEAKY BASEMENT? Phone us. Smith & Co Inc. Oshawa 433-8733. Homte renovators, tradesmen since 1948. A company with a good reptation. HOME CLEANER: expýerienced, honest, retiabie with terrific references and incredible ratesl (Evert dust free house plants!!) Please cati John at (905) 435-0895. SPRING HAS SPRUNG. Book now- eavestrough cieaning bungalows $35, 2 stories $45 tree removais & pruiiing, weekly iawncutting from $18 wood speciaiist in Pences decks & retaining walls. Soci delivered $2.50. per roll. Free consultations (905) 428-1305. HOUSECLEANING 15 Our speciatty. Reliable, hardworking, reasonable rates.1 Done by two experienced women. Cali Bonnie 666-8639 Maggie 430-8769. MARIGOLO WINDOW CLEANING. AIl extenior windows for $25. Book now for Easter cleaning. Cali Ray at 668-0070 for prompt and professionat service. MAID FOR YOU. Retiable service and affordable rates. Weekty bi-weektl & monthly services. Cati DURHAM CUSTOM Cleaners, expert residentiai & office cleaning. Some Thursday & Friday appointments still avaiable. Weekiy or bi-weekty. Reasonabte rates, m areliable, references avaitabie. HOUSECLEANING... NEVER enough timne for it, or running late? Don'! fret or spout cati 668-9728! Caîl Martha for good old fashioned thoro'sgh cleaning! Free estimates, reascinabie rates. CLEANING: HOME or offire, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one time onty. Reasonabte rates. 7 years. experience. References availabie. Cali for free estimate today. 668-9587. INTERIOR PAINTING - our experienced and professionat people wiii take-care of your generat painting requirements. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Cail1 Peter at 655-3566. CL ASSIFICATIOI Anniversaries Announcements Antiques. Art & Colleclîbles Apartments for Rent Appliances Articles for Sale Arts/Crafts/Hobbies Aucions Autos/Trucks f or Sale Births Boals & Supplies Business Opportunities Business Services Cal a Prolessional Card of Thanks Careers Child Care Services Coming Evenîs Commercial Space foi Rent or Sale Dance Instruction Deaths Educalional Services Employment Wanted Farms/Acreage Farm Supplies & Equipment Financial Services For Rent Garage & Yard Sales Happy Ads Help Wanled Homes for Rent Homes for Sale n Memoriam Insurance Landscapîng Services Legal Lost & Found. LosCottages NS Milestones Mortgages Moorcycles/RVs Personals Personal Serviceý Pels/Livestock & Supplies Real Estate Registration Residential Services Rooms for Reni Shared Accommo>dation Storage Tenders Thanks Training Services TravevVacations Volunteers Needed Wanted OLYMPIC PAINTING - professionai atý,!tng & waiipaper. fno/extenior. No job too smati. 3 yrs. quarantee. For good prioes & oawork, Cati George at 25770. Free estimates. "HANDYMAN VWiTi a van" wiii do househotd moving & storage ciean-ups and removal, general repairs and etectricat wortc. Cali Doug (905) 434-7874. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather , zippers, aiso 'men's taiioring, availabte. Tues.-Fri.* 10-5:30Y Sat. 10-3 133 Byron St. N. Pearson~ Lanes 4à0-655o PROFESSIONAL housecieaning. two hardworking, reliable ladies; home or office cieaning; regutar weekiy hours; speciai occasion jobs (one time visits), very reasonabie rates, excellent references, bottomn line: a job weli done! Cati today for.- e our free estimate and ask for eîther ioia at 905-571-0847 or Laura at 905-721-8687. We're working together, to serve you better! CEILING TILES, electricat, piumbing, carpentry, ceramic, painting& Wallpaeinhme renovat ions, roofin g fences, tree cutting , movin g & ru bbsh removai. (905) 52-5482 & leave message. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE: SeWing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Compiete tune-up from $29.95, 4 parts. Factory trained technicians. For frée pick-up & deiivery cali 432-7375. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers witt do a profeesional job of your sandin, refinished and stainin g needs. Att work guaranteed. 655-3566. PAINTING & PAPERING "L-Et George DO lt". Reliabte expenenced, quatity work. Speciai rates for seniors. Flexible hours, sevcfree estimates.. KometGorge 666-11168. HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home -Repair. Quality work, intenior/exterior. Over 20Oyears expenience. No job too smail. Fre estimates. 1-800-423-0823. NAILS BY KATHY. No drillino damage. Professionatly applied aa,,ic nails new set oniy $50 + first fuli free. Cati today for appointment 430-7127. REGISTERED NURSE availabie for home Care & private nursing. Rates negotiable. Cali for free con suitation430-354 7. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, s fications' carpentry, plumbling, electia, Windows, ,eneray conservation. Cali Jacques of Ali Trades, 'ASHRAE- #2053385, 666-0993. * s oe $10.- Whitby Free P ress *668 ý61 il1*Office Hurs: orda o Friday,$:O9Marnmto 00p *fax 66&ý 4

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