Whby-,Free Presa, Wc'esa Marh 27,199 PU. e Whi'tby chamber to hold mayor e'slncho The Whltby Chamber of Commerce will host the annual mayor's lunicheon on Friday, March 29, il a.m., at Cullen Gardens Restaurant, Whitby. The event ls scheduled for 11:30 a-rn. ickets are $32.10 for members and $42.80 for non- members. For more details, Calil 668-4506. Your Financial Health X Derek Dutka TAI TIE AGAMN This is the turne of year that manky Canadians dread.- they have to %baance the books" with Revenue Canada. Human nature being what is it, many imply go frein one deadline to the next. Feb. 29 was the day they purchased theïr RRSP, April 30 will be the day they get their tax return filed.. and they probably won't do any more tai-planning until the RRSP deadjine next year. Unfortunately, we've become so condltloned to taxes that many people have told me 1I neyer have to pay tai, I always get a refund." These people are serious. The fact that they had too much tax removed frein their pay cheque i the firet place doesn't motivate them to action, until lhey've got an amount owing. Then theiroemment is 'If I put $1,000 (the amount varies) in an RRSP, I won't have to pay any tax." I always thought the idea of putting money into an RRSP (or any investmnent) was to help you reach a certain level of financial security and mndependenoe. The fact that you got a tai deduction was a bonus and an extra incentive. Complaining about taxes and government inefficiencies seoins to be an international ritual. If you are really concerned about an issue, you have to take some action. If you've got the income tai bookiet at home, go get it. Look at the back cover. It bas a declaration of taxpayer rights. At the very bottom. it bas the following heading and paragraph: You have the right to euery benefit the Iaw allows. You are entitled to anrzngeyomur affairs to pay the least amount of tax the law allows. We are committed to applying the tax laws in a consistent and fair manner. We will be firm with those who are gui lty of tax euaaion. The bottoin lime 18 this: complaining te me or your co-workers about taxes isn't going te change anything. You have te take the. initiative, you have te take some action. One action that will reap rewards in 1996 is te get your financial house in order. If you are not familiar with ail the ways that you can reduoe your income tax, you are going te have te spend some tirne. The time can be spent learning it yourself, or you could invest the time talking te professional8 in the field, such as accountants, financial planners, tax lawyers, etc. Each year it gets harder te do it yourself. For exaniple, the last federal budget did not introduce any new taies. However, they eliminated some deductions, so the net resuit is that most people will pay more tax ini 1996. Onoe you're more fainiliar with the tai laws, you may want te make a complaint teyour MIE or MPP about an area that you feel is unfair. DereI Du&a is an independent fuzancicdplanner with Fi nanci a Concept Group in Oshawa. Support group growth dicussed The Assocation for Office Professonals, will meet on April 1, 7 p.m., at the Durham Region planning offices, Lang Tower, Whitby. The tepic will be 'Growth of Support Groups in Durham Region.' To attend, contact Ann Finney, chapter president, at 905- 839-9960. Fire investigated ONE 0F TWO trailers filled with abou $40,000 worth of mattresses and fumiture which were gutted in a meent tire. Arson is suspected in the blaze, which occurred behind Landmark Fumiture. Photo by Mark Reesor, Vhy Fr. Pres Mintz a hall of lamer Harvey Mfintz received the 1995 Hall of Fame Award at the Durham Region Real Estate board's annuel meeting recently in Oshawa. Long service membershipîpns were presented to George Flem- ing of Ristow & Fleming (25 years) DougBullied (35 year .s) and «raltr'Mank of W'.Fank Real Estate Ltd. (40 years). 1% 619m271- 110 Hunt St. (near Harwood), Ajax 2 Lansing Sq. (Sheppardicoria Pc), North York 4%120 Carlton St (ai Jarvs), Toronto The board also presented *6,666 to the Kids' Safety Village of Durhamn Region -- completing a total donation of $20,000 to the Whitby village for an amphith- eatre. %~O9L T COMPIJTjR8 (905) 4051 &SICO»3puter Systems, 1 Parts & hces 131 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ontario LiN 4J (l - Aqm CMAQ PROLINEA 486 System, 8 meg ram, 212 meg hdd,J C VpGA colour monitor, keyboard & mouse $895.00 TRADE-IN* and recluce your upgrade.costs MotherBoards, Memory, Hard Drives, VGA Monitors Megamage 14" SVGA .28 NI .- Intel DX4/1 00 wNLB, 128k, MotherBoard 530M HDU 840M HDU 14.4 Voice/Fax/ModerrVIntemet Software 1ý 4M 72pin EDO Memory $,329 $229 $225 $269 $68 $124 1 *Cali for TRADE-IN QuotesI Bestb et Computer Perfo rma n ce en r 25 Thickson Road North (Near K.F.C.) eTel: 905-725-7454 e Fax: 905-725-7732 Hours: Mon.,'Tues. 10-7, Wed.-Fri. 10-'9, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-4 peiue ,eactiHIÃŽr PERSONAL COMPUTERS UPC BREAKS RADIO SILENCE! Once again IPC redefines the* computing environment! Last year we led the industry in offeiing a fax.modem card as a standard feature. We were among the first computer makers to pre-Ioad Windows 95 and one of the first to include free internet access. Now we've added another innovative technology. lune in your favourite FM radio station on any of the current IPC CDIFX and MX* 1I models. Get the latest news, sports or weather - or enjoy your favourite music' in stereo while you work. If you've been lookjng for an affordable Pentium processors based multimedia system with a QUAD or 6X speed CD ROM, true I 6-bit sound. and amplified speakers, look no further! IPC CDIFX and MX- I models ship with seven software tities, a two CD Windows 95 tutorial, and an exclusive CD sampler prcviewing the best upcomi ng games for Windows 95 - ail to get you staried. â ultimmeoiodels 1- CDX95-55 ! * 8 MB RAM - Intel 82430FX chlp set * 1.OGB harddrive e 1.44 floppy * MPEG full motion vldeo, *1MB PCI SVGA video *14,400 bps fax. data modem *Windws 95 keyboard *Windows 95 pre-boaded -Includes mianuels & 2-CD tutoriel i t icraoft software titlest 96- COq& Co. VoM95 - CD. - Mo",y- CD, *Dangeow CrSUm e- Co. * Gai - CD. ErammwveW Pwkk". and SSnes". pka rnwGaines Sanfpl *Mouse & mouse pad *3year pans &labour warranty *Frst year on-site service RufIt.ndia hardware à 16-bit stereo sound card *FM radio tuner** - SpeakePhone w/voioe mail& telephone directory software a Amplified extemnal speakers e Monitor flot included WC Porb"Clmenpt,,m iCa" by bà Mccrutmw. atmMaa cm> T%0ukg IM m OLcwmd aua,à oea. uaadach*iaoffmaW Cawahe, u C tgo a atma.ot30 cuarri.rd Ctm an 3eontan. ktuutmladaoeuja . hybn~Satwaa Ua m#idbdhp Pt-~da.ta.dÃ"won un mu of maydidoia oe*.dta Tm.aSa.a M~ea Usoetheam hnantea.b a75MHz Intel Pentium Processor Quad Speed CD ROM drive at1wf I5 Only $60 per month* woil e.@ 1 100MHz Intel Pentium Processor aQuad Speed CD ROM drive Only $68 per month* a12OMKz Intel Pentium Processor *Six Speed CD ROM drive OnIy $73 per month* - Quad Speed CD ROM drive m2,O195 Oýn1y $79 per Month* i rk . Mmý 1