Page 22, Whthy Free Press, Wednesday, March 27, 1998 HOW TO BOOK VOIIR (CLAs-iFipf n I IL I nfl~E'f~ Mail your ad 10: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 551. Ads shouid be mrailed 10 arrve by Monday at noon. You can enclose your payment, or provide billing information. LEGAL EXCUTIVE OFFICE ASSISTANT START INMARC Pre Employment Readiness - Plau vourjob success froni day 0one. Keyboarding with WordPerfect - Counputers are used li ail Typing Modules Machine Transcription - Computers are used ini ail Transcription Modules Business Communication - Meémos, Letters, Reports Office Systems and Pro'cedures - Organizationai skiils and tine management Bookkeeping and Financial Accounting - hîtro to Manuai Accounting Computer FundamentalS - Software Ap)plications, hitro to Windows Windows Applications - Microsofi Word, Mici-vsoft Excel Electronic Spreadsheets - Lotus 1.2.3 Other Diploma Programns- Computer Support and Applications e Business,» Accounting,* Dentala Oshawa Procedures and Transcription: " Law Office Practice and Procedures " WilLs and Estates " Real Estate " Corporate and Commercial Law " Civil Litigation "*Family Law " Principles of Canadian Law Job Search Plan andprepareforjob interviews. Hospitality * Secretarial e Medical Toronto Sehool of Business Campus - Oshawa Centre 723-1163 _____ ____WANTE IN-HOME TUTORJNG. Teacher with masters degreefor grades 1-8. Evenings,. weekends summer hours availabie. Calil 65-1034. WVHITBY SCHOOL of Music -Piano/keyboard lessons (pnivate & group), guitar violin, voice, flute, saxophone, clannet,' Kindermusik R -5 years) and music books. 103 unJlas St. W., Whitby. 666-8780.- LEcote Française small adut cias"es in an informai but resut.,.ýoient.ed environmfent.. Advancedl Conversational French Starts Saturday, April 20 for 6 Saturdays 10 May 25 9am - noon - $90 2ûyers eE~hng xporience Private instruction also avaîlable CaIl! Jacques ai 666-0993 Trent University at Durham College Summer 1996 Complete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day ér evening summer courses are offered in the following terms: a Bweeks: 29 Api -27 june *12 weeks: 29 Aprii.- 29 july *6 weeks: 2 July - 14 August For informatiion or a brochure cali: (905) 723-9747 or1705) 748-1229 E Pickering Campus zl)fl....1 IAA HELP WANTED Whi*tby's #: _ * .newspaper is offering opportunities in *Advertising _ Sales superior communication skills and good organization essential professional sales experience desirable* submit resumé to Don Hinton, sales manager i Whitby Free Press s ofcO1?'~ I 900 Hopkins StJ Box 206 SfC ie LUN 5S1 V.E.Y BOPRESSA PPOREVERBODYRE5S TH HITBY F1 BUSINESS INNOVATIVE INCOME opportunit a world-wide co-operative profit sharing business. We do aUI the work for you..No headaches. 10w minimum investment. Free information. Send LSASE to: D. Wallace, 350 Kinmount Cres. Oshawa LIIJ 3T7., HELP WANTED CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Eamn $3001$900 weekly. Year round Ritions. Hiring both men/women. Freroomlboard. WilI-train. 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We're America's largest stateside publicly owned truckload carrier, and we have outstanding opportunities for driving mbt the Eastemn and Midwestern U.S. ln addition ta border crossing experience, you must have one year tractor trailer experience and a Glass A Commercial Drivers License. As a driver for JB Hunt, you'il: *Be home every weekend at least 24 hours *Enjoy starting pay of up to 34 cents per mile (Canadian currency) based on your experience *Drive late model equipment with an average age of six months *Drive an average 2500 miles per week, which mneans your high pay per mnile actually amounts to great weekly pay. Attend our career presentation and leam how you can become a part of one of America's fastest growing companies. Please bning relevant employment information. Thursday, Marclj 28th Meetings begin promptiy at: 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, and 6 PM QUALITY SUITES EAST 1700 CHAMPLAIN AVENUE HIGHWAY.401, THICKSON ROAD EXIT' WHITBY, ONTARIO Or, cal!: >i1-800-2JB-HUNT Equal Opportunity Employer ~q«p6OiVtCali 668-6111. Ads placed by Monday ai noon will be published that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save money! Or, prepay wfth your VISA card when piacing the ad. p ffl Fax your ad to us at 668- 0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent U information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. I. ~.l uipt~'gONWe're open 9 arn to 5,pm, Monctay to Friday. Place your ad by Monday II at noon for Wecinesday publication. M am kxcaêeMa900 HoptneWhiby.. m"M! 3 -1 -1 1 « '01-4;UF Ag